Patterico's Pontifications


AP Finds a “Fracture” Where None Exists

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 8:34 pm

I was a little worried when I was cruising the How Appealing site and saw a link to an AP story titled Senate’s “Gang of 14” Fractures Over Alito. After all, I had so far heard nothing but support for Judge Alito from the members of the Gang. Lindsey Graham and Mike DeWine have said they see no sign of extraordinary circumstances, and Ben Nelson has praised Alito. The headline discussing a “fracture” suggested that some in the Gang of 14 had indicated a desire to filibuster Alito, and I clicked on the link to see who.

Turns out there’s nobody. The biggest evidence of a “fracture” is Ben Nelson saying that, while he has nothing but praise for Judge Alito, he thinks it’s too early to be talking about whether there are extraordinary circumstances. (The group is meeting tomorrow, so I guess it’s not too early then.)

That’s it?

I think the fracture is in the mind of liberal AP Supreme Court reporter Jesse J. Holland. So far I see no evidence of a fracture in the Gang — not even a hairline one.

3 Responses to “AP Finds a “Fracture” Where None Exists”

  1. Patterico,

    Some questions for you in my post , Joining Forces in Scalitovision 2005.

    It would be great if you could trackback with a post dealing with the questions and the idea, or if not simply answer them and give your views in my comments.

    Especially now that you are off the ledge, it is important to know where you stand (oops Freudean slip).

    All the best

    Alexandra (51bfeb)

  2. This is a definition of terms, methinks.

    To aome, “fracture” means not aligned the way the writer WANTS or EXPECTS the group to lean. That is any who suggest a view different that the “desired” one has split off from the “default” view pre-supposed by the writer for the group.

    I suspect that if all 14 end up with the “non-desired” position, the term “fracture” will shift to “revolt” or worse.

    jim (a9ab88)

  3. Samuel Alito Watch: Gang of 14 – Withhold Judgment

    Senator Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) talks to U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito (L) at the beginning of their meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington November 3, 2005.
    Reuters has Key group of senators withhold judgment on Alito.
    A bipartisan grou…

    FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog (baa0b4)

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