Protester Calls For Melania Trump To Be Raped; Fellow Protesters, Feminists And Media Yawn
[guest post by Dana]
NOTE: Commenter nk suggests that this picture was photoshopped. I read the report in the Washington Post last night. I do think that the automatic response for the left when confronted by their own awfulness, is denial and defense (“that’s just one person, not all of us”). But, if it does turn out to be a false flag, I will make sure to update the post.
I don’t ever want to hear one more damn liberal feminist or progressive politician lecture me about misogynistic boogeymen. Because if they knew of this and didn’t forcefully condemn it, then they are nothing but clanging gongs deserving of our deepest contempt:
Shame on every hypocritical, weak-willed person standing near the person holding the sign who said nothing and did nothing to get him to put it down. Shame on every hypocrite whose inaction exposed them as being on the same team as this reprehensible individual. And if you were in the midst of this protest and saw this sign and you made no effort to grab it, or pressure him to put it down, you expose yourself as a tacit supporter who gave license to an individual to publicly threaten and wish evil upon Melania Trump. A woman who has done you no wrong. Your silence speaks volumes. That you, as a group, were not an unmovable force united against this hatred, compelling the individual to put down the sign, makes you all accomplices.
And to the women standing there, a double shame on you if you said nothing and did nothing, because you betray every woman who has actually endured being raped at the hands of a ruthless man. Sisterhood has its limits apparently.
Oh. Wait. What’s that?? You say it’s okay because Melania Trump is the Republican wife of a man you hate??
You small soulless and vindictive ghouls, to think that it’s okay to see this and say nothing and do nothing makes you a misogynistic hypocritical pig, and all your post-election howls mean Absolutely Nothing. In fact, they mean even less than nothing. They are but the shameful fallout from hollowed-out hearts of the self-consumed who no longer have a functioning moral compass upon which to find their way out of the abyss. You have been exposed by your own self-righteousness. Never again will your words have meaning, give challenge, or be relevant. You define deplorables.
So to all the wounded liberals who saw this photo on the internet, on the news, on Twitter, and didn’t rise up in a righteous fury, then Screw You. All you elite 5th Avenue residents who voted for Hillary Clinton and smugly chimed in with her that, “love trumps hate,” and yet saw this in your neighborhood and said nothing, you, clueless fools, are precisely why Trump is in office. And from the New York Times, to feminists like Jessica Valenti, Amanda Marcotte, Jill Filipovic, and to Chelsea Clinton, Manhattan Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Valerie Jarret, Loretta Lynch, Michelle Obama, and to Hillary Clinton – especially Hillary Clinton, I CAN’T HEAR YOU.
So I’m going to borrow Michelle Obama’s stinging rebuke delivered to Donald Trump, and say it with a dripping venomous vigor and disgust to those who ignored and excused this act of hate, whether in person or from afar:
This is not politics as usual. This is disgraceful. It is intolerable — it doesn’t matter what party you belong to, no woman deserves to be treated this way.