Patterico's Pontifications


I’m Reasonably Sure That Flinging Your Pee At Someone Is Not The Same As Presenting A Persuasive Argument

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:40 pm

[guest post by Dana]

From downtown Cleveland today, where clearly some protest groups are worse than others:

Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK were in the square and, at one time, were said to be throwing urine at each other.

You know urine trouble when pee-flinging becomes your desperate go-to move because your group isn’t getting the respect you think you deserve. I can’t think of any three groups more deserving of each other.

And there were other protesters:

The smaller groups Tuesday included a Tamir Rice group, a man carrying an AR-15, a man with a sign saying “Jesus Vapes,” a woman doing yoga with a pro-police and anti-bullying sign and another person asking folks to tell their best Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump joke. The West Ohio Minutemen are there, too, they call themselves a constitutional militia group.

Thankfully no injuries or arrests.

Stay classy, America.


40 Responses to “I’m Reasonably Sure That Flinging Your Pee At Someone Is Not The Same As Presenting A Persuasive Argument”

  1. Let’s keep in mind that Hillary Clinton has been shamelessly pandering to the pee-flinging Black Lives Matter groups…

    Dana (995455)

  2. Nobody was arrested today, and only one person yesterday, and taht was a woman against whom there was an outstanding warrant.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  3. Mere peons.

    DCSCA (a343d5)

  4. Wait, I thought the meme was *oo-flinging monkeys. Can’t they at least get that part.

    kishnevi (c91988)

  5. their best Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump joke

    You’re crossing a bridge over the Cuyahoga River when you see Hillary and Trump flailing in the water looking like they’re drowning. You look around and you see that there’s only one life preserver in the red box. What do you have for lunch?

    nk (dbc370)

  6. nk, before you eat lunch take away the life preserver so no one else suffers the same agonizing predicament.

    kishnevi (c91988)

  7. The worst thing about pee flinging is blowback. What a bunch of idiots!

    Jim (a9b7c7)

  8. Lemme at both of these repulsive gangs. I’d eat some asparagus brew up a mean batch and they’d wish they’d never seen me coming!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  9. black lives matter is gayer than when you take off all your clothes and do sex stuff with someone of your same gender

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. I wouldn’t worry about the pee-flinging: It’s downtown Cleveland. It happens all the time.

    arik (02de93)

  11. Know what we call it when two groups are flinging pee at each other in Cleveland?


    arik (02de93)

  12. If you were wondering why downtown Cleveland smells so much better today than yesterday, today two group were flinging pee at each other.

    arik (02de93)

  13. I’m here all week, I got a million of ’em.

    But I shouldn’t talk: I’m from Akron which is, as which everyone knows, Cleveland’s little B@#ch.

    arik (02de93)

  14. arik…. don’t quit your day job.

    the overwhelming police presence has put a damper on the paid activists.

    fox8 Cleveland has looped a scene of 3 blm’ers & a cop praying near the square.

    it hasn’t been the circus that many anticipated.

    scott (2bad05)

  15. I gotta rhyme that ends in a riddle
    What’s round on the ends and hi in the middle?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  16. I am enjoying a great deal of satisfaction getting to lump BLM in with the KKK and Westboro Baptist. I even posted about this on Facebook, so I anticipate I’ll end up with a dozen fewer friends come tomorrow.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  17. I think the only other circumstance that I have heard of regarding pee-flinging is when the U.S. soccer team would play in some of the nastier places in Latin America (including Mexico City) the team would be pelted with bags of urine thrown by fans as they entered and exited the field. It’s great that American protest groups have adopted such Third World tactics.

    JVW (eabb2a)

  18. What’s round on the ends and hi in the middle?
    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 7/19/2016 @ 8:26 pm

    oHIo it is!

    Yoda (feee21)

  19. Like I said. Maybe this is genuine.

    Steve57 (193d96)

  20. What starts out low
    And ends in nay
    With two eyes
    in the middle of USA?

    felipe (d96360)

  21. JVW,

    I was just thinking of the “urine bombs” that Mexico, Guatemala, and some other countries have thrown at our soccer team.
    They also will have a parade of cars honking their horns all night long in the parking lot of the hotel that our team is staying at.

