Patterico's Pontifications


“Like every girl and gay boy, I loved Barbie”

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:27 pm

[guest post by Dana]

So says the creative director involved with the new Moschino Barbie doll. What’s causing all the ruckus isn’t the doll, it’s the ad for the doll – the ad which stars a young boy:

The ad for the limited-edition Moschino Barbie marks the first time a boy has starred in a campaign for the doll, appearing alongside an ethnically diverse line-up of little girls.

Fashions followers will notice the young boy in the video has been intentionally styled to resemble Moschino creative director Jeremy Scott, with a voluminous blond faux-hawk hairstyle matching the designer’s.

Scott has called Barbie a muse, telling “Like every girl and gay boy, I loved Barbie.”

The ad is already resonating with other male Barbie fans. One of the top comments on Moschino Barbie’s YouTube video comes from RuPaul’s Drag Race star Pandora Boxx, who wrote: “This almost made me cry! I used to play with my sister’s Barbies and felt such shame afterward. I’m so glad we can just let kids be kids. Thank you for this! Boys like dolls too!”

“Busting gender stereotypes” by exploiting a young boy in order to make big bucks sort of says all you need to know about our current culture.


Jindal Out

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:24 pm

Shocking, huh?

Raise your hand if you thought he was going to win.

I see no hands.

A Sad And Brutal Irony

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:48 am

[guest post by Dana]

If only Planned Parenthood gave every child the opportunity to …live.

If only black lives really mattered.

God given, indeed.


If Ted Cruz Wins Iowa…

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:35 am

…how does that change the dynamics of the race?

For one thing, Trump says if Cruz catches on, he would “go to war” with Cruz — although I’m quite certain that was a comment that Big Media (the CNBC Squawk Box people) tried to goad him to give.

I don’t think Ted Cruz will “go to war” with Donald Trump — and contrary to what some might think, this is not weakness. This is how Ted Cruz handles the media’s game of trying to pit Republicans against one another:

Cruz is relentlessly positive and issue-oriented, and Big Media — which pretends to be issue-oriented, is in truth anything but.

Bring on the “wars.”

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