Patterico's Pontifications


The Best Laid Plans

Filed under: General,Humor — Patterico @ 6:31 pm

This was the plan:


This is the result:


Yes, it’s the top result.

(H/t Jeff G.)

53 Responses to “The Best Laid Plans”

  1. In the LA comments, Bystander noted what a sad and pathetic plan this was. Ryan responded it was funny. I think they’re both right. It was a sad and pathetic plan but a funny result.

    DRJ (605076)

  2. Indeed.

    Patterico (c34894)

  3. Google announced in January that they were installing code to fight google bombing by linking to sites discussing the bomb and not the intended victim. Looks like it works.

    kaf (0d08a1)

  4. Patterico,

    Brother, I gotta’ ask in all seriousness; is that LA creature really worth linking to again? His (?) puerility is well-established, as is his unseriousness in debating the issues of the day. When he and his supporters lose a debate (and lose they do – quite often) he and they resort to the most inane, inarticulate personal attacks imaginable to cover their failures.

    This is just another middle-school internet stunt that has long past its point (if it ever had any) of humorousness. I mean c’mon – Google bombing? No wonder the Leftists need a mother figure in charge.

    Don’t get me wrong – I’ve often said, and I’ll say it again – Your blog, your rules; but there must be some truly Liberal (not Leftist, nor Progressive) blog worth linking to out there?

    Like – um … well, I don’t frequent that side of the street, but you know what I’m talking about, yeah?

    Or maybe I just need to learn to enjoy watching the bugs fry on the zapper …

    Abraxas (db3144)

  5. I dunno… That just might be the funniest thing I’ve seen this week…

    In the vernacular of today: “Self pwnage is the best pwnage.”

    Scott Jacobs (a1de9d)

  6. “The enginer hoist with his own petard.”

    (Not mine. Some guy named Wiiliam said it about four hundred years ago.) 😉

    nk (79f144)

  7. Shooting oneself in the foot…or maybe manshake

    kishnevi (2dbd61)

  8. Ironic how if you Google “googlebomb” you get sites explaining what it is or lefty sites reveling in it or suggesting it as a means to attack.

    PMain (7a9770)

  9. How is that ironic?

    Moops (8fcb37)

  10. Now *I* think it’s pretty goddamn hilarious that is the top result for “manshake.”

    I really think that either you guys take blogging way more seriously than I do – or you think I’m taking it a great deal more seriously than I am.

    The Liberal Avenger (b8c7e2)

  11. Now *I* think its pretty goddamn hilarious that is the top result for manshake.

    I really think that either you guys take blogging way more seriously than I do – or you think Im taking it a great deal more seriously than I am.

    Comment by The Liberal Avenger 2/22/2007 @ 9:00 pm

    Shorter Liberal Avenger:


    EFG (6fb895)

  12. I’ve seen this sort of problem (comments going to bold or italics) before, but I don’t know how to fix it. If this is something I can fix on my end, if someone would do me the courtesy of leaving a how-to note in the comments, I’d appreciate that, and make sure I don’t do this again.


    EFG (6fb895)

  13. I really think that either you guys…

    Just so we’re clear, we don’t care what you think; you’re just another internet circus monkey at which to laugh.

    Nice try with the false bonhomie, though.

    Abraxas (db3144)

  14. I’m just going to note- as a frequent PW reader and junior bed-wetting neo-con- I would have thought it hilarious if PW became the top search result for “manshake”. And in the spectrum of horrible blog-war type things, it’s pretty harmless.

    Some Guy in Chicago (53d21c)

  15. Yahoo shows no results for “manshake”, and there are only 1500 search results, and there are no google ads for it. Pr0n spammers are obviously not interested in this term because they know what Yahoo, such as it is, shows: it’s not a term anyone in searching for. Even if this had worked maybe 3 or 4 people per month would have seen the “joke”.

    WikipediaBiasDotCom (0c89cb)

  16. Now *I* think it’s pretty goddamn hilarious that is the top result for “manshake.”

    I think what you meant to say is, “The top result of IS ‘manshake.'”
    There. That’s better.