    Can you imagine the “international uproar” if we American fans did such things to a visiting team?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  22. Right are you, yoda!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  23. 20… Felipe… that’s a conundrum wrapped in a riddle. Couldn’t even google an answer.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  24. Off topic (but tangentially related via the link of leftist violence, I guess):

    Four blacks shoot at cops in New York. Manhunt underway. No one wounded this time, fortunately.

    Denver Guy (21d3a4)

  25. I guess this was Hara’s old boat. The Amatsukazi. The destroyer that rammed
    the original JFK’s.

    Steve57 (193d96)

  26. Jesus, what was I thinking. It was the Amagiri, not the Amatsukaze.

    Steve57 (193d96)

  27. The Heavenly Mist not the Heavenly Wind.

    Steve57 (193d96)


    Trailers from Hell: Brian Trenchard-Smith on Kurosawa’s Epic of Chaos, ‘Ran’

    I pretty much stopped watching movies after that. I had seen everything.

    Steve57 (193d96)

  29. Sometimes I think this country is starting to look like a real-life cast of Americathon.

    Advo (322ad6)

  30. 2. Correction or update.

    That figure, of only one arrest over a two day period, and that of a woman on an old warrant, came from I think the CBS Evening News or other news at just past 6:30 pm. Later, around 11 pm, I heard that theer had now been a total of 5 arrests over the first two days.

    The police in Cleveland had trained for or anticipated the possibility, of as many as 1,000 arrests per day. But all those bog great demonstrations didn’t happen – maybe because the convention silently crept up upon people, whixh I think it did.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  31. Lat night, for some reason not explained to the motorists, the Manhattan entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge right where the Ari Halberstam Memorial Ramp is, was blocked by a police car and cones, at about 11:30 pm for about half and hour. Traffic was backed up maybe to the 60s.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  32. Four blacks shoot at cops in New York. Manhunt underway. No one wounded this time, fortunately.

    Ditmas and E 23rd, here in Brooklyn. That’s not the nicest part of Brooklyn, but only about 5-10 minutes’ walk from Ditmas Park, which is a very nice area, and not far at all from Brooklyn College.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  33. Last night, for some reason not explained to the motorists, the Manhattan entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge right where the Ari Halberstam Memorial Ramp is, was blocked by a police car and cones, at about 11:30 pm for about half and hour. Traffic was backed up maybe to the 60s.

    They were searching for the men who’d shot at cops 45 minutes earlier on Ditmas and Flatbush.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  34. They closed the Manhattan and Verrazano bridges as well.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  35. 20. Louisiana.

    DRJ (15874d)

  36. Activists from Black Lives Matter, Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK were in the square and, at one time, were said to be throwing urine at each other.

    You know urine trouble when pee-flinging becomes your desperate go-to move because your group isn’t getting the respect you think you deserve. I can’t think of any three groups more deserving of each other.

    Considering the three groups involved, that’s straining their combined intellectual capabilities. I say, “Piss on ’em all.”

    Bill M (906260)

  37. Okay, for the sake of argument, I’ll grant that flinging my pee isn’t a persuasive argument.

    However, I work in a medical lab, and if instead of discarding urine samples as per procedure, I took them out and flung them… I would be flinging other people’s pee and not my own. Is that persuasive enough?

    malclave (4ddf38)

  38. I know flinging pee at people is assault, illegal, and shouldn’t be condoned.

    But if you bring pee to a rally/protest and you later go home covered in pee?
    I consider this considerably more fair and just than the world generally manages.
    And I approve all the same.

    ertdfg (a5ba4b)

  39. The arrest rate was creeping up yesterday. It was reported that at least ten people had been arrested. Srill, much less in the way of demonstrations than was expected, or thought possible. And the bars, where a state law had been passed to allow extended hours, till 4 am, are closingearlu anyway because of lack of business.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

  40. The traditional flag burning did not go well either. “You’re on fire, stupid” is the watchword of the day lol.

    Patricia (1fa128)

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