Patterico's Pontifications


Donald Trump Is the Next President; UPDATE: Hillary Concedes

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:26 pm

I was waiting for Hillary’s concession speech, but Wikileaks-disgraced scumbag Podesta has already come out and told us: she won’t concede tonight.

Odd. I thought Chris Wallace told us that our tradition is that the loser concedes to the winner.

Oh well. I can’t “congratulate” such an awful cretin. Fuck this guy. He’s a ridiculous ignorant clown. His election is a giant disgrace.

Excuse me! Excuse me! But let’s try to look at the bright side. Conservatives will keep the court. Somewhere, Antonin Scalia is smiling. And Trumper jackasses can’t blame me for the shit Hillary does. That’s pretty awesome.

Sure, there might be a nuclear holocaust, if the head of Denmark insults Trump. But hey. You take the bad with the good.

SO LONG, HILLARY! You now die a disgraced former Secretary of State. Concede and leave. Get off the stage. Now. Does anyone have the giant hook? Please go get the giant hook.

UPDATE: Hillary has phoned Trump to concede.

UPDATE x2 11-9-16 7 a.m.: I still think he is an awful cretin. I still think his election is a disgrace (but so would have Hillary’s). But, now that the shock (and the Macallan Gold!) has worn off, I’ll congratulate him.

I’m not wrong about the kind of person he is. I’d like to be proved wrong about whether that matters to what he does. I suspect I won’t be proved completely wrong. But I hope I am proved at least somewhat wrong.

Election Night Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:04 pm

[guest post by Dana]

I thought I’d throw up a fresh election night thread. I was thinking today that no matter who wins this election, at least we can agree on this: Without a doubt, it is the MSM that comes out of this election emitting the most putrid stench of hypocrisy and dishonesty. I would venture to say maybe even more than the candidates themselves, given the utterly low bar of expectation for them, or maybe it was because there at least remained a sliver of hope that maybe the media would make a concerted effort to maintain at least the illusion of some semblance of objectivity and integrity. Ha! During this campaign season, we’ve had it repeatedly confirmed to us that the mainstream media remains a solid organ of the DNC, and a stronghold of corruption, partisanship, and wholly lacking in integrity.

Decision Desk Headquarters here.

Fox News Presidential Election Headquarters here.


RIGGED! Even More Leaked Debate Questions by Donna Brazile: Did Anyone Ever Ask Hillary About This?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:31 am

I put the details up at RedState.

Open Thread: Armageddon Has Arrived

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:01 am

It’s Election Day. It’s time to finally choose between two dishonest, narcissistic, immoral leftists who favor amnesty, single-payer health care, and big government for everyone. Which candidate’s big government programs will be opposed by a Republican Congress who has caved to Donald Trump at every turn? Only the voters know for sure!

I have nothing more to say, really. Have your say below. May God save us all.


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