Patterico's Pontifications


In Which Trump Removes All Doubt

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:05 pm

[guest post by Dana]

A wise person once observed that it is “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

Donald Trump is not that wise person:

Khizr Khan “has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution.”



342 Responses to “In Which Trump Removes All Doubt”

  1. Shoebat? Moonbat was taken?

    nk (dbc370)

  2. I don’t know how old you are or where you’re from Dana, but in the Philly-Jersey-NY area “you have no right” is a figure of speech meaning “you shouldn’t do” something. Mostly used by seniors though it fell out of common use years ago but I still hear it occasionally. My father would use it when I did something he didn’t like: Dammit (insert other name for Hoagie) you have no right to mess with that.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  3. Khizr Khan, as a Muslim Brotherhood Agent and enabler of mass Islamic immigration, has no right to stand in front of real Americans, period.

    He and his family have to go back. America has no place for them.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  4. hahahaha!

    Is Trump for real? This is pretty good line for Ron Burgundy.

    Some say he’s just trying to make sure Hillary gets elected. Is that the more realistic theory at this point, or is it really possible he is doing the best he can right not?

    Dustin (Brought to you by Carl's Jr™!) (ba94b2)

  5. don’t know how old you are or where you’re from Dana, but in the Philly-Jersey-NY area “you have no right” is a figure of speech meaning “you shouldn’t do” something. Mostly used by seniors though it fell out of common use years ago but I still hear it occasionally. My father would use it when I did something he didn’t like: Dammit (insert other name for Hoagie) you have no right to mess with that.

    Rev. Hoagie


    deep breath


    Dustin (Brought to you by Carl's Jr™!) (ba94b2)

  6. Dana makes one of those MIC DROP, BEEYOTCHES Stump Trump posts, gets stumped himself in under 5 minutes. Has to be a new record!

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  7. you know what was funny, when the antiwar nazguls, jeered sgt grobart’s tributes to the troops, or the moment of silence for the executed dallas police officers, how about a little bit of fracking outrage about that,

    narciso (732bc0)

  8. Presumably he means it’s slander, or libel, since he believes (or perhaps knows) that he has read it. I’ll let the lawyers here parse this one, but I was under the impression that you don’t have a right to libel.

    In any event I don’t think it’s quite the landmine you think it is.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  9. Rev. Hoagie,

    Don’t you ever wonder why any number of aisles that Trump wanders, require a clean-up afterward by either his staff, family, or campaign chairman?

    Dana (995455)

  10. keezer pooper reminds me a lot of clock boy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. Said it before, I’ll say it again: Trump does not want to win.

    What else explains his actions?

    Torcer (654698)

  12. “Khizr Muazzam Khan graduated in Punjab University Law College, as the New York Times confirms. and he specialized in International Trade Law in Saudi Arabia. An interest lawyer for Islamic oil companies Khan wrote a paper, called In Defense of OPEC to defend the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), an intergovernmental oil company consisting of mainly Islamic countries. Kahn is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law. Khan is also co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia).”

    Could just be a coincidence….

    “Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems from his life in Saudi Arabia. During the eighties Kahn wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).””

    Yep, no weird movements or traditions here…

    “According to a recent report, Khan moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates, a hotbed for the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    Everybody moved from country to country, what could he have wanted to come to America for but…

    Kahn currently runs a law firm in New York City called KM Kahn Law Office. According to the website, the the law firm specializes in “immigration services.” Most likely Kahn was working to bring Muslims into the country.


    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  13. Dana, come on. You must realize that Trump’s statement was perfectly correct if he was referring to moral rights, natural rights, or the like. Abraham Lincoln spoke in the same way: “No law can give me the right to do what is wrong.”

    Andrew Hyman (0c18a2)

  14. Dana

    Sounds like you’ve taken your marching orders from MSNBC or Daily Kos.

    Here’s the full quote, with which I agree.

    “While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things,” Mr. Trump said

    Another observation. Doesn’t Khan’s appearance and remarks seem like his son has recently suffered his demise?

    I read that the son died FOURTEEN YEARS AGO.

    How long did the DNC have to troll to find this man they could exploit and what personal gain has Kahn made.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  15. 2. Again we demonstrate our complete lack of self-awareness, and knowledge about the subject on which we opine.

    Denigrating the choice of ‘right’ versus ’cause’ or some more exacting term smacks of preciosity.

    This from a site where erudition is uncommon.

    DNF (755a85)

  16. “How long did the DNC have to troll to find this man they could exploit and what personal gain has Kahn made.”

    Not long at all, he was already on the payroll:

    “Intelius reveals Khizr M. Khan used to work for Hogan & Hartson and Lovells, which has ties to the Clinton Foundation:

    “Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show. Robert Kyle, a lobbyist from the firm, has bundled $50,850 for Clinton’s campaign”

    “Many lawyers at Hogan Lovells remember the week in 2004 when U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan lost his life to a suicide bomber. Then-Hogan & Hartson attorneys mourned the death because the soldier’s father, Khizr Khan, a Muslim American immigrant, was among their beloved colleagues””

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  17. 7. Grow up.

    DNF (755a85)

  18. It’s a good thing that Ralph Kramden was never taken literally for saying stuff like, ‘One of these days — POW — right in the kisser!‘ or ‘To the moon, Alice!
    Kramden was a bus driver. How did he expect to transport Alice ‘to the moon‘?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  19. but let’s follow the bouncing ball,

    narciso (732bc0)

  20. We have all lost too many close friends because of muzzies gone crazy, time to go through every mosque and make sure the non pig eating barbarians are obeying the law.

    mg (31009b)

  21. Hey guys, you know what?

    It’s almost like ‘angry dismissiveness’ according to ‘preconceived notions’ and ‘stereotypes’ is a the credited, default response when dealing with Muslims.

    It’s almost like we should take the opportunity to attack these shills relentlessly rather than stop attacking just because the Democrats are filling their front ranks with what are essentially human shields in the propaganda war.

    Blow enough of them up consistently and blow enough media inquiries about them off and no one will be stupid enough to volunteer for the Democrats again.

    As it was in Iraq, The Rules of Engagement are the problem.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  22. What part of “they will be in the House of Islam by force in the near future” don’t these democrats understand? More dead Americans?

    The Siege

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  23. Khan rattles on, shamelessly exploiting the brave death of a US serviceman who had the misfortune to be the son of this weasel. And he does it to advance the cause of flooding the country with millions of hostile Muslims. Then he berates Trump over the Constitution, citing a non-existent clause in support of his vicious and nonsensical argument. In fact he is Constitutionally wrong on this. And he commits the cheap fallacy of using a single anecdote to argue for policies rejected by millions of people. So Trump wins in a sumo slam.

    I have plenty of respect for the slain serviceman, but none for this obvious hack.

    Khan further claims to have been a poor, penniless immigrant, sobbing at the feet of the Statue of Liberty, when in reality he was a successful lawyer and scholar in several different countries.

    He’s not only despicable, he’s a liar.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  24. khan you’re a despicable pooper


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  25. It is like Clock Boy.

    AZ Bob (d6a3a9)

  26. 11. Perhaps rather than obliquely refer to your body of work editorializing past pratfalls, stumbles or simple unwarranted snark attacks you might actually write about something of substance?

    Say, the Turkish encirclement of Incirlik, the recent awareness of Russian stealth missile subs, the meltdown of confidence in the world’s Central Banks, etc.

    Oh, we can’t can we?

    DNF (755a85)

  27. The no trumpers will reach for anything, including a turgid Johnson!!

    mg (31009b)

  28. there are similarities with the irving and orlando situations,

    why would volodya bet on anyone but red queen,

    narciso (732bc0)

  29. He’s a Khan artist.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  30. 31. Good one, we seem beset on all side by the class.

    DNF (755a85)

  31. Khannnnnnn!!!!

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  32. “Some say he’s just trying to make sure Hillary gets elected.”

    You seem to be doing all YOU can, Dustin.

    This Khan fellow has had his 15 minutes. it now becoming evident that he’s a tool of the DNC. He should disappear.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  33. Donald Trump: Born with a silver foot in his mouth. (Ann Richards, you were before your time.) He fought his own personal Vietnam avoiding venereal disease when he was cruising with Roy Cohn.

    nk (dbc370)

  34. Cohn!!!!!!

    nk (dbc370)

  35. Mr Khan loves the Constitution. That’s why he’s supporting Hillary! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  36. NK confirmed for random anti-Trump tweetbot, disavow and derezz him immediately.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  37. ah cohn is that the best you got, if it was sydney korshak, the real life tom hagan, then we’d have something,

    narciso (732bc0)

  38. Trump is relying for that assertion on his personal interpretation of Article XII of the Constitution.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  39. continued from the last thread,

    narciso (732bc0)

  40. Applause, C.S.

    mg (31009b)

  41. Guess I’d better get going on that next career:

    Public debt is losing the public ownership aspect.

    DNF (755a85)

  42. He’s obviously playing the long Khan.

    He has Khan-tempt for the American people.

    He should be Khan-summed with shame.

    We should all Khan-cur with Mr. Trump.

    The Khan-ditions under which he spoke were suspect.

    His Khan-stitutional knowledge is very poor.

    He is merely sowing Khan-fusion.

    Dear Lord, where’s the “off” switch on this thing?

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  43. Mr and Mrs Khan were getting busy one night, things were getting steamy and Mrs Khan panted, “Khizir… please kiss me where it stinks!” So they flew back to Pakistan. The End.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  44. @ Andrew Hyman, who wrote (#14):

    Dana, come on. You must realize that Trump’s statement was perfectly correct if he was referring to moral rights, natural rights, or the like.

    The Founding Fathers generally concurred that the right to free speech was among those which are intrinsic to every man — that indeed, they were part of the natural law and they were natural rights.

    Trump is denying that. So what the heck are you possibly talking about? You think someone has a First Amendment right to free speech, but is bound by some sort of natural law from exercising it?

    You’re not making a very good apologist for Trump, Mr. Hyman. When he said “no right,” I believe he meant “no right.” When a candidate who’s openly called for re-writing the defamation laws to reinterpret the First Amendment to allow Trump to sue people who insult him, I absolutely believe he means “no right.”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  45. lol, hudson abedeer

    mg (31009b)

  46. Maybe Trump meant this Article 12, Beldar, “virtue-signalling” to his core base.

    nk (dbc370)

  47. Col.- You be one funny man.

    mg (31009b)

  48. Not to mention, he was very un-Khan-vincing.

    I believe he was Khan-spiring with the DNC.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  49. At least the Khans are U.S. citizens, not Can-adians.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. “What else explains his actions?”

