Patterico's Pontifications


I Guess You’ll Have to Tell Me How Last Night Went…

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:50 am

…because I tuned it out.

My mom is in town and we went for a walk around the Venice canals. We found the house where Harry Bosch visits the “boot” girlfriend in the first season of the Amazon series.

I see John Hinderaker saying of Ivanka’s speech that, sure, she suggested “new and bigger government programs” . . . but apparently her ability to read from a TelePrompTer was nevertheless so amazing that he asked: “Is there a Senate seat we could put her up for?”

If you want to know how someone as unqualified, incompetent, and unlikeable as Hillary Clinton got elected to a Senate seat in New York, there’s your answer. On both sides of the aisle, we love love love to keep electing anybody and everybody from the same family. On Twitter, some people observed that the love of the Trumps appears to be the GOP’s desire to have its own Kennedy family.

As far as Trump’s speech: didn’t watch it either. I’m more interested in the reaction of members of the GOP to Trump (and to Cruz’s speech) than I am in Trump. Peggy Noonan said of Cruz today: “What a jerk.” She loves her some Obama and some Trump, but “support the Constitution” makes you a “jerk.” After New York Attack Poodle Peter King declared Ted Cruz an “asshole,” RNC guy Sean Spicer agreed with the assessment on national television. Did he ever declared Trump a “jerk” for mocking the looks of Cruz’s wife, or for mocking John McCain’s wartime captivity? I’m going to guess no.

An illness is passing over this party, as real as the norovirus that hit the convention in Cleveland, but more pervasive and noxious. I’m going to stand clear until it passes. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. At least I won’t catch it.

P.S. If you want any further proof that the RNC is a pack of liars, and that they hate and have slandered Ted Cruz, read this post by Leon Wolf. It’s not just Trump. Increasingly, it’s the party itself.

UPDATE: Aaaand now Trump is again insinuating Cruz’s dad was involved with JFK’s assassination. And defending the National Enquirer as a news source. Enjoy, loyalists. Enjoy.

288 Responses to “I Guess You’ll Have to Tell Me How Last Night Went…”

  1. How did Rush and Mark Levin react to Cruz?

    I have this vision of Levin screaming, in that voice that he has, AND ANYWAY MELANIA *IS* BETTER LOOKING THAN HEIDI CRUZ! THERE I SAID IT! but I don’t know if that would be unfair.

    Patterico (72bd42)

  2. I think Cruz is probably the only principled politician left in the Republican party – leaving them with only one more than the Democrats.

    I know that Trump will be a better President than Clinton, but that isn’t saying much. Trump reminds me of the middle-school bully who isn’t very bright, but has a contingent surrounding him that constantly tells him he’s ‘cool.’

    God help us all…

    John (904687)

  3. The Party has hated Cruz from the very beginning, for exactly the same reason they hate Trump….Cruz and Trump expose the Establishment drones for what they are, professional politicians and Democratic appeasers.

    The Party’s first chance to get in front of this was the Tea Party movement. The Establishment responded with insults, primary challenges and finally betrayal.

    The Party’s second chance to get in front of this was Cruz. He was the only “normal” candidate acceptable to Trump supporters, and he had significant support among the Tea Party movement. The party responded poorly to say the least, even before Cruz announced his candidacy.

    So the Party ended up with Trump…because they simply refused to listen to their base. My only explanation is that they expected the Republican base to behave like the Democratic base does…it has gotten so bad that the Republican establishment no longer understands the difference between Democrats and Republicans, primarily because in Washington D.C., there is no difference.

    gahrie (12cc0f)

  4. Rush, who IMHO enchanted by Trump because he seems like a bigger, brasher version of himself, suggested that approving and then sabotaging Cruz’s speech had the beneficial effect of uniting the party around Trump. Vindictive Azzholery — is there nothing it can’t do?

    What little I heard from Levin was the opposite. He was furious in particular at Fox News tossing dirt on Cruz’s career, and suggested maybe it was time to give CNN another chance.

    L.N. Smithee (797d3a)

  5. that’s not exactly right, the party will perhaps take his money, but they won’t tolerate the people he’s representing, there’s no business in that apparently,

    narciso (732bc0)

  6. To wit: Rush Limbaugh transcript in which he laughs off the person he called the closet thing the GOP had to Ronald Reagan:

    You think the Clintons are gonna allow Bernie Sanders to go up there and say something without knowing word-for-word what he was gonna say? It would never, ever happen. And if Bernie Sanders was gonna go out there and not endorse Hillary and be ambiguous about it, you think Hillary’s gonna let him go out there? There is no way. They’ll have Elizabeth Warren hijack him on the way to the convention hall and take him to a Burger King or something and keep him tied up for a couple hours so he can never get there.

    It would never happen. But it did happen last night. So now you’ve got all these analysts trying to figure this out and proclaim the ultimate meaning, and the conventional wisdom is that Cruz is toast, he has just ended his career. Dr. Krauthammer said it perhaps in the most creative way. Dr. Krauthammer said: “It was the longest suicide note I have ever read.” Is that not good? (laughing) The longest suicide note I’ve ever read.

    Here’s the point, again. Because of that last night, look at all the unity now that is starting to occur for Trump. Look at all the people, including some of the Never Trumpers now coming to Trump’s defense. Maybe not coming to Trump’s defense, they are unifying with Trump against Cruz. You have some Never Trumpers who are applauding Cruz, but it’s a minimal number. He does have his supporters out there. And a lot of his supporters are in the Drive-By Media.

    Washington Post: “Ted Cruz Distinguished Himself Wednesday Night. Mike Pence Failed.” They love it. They’re looking at this the wrong way. They think that what happened was that Ted Cruz hijacked the convention and that nobody heard what Mike Pence said, and they’re hoping nobody heard what Pence said because Pence was great. But people did hear what Pence said precisely because Cruz did what he did.

    L.N. Smithee (797d3a)

  7. Yeah, but we need to elect Trump to keep Hillary from destroying the republic!

    And after four or eight years of gradual, republic-destroying government growth, the Democrats will nominate a reasonable person, and then we can gamble with someone who supports constitutional principles.

    After all, it wouldn’t have been as important to stop the Democrat nominee if it had been, say, Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Boxer, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Bernie Sanders, John Kerry, Al Franken, Jessie Jackson… We only ever have respectable disagreements with them, rather than fear over the future of the republic if they attain power. But Hillary? Hillary’s different.

    CayleyGraph (353727)

  8. There are two strands of conservativism.

    The one you and Cruz belong to.

    And the other, which wants a strong government that can impose order and stability, and which is culturally reactionary, but for whom limited government is an idea that should get no more than lip service.

    The party establishment usually views both as usefel idiots, but usually finds the second group more useful.

    Trump’s victory means that at least for now the latter strand rules the GOP.

    So now you have a choice: try to take the GOP back or start an alternative.

    kishnevi (0cb353)

  9. I’m looking forward to the next season of Bosch.

    Connolly puts life in the Los Angeles I knew.

    SPQR (0cce45)

  10. My Comcast was down, so I didn’t even get to see Gravity Falls let alone Phineas and Ferb. I read a little bit.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. After watching both season’s of Bosch on Amazon, I am starting to work my way through the novels. Interesting how the TV varied from the novels. I recommend both.

    Loren (66de82)

  12. The Uncle from Gravity Falls = a demented Joe Maddon

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  13. #3

    The Party has hated Cruz from the very beginning, for exactly the same reason they hate Trump….Cruz and Trump expose the Establishment drones for what they are, professional politicians and Democratic appeasers.

    The establishment hates Cruz because the exposes the Hypocracy – ie He stands on principals

    joe - texas (fa6bbe)

  14. Congratulations to all you Pattericans and other self-castrating “thrill up your leg” revolutionaries who’ve been convinced by your spoon fed analysis to leave the “back to the stone age” GOP.

    You now find yourselves agreeing with Daily Kos, the New York Times and other bastions of “civilized” and intelligent “culture” waking to a new day with the certainty that you are right and they are wrong.

    Indeed, all those “Wal Mart” types in “fly over country” are fools, dupes and barbarians and you are convinced of it… even though they are part of the 70% of voters who think the Obama Clinton administration has America on the “wrong track”.

    Hillary has waged a successful campaign to win you over, one lie at a time, and like the “Hitlery Youth” you boys who would be men, can’t wait to join her as soon as you make sure you’ve earned the proper “inclusivity Brownie Shirt” points and betrayed all your former parents, friends and mates.

    By the time the DNC starts, you’ll have convinced yourselves that Hitlery ain’t so bad after all and that given the choice … and really, what’s a few white lies to the American people and a few misplaced emails… we all do it, ya know…. you’ll be slobbering at the TV as she produces movie stars and other media drones painting quite the happy world we’ll have by simply defeating that barbarian Donald Trump.

    Oh… and don’t forget to get your “mind hive” implants for the new Borg App the DNC will be pre-registering on the way to the convention.

    You should all be very proud of yourselves.

    PTS (b6849f)

  15. nk, we have to get together sometime.

    Speaking of Los Angeles, get out Patterico, before it’s too late.

    SPQR (0cce45)

  16. Puts, you remain incoherent.

    SPQR (0cce45)

  17. there’s been a bond marathon on starz for the past week,

    narciso (732bc0)

  18. We need to consider the possibility that the “Republican establishment” don’t like Ted Cruz is that maybe, just maybe, Mr Cruz isn’t that likable a person. It’s not just Mitch McConnell: Mr Cruz pissed off just about every Republican in the Senate other than Mike Lee. When you have a guy like former Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), with a 100% ACU rating, who thinks that Mr Cruz is a jerk, then maybe the problem isn’t Mr Coburn.

    It takes more than just being right; it takes the ability to sell those right policies. Senator Cruz is very good with people who already agree with him, but doesn’t seem to do so well in expanding that group.

    The coldly realistic Dana (f6a568)

  19. A guy named Joe from Texas wrote:

    The establishment hates Cruz because the exposes the Hypocracy – ie He stands on principals

    That’s why the teachers’ unions don’t like him; he’ll stand on teachers and superintendents, too! 🙂

    The wryly amused Dane (f6a568)

  20. PTS, so far Trump has done two things that impressed me: Put $47 million of his own money where his mouth is, and pick Mike Spence as his VP. But he and his family are still so below the quality of persons I want to see in the White House that Hillary would have to machine-gun the whole length of Fifth Avenue before I’d vote for him. They define “classless” and I don’t mean in the Socialist sense.

    nk (dbc370)

  21. you’re voting for duckworth, the woman who threw her fellow veterans under the bus, just so we’re clear, I know mark kirk doesn’t inspire,

    narciso (732bc0)

  22. No, I’ll vote for Mark if the election were held today. He’s not entirely my cup of tea, but he’s scared of the gun lobby.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. That was unkind to poor Mark. Let me restate it. He recently voted against both the Democrat and Republican gun hysterics.

    nk (dbc370)

  24. My choice of IL senator will be of the opposite of the party of my presidential choice, which is far from decided. Checks/Balances, Guns AND Butter or Neither.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  25. This is the era where white men get themselves some good old-fashioned grievance mongering.

    JVW (f97acd)

  26. Dana, why would I care if the Senate thought Cruz was a good guy? I like Cruz _because_ he fought the GOP Senate’s practice of going along with Democrats. Not despite it.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  27. That’s ‘gruncle’, urbanleftbehind. 🙂 Grand-uncle. It becomes important later, but then, so does everything. 🙂

    Ingot (7aa1e4)

  28. This whole thing between Cruz and Trump and Oswald and Heidi is getting a bit….sur-surreal. There, I coined a new word.

    Dear Trump campaign: please put an end to this. You put an end to the Melania-Michelle controversy by releasing the statement from the speechwriter. That proves you know how to end things. You must end this Oswald thing, and this Heidi thing. Just do it. One way or the other. It’s unseemly, and is doing no one any good.

