Edwards Keeps Marcotte
John Edwards has decided not to fire Amanda Marcotte. In making this move, Edwards is taking my advice — but will I get any credit? Ha!
Seriously, I think this is excellent news. And the way it happened — with blatant dishonesty from Edwards and non-apology apologies from Marcotte & Co. — was priceless. I will elaborate later if I get time. If you can’t wait for more detailed analysis, Allah has the best take.
UPDATE: Salon has the backstory, which, summarized, is that the reversal is attributable to the lefty bloggers’ collective tantrum. I can’t see how any rational conservative could find this to be anything but encouraging. If I could put Atrios, TBogg, and the Sadly, No! crowd in charge of the campaign of the eventual Democratic frontrunner, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Don’t kid yourself: the Democrat, most likely Hillary, will win in 2008 regardless. But putting the nutroots in charge of her campaign would give us a decent shot.
UPDATE x2: The first draft of Marcotte’s apology:
My intention is never to offend anyone for his or her personal beliefs, and I am sorry if the godbags were personally offended by writings meant only as criticisms of public politics.
I wonder what’s so great about being a campaign blogger anyway. You have to be just as bland and utterly dishonest as your candidate, but without the power and privileges he enjoys. And the upside is . . . ?