    Pavlov and Skinner covered the basic elements of eliciting a conditioned response fairly thoroughly. The Master Persuader is just keeping the pigeons pecking and the dogs drooling. It’s not politics wrt to increasing approval or even attempting to decrease disapproval.

    ‘Sucker maintenance’ probably covers it.

    Rick Ballard (8a237d)

  51. I can’t believe that there are some Khan-servatives who are embracing this charlatan. By the way, has he ever said anything publicly about defeating ISIS? Or does he only talk about defeating the Presidential candidate who wants to defeat ISIS?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  52. Central Banks are at the end of their rope:

    The alarming fact is that asset prices will likely collapse if central banks cut the artificial support. High asset prices have become vital to maintaining confidence in the economy, while the majority of stock and real estate investments have been financed by cheap credit. Thus, abandoning the low interest rate policy would likely trigger a severe recession. On the other hand, continuing this policy would distort and corrode the economic structure even more, which would jeopardize the business model of pension funds, insurers and banks, and further inflate the real estate and stock market bubbles. The low interest rate policy has rendered the system profoundly fragile, with central banks virtually in a lose-lose situation.

    States including CA, IL and NJ are entering an endgame where services, already deteriorating, will vanish as business has entered recession and receipts will crash this year. Defined benefit pensions have been accruing obligations at 7.5% per year since the Great Recession and have been earing squat.

    Credit is evaporating and payments will lapse imminently.

    DNF (755a85)

  53. red queen wants to defeat the jayvee, using the three chimp, hear no evil, speak no evil and speak no evil, tell me another one,

    narciso (732bc0)

  54. The constitution does provide for the banning of entire groups of people from entering the country. Get-er-done.

    mg (31009b)

  55. Together the BOJ and ECB are printing $180 Billion per month. No word on the direct payments the Fed is making to the Treasury, too secret for State Dept. wags.

    Go ahead, cream your screens with more #nevertrump splurge, it’s probably nothing.

    DNF (755a85)

  56. Phil Collins and Marilyn Martin had a huge hit ballad back in the ’80s called, ‘Separate Lives’ from the movie ‘White Nights.’
    I remember Phil singing, “You have no right, to ask me how I feel …”

    Some misguided knuckledragging Trumpkins might misconstrue that lyric to mean, “Hey honey, you shouldn’t be doin’ me wrong!” but the more cultured and principled #NeverTrumpers recognize that he obviously was addressing Marilyn Martin’s Constitutional right to freedom of speech — which is always a winning argument with a jaded lover.
    Because the #NeverTrumpers are always so concerned with winning! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  57. The constitution does provide for the banning of entire groups of people from entering the country. Get-er-done.

    BMI above 30 for a start.

    nk (dbc370)

  58. 58. “Because the #NeverTrumpers are always so concerned with winning!”


    DNF (755a85)

  59. When Phil Collins wrote his ballad, Cruz Supporter, the fictional character singing the song was not a presidential candidate under criticism by a political opponent. He certainly didn’t have the backstory of having proposed the re-writing of American constitutional law to permit him to sue political enemies for defamation.

    Now perhaps notwithstanding those circumstances, you want to reinterpret his words to mean “Mr. Khan was not in the right,” a stilted and affectedly British way of saying “Mr. Khan was wrong.”

    But actually, one can find this same linguistic pattern throughout Trump’s complaints about his critics, and quite often it’s often followed with a bogus defamation lawsuit or at least the threat of that. He constantly talks about so-and-so “shouldn’t be allowed,” and he couples that with assurances that things will be different when he’s president. It’s the language of a dictator, a petty thug.

    This is how Trump “hits back” — with very thinly veiled threats, or with explicit ones that he later disingenuously disavows. Don’t pretend you haven’t seen him do that, please; it won’t take me long to find examples of you pointing Trump out for exactly this misbehavior.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  60. Clockboy 2.0.

    Pinandpuller (0845e7)

  61. I am concerned with things in addition to whether Trump wins this election, yes.

    Mock me for that, and you lose my respect.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  62. not exactly, it’s more like the sheehans, she was a long time moonbat, he followed the call, and was shot down in sadr city,

    narciso (732bc0)

  63. at the DNC did keezer khan a stupid pooper-dome decree

    and his fat sharia wife said nothing

    for she was not allowed to speak

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  64. Beldar asked: “So what the heck are you possibly talking about? You think someone has a First Amendment right to free speech, but is bound by some sort of natural law from exercising it?”

    Beldar, everyone has a legal right to say stuff that is wrong. You have a legal right to say that Texas is the asshole of the universe and that only fools live there. But it would be wrong, and you would have no moral or natural right to say it, only a legal right.

    As Lincoln said, “No law can give me the right to do what is wrong.” We have lots of legal rights that are overprotective of our liberties, so that we are allowed to do things that we have no moral or natural right to do. Free speech is a natural right, sure, but with exceptions; some of those exceptions are embodied in law (libel, slander, et cetera) while some are not. The courts cannot legitimately go beyond what the First Amendment requires in order to provide prophylaxis, but the Amendment itself is overprotective of natural rights, which is a good thing in my view. It is a mistake to suppose that someone has a moral right to do or say something just because he has a legal right, and no one has a right to do what is wrong.

    Andrew (b12b60)

  65. Trump speaks bluntly and he speaks off the cuff. Insofar as he thought he was making a legal argument (which I bet he didn’t), he probably had libel and slander in mind. A man had just said something to millions of people that was potentially damaging to his goals, and in his mind at least, that thing was blatantly untrue. I imagine that’s the extent to which he chose his words. He isn’t a lawyer, or (God forbid) a magazine editor.

    I just can’t see how this is the epic *facedesk* moment it’s being out as.

    “It’s the language of a dictator”

    Well we have that right now, only more flowery and mock-eloquent.

    Vous le preferez, monsieur?

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  66. And if Trump is only in this race to make Republicans look like fools?

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  67. What would he be doing differently?

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  68. @25 hunson

    Plus are we in dire need of any more lawyers?

    Pinandpuller (a12946)

  69. 11.Rev. Hoagie,

    Don’t you ever wonder why any number of aisles that Trump wanders, require a clean-up afterward by either his staff, family, or campaign chairman?
    Dana (995455) — 7/31/2016 @ 5:20 pm

    We’ve already established Trump’s an idiot. We’ve also established who is for Trump, who is against him and who supports him because they refuse to help Hillary!. So any “clean-up” Trump needs is covered. I was just explaining that I’ve heard that particular phrase use that way for years. Around here it’s nothing new. That’s all. Try not to make more out of it than it’s worth.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  70. We know Trump doesn’t drink. He’s such an easy read that I hope, for his sake, that he doesn’t play poker. He never deviates from his internal programming. If you expect the worst, he’ll never disappoint you.

    Beldar has the specifics if you are puzzled by my remarks.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  71. no, he doesn’t drink, she’ll well acquainted with the entire corona line, so the outrage will be on till the next attack at chambery or cdg airports.

    narciso (732bc0)

  72. …it’s over, the germans have bombed pearl harbor…

    narciso (732bc0) — 7/31/2016 @ 7:10 pm

    I hate it when they do that.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  73. 61. Idle sophistry.

    DNF (755a85)

  74. Bereaved parents have absolute moral authority…as long as the president is republican. See Cindy Sheehan (aka “who?”). Or if their sons died in Benghazi.

    Richard Aubrey (472a6f)

  75. 63. Fair enough. You, Sir, are a self-important blowhard.

    DNF (755a85)

  76. Trump’s instinct is Khan-frontation so we should see how this plays out.

    I’d like to see Khan’s copy of the Constitution to see which clauses are struck.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)


    ’49 Merc at idle, sophistry be damned.

    Well Ok not always at idle.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  78. does this sound about right,

    his source seems to be an earlier monograph, by this guy, said ramadan,

    narciso (732bc0)

  79. …We’ve already established Trump’s an idiot…

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6) — 7/31/2016 @ 7:09 pm

    I don’t class you with the rest of the Trumpkins, Hoagie.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  80. The Wrath of Kahn will not last… Captain Kirk blows him up at the end of the movie.

    Beldar would do well to STFU and sit next to Kahn to receive Kirk’s terminal phaser blast.

    The GOP don’t need no stinking idiots and traitors at this critical juncture.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  81. I’m waiting for one of them to name their horse as senator.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  82. come on now al franken, the closest thing,

    narciso (732bc0)


    Now there’s actually whole parts missing from the version of the U.S> Constutition on the above website.

    Everything from the first Article IV, though the first 3 Articles of the Bill of Rights.

    The amendments to the U.S> Constitution are sometimes, even usually, called articles, as here, for example:

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  84. una pregunta por los Trumpistas

    Trump has business interests all over the world. As far as I know, he has only said he would if elected hand over control to family members, but not place them in a blind trust he would have neither influence nor knowledge of how the business was doing.

    So what happens when the Prime Minister of Ruritania calls and says

    “That’s a nice hotel you have in our capital city. Be a shame if something bad happened to it…”

    You really expect Trump to subordinate his personal interests to national interests?

    kishnevi (7bc26d)

  85. All that Trump meant here by “no right” is “no basis” for saying what he said.

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  86. BTW, Rev Hoagie, I completely agree with what you said way back in comment 4. “You have no right…” has a long history of being used by people with no reference to actual legal rights.

    kishnevi (7bc26d)

  87. 83. Most of us voted for the Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney because not voting or voting for distilled evil was indefensible.

    We ate our peas.

    DNF (755a85)

  88. 87. Yes.

    DNF (755a85)

  89. I’m waiting for one of them to name their horse as senator.
    Patricia (5fc097) — 7/31/2016 @ 7:49 pm

    Valerie Jarret.

    Same thing.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  90. narciso (732bc0) — 7/31/2016 @ 5:54 pm

    why would volodya bet on anyone but red queen,

    Bad polls?

    Or, more likely, political instinct. Plus maybe a feeling there’s no downside: HRC is no real friend, but will be pragmatic, and the pragmatisdm doesn’t change whether or not he tried to defeat her, and the same goes for all the other leaders of democracies he’s trying to defeat: Angela Merkel in Germany, and whoever will be in the runoff against Marine Le Pen in France.

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  91. Putin goes for longshots, because the payoff is so great for his ambitions,

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  92. 78. Beats being a perpetual wet blanket with an insatiable need to infect others with your misery.

    nk (dbc370)

  93. there isn’t a blind trust large enough to encompass red queen’s conflicts, whether its her son in law dabbling in greek debt, her husband begging from russian oligarch, saudi magnates, lebanese oil traders in nigeria,

    narciso (732bc0)

  94. Perhaps Khizr Khan should stop waving the Constitution and start watching Lawrence of Arabia. Arabs are really quite emotional– aren’t they.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  95. 93. By many lights Pooter is a bad man, but not inscrutable. He’s a patriot and very popular with his public for that reason.

