Mitt Romney Doesn’t Endorse Cruz To Be The Nominee But Will Vote For Him In Utah
[guest post by Dana]
This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.
Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.
The only path that remains to nominate a Republican rather than Mr. Trump is to have an open convention. At this stage, the only way we can reach an open convention is for Senator Cruz to be successful in as many of the remaining nominating elections as possible.
I like Governor John Kasich. I have campaigned with him. He has a solid record as governor. I would have voted for him in Ohio. But a vote for Governor Kasich in future contests makes it extremely likely that Trumpism would prevail.
I will vote for Senator Cruz and I encourage others to do so as well, so that we can have an open convention and nominate a Republican.
Interesting to note that Romney compares Trumpism with Republicanism, rather than Trumpism versus Conservatism, which would be more accurate given that Cruz is first and foremost a real Conservative. Cruz is just the party bus the GOP hopes to successfully run Trump over with on their way to Cleveland, where the party may or may not have a more compliant, less staunchly principled conservative nominee-in-waiting. I don’t believe Cruz is their guy.
Trump responded to Romney’s statement in his typically gracious manner:
Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the man who “choked” and let us all down, is now endorsing Lyin’ Ted Cruz. This is good for me!
Failed Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was campaigning with John Kasich & Marco Rubio, and now he is endorsing Ted Cruz. 1/2
Mitt Romney is a mixed up man who doesn’t have a clue. No wonder he lost!