Patterico's Pontifications


*Cough, Cough* — Mmmmm, Smooooooth

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:32 pm

When I was growing up, my Dad’s drink of choice was scotch. I was in the Trader Joe’s and saw that they sell single-malt Scotch whiskies, so I thought: what the heck?

I got Laphroaig, which is the same whisky described by a Lawrence Block character in a passage I have quoted before:

Slow sipping, that’s the way to do it. You take little sparrow-sized sips, and you keep telling yourself that you like the taste, and by the time you get to the bottom of the glass, it’s true.

. . . . Somewhere around the fifth sip, it had achieved the virtue of familiarity. I was accustomed to it, and the question of whether I actually liked it no longer seemed pertinent. It was like, say, a cousin. The man’s your cousin, for God’s sake! What do you mean, you don’t like him? You don’t have to like him or dislike him! He’s your cousin!

I tried a little this evening, with no mixer or chaser. Tasted pretty much like wood.

But I’m going to go give it another chance — this time drinking it like Tim Worstall suggests: mixed with an equal part of flat spring water. I’m nearing the end of L.A. Rex. Nothing like kicking back with a good book and a glass of liquid wood.

I see Goldstein’s drinking Glenkinchie.

Any scotch lovers out there? What’s your favorite?

Sound Mixer Kevin O’Connell – My Latest Hero of the Film Industry

Filed under: Awards,General,Movies,Real Life — Justin Levine @ 4:52 pm

[posted by Justin Levine] 

A lot of attention was given to director Martin Scorsese for finally getting the Oscar monkey off his back by winning the award after 7 previous losses.

That is nothing compared to sound mixer Kevin O’Connell who has now been nominated for an Academy Award 19 times (yes, 19 times) and never won. There were even two occasions where he was nominated twice for two different films in the same year, but still didn’t win. I’m not sure, but he may very well be the most nominated individual in Academy Award history. He certainly has the longest streak for Oscar nominations without a win. Last night, he lost out for the 19th time when Apocalypto failed to win the award for best sound mixing.

I tried contacting Mr. O’Connell to see if he would be interested in coming on the radio show to discuss his Oscar streak. His wife was kind enough to call me back and explain that he would normally love to come on the program, but that unfortunately his father had passed away last night – shortly after the Academy Awards ceremony.

Losing the Academy Award for the 19th time, and then having your father pass away all in the same evening. In my book, that is what you call a rough night. Anyone who can endure nights like that is a hero in my eyes.

Condolences to the O’Connell family for its loss. (And while the issue pales in comparison, here’s hoping that he wins next year for his work on Spider-Man 3.)

[posted by Justin Levine]

Ignoring the Oscars

Filed under: General,Movies — Patterico @ 6:52 am

Last night I ignored the Oscars along with my neighbor, Patterico reader Jeff C. We did this last year and had a good time, so we figured we’d make a tradition out of it.

I haven’t seen the Scorsese movie, but I’m a fan of his and I’m happy to see he won Best Director. But I’m annoyed that United 93 got nothing. It’s one of the best films I’ve seen in ages.

Vote for Teflon Don at Milbloggies

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:03 am

Teflon Don at Acute Politics needs your vote in the Milbloggies. You can vote for him here. (He is in the U.S. Army category.) If you haven’t registered, do so here.

I’m pushing Badgers Forward too, but Acute Politics is neck and neck for first place and needs every vote he can get. Certainly consider a vote for either one, but I really want to see Acute Politics take the top spot if he can.

I was an early supporter of both sites and want to see them do well.

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