    Let me make this easy for you. Say that you have absolutely no opinion about whether Cruz’s father ever met Oswald. Say that even if he did, it is irrelevant to whether Ted Cruz is a good man or a good leader. Say you will speak of it no more. As for Heidi, take down the tweet.

    Andrew Hyman (b12b60)

  29. Titus Welliver so often plays the heavy, foes he work as Bosch, an antihero?

    narciso (732bc0)

  30. At a minimum, people should stop suggesting that Trump is actually trying to lose. He does say some over the top things but that’s just him.

    Gerald A (945582)

  31. Thanks for the link, P.

    Now that they have shown their true colors to Cruz,
    may he go out of his way to expose every bit of hypocrisy
    and lead a return of the Tea Party in two years to primary the establishment.
    Do I still have time to send money to primary Ryan?

    I will need to write a dear Rush letter.

    No, nobody has fallen under Clinton’s spell, we just didn’t think that the Rs were this bad.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  32. This whole thing between Cruz and Trump and Oswald and Heidi is getting a bit….sur-surreal. There, I coined a new word.

    Dear Trump campaign: please put an end to this. You put an end to the Melania-Michelle controversy by releasing the statement from the speechwriter. That proves you know how to end things. You must end this Oswald thing, and this Heidi thing. Just do it. One way or the other. It’s unseemly, and is doing no one any good.

    Let me make this easy for you. Say that you have absolutely no opinion about whether Cruz’s father ever met Oswald. Say that even if he did, it is irrelevant to whether Ted Cruz is a good man or a good leader. Say you will speak of it no more. As for Heidi, take down the tweet. You’ve already said “I wish I didn’t do it”. Just take it down.

    Andrew Hyman (b12b60)

  33. This is the era where white men get themselves some good old-fashioned grievance mongering.

    Yeah, don’t they realize they are just supposed to shut up and open their wallets?

    gahrie (12cc0f)

  34. This isn’t a Presidential race. This is Spy-vs-Spy.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  35. mind you, they probably are not our allies anyways, any more than hekmatyar and haqquani were back in the day,

    narciso (732bc0)

  36. narciso, Titus Welliver absolutely nails Bosch.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  37. I think it’s pretty clear at this point that the GoPe is trying to purge all conservatives out of the party. It’s time for us to go our own way and allow the 2 statist parties to collapse under their own weight. We need to form one on our own based on the bedrock principles of the Constitution and returning power to the states.

    NJRob (a07d2e)

  38. Yeah, don’t they realize they are just supposed to shut up and open their wallets?

    There’s a big difference between resenting having to pay for inefficient government and being willing to accept inefficient government as long as the gravy-train stops to let you and your allies climb aboard. I think the GOP nominee appeals far more to the latter than to the former.

    JVW (f97acd)

  39. With a bit of reflection,
    it seems evident that the Republican party would rather get rid of Cruz than work for unity and defeat Clinton.

    Well, I preferred unity, beating Clinton, and rewarding politicians who stood on principle,
    So I guess that is 3 strikes and out between me and the party of Trump.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  40. Dana, why would I care if the Senate thought Cruz was a good guy? I like Cruz _because_ he fought the GOP Senate’s practice of going along with Democrats. Not despite it.


    Exactly. So all the loathsome snakes on Capitol Hill that have turned the GOP into the democrat party 2.0 hate Cruz? They hate everything that’s good, so it’s badge of honor.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  41. Of course, typical of the incoherence of the Trumpkins, Trump is their candidate because he is going to upset the GOPe apple cart … but Cruz is a terrible candidate because the GOPe Senate does not like him …

    SPQR (a3a747)

  42. Cruz’s dad was involved with JFK’s assassination

    Hyperbole. Cruz’s dad was involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. It’s possible to do the one and not the other.

    I believe you inflate the charge in order to avoid the truth.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  43. The Republican Party’s in a much better place now than it was last week that’s for sure!

    So many vibrant dynamic smiling faces (except sour grapes Ted) and lots of great speeches and good times.

    All that was missing was a super-awesome theme song i think but you can’t have everything I guess

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  44. There’s a big difference between resenting having to pay for inefficient government and being willing to accept inefficient government as long as the gravy-train stops to let you and your allies climb aboard. I think the GOP nominee appeals far more to the latter than to the former.

    Yeah! Because Trump made his money off of corrupt government deals while in elected office, unlike all those Establishment Republicans who leave Washington D.C. so much poorer than when they got there….I mean it’s not like most of those Republican Establishment drones who hate Trump so much have made fortunes off of consulting with the Republican Party while losing election after election, all the time pleading for ever more donations from the base.

    gahrie (12cc0f)

  45. The orange-skinned fruit knows that the media hates (and fears) Cruz more than it hates him. He will get more free publicity by keeping feud with Cruz alive after he got the nomination than he will by attacking Hillary, his putative opponent. What he will not get is more votes. Go ahead, Tiny Donnie, wave your wee weenie.

    nk (dbc370)

  46. wave your wee weenie for AMERICA!


    happyfeet (a037ad)

  47. There is one thing. Hillary did lose to a black man the last time she ran. If orange really is the new black, Trump might have a chance.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. The inconsequential truth is that Father Cruz, for whatever reason, has lied about his past.

    Who cares? Except for it isn’t helpful to the Cruz image.

    Something else that nags, the cultivated image of the outsider.
    Cruz was and ever has been a key player in the Bush administration. His future wife whom he met while they were both working to elect George W Bush, married him while working for the Bush WH. Cruz recruited future Chief Justice John Roberts and the Bush legal team.

    Now, when Trump is the nominee, lining up with the entire Bush clan, acting as if Hillary were an acceptable option (being generous with that last).

    Doesn’t seem…

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  49. I disagree strongly with Cruz on most issues, but at least the guy’s a serious person, which Trump clearly isn’t.

    Regarding the illness that is coursing through the Republican Party, I think that it’s the inevitable result of decades of proclaiming that the Democratic opposition hates and will destroy America. The people who hear Limbaugh, Hannity, et al. make those claims conclude that something needs to be done or else everything will fall apart. Then, when Democratic policies are enacted the listeners wonder why Republicans are permitting it to happen, given the supposedly dire consequences. Now, those listeners have completely rejected supposedly “conservative” principles and are interested only in shaking things up, no matter what might happen.

    Jonny Scrum-half (edd7fb)

  50. On Twitter, some people observed that the love of the Trumps appears to be the GOP’s desire to have its own Kennedy family.

    I get your point about elected [and sorely flawed] royalty, but c’mon.

    As someone pointed out not so long ago on Twitter, for all the hay made about a “war on women,” Ted Kennedy was the only Senator with a confirmed kill.

    JP (bd5dd9)

  51. Hillary’s DNC will be like Anthony Mackie rapping against Eminem in “8 Mile”.


    Anthony Mackie plays the Falcon in Captain America Winter Soldier, and before that, the rapper to beat in “8 Mile”.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  52. he was also the fbi agent in runner runner,

    narciso (732bc0)

  53. Doc,

    … it seems evident that the Republican party would rather get rid of Cruz than work for unity and defeat Clinton.

    Exactly. They could have orchestrated cheers for Cruz instead of boos. But with the booing, they created a crisis, and they have learned from Obama that every crisis creates opportunities. They presume that they will bury Cruz with their criticisms. But the opposite is more likely. They are not half as clever as they think they are, and another segment of their “base” is about to set sail to parts unknown.

    The level of hatred directed at Cruz by the “cartel” is a measure of how tenuous the Republican hold on “power” is. He’s just one guy who knows how the system works, but he’s willing to explain it to the rest of us, instead of exploiting it for his own enrichment. This is an unforgivable transgression in the eyes of the GOPe.

    Remarkably, the Trumpeteers on this site seem to be incapable of seeing what is so obvious. It is a shame that the discussions on Pattrico have fallen into such a gutter. Every time I see another “Ly’in Ted” or a restatement of the fabrication about Cruz’s father, I cringe. And I wonder why this is allowed to continue. Repetition is not proof. One would think a site run by a lawyer would have higher standards. Three or four months ago, the perpetrator of these falsehoods would be challenged to provide a link supporting their claim or be banned, but now we just get endless repetitions of the same vile accusations with nothing to support them.

    BobStewartatHome (404986)

  54. Mackie plays the rapper whom Eminem eviscerates as “acting all hard but you went to Cranbrook” (yes, the Mitt Romney private H.S.)?

    “You act all hard but you went to Maine South” (which is mafioso/Outfit kid hard, not street hard, but not so much of either in 1964)

    I guess the Eminems in addition to the Carmela Sopranos are going to decide this after all.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  55. It seems like this is all about Cruz in the minds of many. People are making less sense every day.

    Gerald A (945582)

  56. If Hillary selects Tim Kaine as her VP, then Trump should solicit Herman Cain to ride along on the Trump Bus at campaign stops, that way the low information voters will become confused (or impressed?!) that “Cain” is actually out there campaigning with The Donald rather than Hillary! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  57. No, Gerald,
    Every one else is making less sense.

    Who was second in delegates? Who was second in actual states won, states that Trump will need to win?
    And Trump not only insults Cruz and his supporters,
    but then doubles down on it.

    What would Trump do different if he was trying to drive conservative voters away?

    Hey, who have we asked that question about before??

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  58. Look at it this way, Cruz is being called the last principled Republican, while poor Jeb is sitting at home in front of the tube mumbling “Low-Energy Jeb. Low-Energy Jeb.”

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  59. the cartel, wanted the medici, like the abominable snowman wanted george,

    narciso (732bc0)

  60. Shootings in Munich at mall and train station ….

    Trump and papertiger to blame Cruz’ dad in three, two, one ….

    SPQR (0cce45)

  61. why they basically agree on that point, unlike mailman’s son and the medici who are out to lunch, sarcasm isn’t warranted,

    narciso (732bc0)

  62. Outsider.

    You keep saying this word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  63. And Trump not only insults Cruz and his supporters,
    but then doubles down on it.

    MD in Philly (f9371b) — 7/22/2016 @ 10:50 am

    I agree he’s insulted Cruz. That’s something he does unfortunately. Where exactly did he insult Cruz’s supporters?

    Gerald A (945582)

  64. Yeah! Because Trump made his money off of corrupt government deals while in elected office, unlike all those Establishment Republicans who leave Washington D.C. so much poorer than when they got there

    Uh, ever stop to think that your guy was part of the corrupt crony capitalist cabal ensuring that these establishment Republicans got rich by influence-peddling? You’re expecting the best known john to be the one who cracks down on prostitution. Lots of luck with that.

    JVW (f97acd)

  65. If you’re gonna give an acceptance speech that has enough conservative sounding bluster to disguise the 60’s liberalism it’s filled with then you need a good villain your audience can enjoy hating. Cruz doesn’t seem to recognize the Trump show has cast him in the villain’s role because the democrats, media and establishment republicans already see him that way and because the more Cruz pushes back the more Trump says “see, told ya so” as he did this morning.

    Trump’s strategy to win with democrats by trashing small-government conservatives means both sides need a common enemy to justify working together. Rather than run against democrats and marxist-socialists Trump’s gonna keep running Cruz and the extreme conservatives. Cruz’s best move is probably to refuse to play.

    crazy (fcf2fd)

  66. #62 Gerald A,

    Too many people on our side of the spectrum have been freaking out about insults and slights.
    This voting bloc refuses to support that candidate because he once said something nasty about his wife!
    Meanwhile, ISIS is beheading people, thugs are ambushing police officers, and Barack’s Department of INjustice is prosecuting people who don’t deserve prosecution while failing to prosecute people who do deserve prosecution.

    In November, I hope enough people on our side of the spectrum can set aside egos and bruised feelings.
    But I’m not especially confident about that.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  67. O/T:

    Turkey’s President Erdogan declared a three-month state of emergency Wednesday night, allowing him to sidestep parliament in passing new laws against supporters of Friday’s coup and “protect democratic values.”