    Without question neocon HRC is a greater danger to the US, Russia and the world as evidenced by her past involvement in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc., etc., etc., than newbie Trump a notional isolationist.

    There is a lot of coloring of men’s characters being carried on with big fat crayons.

    DNF (755a85)

  96. what this is really about, among other things,

    it struck me about that film, between the seizing of damascus, by the like of the howeitat, and the credits, thanking the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the latter being the rosie ruiz of this world war one endeavor,

    narciso (732bc0)

  97. he’s a vor (bratva boss) who sees himself as a czar, probably nicholas 1, who handled the larger part of the caucasian campaigns,

    narciso (732bc0)

  98. #61 Beldar,

    Ah, you hit the nail on the head when you suggested Mr Khan is a political opponent of Trump.
    Indeed, and that’s why this is all so Khan-voluted.
    The Dhimmicrats are exploiting a 2004 death for cynical political gain.
    I think Trump was saying “you have no right” as a euphenism for “you shouldn’t be saying” or as Sammy Finkelman imlied, “you have no basis for saying …”

    I realize Trump has sued people and threatened to sue people and the whole deal. Most high profile celebs are hit with phony lawsuits all the time, so they have aggressive lawyers to act as a deterrent against future frivolous lawsuits.

    Trump’s the last one standing between Hillary and the corner office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    We had a lot of other nice options, but there were too many people who said #NeverRubio, #NeverKasich, and they didn’t think Jindal was forceful enough, et al, and so we ended up with Trump.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  99. in the Philly-Jersey-NY area “you have no right” is a figure of speech … Mostly used by seniors though it fell out of common use years ago

    “It’s a free country” went something like that, too.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  100. DNF @ 91
    DNF @ 98
    So you are perfectly fine with letting Putin do whatever he wants wherever he wants?

    kishnevi (7bc26d)

  101. 99. Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are circling each other ready to carve. The fact is America has no one with a lick of sense for this intrigue, save maybe Flynn, and the impending hostilities.

    Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia are in desperate financial straits. Something has to give.

    DNF (755a85)

  102. 103. Sure, Grasshopper, hand me my azz, please.

    DNF (755a85)

  103. Most likely Kahn was working to bring Muslims into the country.”

    For those that don’t know, “Most likely…” is code for “I’m making this up”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  104. A wise person once observed that it is “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

    “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.” — Ronald Reagan.

    And he was elected. Twice.


    DCSCA (797bc0)

  105. The Wrath of Kahn will not last… Captain Kirk blows him up at the end of the movie.

    Except that Trump is a Klingon.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  106. Calling Clinton a neocon.
    Calling Beldar a sophist.

    Only a moron would do that.

    John Hitchcock (c95732)

  107. And he was elected. Twice.

    And your point? Should a candidate make as many stupid statements as he possibly can?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  108. I would say she’s a ‘destroyer of worlds’ to borrow oppenheimer, yet kagan, snowflake, and boot seem not to have gotten the message, nor julianne smith or samantha sloat,

    narciso (732bc0)

  109. man of mystery, wants to volunteer which idiot he was a mark for these last two terms,?

    narciso (732bc0)

  110. 110. Better a moron than a sh!thead.

    DNF (755a85)

  111. I would certainly never argue that a Presidential candidate could possibly be able to distinguish right from reason nor would I ever suggest that a declaration abrogating an enumerated right by someone seeking the office of First Magistrate might carry a negative connotation with potential voters.

    To argue or suggest something so blatantly obvious would be an insult to those capable of coherent thought.

    Rick Ballard (8a237d)

  112. you rang,

    … but here’s what I do want. And I want to be very clear about this: I want the Congress to step up and do its job. I want to get out of the horrible cycle we’re in, where we go and mourn dozens, hundreds, thousands of people killed by gun violence. Everybody says, oh, let’s pray, let’s send our hearts and our feelings, and then nothing happens. We’re better than this. The gun lobby intimidates elected officials. The vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support the kind of common-sense reforms that I’m proposing.

    narciso (732bc0)

  113. 103. Ezekiel names Libya, Turkey, Syria, Iran and the Sudan as arrayed against the Remnant. I think the Sauds are somehow elided from that list but maybe they sit this one out.

    I’m thinking Putin will just ask for more popcorn but the Military/Industrial complex will surely want to play.

    DNF (755a85)

  114. I don’t know whose quote that is, narciso, but that is evil. It could have come from either of the Leftist Democrats going for the title of President.

    John Hitchcock (c95732)

  115. well it’s red queen’s contribution to chris wallace, which one removes all doubt soonest, is the prisoner’s dilemma,

    narciso (732bc0)

  116. John Hitchcock,

    Hillary Clinton today in her interview with Chris Wallace.

    Dana (995455)

  117. “Ezekiel names Libya, Turkey, Syria,”

    Not to quibble with a prophet, but Turkey did not exist as “Turkey” in Zeke’s time. The others did. I wonder what the Hebrew text says.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  118. @11- The ‘point’ is all Americans care about is which one is the better show. Because voters don’t want to be governed, they wish to be entertained.

    The choice: four years of Dallas or four years of Maude.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  119. I always thought that Khizr Khan was the manager for the Wu Tang Khlan.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  120. Sorry, above post meant for #111, not #11.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  121. it is shorthand, like one I employ on occasion

    narciso (732bc0)

  122. I figured ol’ Kizhr Kahn would love Donald Trump

    Pro: both believe in plural wives.

    Khan: both abstain from Djin Rum.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  123. As long as were reaming rich people for English usage:

    an accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread, that was perpetrated throughout the Middle Ages and (sporadically) until the early 20th century.

    No offense jackazz but your trigger is set a tad light. You definitely preferred HRD to DJT publicly, the fact that your donations may not back up your loose mouth is no defense.

    DNF (755a85)

  124. A little more context,

    Several later ethnological traditions have claimed Togarmah as the mythical ancestor of various peoples located in western Asia and the Caucasus. Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (37 – c. 100 AD) and the Christian theologians Jerome (c. 347 – 420 AD) and Isidore of Seville (c. 560 – 636 AD) regarded Togarmah as the father of the Phrygians. Several ancient Christian authors, inclcuding Saint Hippolytus (c. 170-c. 236 AD), Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 263 – c. 339 AD), and bishop Theodoret (c. 393 – c. 457 AD), regarded him as a father of Armenians. Medieval Jewish traditions linked him with Turkic peoples including the Khazars. According to Jewish historian Josephus (37-100) Magog was the Scythians. Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea (500s) linked Magog with the Huns and Gog with Attila the Hun.

    narciso (732bc0)

  125. 125. I must be getting the hang, that’s the source I last checked!

    DNF (755a85)

  126. I loved this thread!

    The English language is on a wild and exciting adventure as the Trump Defense Force rallies to explain how we don’t have the right (oh, the natural right cough cough) to say Trump doesn’t read the constitution.

    Listen to his nomination speech. He doesn’t even understand the concept of a limited executive branch or federal government. If he was a fan of the constitution he would have been saying Cruz would be a great president instead of saying Hillary Clinton would be a great president. If you can’t see the humor in that you’re probably a die hard partisan!

    And I feel sorry for those whose partisanship overcomes their humanity and respect for the Khan family. But not so sorry I’m not chuckling about Trump falling for the trap laid out for him months ago.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  127. Dana has no right to say Trump has no right to say Kahn has no right!!

    All right!?

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  128. My reckoning(cff Daniel) is that 1290 from the Dome of the Rock completion is 1982 the beginning of the suicide bomb attacks in Israel–the Abomination causing Desolation. So whatever ‘time, times and a half’ amounts to we are well into the tribulation of the Jews.

    QED, if Hillary Rotten wins we are decidedly on the receiving end. Well and thoroughly.

    DNF (755a85)

  129. 130. ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving. Lest you turn and be healed.’

    DNF (755a85)

  130. #123 Pinandpuller,

    I got thrown for a loop, too.
    I thought this guy was married to Chaka Khan! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  131. When this Mr Kahn guy reinvents himself, maybe we’ll just refer to him as a neoKhan.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  132. the left only cares about soldiers, when they are victims, take walter reed, and only when they are not responsible, effendi khan’s waving his son’s bloody shroud, as an excuse not to examine the horror that red queen has wrought on three continents, is perhaps the most cynical exercise yet, while the assembled horde, lustfully denounced the mission that these soldiers died for yet,

    narciso (732bc0)

  133. Someone please offer Dustin a shovel so that he may dig himself out before he sinks any deeper.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  134. “He doesn’t even understand the concept of a limited executive branch or federal government. If he was a fan of the constitution he would have been saying”

    The concept of limited government and a limited executive is long gone. That horse fled the barn ages ago. As for the constitution, it is effectively a dead letter. Many professional constitutional scholars and lawyers will tell you this in private to your face. I don’t know that Trump claims to be an actual fan of the constitution (maybe he is, wouldn’t know) but all he did in that statement was contradict Khan and claim he _did_ read it.

    Meanwhile Khan has been Khan-founding. He must be Khan-convicted and Khan-demned.

    His behavior was disgraceful and he deserves no respect. None. His brave son does, and plenty of it, but not him.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  135. this is not unlike the campaign employed against harper, for pointing out the hijab is not conducive to civil society, how we got prime minister zoolander,

    narciso (732bc0)

  136. Someone please offer Dustin a shovel so that he may dig himself out before he sinks any deeper.

    Colonel Haiku

    LOOK LOOK, a squirrel!
    Tree rat with a bigger tail.
    Colonel Haiku’s Friend.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  137. #137 Colonel Haiku,

    I was under the impression that he already has a shovel!(LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  138. abedeer, limited government is not dead here in Texas, where life is by no means perfect, but mostly it’s happy. Keep the faith.

    His behavior was disgraceful and he deserves no respect.

    Wow, you partisan Republicans sure know how to hate a good man.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  139. it’s basically every word, including ‘the & and’

    narciso (732bc0)

  140. CS

    One things for sure-there’s too much Khansumin’ goin’ on.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  141. He is Khan-taminated with Khan-descension.

    He is not at all Khan-vivial.

