Patterico's Pontifications


ICYMI: Upcoming Liberty Classroom Contest

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:00 am

In case you missed it over the weekend, I announced yesterday that Tom Woods’s Liberty Classroom is having some steep discounts this upcoming Black Friday weekend. And I am providing incentives, and holding a contest. You could end up winning a year of Amazon Prime!

Tom Woods is a rare person: he graduated from Harvard University and managed to keep his sanity.

He spent much of his college time battling communists. One of his professors required him to buy his books from a store called Revolution Books, a place where portraits of communist mass murderers adorned the walls. Tom refused to do it. He debated communists at the dining hall. He managed to negotiate his way through the halls of leftism, ending up with a degree from Harvard in history with high honors, and a Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Despite these academic achievements, Tom understands that you get out of education what you put into it — and that it shouldn’t end when you get your diploma. That’s when your real education should start.

You won’t learn real economics and history in the universities or high schools. You’ll learn propaganda.

Tom’s Liberty Classroom is a way to fight these institutions — a place where people can learn the real history and economics they didn’t get in traditional school.

Liberty Classroom has 17 courses (and they’re always adding more), plus Q&A forums where you can get all your questions answered by folks like Dr. Robert Murphy, a renowned free-market economist whom I have discussed on this blog many times before (and the zombie in the “Interview with a Zombie” video). Or by Dr. Kevin Gutzman, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution.

For Black Friday, Liberty Classroom is having its biggest sale of the year. Last year’s Black Friday sale is when I decided to stop renewing year by year, and just become a lifetime member (the so-called “Master Membership”). Over the last 2 1/2 years, I have listened to almost 450 lectures by Tom and his colleagues. So I’m a firm believer.

To help promote the upcoming sale, I am holding a little contest and providing some incentives of my own. If you order a membership through my affiliate link during the Black Friday weekend, you can get the chance to write guest posts here, or commission posts by me on a topic of your choice. And if you get a membership, you’ll be entered in a contest to win a free year of Amazon Prime from me.

Full details concerning the incentives I am offering and the Amazon Prime contest can be read at this page.

The universities have become propaganda factories. Tom is fighting back.

Become a part of it through my affiliate link, starting Friday, November 25, through and including Monday, November 28.

5 Responses to “ICYMI: Upcoming Liberty Classroom Contest”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. I will be signing up for a course and I have recommended the Liberty Classroom on GAB.

    gbear (70736b)

  3. One of his professors required him to buy his books from a store called Revolution Books, a place where portraits of communist mass murderers adorned the walls.

    I remember that place. It was in Harvard Square. I must have stolen thirty books from that store back in the 1990’s. It went out of business a few months ago.

    Roger Bournbival (25a9e8)

  4. You won’t learn real economics and history in the universities or high schools. You’ll learn propaganda.

    Ironically, the best years of education I ever had were at a postgraduate degree at the Royal Military College of Canada.

    (School of Life excepted, of course)

    JP (f1742c)

  5. I will be signing up for a course and I have recommended the Liberty Classroom on GAB.

    Awesome. Make sure you recommend it using my affiliate link, and ask people who sign up on your recommendation to let you know they did, so you can get credit in the contest.

    After you buy it, email me your name and address to officially be entered.

    I do recommend the Master Membership. Honestly, Woods is the best presenter of them all, and the Master Membership gives access to three courses that Woods did for another curriculum. The Government class is one of the best things I have ever heard. I had already paid for these courses in other ways when I got the Master Membership, but to me it makes that level a no-brainer.

    Patterico (115b1f)

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