    Never let a real crisis…

    felipe (d96360)

  68. I see John Hinderaker saying of Ivanka’s speech that, sure, she suggested “new and bigger government programs” . . . but apparently her ability to read from a TelePrompTer was nevertheless so amazing that he asked: “Is there a Senate seat we could put her up for?”

    Worked for foodstamp.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  69. and what a cynical view to take of a guy with four grown children any of which possess at least as much, and almost definitely more, skill than the guy serving as President for the last seven and a half years.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  70. Ivanka made that $138.00 dress look like a million bucks!

    mg (31009b)

  71. #69 mg,

    By the same token, Hillary’s going to devalue her $15K pantsuit into looking like it’s an $80 off-the-rack clearance item at Macy’s.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  72. No, Cruz supporter,
    Until a couple of hours ago I was going to vote for Trump against Clinton, in spite of Trump’s outlandish treatment of Cruz and his family.
    But when the RNC collaborates to ambush Cruz and destroys him,
    and Trump doubles down,
    they are telling us that they do not like what we stand for and they don’t need or even want our support.

    If they do not want my support, that is one demand of theirs I can live with
    Trump either still really wants to throw it to Clinton,
    or is fool enough to think he can push away millions of voters and it doesn’t matter.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  73. Trump and the RNC just rammed a knife into Cruz’ back,
    Why should I trust them to do anything about ISIS?
    Because they said so??

    Hey, Lucy, Murray gell-Mann, somebody!!!!
    People are believing promises from politicians again!!!!

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  74. Gerald A,

    Forget the personal insults that spring so easily from Trump’s mouth. I’m a Cruz supporter and Trump offended me when he said this:

    “Does the party have to be together, does it have to be unified?” he said during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday. “I’m very different from anybody who’s perhaps ever run for office. I actually don’t think so.

    “I think it would be better if it were unified. I think there would be something good about it, but I don’t actually think it has to be unified,” he said.

    The presumptive GOP nominee said he can win without the backing of the full party by drawing Democratic voters, specifically supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

    “I have to stay true to my principles also. And I’m a conservative, but don’t forget: This is called the ‘Republican Party,’ not the ‘conservative party,’ ” Trump said.

    He doesn’t need or want conservative support because he has socialists. If that doesn’t offend you, then what does?

    DRJ (15874d)

  75. I was born there. California. That’s my excuse.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  76. he doesn’t think there are enough, and seeing how many didn’t vote for maverick and mittens, I can’t necessarily doubt him,

    narciso (732bc0)

  77. In California we don’t have a shortage of law. We don’t have a shortage of faithful public servants.
    But we do have a shortage of prisons. And we do have a Supreme Court who tells us we need to make more room or cut some loose.

    Who’s going to build them? Who’s going to get the court off our back about where they are and what they look like after the building is done?


    papertiger (c2d6da)

  78. C.S. – Ivanka silently advertising her affordable line is brilliant.

    mg (31009b)

  79. Twelve hours after delivering a timely, telepromptered, blistering speech to a national… The Great White Dope was back to his Gomer Pyled self, did another scatterbrained riff with his staffers, dropped the grenade and threw the pin.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  80. I’m united behind Mr. Trump!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  81. #73 MD in Philly,

    I’m not interested in who called whom a what, I just know that we have to stop Hillary.
    Electing a President is not always about getting the best person in there. It’s sometimes about stopping the worst person from getting in there.

    We don’t know how Trump will deal with ISIS.
    But we know how Hillary will.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  82. Note that even now Trump admitted that he knows nothing about Oswald! It’s on the video!

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  83. Cruz supporter-
    Listening to Rush today,
    the 2-3 minutes that I could stand,
    I developed a theory,
    that so many people have had their eyes fixed on Hillary and the dems,
    that they have lost their moorings
    and have taken to acting like them.

    I once did not know what Trump would be like
    and was willing to bet he was better than any Dem,
    But now I have seen him act,
    to set up and double cross the one senator who actually kept his campaign promises,
    along with the GOPe enablers of Obama.

    I have no evidence, actual evidence in accomplished fact,
    that Trump and the GOP will be better than Clinton,
    not after the last 24 hours.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  84. Dude. Just change your handle to Trump Supporter already. You’re the one that keeps claiming that people either support Trump or support Clinton, right? So, as a “Cruz Supporter,” are you supporting Clinton?

    Yeesh. Make up your mind already.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  85. It just occurred to me,
    maybe pence was going to be the VP ever since he did not come out for Cruz in the Indiana primary…

    I fear somewhere someone is trying to find 10 righteous people left in DC to spare judgment.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  86. @ Gerald A (#54), who wrote:

    It seems like this is all about Cruz in the minds of many.

    Why is that, do you think? Who made it that way?

    You seem to be thoughtful person. Can you not see that you’ve been manipulated by Donald Trump?

    We’re talking about Ted Cruz today because Donald Trump intended that. He had nothing to try to capture the news cycle on Wednesday night — the big news of the convention so far having been his wife’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama — so he decided to create further drama by inviting Ted Cruz to speak so that Trumpkins could boo him.

    And they did. And here we are.

    You think Cruz or his supporters chose this? If so, then you’re a nice guy who’s utterly clueless.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  87. More specifically: He’d already invited Cruz to speak. He’d already seen the speech. He could’ve scuttled Cruz’s speech, shuttled it off to 3:32 pm or something. He could have simply had his Trumpkin shills clap politely, cheer “Yay Trump” as Cruz said “Vote for someone who’ll defend our Constitution and liberties,” and declared that he had consolidated the GOP en route to a strong, united effort in the general election.

    But that didn’t serve his ego well enough. So instead we have this, where he deliberately decided to turn this into another intra-party confrontation.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  88. omg Mr. Cruz isn’t even topical anymore he’s so over

    he might as well be a lady ghostbuster

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  89. Donald Trump has said and shown he doesn’t want my vote.

    I’m supposed to give it to him anyway?

    I’m heading in the opposite direction, actually, since the Indiana primary. I won’t decide until election day, but every single thing Trump has done since then — with the exception of picking Pence, which he didn’t want to do by all accounts — has been catastrophically stupid or deliberately divisive.

    It’s tempting to say, for rhetorical purposes, “And the Trumpkins here are going to drive me to cast a protest write-in vote for Cruz in November.” But that would be a lie. I couldn’t possibly care less what the likes of the Trumpkin shills here have to say, and to suggest that they have any influence whatsoever over my voting decision would give them way too much credit.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  90. Then shut up, hatefulfeet.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  91. you’re not doing unity

    you’re not even trying

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  92. Beldar, I would add the Republican establishment to your list of manipulators. They are so committed to the status quo that they and their supporters in the media are only too willing to jump on Cruz despite the historical precedent of Reagan’s speech in 1976. And many of these media mouth pieces earned their spurs as speech writers for Reagan … once he was elected, that is.

    It is remarkable that so many “powerful” politicians in what is considered the conservative faction of American politics can be so ignorant of the principles that guided us to our prosperity and freedom. Few of these men and women understand what was “exceptional” about our founding and our constitution. But they are quite comfortable supporting foolishness like “Quantitative Easing”, because … well … because.

    BobStewartatHome (404986)

  93. We are like France in 1900 in so many ways. Our prejudices today are different, but they have taken hold and blind our leaders to even the simplest exercise of reason. We respond to a massacre in France by flying James Taylor to Paris to sing “You’ve Got a Friend”. Our chief executive refuses to name the enemy for fear of antagonizing him. The Middle East is undergoing massive power shifts characterized by the genocide of minority populations, and we worry about same sex marriages and perverts in our girls’ bathrooms. But for good reason, since these are the defining accomplishments of the community organizer who lives in the White House. And like France in 1900 we are totally unaware of how weak we really are, despite our glittering military. A military that has complied with the administration’s command that standards be lowered so that women can become Rangers. And our latest aircraft carrier, featuring futuristic technology, is hopelessly behind schedule and may never be operational. But our attention is diverted elsewhere by the silly domestic initiatives sponsored by our divide and conquer administration. Each little faction is squabbling for their place at the master’s table. No one seems aware a nuclear Iran is an existential threat, and not just for Israel.

    BobStewartatHome (404986)

  94. well there is some parallels, tuchman’s the splendid mirror showed the anarchist threat, in spain, france and the us, there was a strongman in france, boulanger,

    narciso (732bc0)

  95. sorry I crossed the titles, the anarchist, social revolutionaries were also in czarist russia,

    narciso (732bc0)

  96. What I found offensive about Trump’s speech last night was that he appealed to various identity groups in an effort to pull them on board the Trump train – gays, working women, minorities, etc., – but he did not make an appeal to Conservatives (and Cruz supporters). Obviously, given his statement this morning about not wanting Cruz’s support and if offered, he would reject it, he does not care about conservatives, nor does he care about our principles. Those being the very principles that are preventing us from supporting a Big Government type like him.

    Such willful neglect to reach out also confirms that the GOP, for now anyway, is not really a place where limited government and fiscal responsibility will be found. It hasn’t for some time, and now it is destined to become even less so – whether Trump or Hillary assume office.

    Dana (995455)

  97. And I’m still stunned that the one touting smaller government, fiscal responsibility, protection of our freedoms, and honoring the Constitution is the one booed off the stage. The one committed to increasing the size of government, increasing spending, etc., is the one to whom the GOP is committed.

    Dana (995455)

  98. Trump is dissin’ Ted Cruz, and pointing out how Ted Cruz had an approved speech he was going to deliver, then immediately deviated from it to deliver a blow to Trump.

    Yep. Lyin’ Ted.

    For this among other reasons, Trump eviscerates Cruz over and over again.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4)

  99. This was my imopression of the acceptance speech: It went on ill near 11:30, and they said it was 74 minutes long, and one of the longest acceptance speeches in recent history

    It consisted of separate segments, and Donald Trump occasionally circled back to what he’d said before. This was best he could do at pulling his thought together. I’d say there wasn’t enough moving around of text, but on the other hand. not all people hear all parts, so actually it pays for an orator to repeat things he wants to get across.

    The end was very good, and it makes you think: Why does Hillary have as her slogan “I’m with her” When Trump mentioned that I could see where he might be going and he did – He said his theme was “I’m with you.” Hillary has that as her slogan because she has no reason to run, so she qants people to join in because “it’s a woman this time!”‘ or because of the bandwagon effect.

    Before this, I had wondered how Trump was going to find an end to his speech.

    I picked it up about when he cited statistics about the number of murders having gone up.

    Homicides last year increased by 17% in America’s fifty largest cities. That’s the largest increase in 25 years. In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent. They are up nearly 60% in nearby Baltimore.

    In the President’s hometown of Chicago, more than 2,000 have been the victims of shootings this year alone. And more than 3,600 have been killed in the Chicago area since he took office.

    I felt that that was probably true, because he’d get his facts straight here, and fact checking on CBS this morning said that it was.

    Now it’s going to be criticized and it would have been good to point out that the levels are much much lower than they were 25 years ago, but the point is, the trend is starting to go in the wrong direction, and that’s not something to ignore.

    The reason, is, of course, what is called the Ferguson effect and Barack Obama is indeed responsible for that, both because he did not try to dispute any of the lies, and because his Justice Department was putting ressure on local police departments , some of whom did not know how to resist and the importance of resisting it.

    The fact checkers traced it to a Washington Post news story that said murders had gone up in 2015 over 2014, and then they super-naively repeated something in that story:

    1) We don’t know why and

    2) it’s sporadic and there doesn’t seem to be anything in common between the cities where this happened and the cities where it didn’t.

    Well, of course, it’s where something changed politically or in policing for the worse.

    Donald Trump promised to reverse this, and a lot of other things, but showed almost no understanding of anything.

    I will work with, and appoint, the best prosecutors and law enforcement officials in the country to get the job done.