    I’m actually a bit surprised how many of these there are.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  142. Sheehan’s son Casey died in Iraq in 2004 and she camped on the edge of Bush’s ranch in Texas the next year, asking for a meeting with the president. At the time, Bush said, “I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. … She has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America. She has a right to her position.”
    THE PRESIDENT: I’m referring to any grievning mother or father, no matter what their political views may be. Part of my duty as the President is to meet with those who’ve lost a loved one. And so, you know, listen, I sympathize with Mrs. Sheehan. She feels strongly about her — about her position. And I am — she has every right in the world to say what she believes. This is America. She has a right to her position. And I’ve thought long and hard about her position. I’ve heard her position from others, which is, get out of Iraq now. And it would be — it would be a mistake for the security of this country and the ability to lay the foundations for peace in the long-run if we were to do so.

    I guess my shovel is scooping up some strange things as it digs into the forgotten past of what it used to mean to be a presidential republican. That loser, Bush. The guy who won elections.

    Romney to endorse Johnson?

    Yeah, Trump’s blown it that bad. Thank goodness.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  143. Man, the Trumpkins are putting on a disgusting display in this thread.

    Dystopia Max, you need to quit reading loony websites, its rotted your brain. The jump from Khan defending OPEC to being an islamist is just nutjob city.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  144. mittens and traitor ryan set the republican party up for this. They sucked so bad in 2012, hard working Americans don’t want to ride with professional quitters. These two pukes were on their knees blowing the medias turgid cream pole.

    mg (31009b)

  145. Khanadian khants should not try to khan people by pretending to be Amerikhans and butting into discussions about Presidential khandidates.

    nk (dbc370)

  146. Let me rephrase that.

    Shut your fat face, Christoph. Mr. and Mrs. Khan are U.S. citizens and you’re not. They have the right to say anything they want about U.S. Presidential candidates. You don’t, you nasty lump.

    nk (dbc370)

  147. no trumpers seem khanstipated.

    mg (31009b)

  148. When asked to comment on Trump’s latest controversy all Al Gore could say is that he doesn’t believe in any Khan-trolling legal authority.

    Pinandpuller (0845e7)

  149. If they change the NBC clause in the Constitution I’d like to see a Khan/DeMint ticket in 2020.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  150. How much have your unique page views declined since you went all in to help the Democrats win?

    Mr Black (7c41e5)

  151. The choice: four years of Dallas or four years of Maude.

    You are too kind to both of them.

    It’s four years of The Monkees vs four years of Rosanne’s Nuts.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  152. Romney to endorse Johnson?

    I would rather they stepped aside and let him run as a fiscal conservative who thought the state should stay the hell out of cultural issues.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  153. One thing I will thank Trump for.
    Making mittens irrelevant.

    mg (31009b)

  154. “the coveted Romney endorsement” lol

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  155. In the world of least-bad-choice, we find people desperately trying to insist Trump was deliberately trying to limit the Noble First, this making Hillary and the dems look….good? A little gooderer? On the subject of free speech?
    Get a grip.
    There must be something more effective….. Sure there is…..

    Richard Aubrey (472a6f)

  156. Eventually, most will realize either Trump or Clinton will be writing Executive Orders on immigration, gun control as well as SCOTUS appointments, in January 2017.

    cedarhillr (dec9ad)

  157. Mr. Trump is the most first amendment picklehead in the whole whirl!

    go go constitution go go!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  158. The story thickens as my friend in dc points out. You been bamboozled, hornswaggled.

    narciso (732bc0)

  159. Like justice through music, to make the parallel plain.

    narciso (732bc0)

  160. 104. DNF (755a85) — 7/31/2016 @ 8:22 pm

    Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are circling each other ready to carve. The fact is America has no one with a lick of sense for this intrigue, save maybe Flynn, and the impending hostilities.

    Flynn is basically on the payroll of the Russian government, and a fraud. [for his being a fraud, see his speech at the RNC] (Feb 26, 2016)

    Donald Trump is receiving foreign policy advice from a former U.S. military intelligence chief who wants the United States to work more closely with Russia to resolve global security issues, according to three sources….

    ….Flynn resigned from his position as the head of the Pentagon’s main intelligence agency a year before his term was officially due to end.

    Flynn raised eyebrows among some U.S. foreign policy veterans when he was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow late last year celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government.

    In retirement, Flynn was described by the Washington Post as “not hostile to Russia,”[23] while Michael Crowley of Vox described Flynn as having “an odd affection for Russia and its authoritarian government.”[24]

    After retiring from service with the U.S. government, Flynn began appearing semi-regularly as an analyst on RT, a Kremlin-aligned English-language news outlet.[23][24][25] In 2015, Flynn attended a gala dinner in Moscow in honor of RT, where he was seated two seats away from Russian president Vladimir Putin.[25] Before attending the event, Flynn gave a paid talk on world affairs to a group; Flynn defended the Russian payment in an interview with Michael Isikoff.[25][26] Journalist Michael Crowley of Politico reported that “At a moment of semi-hostility between the U.S. and Russia, the presence of such an important figure at Putin’s table startled” U.S. officials.[25]

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  161. Trump has no reason to challenge the basic idea that a Moslem might be a loyal American soldier, even worthy of the Medal of Honor.

    Except for the fact he doesn’t want to disabuse anybody of any notion that might get them to vote for him.

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  162. Hugh Hewitt makes the same case I’ve been making:

    It’s the Supreme Court stupid

    Gerald A (945582)

  163. Sammie red queen is so owned by Russia’s various interests, she should fly the tricolor.

    narciso (732bc0)

  164. It’s the entire buteaucracy, lerner, chief to cite one example.

    narciso (732bc0)

  165. It’s the entire buteaucracy, lerner, chief to cite one example.

    narciso (732bc0) — 8/1/2016 @ 6:00 am

    Yes Hewitt makes that point too. Of course if you listen some of the more deranged Never Trumpers, Trump favors Lois Lerner, since he’s contributed money to Democrats in the past.

    Gerald A (945582)

  166. Yes, yes, the Supreme Court is very important
    Because when a Republican Congress passes McCain-Feingold
    And a Republican President signs it into law
    A Republican-appointed Supreme Court majority can strike it down in Citizens United
    And we have a burning campaign issue six Congressional and three Presidential elections later
    And ‘ow do you say “suckers!” in your country?

    nk (dbc370)

  167. is there any doubt she wouldn’t let a port arthur, or a dunblane go to waste, murdoch cooperated in ginning up the reaction to both, as it was after sandy hook,

    narciso (732bc0)

  168. Yes, yes, the Supreme Court is very important
    Because when a Republican Congress passes McCain-Feingold
    And a Republican President signs it into law
    A Republican-appointed Supreme Court majority can strike it down in Citizens United
    And we have a burning campaign issue six Congressional and three Presidential elections later
    And ‘ow do you say “suckers!” in your country?

    nk (dbc370) — 8/1/2016 @ 6:27 am

    So now apparently SCOTUS is pretty much meaningless.

    Why exactly did you want Cruz elected anyway? Just the idea that we would have a real conservative in the White House?

    Gerald A (945582)

  169. In the world of least-bad-choice, we find people desperately trying to insist Trump was deliberately trying to limit the Noble First, this making Hillary and the dems look….good? A little gooderer? On the subject of free speech?
    Get a grip.
    There must be something more effective….. Sure there is…..

    Richard Aubrey

    The only desperation is that Trump actually is trying to limit our first amendment rights. Switch immediately to attack Hillary mode if you like, but to most of America, that comes across as evasively shouting SQUIRREL over a very serious problem with your would-be leader of the free world.

    Add this to the mountain of evidence against Trump on court picks for you guys to ignore. Hell, Gerald A was telling us the other day that Trump has never attacked conservatives. Is there an emoji for a monkey covering his eyes?

    I know to partisans, the other side is automatically worse, but has Hillary ever lectured the parents of a fallen soldier about sacrifice, or told them they lack the basic right to speak, after their son swore the oath to defend our constitution and died following the orders of the US President? If you’re going to go with this ‘you must choose Trump of Hillary’, you should look at the many ways Trump isn’t up for the contest.

    I would rather they stepped aside and let him [Johnson] run as a fiscal conservative who thought the state should stay the hell out of cultural issues.

    Kevin M

    I agree. Johnson is a poor example of a libertarian to us classic liberals. He’s more of a bubblegum version. But he is the only serious presidential candidate who gives voice to limited government. He actually is the best of the three, by far.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  170. With a President who knows and follows the Constitution, with his 1) pen to veto unconstitutional laws and regulations and 2) his bully pulpit to propose constitutional laws and regulations, the Supreme Court is a Retired Lawyers’ Mah Jong And Poetry Association Society.

    nk (dbc370)

  171. Poetry *Appreciation*

    nk (dbc370)

  172. the Supreme Court is a Retired Lawyers’ Mah Jong And Poetry Association Society.

    nk (dbc370) — 8/1/2016 @ 6:44 am

    What is that supposed to mean?

    Gerald A (945582)

  173. #178 Dustin asked,

    “… but has Hillary ever lectured the parents of a fallen soldier about sacrifice, or told them they lack the basic right to speak, after their son swore the oath to defend our constitution and died following the orders of the US President?”

    Are you aware that Hillary publicly called the mother of Sean Smith a liar?
    He may not have been a soldier, but he was still risking his life and limb for our country in a bad neighborhood in Benghazi. He died because the Secretary of State rejected hundreds of requests for beefed up security.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  174. #181 Gerald A,

    It means that the people who were once fretting over the importance of future Supreme Court nominations when their preferred candidate was still in the hunt are now seeking to marginalize the importance of future Supreme Court nominations as a means of eliminating any legitimate justification for voting Trump over Hillary. (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  175. Irrelevant. Nothing for them to do.

    Do you follow baseball? How many times do the umpires have to discipline a player for fouls or other cheating? Seldom, right? Because the managers, the coaches and the players themselves know the rules and follow them.

    My regard for Cruz was not because of the Supreme Court appointments he would make. It was because he would veto bad laws, sign good ones, and make good executive decisions.

    nk (dbc370)

  176. CS, read my comment above. Then find a prior comment of mine when I rah-rah’d for Cruz because of the Supreme Court appointments he would make, except as frosting on the cake recognizing that “the evil that Presidents do lives on long after their terms of office with their judicial appointments”. What I considered far more important was a President who would not nuke Denmark when Russia invaded Moldavia.

    nk (dbc370)

  177. For those who can recall 2012, during the Romney vs. Gingrich discussions, Dustin made some weird accusations against Colonel Haiku, such as him being a Moby.

