Patterico's Pontifications


Edwards Keeps Marcotte

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:55 pm

John Edwards has decided not to fire Amanda Marcotte. In making this move, Edwards is taking my advice — but will I get any credit? Ha!

Seriously, I think this is excellent news. And the way it happened — with blatant dishonesty from Edwards and non-apology apologies from Marcotte & Co. — was priceless. I will elaborate later if I get time. If you can’t wait for more detailed analysis, Allah has the best take.

UPDATE: Salon has the backstory, which, summarized, is that the reversal is attributable to the lefty bloggers’ collective tantrum. I can’t see how any rational conservative could find this to be anything but encouraging. If I could put Atrios, TBogg, and the Sadly, No! crowd in charge of the campaign of the eventual Democratic frontrunner, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Don’t kid yourself: the Democrat, most likely Hillary, will win in 2008 regardless. But putting the nutroots in charge of her campaign would give us a decent shot.

UPDATE x2: The first draft of Marcotte’s apology:

My intention is never to offend anyone for his or her personal beliefs, and I am sorry if the godbags were personally offended by writings meant only as criticisms of public politics.

I wonder what’s so great about being a campaign blogger anyway. You have to be just as bland and utterly dishonest as your candidate, but without the power and privileges he enjoys. And the upside is . . . ?

22 Responses to “Edwards Keeps Marcotte”

  1. William Donohue:
    “Just imagine if a white guy is performing oral sex on a statue of Martin Luther King with an erection. Do you need to see it to know it’s ugly?”

    Mati Klarwein (59792e)

  2. Don’t kid yourself: the Democrat, most likely Hillary, will win in 2008 regardless.

    Get a grip, man!

    LagunaDave (cb0e49)

  3. Not Hillary. Lieberman. Or someone not in the radar yet but who is a lot like Lieberman. Unlike New Yorkers and Californians (present company excepted), Americans are a sensible people.

    nk (2ab789)

  4. Allahpundit:

    Do Catholics really believe they are eating Christ when they take the host? Allah knows that your priests have a taste for fleshthe younger the better, it seemsbut this is ridiculous. And you have the gall to mock Muslims for believing that Satan lives in their nostrils at night? Allah will admit that we have our eccentric beliefs like any other faith, but at least cannibalism is not part of the core curriculum. Stop chewing on Jesus, you ghoulish fucks.

    I’m looking forward to the upcoming conservative blogswarm demanding that Malkin fire Allahpundit. Clearly he is a bigot who hates Catholics.

    [That’s quite possibly the stupidest thing you’ve ever said on this site. If you are really trying to push her bullshit line that her writings on religion are “satire” then there is no level of dishonesty you won’t stoop to. — P]

    The Liberal Avenger (b8c7e2)

  5. What the hell is a “godbag”?

    Mescalero (734d33)

  6. LA,

    Is this the new spin? That Amanda Marcotte is the “Liberal Larry” of the Left? That she is only doing parody? Because to anyone with half a brain it is obvious that that’s what Allah was doing in the post you linked.

    nk (2ab789)

  7. No such luck, nk.

    I’m merely exposing yet another egregious case of hypocrisy in the wingnut universe.

    Do you really think Donohue from the Catholic League would differentiate between Marcotte’s work and that post of Allahpundit’s?

    [My God, you are a humorless moron. — P]

    The Liberal Avenger (b8c7e2)

  8. LA,

    You are not exposing, you are suggesting. And the suggestion does not stand.

    nk (d7a872)

  9. Do you really think Donohue from the Catholic League would differentiate between Marcotte’s work and that post of Allahpundit’s?

    Probably not… but then many of us cant differentiate your comments from Osama bin Laden’s… the difference being Donohue hasnt killed thousands of our fellow citizens, and at least he’s not cheering for ObL.

    bains (dd1157)

  10. and using the Marcotte defense, take no offense LA, because none was intended… you suck-ass commie.

    bains (dd1157)

  11. While real folks know the difference…let me add this:
    (The left side tends to take thier comments being used as foil personally.)

    bains (dd1157)

  12. Liberal Avenger

    You know what I find the sweetest of Amanda’s insincere apology? It’s the insipid contriteness after getting the “you’ve been a bad girl” talk from Big John… negating every More.Feminist.Than.Thou rant she’s spewed against non-left women.