    No, that’s not exactly it.
    If you want to correct a problem you must understand why it happeed, and from that maybe you can figure out what to do about it, and you must also know the bureaucratic obstacles making it difficult to do anything about it. It’s no easy to get infrastructure projects funded quickly, for instance. Not that they are needed so much. Because that’s another scam I highly suspect. And in getting rid of regulations you must leave something taht prevents genuone tragedies.

    Dionald trump repeated that about illegal immigbants being criminals. I thought maybe he wasn’t going to mention that/

    In the whole convention there was almost no speech taht did not throw in something about illegal immigration, but it was always mentioned in passing. This is perfect for losing votes. It reminds Hispanics and Assians about why they cannot even think about electing a Republican while not doing much to enthuse some others.

    Trump was very pro-LGBTQ – maybe because of Peter Thiel – but the platform was totally aaginst their issues. Of cousre what he was for was preventing them from being urdered because of a “hateful foreign ideology” Good choice of words. If Obama doesn’t want to use “Radical Islam, he could try “hateful foreign ideology.”

    the only ally he mentioned by name was Israel, whom he seems to regard maybe as the experts in dealing with political pathology in the Middle east. But who knows how much he would stick to it.
    Obama by the way, has outsourced handling Russia in Syria to Israel. Putin is afraid of possible israeli miitary intervention and pulled his troops out if southern Syria. The U.S. negotiates but all Putin is intereted in is preventing airdrops of food to people being starved.

    An amazing statement was that Bernie Sanders biggest issue was trade, and he expected to inherit some suppoort. I thought it was college tuition.

    Donald Trump made a stab at mentioning that the real problems of the inner city are ignored by Democrats . He mentioned education, then jobs then crime. he should hae mentioned crime first because it’s the ultimate cause of the other two. But he only made a stab at it.

    He counts jobs individually. It;s no good. He might tear up trade agreements abnd even military alliances.

    While it’s true that things got worse in the MMiddle Eqast since 2009, the iportant reason is becasue Obama wanted to wothdraw. Also he ignored the fact taht Al Quadi in Iraq had taken refuge in Syria.

    In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map.

    Libya was cooperating. Egypt was peaceful. Iraq was seeing a reduction in violence. Iran was being choked by sanctions. Syria was under control.

    Syria was “under control! It was ruled by a horrible tyrranical government, that, by the way, had supported the insurgency in Iraq. What’s the lesson? Save dictatorships? And Trump doesn’t say why the reduction in violence didn’t stay reduced. It’s becaus Obama pulled out troops.

    There can be no prosperity without law and order

    Something Michael Boomberg believed. You could not cut down on police. Quite different from Ed Koch.

    And when a Secretary of State illegally stores her emails on a private server, deletes 33,000 of them so the authorities can’t see her crime

    I tend to agree but why doesn’t he describe the probable crime?

    He seems to think gangs are coming across the border.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  100. 77. papertiger (c2d6da) — 7/22/2016 @ 12:27 pm

    In California we don’t have a shortage of law. We don’t have a shortage of faithful public servants.
    But we do have a shortage of prisons. And we do have a Supreme Court who tells us we need to make more room or cut some loose.

    Who’s going to build them? Who’s going to get the court off our back about where they are and what they look like after the building is done?

    Theer areways to gte around it.

    You can also do highly supervised probation or parole, enforced by quick, but short, 4 or 5 days stays in jail, like in Hawaii. People could also be sentenced to “community service; at least of government worker unions didn’t object. And you can spend more money. When you need to spend money, you should spend it. But they don’t spend money where it’ needed. That’s the problem with government budgeting. That’s why I oppose government budgets. Expenditures maybe should be tied to a source of revenue, but get rid of overall budgets. They only make government not work. Imagine you did an annual detailed budget in your personal life, how much mis-spending you would do.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  101. “And then there’s Maude….” Clinton response going on in Tampa.

    Scattered and weak. And awfully hard on the ears.

    Clad in a frog green outfit, all she can come up with is attacking The Great White Dope for repeating ‘I can fix it ALONE…’ which he really didn’t say. It ain’t easy bein’ green.

    But gawd… her voice rips at your ears like your first wife from 1975 badgering you to take out the trash in the middle of the 4th quarter of Monday Night Football as Cosell goes on a rant about Dallas cheerleaders shaking their pom-poms for Dandy Don.

    Such terrible choices this cycle: Maude Findlay or The Great White Dope.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  102. I heard Trump talk about the Constitution. I can’t say I expected but I had a little hope he would mention the First amendment. Hllary wants to overturn Citizen’s United. Also diclose contributions to non-profits so people can get boycotted and harassed. And then there’s truning over control of the Internet to foreign powers. Trump knew nothing about this.

    Nor about FDA regulations.

    Nor about an issue like the fact we don’t have pay-at-the-pump automobile insurance, or maybe some improved version of that idea.

    Trump mentiioned the Second amendment.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  103. Lyin Donald and lyin Denver
    Earlier today I saw a column written by someone who had a seat with a view of the scrolling speech,
    He said it as it was scrolling.
    No last minute changes.
    Pure set up betrayal.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  104. It’s been pointed out that Trump nowhere mentioned Congress. He did say that he would “repeal and replace” Obamacare and that involves Congress. He did not call for the election of any Republicans to Congress, though, although I suppose people think, if he wins, surely the Republicans will retain control of the both the House and the Senate.

    Trump mentioned freedom to choose your doctor, but didn’t go into it: the existence of narrow networks and the like. There should have been a paragraph or two about how invidious this is, and how it was caused by Obamacare in the case of policies bought on the exchanges.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  105. A lasy minute change could be inserted after Donald Trump last saw it, two hours before. Donald trump claims something was added. DId he say what he was talking about?

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  106. @105. Scatter shot. Listening to Th Great White Dope riff is like watching popcorn pop– except butter is yellow, not orange.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  107. When The Man Comes Around Sh*t Hits The Fan (Johnny Cashed-out version)

    “And I heard the noise of cackling, fingernails on a chalkboard
    It was the Hildebeast saying,
    ‘Come and see.’ and I saw, and beheld a pantsuited hoar”…

    There’s a Man kickin’ ass, takin’ names
    A new day and the rules ain’t the same
    No holds barred, are the rules of this game
    Bolt o’ lightning will kill you where you stand
    When the sh*t hits the fan

    The Dems on the street’ll act more squirrelly
    When the Man takes ’em by the short n’curlies
    And I do speak the truth n’don’t call me Shirley
    He’ll take that b*tch right down, ‘least that’s the plan
    When the sh*t hits the fan

    Hear the Trumpster, hear the pundits
    One hundred million say she’s lyin’
    Multitudes are marchin’ and the beat goes on
    Voices bleatin’, voices cryin’
    Sheep are shorn and dreams are dyin’
    It’s Us versus Them and it’s on

    And the whirlwind is in the mind’s eye
    pinandpuller is pulling on his dick
    And teh whirlwind is in the mind’s eye
    I’m sad that I wrote Dustin was a prick
    To the trenches, don’t hold back now, get ‘er dun
    No more moaning, time to have some real fun
    The wise men will rise up and take a stand
    And come this Fall won’t it be grand!
    When the sh*t hits the fan

    Sent from my iPhone

    Colonel Haiku (89ebb5)

  108. Trump will still be Trump in November and HRC will still be Hrc. If the election were tomorrow I’d have no choice to hold my nose, gag, and vote my conscience, Trump. The supreme court for thirty years is in play and HRC will, absolutely no question, lock it up for the left. Trump may screw up lots of things, including the court, but there is a chance he could pick constitutional judges. Maybe, hopefully. it is simply a choice of slim chance v none.

    rfy (0fd402)

  109. A lasy minute change could be inserted after Donald Trump last saw it, two hours before. Donald trump claims something was added. DId he say what he was talking about?
    Sammy Finkelman (372aad) — 7/22/2016 @ 3:13 pm

    I did a line by line comparison of the speech provided to the RNC before it’s delivery to the video of the actual speech. The line Trump is upset about is this one, the first line after congratulating Trump on his victory.

    “And like each of you I want to see the principles that our party believe prevail in November.”

    Seriously. He’s upset about that. He says by inserting it and not saying Trump shared those principles Cruz was implying he didn’t.

    You know the whole Cruz thing would have been a non-issue and dead in the water but Trump had to bring it up again. He’s into humiliating his competition. He likes hurting people. He can’t control his mouth or his vengeance driven actions. He is making it real easy for me to not care anymore. No matter what way this election goes, Hillary or Trump, our nation loses.

    Marce (c7079f)

  110. crime doesn’t pay that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  111. Virginia court invalidates Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s order restoring felon voting rights

    You called it, nk, but I’m very surprised. Sure, the constitution doesn’t explicitly say he can pardon people in wholesale batches, but nor does it say he can’t, so I don’t see where the court found such a limit. Certainly on the federal level there has never been such a limit, and I don’t think anyone ever questioned the blanket pardons that have been issued from time to time, such as Carter’s pardon of all Vietnam-era draft dodgers. But not to worry, McAuliffe can simply issue the pardons one at a time.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  112. It’s a long opinion but the summary of it seems to be
    — the disqualification of felons from voting is itself in the constitution and McAuliffe effectively amended it to felons not in custody;
    — the governor’s clemency power is not absolute;
    — it is unprecedented; and
    — such precedent as exists is against such blanket clemencies.

    nk (dbc370)

  113. oh for the love of lutheran jesus teen wolf is canceled

    how does that even help america

    it doesn’t

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  114. hatefulfeet (#88) said:

    omg Mr. Cruz isn’t even topical anymore he’s so over”

    To which I replied (#90):

    Then shut up, hatefulfeet.

    To which hatefulfeet replied (#91):

    you’re not doing unity

    you’re not even trying

    This is paradigmatically Trumpkin shill behavior, and nothing could possibly be more hypocritical, hateful, and dishonest: Trump and Trumpkins get to talk about Cruz, get to insult Cruz, get to lie through their rotting yellow teeth about Cruz and his family.

    Be we’re expected to give him, and them, absolute worship.

    Screw Trump; screw the Trumpkin shills; and please, please shut up, hatefulfeet.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  115. *But we’re expected …

    Beldar (fa637a)

  116. it had gotten stale by the second season, you misunderstand beldar, because those nominally in support of cruz, didn’t really have a game plan, past the underwear gnome stage, we’re in this mess,

    narciso (732bc0)

  117. That’s because kids would see even a mediocre werewolf movie (let alone a good one like An American Werewolf In London) and not want to watch this crappy show ever again. Go ahead, watch I Was A Teenage Werewolf with Little Joe Cartwright and see if I’m not right.

    nk (dbc370)

  118. Clinton picks Kaine.

    Whole white milk for the bowl of instant oatmeal.

    My God, I’m voting Trump.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  119. oh please mooper pooper you’re expected to not take everything so super serial

    ted lost get over it

    it’s a sub-tragedy on the big picture trust me

    lots of people don’t get to be president

    one of them needs to be stinkypig!

    my name is happyfeet and i approve this message

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  120. it’s a sub-tragedy *in* the big picture trust me i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  121. My God, I’m voting Trump.

    see this is moral clarity

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  122. I heard Trump talk about the Constitution. I can’t say I expected but I had a little hope he would mention the First amendment. Hllary wants to overturn Citizen’s United. Also diclose contributions to non-profits so people can get boycotted and harassed. And then there’s truning over control of the Internet to foreign powers. Trump knew nothing about this.

    Nor about FDA regulations.

    Nor about an issue like the fact we don’t have pay-at-the-pump automobile insurance, or maybe some improved version of that idea.

    Trump mentiioned the Second amendment.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad) — 7/22/2016 @ 3:06 pm

    In a speech that most think went too long to begin with, you can only mention so many things. Citizen’s United is something that would go over most people’s heads.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  123. Trump’s “scorched earth” approach AFTER he secured the nomination is going to hurt him. These people were rivals and not enemies until we all had enough of the infantile behavior he so regularly exhibits.