    Gerald A (945582)

  178. Then it should be easy for you nk. Hillary! will sign bad laws, veto good ones, make poor executive decisions and make law from executive orders. Oh, and she will also pick lousy Supreme Court appointments just as an afterthought.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  179. Then it should be easy for you nk. Trump will sign bad laws, veto good ones, make poor executive decisions and make law from executive orders. Oh, and he will also pick lousy Supreme Court appointments just as an afterthought.


    John Hitchcock (c95732)

  180. I know that Hoagie.

    Have you read Gorky Park? A character describes a Siberian dilemma. It’s the middle of the winter and you’re walking across a frozen Siberian lake when the ice breaks and you fall in? Do you let yourself drown or freeze to death in the water, or climb out and freeze to death in your wet clothes in the 40 below air?

    nk who thinks Gary Johnson represents the worst aspects of the counter-culture (dbc370)

  181. Only a lawyer would take that comment and turn it into something.

    We all know what he said and it was not a legalistic interpretation of it.


    Actually his interviews over Crimea are more concerning, not because I choose as many to distort what he is saying, but because he seems to be legitimizing the illegal expansion of Russian borders.

    Navel gazing is like PokeGo for self describe Conservatives nowadays.

    OMG Melania the model has naked pictures!!!!


    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  182. Gerald… Dustin likes to preach and divine the motivation and / or besmirch the character of others. Me, I like to buy rope and will gladly provide it to others free of charge.

    Colonel Haiku (16bf9c)

  183. And for the record the Daily Caller has a good artcile on the Khan incident and puts it into perfect persepctive.

    Hillary voted for war and her son died in it.

    Trump alleges he was against it.

    So if Mr Khan is angry about anything it is b/c someone bad mouths his religion (for good reason) and wants to put an end to his legal practice by cutting off muslim immigration as well as illegals.

    But issues, pfffft, who cares when we can go all Alinsky on people!

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  184. My regard for Cruz was not because of the Supreme Court appointments he would make. It was because he would veto bad laws, sign good ones, and make good executive decisions.

    We’re actually making some progress, since you’re not claiming Trump would appoint liberals to SCOTUS.

    But actually much of the mischief SCOTUS does is unrelated in any way to any bill a President signed. Second, there would likely be a Democrat President some time in the near future following a President Cruz, who would sign those same unconstitutional laws. So any long term value to a Cruz Presidency in that respect would disappear, unless he made conservative judicial appointments, which you are ludicrously suggesting doesn’t mean anything nk.

    Gerald A (945582)

  185. I read that book, nk, and, after the election, I will offer you the choice of either of those, or you can meet your demise via the method used on the mink.

    Colonel Haiku (16bf9c)

  186. A greatski book, it was…

    Colonel Haiku (16bf9c)

  187. nk,

    Okay, if you say that Supreme Court nominations are not important to you, then I’ll take your word for it. But you’re probably the only person who was supporting Cruz who doesn’t place high value on Supreme Court nominations
    Of course, the irony of your sentiment is that Cruz puts enormous value on Supreme Court nominations.
    And so do the lefties for obvious reasons.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  188. Akshually (sic), I don’t have all that much fear that either of these fossilized remnants of Woodstock will freeze us to death. At worst, they will mess with our comfort level. Whichever one is elected, America will survive him or her.

    BTW, did you know that now PayPal lets you buy stuff anonymously, with a gift card, from overseas sellers? It used to be you had to have a credit card or international debit card from an institution that knew your Social Security number, date of birth, and inseam length. Thanks, Obama. And Peter Thiel, too.

    nk (dbc370)

  189. Polar Star was even better. He went into a rut after Red Square and I gave up on him by book five or six.

    nk (dbc370)

  190. We have these Orwellian criminal charges that have been filed against Exxon Mobil, essentially for contributing money to anti-climate hysteria organizations. Only the courts can put a stop to this stuff. The President has nothing to do with it.

    Because the managers, the coaches and the players themselves know the rules and follow them.

    If you like arguments in a vacuum this is a classic. nk wants people who follow the rules to begin with. We don’t have such people though, and aren’t going to have them, which torpedoes nk’s whole argument.

    Whichever one is elected, America will survive him or her.

    Why do you ever vote then nk? Is it a way to make a statement about yourself?

    Gerald A (945582)

  191. Gerald A,

    If you follow baseball, you know that the pitcher and batter are usually in agreement about whether a pitch is a ball or a strike. We don’t even need umpires, but the reason they keep them around is merely for tradition. (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  192. So lafarge another red queen contributor from way back, does it’s part for the jayvees

    narciso (8c0008)

  193. @ Cruz Supporter: I have a serious question for you.

    When did you start believing Trump’s promises, and why?

    Beldar (fa637a)

  194. Any why don’t you change your screenname? It’s obviously no longer accurate.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  195. Of course, the irony of your sentiment is that Cruz puts enormous value on Supreme Court nominations.

    And yet could not endorse Trump.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  196. I would rather they stepped aside and let him [Johnson] run as a fiscal conservative who thought the state should stay the hell out of cultural issues.

    Kevin M

    No. Your assumption is incorrect.

    I would rather they stepped aside and let him [ROMNEY] run as a fiscal conservative who thought the state should stay the hell out of cultural issues. Romney might win. I don’t give a rat’s ass about the LP. Bunch of wankers, and I’ve spent time there so that’s coming from experience.

    Kevin M

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  197. harvardtrash Ted, as a little baby junior half-term senator running for president

    he had to know his number one job was come out of the primaries looking like a credible future candidate

    he had one job

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  198. My problem with Johnson isn’t that he’s Libertarian Lite. The LP should EMBRACE Libertarian Lite if they ever want to be anything more than scolds. All major parties must reach to the middle to succeed, and the Dems have forgotten this. The GOP is probably reaching too far, and aiming too low, this time, but that may be better than the right field bleachers.

    The LP has never really found a candidate who could approach governing with any kind of continuity — it was always “we’ll change everything completely” and no one at all was interested in that and ever will be. So, they are nags and scolds and nothing more. A debating society of purer-than-thou. Tiresome really.

    No, the problem with Johnson is that he’s a pothead and has all the problems of the long-term pothead. Asked — a month after Trump flubbed it — about the Triad, Johnson had no clue. He is just as superficial as Trump, albeit with better manners.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  199. he had to know his number one job was come out of the primaries looking like a credible future candidate

    Trump had one job — to be a credible candidate. But DAILY he proves himself a fool.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  200. OT
    But not really as it is about a free and civil society and the governance thereof

    Rather than staying away from social issues, a person with money could win the election by saying that women who want to use bathrooms and locker rooms with only women in them may do so
    We will find a way to be kind to the confused and trans-sexed,
    But not by denying privacy rights of the 95%

    MD in Philly (db18b8)

  201. if only we’d had a candidate what had mentioned about them bathroom trannies

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  202. Beldar,

    Trump’s definitely not an ideological conservative, and I don’t know many people who believe that he is.
    But he’s going to be a little better than Hillary. He doesn’t have a Karl Rove Inc professional political operation behind him since he’s never been a politician. That’s why he ended up with someone like Corey L in the first place.
    So, if he’s elected, he’s going to rely upon the RNC and a lot of other experienced hands to navigate the staffing of cabinet positions, heads of agencies, et al.
    Will Trump follow through on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it? I don’t know.
    Will Vice President Pence be influential regarding judicial nominations? Yes, I believe so.
    Do I think Chris Christie is at the top of the list as an AG nominee. Absolutely. Do I think Rudy Giuliani may be at the top of the list for Homeland Security? Absolutely. Are they each light years preferable to the bozos that Hillary would nominate? Absolutely.

    The well-lubricated Clinton Machine is like Tammany Hall on steroids. They will do maximum left wing damage, particularly since she’s going to have to pacify the Sanders crowd prior to November.

    We don’t know how conservative Trump will be.
    But we know how left wing Hillary will be.

    Cruz is no longer in the race, so it does no good for me to root for him against Hillary, especially since he’s not running against Hillary.
    For decades, primary voters have lined up behind the eventual party nominee. I’m no different.

    In retrospect, I believe Rubio would have been a more electable general election candidate than Cruz. I hope that to the #NeverRubio crowd, the Gang of 8 fiasco now looks like a blunder of bad judgment by Marco that is in hindsight more desirable than the Trump Circus of recent months — and future months, for that matter.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  203. Cruz supporter,
    I think you are assuming way too much of who Trump will work with and how that will work out.
    Trump is for Trump.
    He will listen to the RNC when what they say sounds good to him,
    and when it doesn’t, he won’t.

    Trump has never held elected office,
    which means we have Zero knowledge of how his governance matches his rhetoric.

    What we do have is a series of business ventures where he was able to make the talk and the sale,
    but couldn’t deliver.

    There is reason to vote for him over Clinton,
    but it has nothing to do with what we have reason to expect from Trump.
    We can expect him to be what he has always been,
    arrogant, vulgar, petty and too reflexively combative to be thoughtful.

    MD in Philly (db18b8)

  204. President Trump’s gonna make the bells ring

    just you wait and see

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  205. I wonder if the Trumpkins even realize that happyfeet is mocking them. I kinda doubt it.


    Leviticus (1cfbfc)

  206. nonono

    not mocking Mr. Leviticus

    Mr. Trump is

    how to say

    he’s not unlike charon, and across the dark river we will row row row

    you me and america we will row row row

    and when we get to the other side

    we’ll be on the other side

    This is our fate, and we must face it bravely, for just outside the campfire’s light

    the snarly farty stinkypig pads about impatiently

    she wants to eat our dreams

    happyfeet (28a91b)

    Phoenix, AZ– John McCain issued the following statement today regarding Donald Trump’s comments about Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004:
    “The Republican Party I know and love is the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.