    L.N. Smithee (c27768)

  17. Now *I* think it’s pretty goddamn hilarious that is the top result for “manshake.”

    On that we agree (although I think you’re just saying it because, you know, you failed….).

    Jay (ec6ad0)

  18. Hey I have an idea. Lets all google “stepped on his crank” and link it to Liberal Avenger.

    papertiger (a8e044)

  19. You can listen live to 15 of America’s top Talk Show hosts for free at the Internet Radio Network. Check it out here…

    Steve (4cc347)

  20. O.K., I’ll admit my ignorance: What the hell is a “manshake?”

    Federal Dog (9afd6c)

  21. federal dog-

    I have never heard of the term before either, but since it was supposed to be a kind of nasty trick and the Google result includes references to “innocent children” and “bringing girls to the yard”, my guess is it has something to do with human anatomy that is exclusively male. I may be wrong, but I’m not going to give it any more thought.

    I do think it is ingenious, fitting, and downright clever if the “Google” people find ways to make people’s pranks backfire on them. There are more serious things to bother regulating, but harrassment shouldn’t be allowed to run rampant either. Fighting a prank with a prank sounds appropriate when the “inner middle schooler” or “inner buddy in the dorm” breaks out.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  22. I’m with you LA. I think it’s hilarious to see you flash your ass like that. Maybe you can step on a rake for an encore.

    Pablo (cb50c5)

  23. Unfortunately, our friend LA doesn’t have his sitemeter available on his pages, so we can’t look to see how many hits you’ve gotten for him.

    Dana (3e4784)

  24. Of course, there is the question of just how you discovered this. 🙂

    [Jeff G. told me. I didn’t hat-tip him at first because he’s going through some acrimony and I didn’t want to add to it. But he since told me he doesn’t care, so I added the hat tip to the post.

    There’s quite the train wreck going on at Sadly, No, btw. Josh Trevino and Jeff G. have lined up against HTML/Retardo. It’s getting ugly. — P]

    Dana (3e4784)

  25. LA is only half right. There’s nothing wrong with not taking oneself seriously and it’s a good quality to be able to grin at your own mess-ups, but the two attempted pranks, against Carlitos and Jeff, were just plain nasty. Moe was my least favorite of The Three Stooges and I was always happy to see him get his.

    nk (79f144)

  26. Does that mean you are comparing LA to Moe? I figured that Sirkowski would be Moe, while Gordo would be Larry, SGO Shemp, The Ape Man Joe and LA himself as Curly.

    Dana (3e4784)

  27. No, not in the least. Just that the best humor, including slapstick, is the humor without a victim.

    nk (79f144)

  28. Patterico averages 4,997 hits per day, and writes two major pieces about LA in a couple of weeks. The Liberal Avenger averages 1,023 hits per day.

    Conclusion: LA is paying our esteemed host! 🙂

    Dana (3e4784)

  29. Ah,the best plans to get laid—ah, I mean, the “best laid plans”…..

    TheManTheMyth (56001e)

  30. Liberal avenger is hands down the best site on teh internets. And they are all shemp to me.

    Carlitos (2051bb)

  31. “I really think that either you guys take blogging way more seriously than I do – or you think I’m taking it a great deal more seriously than I am.
    Comment by The Liberal Avenger”

    Poor widdle moonbat got caught and he whines and snivels. Tries to make himself look impo’tent. Poor widdle moonbat.

    Skul (6be780)

  32. Heh, google bombing.

    I’ve never heard of manshake either, but I find that googling it usually helps, esp. Wikipedia and the Urban Dictionary.

    David N. Scott (71b49c)

  33. MD in Philly–

    Thanks. It’s a good thing that we have medical professionals on this site to explain such stuff.