    I was never a #NeverTrump, but several months ago I became a #NotTrump. And every time I begin to rethink my reservations he fires up the blowtorch and engages in personal destruction against people he should be mending fences with.

    He needs to be going after Hillary and NOT Cruz.

    WarEagle82 (5bf75f)

  124. Tim Kaine. And Mike Pence before that. The little bird left behind in Pandora’s Box is playing with our minds.

    nk (dbc370)

  125. ur mixing up your greek stuff with emily d

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  126. No, you are. I would have said “the thing with feathers” but I don’t hate anybody here so much that I would inflict that dippy poetess on them.

    Only Hope was left within her unbreakable house,
    she remained under the lip of the jar, and did not
    fly away. Before [she could], Pandora replaced the
    lid of the jar. This was the will of aegis-bearing
    Zeus the Cloudgatherer.

    Hope could fly. If she was not a bird, what was she, a bat?

    nk (dbc370)

  127. Kaine and Unable.

    Colonel Haiku (89ebb5)

  128. she really wants to tick off doc brown’s minions,

    narciso (732bc0)

  129. Clinton picks Kaine?!

    Memo to Hillary:
    ‘Balls said the queen. If I had’em I’d be the king.’

    You ain’t got ’em, dear.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  130. Kaine later asked the crowd three questions about the choice voters face in the election against Trump: whether they want a “you’re hired” president or a “you’re fired” president; whether they want a “trash-talk” president or a “bridge-building” president; and whether they want a “me-first” or a “kids-and-families-first” president.

    He comes across as a likable and sensible guy and even Republicans like him on foreign policy and free markets. I could stand him as President.

    nk (dbc370)

  131. DCSCA, we know your ideal candidate is a bi-racial transvestite male prostitute with AIDS. Stop wasting bandwidth with your babbling.

    nk (dbc370)

  132. @132- Sorry, Ted isn’t running as an indy.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  133. Kaine looks like a mook leprechaun who had his Lucky Charms stolen and has a choice to make: “do I forgive the thief? Or do I take a drink?”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  134. yes, he seems harmless, but remember the one in the film with jennifer anniston,

    narciso (732bc0)

  135. #46, your attempt to spin what Trump said fails:
    You know, his father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being — you know, shot…
    I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this?


    Right prior to his being shot and nobody even brings it up. I mean, they don’t even talk about that. That was reported and nobody talks about it.

    Evan3457 (79ccc1)

  136. I meant #41, not #46.

    Evan3457 (79ccc1)

  137. I’m surprised Clinton picked Kaine.

    It’s a very defensive pick. My theory had been that Hillary can count on doing at least as well as Gore and Kerry did with the black vote nationally — no one can do as well as Obama did, nor likely ever will again, in locking up essentially the entire black vote — so she would pick a Latino to shore up that part of the Democratic Party’s base. And she’d pick someone, I thought, who arguably has some “outsiders” credibility, or at least the credibility of a fresh new face, to offset her own reputation as Secretary of Status Quo.

    Instead, she goes with a white guy — indeed, a bland ageing Ken Doll with a bit of a frat boy vibe who’s not much known outside his home state (although it is an important swing state, and he’ll probably secure it for her).

    It’s widely known, already part of the conventional wisdom, that Democrats have done worse and worse with white males ever since the Reagan era. Older white males are Trump’s best demographic, but many question whether there are enough of them, even if highly motivated and turning out in big proportions, to make up for how badly Trump does in other demographics, especially the young. Is Kaine intended to challenge Trump for these voters? I can’t see it — he’s just too damned dull.

    The media is playing this as a “safe, cautious choice,” which means that’s how Hillary wants this choice to be spun. And certainly Gov. Grilled Cheese Sandwich Made from Very White Bread isn’t going to upset many stomachs — he’s not going to accidentally help drive up GOP turn-out or otherwise backfire.

    What I think this means, though, is that she’s going to run a campaign based on making America afraid of Trump, while Trump tries to run a campaign based on how afraid America is of terrorism and internal racial discord. He’s got by far the better theme, and (sickly) he’s helped by every new terrorist attack anywhere in the world or any new racial violence in the U.S. — if but only if he can stop saying and doing things that make people (including many still dubious Republicans) quite afraid of the prospect that he may someday have the nuclear launch codes in his tiny little fingers. She’s by far the more disciplined campaigner, her staff and organization are about 10 times larger, 100 times better financed, and 1000 times more experienced than his. She’s obviously counting on Trump to keep being Trump, which I think is a very smart bet.

    But I don’t think this was a smart choice. She’s picked a doubles partner who may not score a single ace of his own, who may not even hold his serve, but who is certain not to lose his serve through foot-faults and outs. If Trump doesn’t cooperate with her demonization efforts, Kaine’s no help beyond Virginia’s electoral votes, IMHO.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  138. Also, Tim Kaine has the weirdest left eyebrow of any human being in recorded history.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  139. Assuming there’s a Kaine vs. Pence debate, nobody will watch it. In foreign countries, they’ll sell DVDs of it as a sleeping aid.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  140. Pence Pence I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the Earth!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  141. “Don’t scare white people” is a sound strategy. If Hillary scares white people less than Trump, she’ll win. If she only manages to get them to stay home she’ll win, because she has the better organization to bring out the faithful.

    nk (dbc370)

  142. do not drive or operate heavy machinery, when listening to kaine,

    narciso (732bc0)

  143. nk (#142): Yes, you said that much more concisely! Thanks, and bravo!

    Beldar (fa637a)

  144. I thought she would go Stavridis or Booker (based on polling showing black leakage to Trump), but I don’t think Obama’s favorite democratically elected dictator would like a Greek that close to the buttons. Kaine is least harm, helps to scare the Fed workers in NOVA into voting for their livelihood but little else. It gives her flexibility to focus on NC, FL, and in the now light reds of GA and AZ. You can absorb at least a swap of OH and MI that way.

    I don’t think Trump would have got nearly as far if a Gen. Mattis or at least an older version of Tom Cotton was running against him. That was the true weakness of the nonTrump field.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  145. It’s a very defensive pick.

    And the Donald is a very offensive p(r)ick!

    Yoda (feee21)

  146. Thank you, Beldar.

    nk (dbc370)

  147. they may have their own central nervous system,

    narciso (732bc0)

  148. They had a head to head poll on the Bing homepage for a minute.
    Bing 2016 vote poll

    It’s was going cattywampass for Hill, so they pulled it down.
    But I preserved the moment for your viewing pleasure.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  149. @ urbanleftbehind (#145): Thanks for that interesting comment! I’m particularly intrigued by the phrase, “an older version of Tom Cotton.”

    I’m a huge, huge fan of his, and have been a contributor since his first race in Arkansas, even though I rarely donate to non-Texas politicians. I agree with what your comment implies — that as he gains experience and gravitas, he is going to be an important figure on the national stage.

    He has quite a bit in common with Ted Cruz, and they reportedly are friends. They’re both hyper-articulate and wicked smart on their feet under pressure. Cotton doesn’t (yet) have Ted Cruz’ legal chops or track record, but — as I think your comment implies, urbanleftbehind — Cotton is undoubtedly the winner, as between him and Cruz, in the “who would the ordinary person on the street have a better first impression of” contest. Cotton is a nerd like Cruz, but Cotton probably has more natural social graces. Another thing they have in common is that they’ve both taken every opportunity to put a thumb in the eye of Barack Obama — he and the other Dems-with-a-clue hate and fear them both, and would love to eliminate them early in their careers. But Cotton has certainly gotten along better with his colleagues in the House and, now, the Senate.

    Cotton didn’t endorse before the Arkansas primary, even though there were other Arkansas GOP figures who had endorsed Cruz and among the political cover of whom, Cotton might have done that as well. I was disappointed at the time; in hindsight, it’s probably for the best.

    I cannot believe that Tom Cotton views Donald Trump with anything but dismay and contempt. But he has a warrior’s discipline to go with his lawyerly shrewdness, and I expect him to continue to be among the most deliberative and deliberate GOP leaders between now and November. There have to be some adults along the margins to remediate some of the chaos Trump causes with his clown car campaign, and Cotton is someone I’m hoping will step up to do that.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  150. I think cotton did support trump because he couldn’t get one senator, not lee not sasse, nor
    cruz, anybody to do their constitution duty and treat the rhodes roadshow as a treaty, instead you had the travismockasham of Corker-Cardin, lets get something straight none of these democrats mean anything good, when push came to show, they fall in line, on every significant administration policy,

    narciso (732bc0)

  151. he’s got a semi standing seat at morning joke,

    narciso (732bc0)

  152. people’s livelihoods are at stake far and wee in this pitiful country

    stinkypig’s been quite frank about this

    Don’t let anybody, don’t let anybody tell you that, ah, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly.

    but with Mr. Beldar it’s all about who shows dismay and contempt for the right sorts

    he’s got his

    he’s a rich white boy texas lawyer don’t you know

    stinkypig can’t touch him

    he’s content to sit back and watch what she does on you though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  153. lawyerly shrewdness

    who ever says this in real life?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  154. So you prefer a rich white boy New York familiar of Roy Cohn?

    nk (dbc370)

  155. No, hatefulfeet, you’re entitled to your opinions.

    What has made me stop being willing to put up with your silliness is that you are a deeply nasty individual, whose writings here are emotional and out-of-control when you discuss subjects like Heidi Cruz. You are literally out of control.

    This has nothing to do with Hillary. This is me telling you: Don’t think that you get away with the happy flowers and unicorns routine when the substance of what you’re writing is hateful.

    It makes you seem demented and dangerous. I wouldn’t let you near any of my children under any circumstances.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  156. stinkypig is bad news Mr. nk

    Mr. Trump isn’t begonias and tulips and chardonnay by a long shot

    but he’ll buy people time as the failmerica-titanic sinks

    real people who matter

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  157. little beldar you like to make things personal and insult people

    you don’t like it do you when people do it back on you

    you’re a lot more like Mr. The Donald than I think you know

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  158. happyfeet, Beldar is held in very high esteem here. Deservedly. Any insults against him are a reflection on the person making them.

    nk (dbc370)

  159. i love him more than beans and pickles Mr. nk

    but he keeps being mean on me

    so I thought I’d put him my honest opinion

    the trend we see here

    is that a certain class

    a white well-off shrewd and lawyerly class

    they has a sad about Mr. Trump to where they wanna bring on the stinkypig (yale) (white) (lawyer)

    it’s time that if we are doing honest inquiry

    it’s time we look at this

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  160. @159- Cut him some slack. He’s still bitter over some all-hat-and-no-cattle fella in the news a while back who committed political suicide and had his body shipped back to Texas. You remember his name… Edwardo something.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  161. Whereas the Trumpkins can be identified by the perpetual stench of the penguin shit littlering threads with no content posts.

    That was your point, right stinky?

    Rick Ballard (04482a)

  162. You know, I would second a motion to have this site dispense with DCSCA’s “contributions”. He’s just a long-winded version of Perry. It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t the name thing over and over and over and over and over ….

    nk (dbc370)

  163. you entertain the international man of mystery, but you can’t ridicule him sufficiently, he would have to be selfaware, about so many things,

    narciso (732bc0)

  164. I guess I need to go digging back in the archives for our DCSCA material. Since I spent time writing it up back then.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  165. After the 2008 election, made a vow I did! Would never vote for the lesser of two evils again, or vote against someone either. Vowed to only vote for someone I could support, not just to vote against the other person. Kept this vow I have! Left the top blank, in the 2012 race, voted only the down ticket. Refused to vote for liberal Romneycare. Received a lot of flack here for it I did. This year do the same I will. Not vote for lesser of two evils, will not vote for Evil period! Vote for bigger evil, or lesser evil, still a vote for evil it is. The dark side it is, and once down that path you start, forever dominate your destiny it will! Give me someone I can support, or vote I will not!