    “I wear a bracelet bearing the name of a fallen hero, Matthew Stanley, which his mother, Lynn, gave me in 2007, at a town hall meeting in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. His memory and the memory of our great leaders deserve better from me.
    “In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents. He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States — to say nothing of entering its service. I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers, or candidates.
    “Make no mistake: I do not valorize our military out of some unfamiliar instinct. I grew up in a military family, and have my own record of service, and have stayed closely engaged with our armed forces throughout my public career. In the American system, the military has value only inasmuch as it protects and defends the liberties of the people.
    “My father was a career naval officer, as was his father. For hundreds of years, every generation of McCains has served the United States in uniform.
    “My sons serve today, and I’m proud of them. My youngest served in the war that claimed Captain Khan’s life as well as in Afghanistan. I want them to be proud of me. I want to do the right thing by them and their comrades.
    “Humayun Khan did exactly that — and he did it for all the right reasons. This accomplished young man was not driven to service as a United States Army officer because he was compelled to by any material need. He was inspired as a young man by his reading of Thomas Jefferson — and he wanted to give back to the country that had taken him and his parents in as immigrants when he was only two years old.
    “Captain Khan’s death in Iraq, on June 8th, 2004, was a shining example of the valor and bravery inculcated into our military. When a suicide bomber accelerated his vehicle toward a facility with hundreds of American soldiers, Captain Khan ordered his subordinates away from the danger.
    “Then he ran toward it.
    “The suicide bomber, striking prematurely, claimed the life of Captain Khan — and Captain Khan, through his selfless action and sacrifice, saved the lives of hundreds of his brothers and sisters.
    “Scripture tells us that ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’
    “Captain Humayun Khan of the United States Army showed in his final moments that he was filled and motivated by this love. His name will live forever in American memory, as an example of true American greatness.
    “In the end, I am morally bound to speak only to the things that command my allegiance, and to which I have dedicated my life’s work: the Republican Party, and more importantly, the United States of America. I will not refrain from doing my utmost by those lights simply because it may benefit others with whom I disagree.
    “I claim no moral superiority over Donald Trump. I have a long and well-known public and private record for which I will have to answer at the Final Judgment, and I repose my hope in the promise of mercy and the moderation of age. I challenge the nominee to set the example for what our country can and should represent.
    “Arizona is watching. It is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party. While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.
    “Lastly, I’d like to say to Mr. and Mrs. Khan: thank you for immigrating to America. We’re a better country because of you. And you are certainly right; your son was the best of America, and the memory of his sacrifice will make us a better nation — and he will never be forgotten.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  208. MD in Philly,

    When have I ever expected a rose garden from a President Trump?
    I just think he’ll give us fewer weeds than Hillary will!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  209. mccain lol

    what a simpering little coward-boi

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  210. narciso (732bc0) — 8/1/2016 @ 5:59 am

    red queen is so owned by Russia’s various interests, she should fly the tricolor.

    That’s hard to figure out. All of the connections seem a little bit old. Did a break come between them around February, 2014, because Putin thought that Victoria Nuland was loyal to Hillary Clinton, and acting on her behalf? So you have someting from after February, 2014?

    Sometimes these splits go unnoticed at the time.

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  211. * Do you have something showing a Putin-Hillary Clinton alliance after February, 2014?

    Remember, Russia and China split. Al Qaeda and ISIS split. Mafia families fight wars with each other. Could be a similar situation here, and then the question is, is the rift unrepairable?

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  212. russia and china, have similar interests in south asia,

    narciso (732bc0)

  213. Mr happyfeet,

    Your foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for John McCain is weird.
    He endured 5 1/2 yrs of captivity in a hell-hole.
    You may disagree with the way he’s poked and prodded some Republicans during his appearances on ‘Meet the Press’ or ‘Face the Nation,’ but he’s no coward.
    He flew dangerous bombing missions.

    While I imagine you may have carried the burden of playing Nintendo with a blister on your thumb.
    To quote Trump, “I like people who can play Nintendo without developing blisters on their thumb!” (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  214. maverick is a jackalope more at home with his libyan and syrian pals, then willing to defend someone worthy whether it’s cruz or trump, he’s a feckless poltroon, who told us in not uncertain terms ‘there’s nothing to fear from barack obama’ in addition, he enabled the sliming of a good woman, through inaction, in accordance to what his staffers conjured up,

    narciso (732bc0)

  215. “he’s not unlike charon, and across the dark river we will row row row”

    – happyfeet

    Trump is like Charon only insofar as each of them would take the coins off a dead man’s eyes.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  216. mccain is a cowardly pooper Mr. Supporter

    he wets himself in fear of what the NYT editorials we say about him if he stands up for America

    #theydidsomethingtohisbrain you know

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  217. #224 narciso,

    All or most of that may well be true, but that doesn’t warrant Mr happyfeet and papertiger wishing that McCain had stayed in Vietnam. Or that he’s a “coward.”

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  218. Mr. Leviticus nevertheless

    two roads diverge in a yellow wood

    down one of them we’ll encounter a disgusting criminal stinkypig with weeping tongue lesions

    down the other one we’ll meet an earnest american businessman who understands how terribly wrong things have gone in our piteous little country

    follow me

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  219. what the NYT editorials *will* say about him if he stands up for America i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  220. Kevin, that’s a beautiful statement. Good on Mccain for saying something.

    Trump’s actions are not merely his own. He has completely redefined the Republican party on issues like the bill of rights and respect for the military in ways that will represent long term changes, much like the 1964 civil rights bill ruined the GOP for millions of American families. It’s not good enough that he loses. The party must repudiate him, and the sooner the better. Saying respecting our values is less important than winning power is exactly the wrong thing to do on every level, but for the partisan hacks in the GOP, one of those levels is the tactical level. They are giving up millions of votes, for decades, in order to attempt to win a battle that is already hopelessly lost.

    Trump’s only card is media advantage. What a foundation for a Republican presidential candidate to build his campaign on!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  221. Mr. Trump has lots of cards.

    His first card is he’s not a nasty stinkypig.

    His second card is he’s recognizably American, which helps when you’re running for the presidency of America.

    His third card is he won’t do partial birth judges on the wiggle giggles.

    His fourth card is he’s got a good understanding of the reforms needed to liberate the economy from the fascist federal government.

    His fifth card is he pisses off all the right people.

    Those are the first five cards.

    He has many more.

    Some that you can see. Some as yet unseen.

    All eyes, people.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  222. Dustin,

    What did you mean when you suggested the ’64 civil rights bill ruined the GOP for millions of American families?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  223. His fifth card is he pisses off all the right people.

    Happyfeet, he does tick off a lot of people we don’t agree with, but I wouldn’t say he ticks off ‘all’ the right people. David Duke likes him. Jimmy Carter urged the GOP to nominate him.

    Cruz Supporter, did you know that Trump, the guy you promote for the White House, settled by consent decree 1970s DOJ accusations, proven by reams of paper and witnesses, that he discriminated against “Colored” tenants? BTW, ‘Cruz Supporter’, what state primary did you vote in, and for which candidate?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  224. david duke is a shibboleth

    and not even a very good one

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  225. david duke is a shibboleth

    and not even a very good one


    Apparently. Trump couldn’t even remember who he was! Or he was lying because he is a coward when it comes to saying racism is wrong. One of those two.

    But Trump makes the best racist. The biggest racist, keeping thousands of blacks out of the wrong neighborhood, same as he did to veterans on Park Avenue. He does eat taco salads though! Yum!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  226. Mr. Trump isn’t even a little bit racist he loves all God’s children, especially if they wanna help make America great again.

    You can’t let haters get you down and that’s why Mr. Trump has a smile for you and you and you, no matter what kinda race you are or whether you rich or whether you poor.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  227. Mr. Trump isn’t even a little bit racist he loves all God’s children, especially if they wanna help make America great again.

    Yeah, you’re right. I mean except the ones whose apartment applications were labeled C for colored people, and then all rejected. Other than that part. Oh and the mexicans and muslims. Other than that part too.

    Taco salads are great though!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  228. creamy cilantro dressing covers a lot of sins my friend

    never forget that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  229. No me gusta!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  230. Happyfeet, back when you frequented God’s country, did you ever try Chuy’s creamy jalapeno dip? Definitely has cilantro.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  231. man the list of movies i never seen just keeps getting longer

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  232. not their dip

    honestly i kinda stopped going there after what they did on the bush girls

    it really changed my perception of their brand

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  233. If I knew your address I would mail you some. But then food poisoning. 🙁

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  234. thank you anyway I’m a get down there next year I imagine

    sooner if fortune smiles

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  235. duke is a low end grifter, the analog to sharpton or jackson, except they haven’t been kicked out of a number of countries,

    narciso (732bc0)

  236. @ Cruz Supporter, who wrote (#211), in pertinent part:

    [Trump’s] going to be a little better than Hillary. He doesn’t have a Karl Rove Inc professional political operation behind him since he’s never been a politician. That’s why he ended up with someone like Corey L in the first place.

    So, if he’s elected, he’s going to rely upon the RNC and a lot of other experienced hands to navigate the staffing of cabinet positions, heads of agencies, et al.

    Will Trump follow through on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it? I don’t know.

    Will Vice President Pence be influential regarding judicial nominations? Yes, I believe so.

    Do I think Chris Christie is at the top of the list as an AG nominee. Absolutely. Do I think Rudy Giuliani may be at the top of the list for Homeland Security? Absolutely. Are they each light years preferable to the bozos that Hillary would nominate? Absolutely.

    Each of these presumptions seem to me to rely upon Trump’s credibility, plus your hopes and projections. You’re dreaming that he’s going to rise to the office — soon, always soon, never mind whatever his last self-destructive tantrum has wrought, soon we’ll see the statesmanlike Trump. Or at least, something better than this tantrum-throwing 70-year-old brat. But I see no basis to believe that.

    I assess his credibility at zero. He says he’ll build a wall. But he said the USFL would play spring football. He says things you interpret to mean he’ll be more conservative than Hillary. But he’s been a liberal Democrat just like her his whole life.

    So your argument, for me, comes down to: “You should vote for Trump because I hope he’ll be better.” Okay, make your vote based on your hopes. But please don’t expect me to make my vote based on your hopes, because I really do not share them.

    Here’s the thing about zero. It’s kind of magic. It doesn’t matter what Trump promises, or how many promises he makes, or whether I agree with 10% or 20% or 100% of those promises. His promises don’t matter because he has zero credibility — and zero multiplied by anything else always equals zero.

    You weigh things differently. I appreciate your thoughtful response at #211, and its civility.

    But I remain unpersuaded. So please stop scolding and mocking me, and those like me, who’ve considered your points but weigh things differently than you.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  237. narciso@222. Russia and China are now co-operating in many places. That’s very true.

    But it’s possible that Russia and Hillary Clinton are no longer co-operating – at least until the election.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  238. the bronx cheer they gave sgt grobart at the thunderdome, doesn’t that matter more than say
    general allen’s yowlings, a sign the leash they’ve kept him on since petraeus has gotten tight,

    narciso (732bc0)

  239. I don’t think Hillary would want to take any steps to make up with Putin until after the election.

    Sammy Finkelman (7fce49)

  240. But it’s possible that Russia and Hillary Clinton are no longer co-operating – at least until the election.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd) — 8/1/2016 @ 2:41 pm

    Yes, if, God forbid, she wins she’ll have much more flexibility to ruin the country.

