Patterico's Pontifications


Honoring Our Veterans

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:43 pm

[guest post by Dana]

To all who have served, or are currently serving, and to all who have lost a loved one in protection of our freedoms, a heartfelt thank you on this significant day.

I had breakfast at a local cafe, and at a neighboring table sat a Marine who had participated in our town’s Veterans Day ceremony. I thanked him for his service and spent a few minutes chatting with him. He was recently returned from his fourth deployment to the Middle East and elsewhere. And as it inevitably seems to go, he was very humble about his sacrifice. This as his wife stared adoringly at him, and one of his children cuddled up close to him in the booth.

As has been so eloquently said before:

This day is dedicated to all who answered the call to service — whether they live in honor among us, or sleep in valor beneath this sacred ground.

Thank you to all Patterico readers who have answered that call to service. We are indebted.


Your Daily Mizzou Round-Up (Does That Aggress Anyone?) [UPDATE: What Mizzou Hath Wrought]

Filed under: General — JVW @ 2:10 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Since people still appear to be fascinated by what is going on at the University of Missouri, here are some links to interesting developments:

Melissa Click, the professor who tried to prevent student journalists from covering a public gathering of black student activists, resigned her “courtesy appointment” to the journalism department yesterday. She remains an assistant professor of communication, though the university is keeping mum on any additional disciplinary measures she may face as well as how all this affects her tenure prospects. The other staff member seen in the video interfering with the rights of the journalists, Janna Basler of the Student Affairs Office, has apologized for her actions. Her office has said it is investigating the incident.

Over at The Federalist, Sean Davis wonders if the swastika drawn in excrement in the dormitory isn’t a hoax. After being stonewalled by campus police, the online journal has filed a Freedom of Information Act demand with the state of Missouri to see what the police reports have to say.

The graduate student whose hunger strike helped galvanize the football team’s strike turns out to be from a wealthy Omaha family whose railroad executive patriarch made $8.4 million in compensation last year.

A black faculty member and minority students of various races write in to the local paper to insist that racism is common in their experience.

[UPDATE: Student protesters at Ithaca College are now demanding the firing of their campus president, Tom Rochon. It’s open season on higher ed administrators apparently.]


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