    Just like older brother, give you a sip of some Corellian Jump Juice he took from parents, so if caught he can cast blame on you to try and lessen discipline on himself! Will not participate in this! If Clinton wins, blame falls on Trumpkin idiots! If Trump wins and governs like tin-horn dictator (he will if he wins), or makey deals and govern like NY east coast liberal fascist he is, blame also falls on Trumpkin buttmonkey idiots too!

    And after the standing ovation last night that the log cabin homo gave in support of same sex marriage and support of LGBTQXYZ, also of putting women at risk of harm with their transgender restroom nonsense, and the complete repudiation of everything this Republic was founded upon, Yoda has but one thing left to say;

    “So this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause.”

    Yoda (feee21)

  166. When will this blog explicitly endorse Hillary, instead of just attacking her opponent and pretending it’s not the same thing.

    Mr Black (7c41e5)

  167. ao he’s mostly harmless, only if you’re not paying attention,

    narciso (732bc0)

  168. @ Mr Black (#167), who asked:

    When will this blog explicitly endorse Hillary, instead of just attacking her opponent and pretending it’s not the same thing.

    I don’t speak for its owner. Were I to guess, though, that will happen on or about the day when the owner has a stroke that wipes out 80% of his mental capacity, at which point your argument will instantly seem compelling and profound.

    Until then — from these comments to God’s ears! — I think likely not.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  169. I’m feeling less pessimistic, actually. Maybe the Trumpkins don’t get it, but there’s evidence that the ruling class does. The selection of Mike Pence. The selection of Tim Kaine. Cruz’s speech too. What’s the “it”? That the American electorate can only be f***ed around so much. That it won’t be either BLM or the Aryan Brotherhood driving the agenda. We’ll see how it shakes out.

    And Jewel has sardines in olive oil at 99 cents per 3.75 can. That’s a great deal and with a little tomato and onion a great light lunch.

    nk (dbc370)

  170. *3.75 oz can*

    nk (dbc370)

  171. Mr Black,

    It is pretty telling that you think rock-ribbed conservatives would consider voting for Hillary. Obviously you understand just how TERRIBLE the GOP candidate is that you fear such large-scale defections.

    Question: How many times did you think that people who didn’t like Mitt Romney were therefore going to vote for Obama? I’d wager none. But Trump is SOOOOOO bad that you worry.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  172. well pence was well intentioned fellow, who walked into a firestorm, kaine is the kind of hack you keep on a jar on a bureau next to the funk and wagnalls,

    narciso (732bc0)

  173. Tim Kaine. What do you get when you throw and honest man into a wretched hive of scum and villainy? Answer: An “honest man” who looks the other way.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  174. @ hatefulfeet (#159) & nk (#160): Thank, nk, but contrary to hatefulfeet’s assertion, I’m not bothered, or dismayed, or anything but amused, by anything nasty that hatefulfeet rights about me.

    That’s just the internet. Pish posh, I wrote 3000 posts on my own blog that generated surely at least that many critical comments over the course of many years.

    I am offended on behalf of Ted Cruz’ family, because they are decent people. When people write the kinds of things about Heidi Cruz or Rafael Cruz that hatefulfeet writes here, day in and day out — not political comments, nothing but pure undiluted spite and bile, usually scatalogical — then I believe other decent people should point out that depravity.

    I really don’t even care when he writes his nonsense about Cruz. Cruz is a public figure on the world stage; what this wack job writes about him doesn’t matter two gnat farts in a hurricane. Again, Cruz is a politician, this is the internet, knock yourself out.

    But the bile at the family members — the constant lies — I’m sick of it. I’m repelled by it. I don’t think it’s at all funny. I don’t think it’s at all cute. I don’t think it’s legitimate political advocacy on behalf of Donald Trump, nor any issues or cause.

    It’s just pus, and I’m tired of having to wade through it.

    So I protest. Govern yourself, hatefulfeet, for pete’s sake. You’re abusing our host’s principles in a calculated, pathological fashion. I wouldn’t miss you, just speaking as one reader among many.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  175. Still, I think it matters. It’s like the saying that hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. “They” understand that they have to moderate their villainy, and not only in appearance.

    nk (dbc370)

  176. My last comment was to Kevin’s just above.

    nk (dbc370)

  177. when do they ever get called on it, kaine is a cretinous fool who should never have been promoted past committeeman, but the top men are two busy sticking knives in cuccinelli or o’donnell or the one in mississippi name escapes me,

    narciso (732bc0)

  178. the miguelito lovelace, (anklebiting) treatment about a snippet of a speech, which goes back all the way to the torah, numbers is in that collection no,

    narciso (732bc0)

  179. you sound like you been offended Mr. Beldar

    pickle-poo that was never my intention

    let’s start over

    hi i’m happyfeet and my biggest thing (whole whirl) is I’m scared what stinkypig will do on america

    i’m so scared

    she’s gonna hurt so many people

    hurt them in a forever kind of hurt

    how can we work together to make it more better?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  180. seriously you have a laser focus about things that matter little, and almost a lethe like blytheness to the things that do,

    narciso (732bc0)

  181. blindness, btw, that anthony fellow was in a horrible film with seth rogen,

    narciso (732bc0)

  182. I wondered if you were making a play on words on Bill Clinton’s birth name.

    nk (dbc370)

  183. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE whose first priority was making sure that Hillary Clinton never graced the Oval Office would never have supported this ranting fool Trump. But that wasn’t their first priority. What they really wanted to do was scream and yell and act out because they’re “mad as hell and won’t take it any more.” And Trump’s just the guy to do it. But as far as beating Hillary, he is the least likely person to do so, barring perhaps Jeb!.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  184. But blitheness would have served as well as blindness.

    nk (dbc370)

  185. i supported Mr. Walker first


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  186. freudian slip, you go to war with the candidate you have or don’t, you want california writ large across the entire country, than go with the modern equivalent of james birney, the liberty party candidate who nonetheless blocked clay from becoming president, hence putting james polk, a slaveholding protege of jackson in office,

    narciso (732bc0)

  187. His views on reproductive rights seem to have evolved, however, and as a senator he’s received a perfect score from Planned Parenthood for his pro-choice voting record.
    Kaine’s support of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal also represents a fault line between him and the progressives supportive of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who strongly opposes the deal.
    Some have also raised questions about Kaine’s relationship with Wall Street, as Kaine drew the ire of progressives for recently signing a letter supportive of loosening regulations on large banks.

    From “What you need to know about Tim Kaine” – Thick Regress

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  188. an example like edith keeler’s ill fated venture into politics, since they are doing a trek marathon,

    narciso (732bc0)

  189. concerning metaphysics,

    In 1845, Lincoln told a Liberty Party supporter that if the ‘whig abolitionists of New York had voted with us last fall, Mr. Clay would now be president, whig principles in the ascendant, and Texas not annexed; whereas by the division [of the Liberty and Whig forces], all that either had at stake in the contest was lost.’ An anti-slavery Whig had declared to Lincoln that he could not vote for the slaveholder Clay, because people of conscience ‘are not to do evil, that good may come. Plaintively Lincoln asked: ‘If by your votes you could have prevented the extension, &c. of slavery, would it not have been good and not evil so to have used your votes, even though it involved the casting of them for a slaveholder? By the fruit the tree is to be known. An evil tree can not bring forth good fruit. If the fruit of electing Mr. Clay would have been to prevent the extension of slavery, could the act of electing have been evil?”

    narciso (732bc0)

  190. hatefulfeet, I don’t want to “work with you.”

    I want you to stop with the nastiness, the falsehoods, and the attacks on Cruz’ family. That’s my preference, just speaking as someone who’s obviously done putting up with you.

    Go to town on Hillary. I think your fascination with urine is not particularly getting you a lot of traction in your attacks, but whatever you think works in enthusing people to vote against her, that’s terrific.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  191. well you all give him leeway, jeff goldstein did as well for a time,

    narciso (732bc0)

  192. ok this is a good start Mr. Beldar

    let’s circle back

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  193. strikingly kaine’s judgement is wrong all the way around

    narciso (732bc0)

  194. Actually it’s Clinton picking up the mantle to “avenge” Cruz’s … um , tactics I guess.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  195. ‘now you might think’ well the mexican war gave us california, and solidified texas, but it also led to the civil war,

    narciso (732bc0)


    Paraphrasing Sherman: If she wants to go down the path Cruz took, I’ll pay for the campaign ad.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  197. Trump has given Pence has his own campaign plane.
    Love it.

    mg (31009b)

  198. oops on has

    mg (31009b)

  199. Mike Pence on a national ticket. : )

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  200. I was honestly on the fence about Trump a little bit, but after having the pleasure of interacting with some Trump supporters about Cruz not kissing the ring. I’m thinking I’d rather poor my efforts into making Trump’s election as difficult as possible.

    Dejectedhead (d243ce)

  201. The Pro Cruz analysis here is delusional

    1) RNC types are hating on Cruz cuz if Trump wins he can provide the pork
    2) Cruz wants to be loved? Win in 2020/4 and then these same folks will love you.

    Bottom line is the RNC is a business and those attending are profit seekers.

    When I heard what Cruz did all I thought to myself Cruz is calculating his one shot at POTUS is for a Trump crash and burn then he can say I told u so. If not, Cruz is done on the National stage for going against the economic interests of the Party.

    Please leave the fan boy principled conservative stuff in the shitter cuz that has nothing to do with it. Ted is about Ted first and he is brazenly ambitious …. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    Rodney King's Spirit (603237)

  202. When will this blog explicitly endorse Hillary, instead of just attacking her opponent and pretending it’s not the same thing.

    How about never?

    Patterico (72bd42)

  203. the Republican party has hated Cruz ever since he beat their guy, David Dewhurst for the Senate seat. He beat him in a run-off. Rich David was supposed to have a cake-walk. One commenter asks what Rush and Levin think. Rush has been in the Tank for Trump for a while — and I don’t know why. He alibis, says, “what Trump meant to say was…” Larry Elder even blamed Cruz last nite for the misbehaving Repub delegates who chased Heidi Cruz out. Levin is fortunately level-headed. I don’t think he will succumb to the cult of Trump. So if Trump is elected, will there be a purge ? Of course. Will RUsh survive, of course, he is in the tank. Will Levin, No.

    SD Harms (c7dded)

  204. I was honestly on the fence about Trump a little bit, but after having the pleasure of interacting with some Trump supporters about Cruz not kissing the ring. I’m thinking I’d rather poor my efforts into making Trump’s election as difficult as possible.

    Yeah, like you lot of have been gracious.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4)

  205. This blog is the refuge of denialist, depraved and daft public ‘service’ ticks. Forget from day one Reagan’s priority ‘Just win baby’, Lombardi’s “Winning is the only thing”, we are herein exhorted to lose at every turn and having lost to take our soiled selves home in splendid isolation.

    Your champion turned out, in fact, to be a Bushist pandering to an effete clique of narcissists, his constituency of peers in national office limited to one UT Senator. He offered no path whatever to accomplishing his red meat goals of abolishing the IRS and restoring government to constitutional grounds, the very complaint registered against his opponent, the victor who actually addressed the concerns of the electorate.

    The evidence from moment to moment has been that you are incorrigibly clueless, ignorant and unteachable. Do not call, you won’t be needed.

    DNF (ffe548)

  206. I was honestly on the fence about Trump a little bit, but after having the pleasure of interacting with some Trump supporters about Cruz not kissing the ring. I’m thinking I’d rather poor my efforts into making Trump’s election as difficult as possible.

    Dejectedhead (d243ce) — 7/22/2016 @ 11:41 pm

    I’m not even going to do that. The way I look at it, the Party bought the ticket, now they can take the ride. From this point on, I don’t care what the Republicans do. It’s up to them to drag his worthless orange ass over the finish line first.