    Federal Dog (9afd6c)

  34. I’m guessing that they are referring to that portion of the manbag which isn’t bud.

    triticale (be40cb)

  35. And anyway, isn’t Liberal Avenger an oxymoron?

    triticale (be40cb)

  36. Pat, I was going to check Mr Goldstein’s incredible site and clicked on the link in your blogroll; the embed under Protein Wisdom under your “Favorite Sites” (where, amazingly enough, LA isn’t listed!) was, which doesn’t work.

    Dana (556f76)

  37. Our esteemed host wrote:

    There’s quite the train wreck going on at Sadly, No, btw. Josh Trevino and Jeff G. have lined up against HTML/Retardo. It’s getting ugly.

    Somehow I have a difficult time picturing Mr Goldstein having a difficult time in a battle of wits with an unarmed man like HTML Mencken.

    Dana (556f76)

  38. Oh, he’s not having a difficult time. I imagine he has HTML petrified.

    Patterico (c34894)

  39. Oh, he is prolly having all sorts of problems Patterico. So many avenues of attack and only one target…Kind of like that scene in the matrix where you have row upon row of guns, and all you really need is a .45. Kid in a candy store problems.

    Mythilt (c0c0be)

  40. TO: All
    RE: Google??!?!

    People here are STILL using Google?

    I can imagine the likes of Atrios et al., using that Communist Chinese living, freedom hating organization’s products. They would fit right in with the ChiComms mentality.

    But others?

    That’s ‘sad’.



    Chuck Pelto (cc1d13)

  41. Good point Pelto. I use or dogpile for just those reasons. Google is an evil company run by profoundly evil people.

    TheManTheMyth (56001e)

  42. OK this was bad.

    As a result of the comment about (rhymes with) madly, ho! and Goldstein, I have just returned from visits to several of the most vapid, juvenile-left websites I’ve seen in a long, long time.

    Sheesh man I have to go wash up. I’d like to blame Patterico for pointing at it but in truth its my own fault.

    Dwilkers (4f4ebf)

  43. Sir-whatever is banned here, right?

    Because really, his latest comment on LA’s site to the self-bombing (does that make LA a suicide bomber with horrible timing?) just cemented my low opinion of him… I’d hate to think I could accidentally find his filthy mouth here too…

    And for the record folks… If you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandmother, you probably shouldn’t say it…

    Scott Jacobs (a1de9d)

  44. Awwwwwwwwwwww…

    I’m officially a troll to LA… I think I’ll screen cap that, and frame the printout…

    Scott Jacobs (a1de9d)

  45. LA’s newest troll wrote:

    And for the record folks… If you wouldn’t say it in front of your grandmother, you probably shouldn’t say it…

    Mr Jacobs, with a rule like that Pandagon, The Liberal Avenger, The Lost Kos, My Left Wing, just uncounted liberal sites would all simply vanish!

    Of course, Mr Goldstein might have a problem himself, but I think he could clean it up enough to survive.

    I think that I shan’t
    post profanity again;
    wash my mouth with soap.

    Dana (556f76)

  46. Mr Jacobs, with a rule like that Pandagon, The Liberal Avenger, The Lost Kos, My Left Wing, just uncounted liberal sites would all simply vanish!

    Dana, you say that like it’s a bad thing… 🙂 And heaven knows I’m profane enough in my day to day life, but even *I* am able to clean it up…

    It’s a good thing they hold the moral high ground, eh?

    Scott Jacobs (a1de9d)

  47. […] I wish that every attempt to maliciously smear one’s political opponents backfired as comprehensively as this one did. […]

    Neptunus Lex » Wish fest (b4835e)

  48. Someone send this to John Kerry – let him know he’s not the only leftist to self-destruct at the hands of a botched joke.

    I would feel like a total idiot if I were Liberal Avenger.

    Geoff (3a5337)

  49. You can listen for FREE to 25 of America’s top Talk Show hosts at the Internet Radio Network. Additionally, there are links to email the President, VP, and Congressional Leadership. The URL is

    ps. Maybe Patterico will give me a link 🙂

    Steve (06ec7b)

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