    Colonel Haiku (ff5774)

  241. Wouldn’t it be the height of irony if Train Wreck Trump got taken down by just two, heretofore, unknown Muslims?

    Tillman (a95660)

  242. when we’re out of the picture, they would compete for the resources in afghanistan, china could move via kashmir and russia south from uzbekistan,

    narciso (732bc0)

  243. its a floor wax and a dessert topping, but they hate cops as well, so no gets to keep a gun, except perhaps a select clique of Capitol denizens, (that’s hunger games reference)

    narciso (732bc0)

  244. Trump is an exceedingly little man — and I’m not referring to his hands.

    His pettiness, his ego-driven need to respond to the slightest of slights results in him continuously taking his eye off the ball. His doubling, tripling, quadrupling, quintupling down redirects the focus from The Economy and National Security and Hillary to something that everybody would otherwise have forgotten by now. And, of course, his Royal Fluffers — Sean Hannity and Roger Stone — have dutifully followed suit, acting like attack dogs against Khan and doing their candidate no favors in the process.

    Icy (57180f)

  245. the dems practically burn us servicemen in effigy, but because they bring up effendi khan, all of a sudden they give a farthing, doc brown wouldn’t even listen to the va whistleblowers, because he feared it would affect his single payer plan, red queen could barely be bothered to examine that plan, get a fracking clue people they have never cared about vets since 1968, except as victims,

    narciso (732bc0)

  246. Standing O, narciso

    mg (31009b)

  247. I’m confused about these Khandasians. I thought they were all about big butts and stuff. Even TMZ isn’t reporting the truth now.

    Paul (75c17a)

  248. seriously it’s like one has to forget every scam they pulled in the last 15 years, back to september 11th, how they screamed over walter reed, which was understandable, but they hid the other horrors, under shinseki’s uniform, who was promoted because he had dinged rumsfeld years before,

    narciso (732bc0)

  249. Cruz Supporter,
    Maybe Beldar expressed it better than I did,
    No, you never said you expected a rose garden from Trump,
    And neither did I claim you did

    I responded to what you did claim to be your expectations,
    As Beldar did.
    Expectations you chose not to defend.

    Trump is the worst candidate ever to be the better of two candidates.

    MD in Philly (db18b8)

  250. Trump is the worst candidate ever to be the better of two candidates.

    That says it in a nutshell, MD.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  251. MD in Philly, Beldar,

    I think I’ve been explicit about my expectations of a Trump presidency; I expect it to be less damaging to the country than a Hillary presidency.
    Of course Trump is unpredictable and erratic and impetuous, and he doesn’t have a governing resume or voting record.
    But the ship has already left the harbor.
    There were some more “predictable” candidates to choose from, but primary voters determined they were too, uh, … predictable. Instead, they opted for the shiney new toy.

    We had a chance to nominate a number of solidly conservative candidates, but too many people in the primaries said “Never” this guy or “Never” that guy.
    So we ended up with Trump.
    It’s terribly disheartening because Old Hillary was just asking to be defeated by a younger, vibrant Rubio, Jindal, or Walker. (Cruz would make a great president, but I’m no longer confident about his retail politicking skills translating into a general election victory.)

    Trump continues to say things which offend this demographic or that demographic, and the media are happy to play it on a loop for all the low information voters to digest.
    I’m afraid Hillary will likely win, but that doesn’t mean we won’t keep fighting to prevent her from getting the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  252. Trump is the worst candidate ever to be the better of two candidates.

    — Exactly. The bar is as low as it can possibly go.

    Icy (57180f)

  253. seriously how many times does the football have to taken from you, to get the message, w basically drew to a tie, maverick gave up the ball, and mittens well he took a mulligan,

    narciso (732bc0)

  254. I haven’t had a chance to wade through the comments yet, but I don’t see the big facepalm here. True, I’m sure Trump hasn’t read the constitution, so it’s perfectly fair for anyone to point that out. But suppose weren’t the pig-ignorant boor that he is, and there were no grounds for supposing him to be unfamiliar with the constitution; in that case Khan would have no right to make such an accusation, and losing a son in combat wouldn’t entitle him to do so.

    Milhouse (772fb6)

  255. the media, the schools, all harvest the low information voter, have you not gathered that,
    honestly one wants to go major slade on ellen, the spew, the kimmelcamelbertfallon beast,

    narciso (732bc0)

  256. 256 – narciso
    always liked the saying come for my guns get my ammo first

    mg (31009b)

  257. You think someone has a First Amendment right to free speech, but is bound by some sort of natural law from exercising it?

    Beldar, there is no right to defame people. Were it obviously false (rather than obviously true) that Trump has never read the constitution, no one would have the right to make that claim.

    Milhouse (772fb6)

  258. well they might come with the apv, and the battering rams, that was the tactic over spurious campaign finance allegations, what would they do to get ‘the precious’ firearms,

    narciso (732bc0)

  259. Mr. Trump’s a piled-high plate of homemade buttermilk biscuits is what he is

    never seen a sorrier bunch of sadsacks my whole life

    wait and see pickleheads wait and see

    Mr. Trump’s gonna do him some rough justice on that stinkypig and a great euphoria will grip the land!

    then we gonna get up on the floor and boogie oogie oogie til we just can’t boogie no more!

    peace out

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  260. as I see it, this was about pulling a sheehan, to mute the testimony of the heroes of benghazi, and also looking out for his own bottom line,

    narciso (732bc0)

  261. “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.” — Ronald Reagan.

    Is it not true?

    Milhouse (772fb6)

  262. #262 narciso,

    Excellent point about lefty outrage about Walter Reed hospital VS lefty indifference about the VA hospitals.
    Similarly, the hatred expressed toward Mrs Smith + Mrs Woods VS the canonization of Mr Khan.

    The dichotomy (hypocrisy, really) extends to so many issues.
    If a wedding photographer doesn’t wish to be contracted to work at a same-sex wedding, then the Left says they’ve got hatred in their heart. But if a Muslim inspired by ISIS happens to murder 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, then the Left can never intuit what the motivation was — nor do they ever intend to spend much time contemplating it.

    An uncooperative black guy with a criminal record gets shot by a white cop, resulting in a year-long protest. But 15 innocent black people get shot by other black people on a routine weekend in Chicago, and there’s zero protests.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  263. because it’s about power, the power to force a business to go against it’s values, to push gun control in the most shameless way, after orlando even though it had nothing to do with it,
    that was perhaps the most disgusting moment last week,

    narciso (732bc0)

  264. “Trump is the worst candidate ever to be the better of two candidates.”

    Yes, yes, but what then are we to do? Bite the bullet or go on pretending it doesn’t matter.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  265. “Yes, yes, but what then are we to do?”

    I contemplate the probable size of the crater when he augurs in on November 8. I also estimate the best distance from Trump that incumbents should maintain in order to have any hope for survival. It’s just a shame NASA doesn’t have a fleet of Saturn V launch vehicles available to use for escape in order to minimize casualties.

    Rick Ballard (8a237d)

  266. Yes, yes, but what then are we to do?

    We can up our standards. I’ve upped mine. Up yours.

    nk (dbc370)

  267. I agree, it is too bad there will be no rockets for you. Will a suicide vest suffice?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  268. Yeah, that explains why you live in Chicago… the Windy City.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  269. R.I.P. Sandy Pearlman, producer, manager and lyricist for Blue Öyster Cult

    R.I.P. Jack Davis, long long longtime artist for MAD magazine

    Icy (57180f)

  270. heh heh heh lmmfao

    mg (31009b)

  271. Mr. feets does THE greatest act in the showbiz, dontcha know.

    Icy (57180f)

  272. 285 for Col.

    mg (31009b)

  273. “Your foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for John McCain is weird.
    He endured 5 1/2 yrs of captivity in a hell-hole.”

    Highly debatable:

    Dystopia Max (152212)

  274. yeah he’s no good

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  275. Trump is the worst candidate ever to be the better of two candidates.

    MD in Philly (db18b8) — 8/1/2016 @ 4:07 pm

    Not only that, Hillary’s the worst candidate ever to be the worst of two candidates.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  276. McCain is of inconsistent quality — sometimes he’s good and sometimes he sucks — but Trump wouldn’t make a pimple on his ass.

    nk (dbc370)

  277. Don’t you live in California, Haiku? How far do you live from a place that’s posted as containing chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm?

    nk (dbc370)

  278. really give me the last time, maverick has stood for anything or anyone, of significance, I’ll give you the last dozen years to be fair,

    narciso (732bc0)

  279. Narciso (294): The right of incumbents to eternal reelection, aka McCain-Feingold. McCain was four-square for this significant curtailment of our rights. McCain has stood for any number of things that would benefit him or his buddies. But he seems remarkably unaware of those things that stand to benefit others, or the country at large. He is the quintessential Country Club Republican.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  280. oh I did forget, thanks to wikileaks, we did find out he was as obsequious as larry miller in pretty woman to muammar, before he went to ramming speed, and I’ll give him the surge, but he was a little hoarse, as to the aftermath of that exercise,

    narciso (732bc0)

  281. “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I’m going to be honest,” Trump told a crowd at an event in Columbus”

    I don’t see why the mindless drivelers won’t take the Great White Dope at his word and hang it up now. If the Sniveling Coward is ready to flee, why bother?

    Rick Ballard (8a237d)

  282. “184. My regard for Cruz was not because of the Supreme Court appointments he would make. It was because he would veto bad laws, sign good ones, and make good executive decisions.”

    Unfortunately, Cruz would never have been able to veto, sign, or make. Because he would have lost to Hillary.
    But other than that, great!

    In order to implement your policies, you have to get elected. Trump can. Cruz couldn’t have. Neither could Jeb have been — and that’s who would be the Republican candidate absent Trump.

    ” 202. (From Beldar, of course.) @ Cruz Supporter: I have a serious question for you.
    When did you start believing Trump’s promises, and why?”

    We’re down to Trump or Hillary. It’s really strange that you think there is some alternate Republican candidate other than Trump.

    “208. Trump had one job — to be a credible candidate. But DAILY he proves himself a fool.”
    Sorry he isn’t winning the way you’d like him to win. But, he’s, y’know, WINNING. All the other 16 “credible” Republican candidates got beat, most got beat badly.

    Going into the convention, Trump had 1542 delegates and Cruz had 560. Trump had THREE TIMES more than Cruz. At the convention, Trump got 1725 and Cruz 475. Not to mention that he is still filling arenas when he holds a rally.

    Empirically, Trump is a credible and successful candidate. But I guess everybody is out of step except you, huh.

    “217. …John McCain.”
    Ah yes, the Democrat’s favorite Republican. Can always be trusted to turn sideways and shoot at his compatriots.