    The evidence from moment to moment has been that you are incorrigibly clueless, ignorant and unteachable. Do not call, you won’t be needed.

    DNF (ffe548) — 7/23/2016 @ 5:46 am

    So, I guess that means you won’t be back? You’ll be a lot happier over at Breitbart. The Cult of Orange is considerably stronger over there. Or are you worried that your voice will just get drowned out in a sea of pro-Trump craziness?

    Bill H (971e5f)

  207. Trump’s dementia du jour is a claim that with the pick of Tim Kaine, he has a shot at Bernie supporters. (He may have meant on Fifth Avenue, you never know.) But I just can’t see them being enticed with free tuition at Trump University.

    Seriously, the demented old loon’s tools are anger and resentment and he’ll look for them wherever he can. Nobody like that should be President.

    nk (dbc370)

  208. #204 Dejectedhead,

    You’re determining your Presidential vote based on a small sampling of negative interactions with anonymous commenters at a blog? Really?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  209. Look, I realize you folks are sad that your political philosophy has been repudiated and cast on the ash heap of history.

    I get it: it sucks. My condolences.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4)

  210. You’re determining your Presidential vote based on a small sampling of negative interactions with anonymous commenters at a blog? Really?

    ^ Wisdom.

    On a blog where the commenters and proprietor, for that matter, have been acting pretty darn bitter, no less.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4)

  211. “Rush has been in the Tank for Trump for a while — and I don’t know why. He alibis, says, “what Trump meant to say was…””

    How were his ratings doing before and after? The hair on fire howlers have not been generating the interest they once enjoyed for some time and either Trump or Clinton in the WH is an opportunity to drag out the last gasp. The last gasp model also applies to Gingrich and Palin.

    Rick Ballard (04482a)

  212. Rush has been in the Tank for Trump for a while — and I don’t know why.

    Well, perhaps listen to what he says?

    And try to open your mind?

    You’re not knowing something doesn’t mean there isn’t something important to know.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4)

  213. Look, I realize you folks are sad that your political philosophy has been repudiated and cast on the ash heap of history.

    That’s the Constitution you see burning.

    Enjoy the new boss.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  214. 211. And Hill should be Coke and Uranium traffic Baroness, Extortionist nonpariel, Autocrat and Architect of our Venezuelan patterned depression to failed state, etc.

    Old fat-assed lawyers don’t fade away they just roll about in facile ponds of intellectual dissipation.

    DNF (ffe548)

  215. Yes,
    People always say that things like keeping marriage vows is so out of date…
    But when this portion of history is closed,
    Those are the type of things that remain.

    MD in Philly (784e1c)

  216. I think Rush has become so focused on beating Dems and Clintons that he has lost track of what we are supposed to stand for.

    MD in Philly (784e1c)

  217. 219. And birds of a feather flock together. Was there ever a time when you were not full of anger and resentment, gary?

    nk (dbc370)

  218. I can’t wait for the Democrat Circus to begin on Monday.
    It’s like an anthropological study, observing how those people behave and what comes out of their mouths.
    While the world is burning, they’re going to be promoting federal laws about transgender bathrooms. They’ll also lecture America about how terrible the public schools are, and how all these high school drop-outs in the inner city who come from single-parent homes would have gotten a scholarship to Harvard if only Republicans at the state level had voted to increase spending on education.
    I wonder how publick skool teechers feel every time they hear the Democrats trash them.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  219. DNF ” Do not call, you won’t be needed.”

    You came here.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  220. #212 You’re determining your Presidential vote based on a small sampling of negative interactions with anonymous commenters at a blog? Really?

    Cruz Supporter

    Not really just that. The interaction I had wasn’t on this blog either. Plus I never said it was about my vote, it’s more of a feeling of poking holes in Trump’s message and calling out his hypocritical stances to sway other people’s votes away from him.

    Dejectedhead (d243ce)

  221. Bruce Rauner, our Republican governor, famously said that half of the teachers in Chicago public schools are illiterate. I believe him. I had one, at Lane Tech, at that time Chicago’s best high school, who was worse than illiterate — she was a literally raving paranoid-schizophrenic. Of the rest, one-third were illiterates coasting on kids all of whom were smarter than they were; one-third were using the school as a stepping-stone to administrative positions; and one-third were excellent, dedicated teachers.

    nk (dbc370)

  222. yeah it’s hard to think highly of teachers unless you really really know them

    they did this on themselves

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  223. “all of whom were”

    No, no, no. Not good. “All of who were” not “all of whom were”. “To be” defines the nominative, for crying out loud.

    nk (dbc370)

  224. 222. Believe as you wish old man. This echo chamber shrinks from natural attrition before our eyes.

    DNF (755a85)

  225. Glad your back, G.G.

    mg (31009b)

  226. I’m six (maybe seven) years younger than you and a size 34-34 in off the rack khakis, Mr. Sunshine.

    nk (dbc370)

  227. This place has gone full mataconis, possibly even ballon juice.

    narciso (732bc0)

  228. This place has gone full mataconis, possibly even ballon juice.

    narciso (732bc0) — 7/23/2016 @ 9:33 am

    Yah, but it’s because of the trolls, not the host. I have no idea what Patrick’s gonna do, since the self-deportation thing doesn’t seem to be working yet. At least we know this isn’t LGF.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  229. Don’t lump DNF in with the trolls. He is our venerable Eyore of long standing here.

    nk (dbc370)

  230. The most honest Trump sound bite yesterday was when he was talking about unity in the party. He said “If I don’t win, I’m gonna blame, Mike, right! We have to blame Mike!”
    Supposedly said as a joke Pence better be aware that Trump will follow through with this one. His history shows nothing but blaming others, vengeance and destroying people. If Trump loses Pence better start looking for a hideout because it will be just hours before it’s his fault.

    Marce (c7079f)

  231. Mr. Gary is muy perspicacious

    he’s the gull what flies highest

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  232. I beg to differ, this place is almost indistingishable fro. The Huffington host

    narciso (b863a7)

  233. change is a stranger you have yet to know Mr. narciso

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  234. @ Denver Guy (#214): It’s really, really rich to see Trumpkins complaining of rudeness.

    Here you are, spewing your bile without limits — saying things that if you were in a bar, would get your lights punched out.

    And Patterico’s paying for your bandwidth to do it, as you complain about him.

    The only word that’s remotely adequate for that attitude is “scum.”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  235. @ DNF (#229): If you disappear back into the woodwork, I wouldn’t call that “natural attrition.” I’d call that “progress” or “a relief” or maybe even “a good day’s work.”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  236. You’re determining your Presidential vote based on a small sampling of negative interactions with anonymous commenters at a blog? Really?

    ^ Wisdom.

    On a blog where the commenters and proprietor, for that matter, have been acting pretty darn bitter, no less.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4) — 7/23/2016 @ 6:24 am

    here is Mr. Denver’s #214

    i boldered his part the other part is him quoting another commenter person

    i don’t take him to be “complaining of rudeness” here at all

    he’s saying that he thinks that a lot of people are not really seeing the big picture I think, and they’re way too much freighting the importance of the quips and utterances found in this sparkly and effervescent little microcosm of ours

    i find no trace of bile

    i find nothing here that would justify physical bar violence in a bar especially not if they have fancy herb-infused ice cubes

    i do not think that Mr. Denver Guy is scum

    I think he’s appealing to our better angels in a very fractious time

    I wish him only good things

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  237. #225 Dejectedhead,

    Oh, I see …
    You had bad experiences at TWO or THREE blogs!

    Do you need a safe space from obnoxious people on the internet during a contentious election year?

    Those little devils in ISIS are cutting people’s heads off.
    The BLM inspired ghetto punks are assassinating police officers on the street.
    Yet you’re getting all irritated because some Trumpkins have given you a hard time about Ted Cruz?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  238. Street Fighting Right Thinking Man

    Ev’rywhere I read the words of hateful, mocking screeds, boy
    Cause summer’s here and the time is right for sowing seeds of hate, boy
    But what can a good man do
    ‘cept to make him one last stand
    ’cause to grease the skids for Clinton
    Ain’t no good for a right thinking man

    Hey! Think the time is right there ain’t no substitution
    Throwin’ hissy fits and sittin’ home is really no solution
    Well, then what can a good man do
    ‘cept to throw down and lend a hand
    ‘Cause four years of these assclowns
    Just ain’t no good for a right thinking man

    Hey! Breaks the law and smiles and cackles
    We’ll shout and scream, it’s not a dream, we’ll see that b*tch in shackles
    Well, what can a good man do
    ‘cept to throw down and lend a hand
    Cause to crown a crooked creep
    Just ain’t no plan to a right thinking man

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  239. hatefulfeet, you used the word “I” in that comment (#241) almost as much as Obama uses the word “I” in his speeches. Obama’s one of the most narcissistic people on the planet, but he’s miles behind Trump, so all the little Trumpkin shills feel obliged to try to keep up.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  240. And some bitterness is justified. I’ll explain it to you after Trump apologizes to Heidi Cruz and Rafael Cruz, and then after you apologize to everyone here.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  241. Street Fighting Right Thinking Man

    Ev’rywhere I read the words of hateful, mocking screeds, boy
    Cause summer’s here and the time is right for sowing seeds of hate, boy
    But what can a good man do
    ‘cept to make him one last stand
    ’cause to grease the skids for Clinton
    Ain’t no good for a right thinking man

    Hey! Think the time is right there ain’t no substitution
    Throwin’ hissy fits and sittin’ home is really no solution
    Well, then what can a good man do
    ‘cept to throw down and lend a hand
    ‘Cause four years of these a$$clowns
    Just ain’t no good for a right thinking man

    Hey! Breaks the law and smiles and cackles
    We’ll shout and scream, it’s not a dream, we’ll see that gal in shackles
    Well, what can a good man do
    ‘cept to throw down and lend a hand
    Cause to crown a crooked creep
    Just ain’t no plan to a right thinking man

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  242. Me in moderation!?!? Who woulda thunk it!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  243. “I” is a good word sometimes, when you just trying to say about how another commenter is being maligned unfairly

    sometimes though not so much

    i think though this is one of the good times

    i do not owe tacky tacky ted and his ticky tacky sacky an apology

    they are very late in life learning the important lesson about how choices have consequences

    good for them!

    but the rest of us have a stinkypig we have to contend with

    this is a moment of high purpose you see

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  244. #245 Colonel Haiku,

    That Perry guy doesn’t even get put into moderation — you should be so proud!
    They fear your conservative haiku more than Perry’s unhinged left wing grammatically-incorrect streams of unconsciousness. (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  245. All things in moderation.
    I read it years ago on a schnapps bottle.

    Erwin Rommel (31009b)

  246. No haiku, it was a fairly clean song parody. Oh, well…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  247. you may have said “g- man” or the w word or the r word or the p-s- word or any number of other banned words

    this is just america anymore

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  248. Col H, wheb it gets unmoderated, I am sure it will be worth the wait.

    kishnevi (5cc98a)

  249. harvardtrash ted is the best thing what ever happened to the GOPe

    what a gift

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  250. (i just listened to his whole obnoxious speech)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  251. “All jokes aside, the Republican Party is officially afraid of Donald Trump. He has virtually zero chance of winning the presidential nomination.” – Politico, 6/26/15. Oops.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  252. @253- Nova Kaine. Dulls your senses and puts you to sleep.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  253. Don’t lump DNF in with the trolls. He is our venerable Eyore of long standing here.

    nk (dbc370) — 7/23/2016 @ 10:01 am

    Fair enough, except that Eeyore is a much more sympathetic character.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  254. Try reposting it, Colonel?

    Bill H (971e5f)

  255. @218. Sooner or later you’ll realize that voters don’t read the Constitution. They read People. And TV Guide. And the National Enquirer. And walk into traffic playing games on their gadgets.

