Patterico's Pontifications


One Million Comments

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 3:30 pm

Sometime recently — I’m not sure when — this blog surpassed one million comments. And over 20,000 posts.

As of today, we have 1,016,344 Comments and 20,114 posts. I’m pretty sure both milestones were passed this calendar year: 2016.

We’ve been going strong since February 17, 2003, when I was just 34 years old. Soon I will turn 48. It’s been a long, fun road.

Thanks for reading.

31 Responses to “One Million Comments”

  1. And thanks to the guest bloggers for helping out when I get busy. I’ll be busy this coming week, by the way. So double thanks!

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. that’s an average of 50.5 comments per post

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  3. Congrats to Patterico and all the cob-loggers. The current ones are excellent and on par with the former ones like Karl and DRJ.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  4. Karl!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. Weeee….

    Move like crazy tigers,
    Aw, we couldn’t get closer than this.
    The way we walk, the way we stalk,
    The way we talk, the way we kiss.
    We slip thru the streets while everyone sleeps,
    Getting bigger and fatter and brighter and tighter.
    We bite and scratch and scream all night,
    Let’s go, let’s throw
    All the songs we know
    Into the sea, you and me,
    All the years that no one cared.
    I’ll show you in spring it’s a treacherous thing
    We missed you, kissed you.
    The Lovecats.

    — Lord Byron. Or maybe it was Marlowe. Or Shakespeare. I forget. Who has the time?

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  6. It has been, and continues to be, a pleasure and a privilege !

    Thank you for making it possible !

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  7. You whippersnapper

    SPQR (a3a747)

  8. A million comments and over 20k posts? As I’ve been given to understand from some of them, you can make $78 per hour, over $12k per month (enough to buy a new car like my sister did), just by working a few hours a week from home on your computer so I’m assuming you’re a multi-billionaire now? Or are some of those one million comments a lie? At any rate, congratulations – that is an accomplishment to be proud of.

    Jerryskids (3308c1)

  9. You should have passed 20,000 posts sometime around June 1. You can estimate 1 million comments, also.

    If 100 comments is about 2 posts – that’s probably more what it used to be once – the etra 16,000 should have been reached about 320 posts ago. Since it’s now invariably more, a good case can be made they hit both landmarks at about the same time. Do these comments include comments still in moderation?

    Sammy Finkelman (c82029)

  10. Congrats! I Enjoy the site very much. Keep rocking, btw, I have you by about 4 months!

    Carlos (34764b)

  11. Nice job Patterico. And it’s fun too.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  12. bene factum

    mg (31009b)

  13. Thanks for reading
    Thanks for blogging. That extends to all your co-bloggers, past present and future.

    kishnevi (948a4d)

  14. congratulation, patterico,

    narciso (732bc0)

  15. As someone who tried his hand at blogging at about the same time, I am in AWE of your longevity. It’s not as easy as it may look.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  16. Χρόνια πολλά!

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Do the numbers really tell the story, mustard-yellow man?

    Johnny Mustard (b996d4)

  18. Congratulations, that is quite a feat of gardening!

    Beldar (fa637a)

  19. Thank you for hosting.

    This really is one of my primary sources of news, not because it intends to be a full service news site, but because I think there is a critical mass of people of sufficient intellectual integrity that faulty facts or analysis will probably be called out.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  20. yes, I do appreciate our gracious host’s providing this service, although recent times the focus has gotten a little off kilter,

    narciso (732bc0)

  21. You and your guest bloggers have poured blood, sweat, and tears into this community, and we’re all the better for it. So thank you for that. Free and self-regulated communities like this one are going to be all the more important in the years to come.

    Leviticus (4b2035)

  22. Congratulations! The internet at large seems intent on committing suicide with an over-reliance on video embedded in pages that take a minute or two to load due to a trailer full of ads running on servers that can’t respond to the demand. It is refreshing to be able to come to and get a condensed fact sheet, featuring a variety of views, using the written word, or something approximating it, in a refresh cycle on my computer’s screen. And poetry too! I hope we can focus a little more on foreign news after the convention in Cleveland. I have a suspicion that our feckless administration is about to reap the rewards it so richly deserves. And we are the ones who will be stuck with the Bill.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  23. Congratulations indeed, Patterico. That’s quite an accomplishment. Here’s to a million more comments. Thank you for all of the time and hard work you’ve put into this community.

    And Dustin @ 3, what an honor to be compared to such notables. Speaking about myself only, though I may harbor serious doubts about your comparison, I will nevertheless keep it thoughtfully tucked in the forefront of my mind as an aspirational goal when posting.

    Free and self-regulated communities like this one are going to be all the more important in the years to come.

    This. Absolutely.

    Dana (995455)

  24. Your mark was made hundreds of thousands of views ago.

    I was blessed to find you as a local. I remain blessed as a SoCal evacuee.

    While I may be an SFV ex-pat, I’ll never be an ex-Patterico acolyte. Cheers.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  25. I have several comments in moderation. If by accident one of those are comments One Million go ahead pop the champaign and party hats to One Million and one.

    Video time. “I Think My Dog’s a Democrat” by Bryan Lewis> by

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  26. Congratulations! The internet at large seems intent on committing suicide with an over-reliance on video embedded in pages that take a minute or two to load due to a trailer full of ads running on servers that can’t respond to the demand. It is refreshing to be able to come to and get a condensed fact sheet, featuring a variety of views, using the written word, or something approximating it, in a refresh cycle on my computer’s screen. And poetry too! I hope we can focus a little more on foreign news after the convention in Cleveland. I have a suspicion that our feckless administration is about to reap the rewards it so richly deserves. And we are the ones who will be stuck with the Bill.

    This will NEVER be one of those sites with pop-up windows, auto-start videos, or all that other crap that upsets me so much as a reader. That I can pledge to you, without reservation.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  27. Thank you for that pledge.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  28. Thanks Patterico, We’ve not always agreed, but you’ve always been fair and courteous. That counts.

    ropelight (596f46)

  29. Patterico’s pungent posts ought to go on forever. I doubt that artificial intelligence can ever take over in Pat’s style, so he will have to use all the latest life extension techniques. If not, the age of 48 still leaves a few more years of mostly excellent blogging. By the way, if you would identify the millionth comment, some award may be in order (assuming it’s not an imbecile). Possible awards: 🍹, 🎩, 💍, 👑, 🌂, 🐼, 🐋, 🦄, ☘, 🍀,🍔,🍕,🌭,🌮,🍰,🍺,🍩,☕️,🍦,🍻,🍾,🍪,

    Andrew Hyman (98cbe9)

  30. A well-deserved congratulations! Enjoy all the terrific posts
    and the levity. And we mustn’t forget we owe a debt of gratitude to Al Gore
    for inventing the Internet for us so we can enjoy this really cool

    Judy Eaton (a1a820)

  31. Congrats Patterico on a job well done. I always wonder what happened to commenters past such as Brad Fikes (sp?)and I am sure there are many others who no longer comment here for what ever reason. And how many are still with you from the beginning?

    Ipso Fatso (7e1c8e)

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