    “230. It’s not good enough that he loses. The party must repudiate him.”
    Odd. Rather than repudiate Trump, the party lined up behind him. Except for a few sore losers.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  283. That is one of his “inconsistencies”, narciso. 😉 He was already deadwood in 2008. And his “build that dang fence” when he was running for re-election in 2010, out-Trumped Trump for sheer BS in light of his “inaction” (to say the least) in his prior term.

    Nonetheless, he is still a better man than Trump. And he married a gorgeous blond whose father owned a beer distributorship — that is Something!!!1!

    nk (dbc370)

  284. Odd. Rather than repudiate Trump, the party lined up behind him. Except for a few sore losers.


    Yeah… they don’t call it the stupid party for nothing. As usual it will be clear how right I am in a couple of years.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  285. Don’t you live in California, Haiku? How far do you live from a place that’s posted as containing chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm?

    nk (dbc370) — 8/1/2016 @ 6:11 pm

    Why yes, nk, I do live in California. Other than a few mutants, the worst challenge we have around here is keeping the goats safe from mountain lions and male Greeks.

    Colonel Haiku (ff5774)

  286. I can hardly wait for November 8, when happyfeet does a little dance all over the place, and Beldar and the rest of the nevertrumpers hang their heads and wonder how that orange buffoon won 45 states.

    Couldn’t be that they were wrong, of course. No, no, no, they were RIGHT and 75 million voters just voted wrong.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  287. do a lil dance trump a lil trump get down tonight

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  288. In order to implement your policies, you have to get elected. Trump can. Cruz couldn’t have. Neither could Jeb have been — and that’s who would be the Republican candidate absent Trump.

    You forgot to account for all the millions of people who would have voted for Cruz, or Bush, or Walker just because they were offered a GOP candidate who was not a globally corrupt sociopath in contrast to Hillary.

    But when offered a candidate who is a globally corrupt sociopath in contrast to Hillary….

    kishnevi (10c258)

  289. BTW, the part of this episode that actually caught my attention at first was his claim to have made “sacrifices” to create jobs, deal deals, etc.

    As if those were in the same category as the sacrifices made by members of the military or their families. Even if only the sacrifices made by those whose contribution is only one weekend a month for the National Guard.

    kishnevi (10c258)

  290. Cruz supporter at 4:51

    The difficulty I am having with this dialogue is that Beldar and I responded to specific expectations you listed for Trump in a comment above,
    and you don’t respond in kind, but go off on general themes that have nothing to do with what we said.

    I thought I was pretty clear saying this before,
    and one may certainly disagree,
    for me
    Trump being “not conservative enough” has never been an issue for me,
    I’m glad he is not a conservative, I just wish others knew that too so not to lump us in with Trump.

    My problem with Trump is that the only record of actual behavior we have from him
    which is far more important than words
    is not encouraging,

    I would eagerly vote for Sanders over Clinton because he is less corrupt and corrupting.

    It seems like discussing Obama,
    if you are against him they say it is racism because he is black,
    No, it’s because I know who his white friends are no matter what color he is

    I am not against Trump because he is not conservative enough, I am against Trump because his behavior over the years and up to the moment is dangerously self-centered like Obama.

    MD in Philly (db18b8)

  291. I don’t care if Trump wins all 50 states,
    that will not “prove” anything in terms of my objections.

    MD in Philly (db18b8)

  292. Fred Trump sacrificed quite a bit of money finding doctors who would certify 4-F Donnie as unfit. His children have continued the family tradition by staying out of uniform in his honor.

    Rick Ballard (8a237d)

  293. doc brown wants a communist, nee trotskyite revolution, so he’s somewhat more dangerous then red queen, this is someone who saw communist nicaragua and soviet russia as kindred nations,
    there is no one of any worth, that would qualify as decent leadership, well perhaps webb, but he got exactly nowhere,

    narciso (732bc0)

  294. As I said before
    And could be wrong
    As bad as Bernie’s ideas are
    He doesn’t have what it takes to implement them.
    If he did, he would have destroyed Clinton over things he did a self-imposed gag order

    Bernie would be purged once the revolution is over.

    I would rather have someone who tells us he is a socialist than one who acts as a tyrant in secrecy.

    MD in Philly (db18b8)

  295. I wouldn’t want to take a chance, doc brown’s cadres are sincere, like the narodniki, the wobblies, the french anarchists, they think the revolution is doable, and red queen would likely empower them, then lose the tug of war,

    narciso (732bc0)

  296. what a simpering little coward-boi

    If this were my site, that would be your last post here.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  297. 302. is the funniest thing to have been posted to this site in quite awhile.

    Icy (57180f)

  298. it’s like risking jeremy corbyn to head anything, apparently you can’t get rid of him, even the salafi phile mayor of london is dissapointed in him, for different reasons than we would think,

    narciso (732bc0)

  299. #306 MD in Philly,

    I’ve been accused by a few #NeverTrumpers of being a broken record in articulating my reasons for voting for Trump, so your suggestion that I’m being evasive or dodging questions about my support for Trump is a little puzzling to me.

    There’s two items on the menu; Trump or Hillary.
    It’s not a complicated matter.
    One of them’s going to become President and have all the Executive Powers ascribed to anyone who wins the electoral college.

    I already know what a destructive left wing administration Hillary’s going to have.
    So I’ll take my chances with the other guy.

    All this navel-gazing about, “Wellll, how do you knowwww what Trump’s going to do?” is just … navel-gazing.
    Nobody knows for certain how something’s going to turn out.
    My friendly next door neighbor could turn out to be a serial killer.
    I could take my dog for a routine walk around the block and end up getting run over by a UPS truck.
    It’s true that Trump doesn’t have a governing resume or voting record as a predicate, but Hillary does, and it’s scary scary scary.
    So like I said, I’ll take my chances with Trump.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  300. forget it cs, it’s chinatown,

    narciso (732bc0)

  301. Why yes, nk, I do live in California. Other than a few mutants, the worst challenge we have around here is keeping the goats safe from mountain lions and male Greeks, and getting out of 8th grade. FIFYTML

    nk (dbc370)

  302. Couldn’t be that they were wrong, of course. No, no, no, they were RIGHT and 75 million voters just voted wrong.
    fred-2 (ce04f3) — 8/1/2016 @ 6:48 pm

    Sodom and Gomorrah.
    The Almighty couldn’t even find TEN Right people out of the entire populations of both cities. And He checked every single person.

    John Hitchcock (703526)

  303. This site appears to be on the LGF transformation path. It’s no long pro-republican, that’s for sure, now it is distinctly anti-republican, but it hasn’t yet made the full transition to pro-democrat. Not stated in so many words at least, only covertly stated via the content.

    Mr Black (7c41e5)

  304. It has NEVER been pro-Republican. Patterico is not an alphabetist. It has always been pro-Conservative/Libertarian in the eyes of Patterico. That the Republicans once claimed to speak for Conservatives and Libertarians is what gave the site the appearance of being pro-Republican. Now that the Republicans have nominated a flat-out Leftist and shat all over Conservatives and Libertarians, screw the Republican party. They’re just as bad as the Donkey party.

    John Hitchcock (703526)

  305. 301-Col.
    Top o the morning with a chuckle is the best.

    mg (31009b)

  306. Good morning…

    “In any event, Clinton is responsible for helping create a Russian “Silicon Valley” that has enabled the Krelim to boost its military and surveillance capacity. And let’s not forget her role in enabling Russia to gain control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.

    Russia has been well-served by Hillary Clinton’s cluelessness and greed.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  307. Khan presented a kobayashi maru scenario, if he retreated, they would Sheehan him, as it is, there are previous few in the foxhole who aren’t willing to stick a bayonet in him.

    narciso (732bc0)

  308. I think one can’t help calling it treason coronello,

    narciso (732bc0)

  309. papa khan has no class or dignity he’s just another sleazy ugly dude with a fat wife and a mistress who likes to be on tv

    could not be more over these people

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  310. 326… yes, narciso, we agree.

    Colonel Haiku (ff5774)

  311. No more Khanstipation, let’s get to the issues!

    Colonel Haiku (ff5774)

  312. The issue: Khan’s son dies under Hillary but he speaks against Trump because his ban on Muslim immigration will ruin all the money he made serving as lawyer for Muslim immigration cases.

    Dystopia Max (152212)

  313. “I would eagerly vote for Sanders over Clinton because he is less corrupt and corrupting.”


    Dystopia Max (152212)

  314. 2.) Does CNN plan to, in the future, have a discussion about all of Khizr Khan’s various connections to the law firm that A) prepared Hillary Clinton’s taxes, B) helped with various aspects of Hillary Clinton’s illicit homebrew email server, C) is paid by the government of Saudi Arabia for representation here in the United States, among other things?

    g6loq (3a2647)

  315. Dystopia Max (152212) — 8/2/2016 @ 6:12 am

    Khan’s son dies under Hillary

    Under Bush.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  316. should be Hitchcocked.

    Seeing as I am far wiser than any Trump Idolator and far more intelligent and logical than any who dare claim “a non-vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary”, then “being Hitchcocked” is an intelligent, wise, logical thing to occur.

    John Hitchcock (fe223c)

  317. if you’re over here, you’ve gone too far,

    narciso (732bc0)

  318. Dystopia, you are stupidly parroting Katrina Pierson, aren’t you? Never go Full Katrina Pierson.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  319. yes, obama only went along with the iraq war, because his sponsor did for the first two years, but clearly red queen was at fault, in part, specially since this was around she did a fulbright,

    narciso (732bc0)

  320. “Seeing as I am far wiser than any Trump Idolator and far more intelligent and logical than any”

    Since you’re so wise and intelligent, I find it rather strange that you don’t know it’s considered extremely bad manners to pour your own sake.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  321. That’s why I don’t drink sake. Don’t enjoy rice wine. But Southern Comfort is good sippin whiskey.

    John Hitchcock (fe223c)

  322. And it’s interesting that a Canuck who is madly, deeply, insanely in love with the fool who claimed himself to be one of the greatest Christians and declared his own book second most important after the Bible which he didn’t read and doesn’t understand would fault someone else for making statements about himself.

    John Hitchcock (fe223c)

  323. “But Southern Comfort is good sippin whiskey.”

    Southern Comfort isn’t whiskey, strictly speaking, Internet Drinkin’ Man. It’s a bourbon-based liqueur.

    Maybe you _should_ try sake. Or I hear hitting yourself on the head with a hammer so it will feel good to stop is good, too.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  324. Sodom and Gomorrah.
    The Almighty couldn’t even find TEN Right people out of the entire populations of both cities.

    Make that all five cities.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

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