    We’re deep into an era when Americans don’t want to be governed, they wish to be entertained. When image over substance wins. A time effectively perfected by Mike Deaver with the help of two seasoned, experienced actors- Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Which is why The Great White Dope has a very good chance of winning this given how poorly his competition plays on television.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  256. Our esteemed host wrote:

    When will this blog explicitly endorse Hillary, instead of just attacking her opponent and pretending it’s not the same thing.

    How about never?

    I can’t speak for our host, but Hillary Clinton is going to carry Pennsylvania, period, regardless of how I vote. Therefore, I can safely vote for the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, and that is my current intention. Hillary Clinton will carry California, period, so our host could vote for Mr Johnson, and even endorse him, without changing the outcome in November.

    No, I’m not completely happy with Mr Johnson, but at least I’m not offended by him.

    The realistic Dana (1b79fa)

  257. Milhouse (5a188d) — 7/22/2016 @ 4:44 pm

    But not to worry, McAuliffe can simply issue the pardons one at a time.

    He’d get writer’s cramp from writing his signature so many times.

    The Governor’s office did not provide any list, probably because, first of all, they don’t have one, and seoondly, to evade Virginia Code § 24.2-431, which allows three qualified voters to file a petition in the circuit court of the county or city in which they are registered, stating their objections to the registration of any person whose name is on the registration records for their city or county.

    But maybe he could sign just once, and put all those names in one document, which he didn’t do here. Although maybe that also wouldn’t work.

    The court also said: The assertion that a Virginia Governor has the power to grant blanket, group pardons is irreconcilable with the specific requirement in Article V, Section 12 that the Governor communicate to the General Assembly the “particulars of every case” and state his “reasons” for each pardon….No such requirement exists in the United States Constitution, and thus, the text of Article V, Section 12 of the Constitution of Virginia undermines the Governor’s argument by analogy. That means a separate legal document, and a separate signature for each one of them. (Governor McAuliffe argued that that requirement does not apply to the type of pardon which merely removes political disabilities.)

    The court also said Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia declares: “That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any authority, without consent of the representatives of the people, is injurious to their rights, and ought not to be exercised.” And what Governor McAuliffe did was not a pardon but a suspension of law (well at least it would be if it applied to people who would become disqualified from voting on a date subsequent to the date of his pardon, and that’s probably what it is de facto even if not de jure.)

    This is a clause that didn’t manage to make it into the Bill of Rights (maybe because James Madison thought it went without saying? Or is it because soeone wanted to make exceptions?) but it’s been in every Virginia constitution.

    BTW, the motive for this was clearly purely political – vote counting – because the governor did not also remove the other political disabilities imposed on felons in Virginia: to hold public office, to serve on a jury, and to act as a notary public.

    One judge dissented on standing and another two dissented BOTH on standing and on substance.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  258. nk (dbc370) — 7/23/2016 @ 8:30 am

    and one-third were excellent, dedicated teachers.

    Thete is so much redundancy in education, you don’t need more. In fact, you might be able to get along with 10% to 15% of the teachers being excellent. It’s when you drop below 10% or 15% in the percentage of excellent teachers that a school fails.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  259. 233. Sorry friend, I’m the same weight as when I did an Ironman 34 years ago, working out 5-6 times weekly. Dad died in May at 88 so I expect to outlive you by decades.

    DNF (ffe548)

  260. May you live long and prosper, gary.

    nk (dbc370)

  261. Gerald A (76f251) — 7/22/2016 @ 5:19 pm

    Citizen’s United is something that would go over most people’s heads.

    He can explain it, and you don’t think he mentioned alot of things that went over some people’s heads? You nmntion things like that to reassure or appeal to voters who do understand it. Does everybody know what LGBTQ means? Although maybe there he didn’t want all people to understand, so he used a novel term; in other words, it was a dog whistle.

    He even alluded to how cheering that sentence was something that’s unusual (“nice to hear”) at a Republican National Convention, although they probably were cheering the words “hateful foreign ideology” more than anything else.

    When he mentioned Hillary Clinton, and the constitution and the Supreme Court, the mention of the First Amendment (which Hillary even proposed amending!) and Citizens United was called for.

    It wasn’t that this was over part of the audience’s head. The problem is, it’s also over Donald Trump’s head. I think he didn’t mention it because he didn’t know anything about it, and nobody alerted him to it. Or maybe the reason is that it’s something that he’d like to overturn it, too. He’d like to overturn New York Times v Sullivan, if he had his druthers.

    I don’t think the word “druthers” is in the dictionary.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)


    Sammy, as Avogadro’s Law states, if you want to know something on the internet, don’t post the question, post the wrong answer.

    nk (dbc370)

  263. the problem is thee court came up with perhaps the wrong remedy to the problem, citizens united was about access to media, not necessarily funds, in that vein it ratified superpacs, which are a valuable tool but not the be and end all,

    narciso (732bc0)

  264. Gary… Hope you’re doing well. Best wishes.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  265. 111. Minor typos corrected:

    A last minute change could be inserted after Donald Trump last saw it, two hours before. Donald Trump claims something was added. Did he say what he was talking about?

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad) — 7/22/2016 @ 3:13 pm

    111. Marce (c7079f) — 7/22/2016 @ 4:10 pm

    I did a line by line comparison of the speech provided to the RNC before it’s delivery to the video of the actual speech. The line Trump is upset about is this one, the first line after congratulating Trump on his victory.

    “And like each of you I want to see the principles that our party believe prevail in November.”

    Seriously. He’s upset about that…

    He’s not upset about that. He was looking for something he could say that would support he claim Ted Cruz ambushed him. That can be read as anti-Trump, (although also as a hope for victory in the general election) but there’s worse, especially the “vote your conscience” line, which he knew about, and planned how to counteract. (Entrance into the hall, booing and asking Cruz to endorse, and Newt Gingrich’s exegesis, although Gingrich may have come up with that on his own.)

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  266. nk (dbc370) — 7/23/2016 @ 9:09 am

    I know exactly how you feel, brother.

    Don’t lump DNF in with the trolls. He is our venerable Eyore of long standing here.
    nk (dbc370) — 7/23/2016 @ 10:01 am

    I second that. Also: “If everybody likes you, you are doing something wrong.” – Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    That pretty much covers all the commenters here, yes?

    I beg to differ, this place is almost indistingishable fro. The Huffington host
    narciso (b863a7) — 7/23/2016 @ 10:09 am

    Well, poop may taste like ice cream, but I’ll never know.

    felipe (d96360)

  267. 244.

    Correction, I’ve now had a bad experience at 3 or 4 blogs.

    Which makes it unlikely that I will assist in helping to get their candidate elected.

    Dejectedhead (d243ce)

  268. 182. narciso (732bc0) — 7/22/2016 @ 8:37 pm

    treatment about a snippet of a speech, which goes back all the way to the torah, numbers is in that collection no,

    This is a little like a cryptic crossword puzzle again. What are you talking about?

    This past week, outside of Israel, we read the chapter about Bilaam. he most relevant thing I can think of related tp this convention was:

    God was his speechwriter.

    Now what were you talking about?

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  269. ‘the word is bond, goes back to numbers 30:2, it was not the provenance of the benevolent first consort,

    narciso (732bc0)

  270. Um, nobody ever claimed or imagined that the phrase “my word is my bond” originated with Michelle 0bama, or that there was anything wrong with Melania Trump using it. It’s a standard English phrase, used regularly by millions of people, and nobody has claimed Trump’s using it was in any way remarkable. You are inventing a straw man to draw attention away from the fact that Trump copied an entire paragraph verbatim from 0bama’s speech, and then changed a few words to make it not so obvious. That is plagiarism, in a speech that she had originally claimed to have written almost entirely herself.

    Oh, and the phrase does not appear in Numbers, even in translation, so that is not its origin.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  271. I think cotton did support trump because he couldn’t get one senator, not lee not sasse, nor cruz, anybody to do their constitution duty and treat the rhodes roadshow as a treaty, instead you had the travismockasham of Corker-Cardin,

    OMG, this again? That literally makes no sense. What do you imagine “treat as a treaty” means? Hold a vote on whether the senate consents to it?! Fine, hold that vote, and discover, as everyone already knows, that there are not 67 senators willing to consent to it, and therefore the president can’t make a treaty. Where does that leave you? Exactly where we are now, with a private deal that is not a treaty! The president didn’t make it a treaty, because he knew he couldn’t get 67 senators to consent, so he didn’t even try. Proving that he was right would achieve what?

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  272. But maybe he could sign just once, and put all those names in one document, which he didn’t do here. Although maybe that also wouldn’t work.

    It surely would work.

    And what Governor McAuliffe did was not a pardon but a suspension of law (well at least it would be if it applied to people who would become disqualified from voting on a date subsequent to the date of his pardon,

    But it didn’t, so it wasn’t. And yes, of course his motive was political; nobody doubts that. But how is that relevant? Since when is a governor not allowed to use his constitutional powers for political purposes?

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  273. Sammy, as Avogadro’s Law states, if you want to know something on the internet, don’t post the question, post the wrong answer.

    Avogadro’s Law. Isn’t that something about sniffing out moles (and trolls, mobies, etc.) on a blog?

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  274. the problem is thee court came up with perhaps the wrong remedy to the problem, citizens united was about access to media, not necessarily funds, in that vein it ratified superpacs, which are a valuable tool but not the be and end all,

    No it wasn’t, it was about people’s right to pool their funds to exercise their freedom of speech and the press in concert, using the corporate form. It’s really a companion case to Hobby Lobby, which said the same thing about the free exercise of religion.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  275. I do not know if anyone has already linked this video of Cruz explaining to TX delegates his RNC speech.

    felipe (d96360)

  276. Thanks Felipe, no, I had not seen it , but I guess I saw some coverage as I had heard the line about not being a servile pup.

    Trump and the RNC are disgusting,
    That Clinton and the Dems are likely worse is little consolation.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  277. 283. There is transcript coming from the uncorrected Closed Captioning at that link. It’s all capitals. Some – in fact most – of what you can hear from the audience is missing from the transcript



    but he wouldn’t say he would vote for but said he wouldn’t vote for Hllary because she fails that test by a big margin.


    Ted Cruz actually said the word “nominee” not “leader”

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  278. I will tell you when I stood on that debate stage, they asked every candidate there, if you win would you support the nominee. I raised my hand enthusiastically with full intention of doing exactly that and I will tell you the day that pledge was abrogated. The day that pledge was abrogated was the day this became personal. and I’m not going to get into criticizing or attacking Donald Trump, but I will give you this response. I’m not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. [applause] and that pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi that I’m going to nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father. [applause] and I will note you are making crying signs in the back, I will note that you might have a similar view. if someone were attacking your wife. I hope you would. I hope you would. This is not politics. I will tell the truth. I will not malign, I will not insult, I will tell the truth. it’s not a game, it’s not politics. right and wrong matters. we have not abandoned who we are in this country. no, sir, I do not believe that is correct. If anyone here thinks that I was eager to come to this convention — thank you, sir. If anyone thinks I was eager to come to this convention and give a speech laying out, supporting a great many policy positions laid out by Donald Trump, laying out why Hillary clinton is utterly unfit to be president despite the fact that neither he nor his campaign have taken a back a word they have said about my family, that was not something I was happy to do. it was something I thought I had an obligation to do. I have an obligation to stand and speak and i will say what does it say when you stand up and say vote your conscience and rabid supporters of our nominee begin screaming what a horrible thing to say? [applause] if we can’t make the case to the American people that voting for our party’s nominee is consistent with voting your conscience, consistent with being faithful to the constitution, than we are not going to win and we don’t deserve to win. That is how you win elections. [applause]

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  279. That’s from Ted Cruz, capitalization crrected.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  280. Thank you for that, Sammy. Yeah, I laughed at that joke. There was a moment – when he spoke of his wife – that he looked on the verge of being overcome by emotion.

    felipe (d96360)

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