    A year ago, she said to me

    Shorter Darleen: I got other body parts, so why not let men own my vagina?

    Tonight we ALL know who own’s Amanda’s vagina now.

    Darleen (543cb7)

  13. Hey, Lib Avenger — You missed this on Allahpundit (probably deliberately).
    From August 30, 2003, nearly two full months before the entry you posted (link Allah’s, bold mine):

    …I want to make clear that I have nothing against Muslims–or the adherents of any other faith, for that matter–who practice their religion peacefully. This site is intended as a parody of the radical Islamist mindset with which Americans have become only too familiar in the past two years. I tried alluding in my last post to the distinction between radical and moderate Islam by having “Allah” remark that most of his disciples pray only for innocuous, beneficent things like food and good health. To those moderate Muslims who read this site, then, I’d ask you to bear in mind that there’s no malice directed here at you or your beliefs, and I apologize if any offense is given. To any radical Muslims who should read this site, I’d ask you to bear in mind that I hope you die soon, and painfully.

    The simple truth is that a million blogs like this one, updated constantly for a million years, wouldn’t do one-one millionth as much damage to Islam’s reputation as this did. So if you’re really serious about confronting Islam’s enemies, my advice is not to worry so much about “Allah.” Worry about [bin Laden] instead…

    Now see, LA, that’s the sort of thing you write when you want it to be perfectly clear that you are engaging in satire and not just being a disgusting, venom-filled, teeth-grinding shrew.

    Nice try. But not really.

    By the way, pass along my thanks to John Edwards for proving he hasn’t got any business thinking he should be President of the United States. What a weasel, hiring those nitwits apparently without vetting them or reviewing their previous works, declaring that he was “personally offended” by “the tone and sentiment” of what they wrote, but then saying he wanted to give them a “fair shake.” Yeah, that’s what I call sticking to your principles. For all you liberals who think George W. Bush is dumb, consider this: he didn’t hire Ann Coulter and put her byline on his campaign website, but Edwards hired TWO Coulters! How dumb can you get?

    OK, if you don’t think that’s dumb, how about this: “I’ve talked to Amanda and Melissa; they have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone’s faith, and I take them at their word.” Anyone who has read their rants — Marcotte’s in particular — has to either think Edwards is illiterate or gullible, which is not what you want from your President. For all those who think that describes GWB, ask yourself: If Bush were a Democrat, would you vote for him?

    That’s not as silly a question as it might seem, considering that a browsing of comments on Edwards’ blog shows his diehard supporters are more happy about Breck Boy not caving in to the so-called “swiftboating” of Bill Donohue and Michelle Malkin, regardless of the facts about what Marcotte wrote. One persistent poster suggested that what Marcotte wrote was comparable to what Donohue has said, linking footage of Donohue on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart trashing actors Billy Zane and Gary Busey for appearing in an Arab-produced anti-American film. That was worse to him than Marcotte’s Nifonging and Christian slurring.

    The majority of respondents to Edwards’ squishy statement seem to think they’ve put this behind them, but as long as Marcotte and McEwan work for Edwards, it’s a chink in his armor (that’s NOT hate speech). “Hot, White, Sticky Holy Spirit” will echo at his campaign events in one way or another as long as they are in his employ. Count on it.

    Here’s a sample potential Edwards voter that woke up and smelled the compost. And another. And another. Others will follow as they learn the truth.

    L.N. Smithee (b9c2c4)

  14. Well, to put it in terms that both LA and Miss Marcotte would understand, Miss McEwan and she got publicly bitch-slapped by John Edwards, and then told they could keep their jobs as long as they answered to “Come here, Monica.”

    What a great story! The Edwards campaign hires them, then Mr Edwards says that he is “personally offended” by some of their work, and “that kind of intolerant language will not be permitted from anyone on my campaign, whether it’s intended as satire, humor, or anything else.”

    They then both make obeisance, abjure the very things that won them a hafty readership from our friends on the left, and promise to be good girls.

    If Rudy Guiliani hired Ann Coulter as his campaign blogmistress, and then said he was “personally offended” by some of Miss Coulter’s past writing and forced her to apologize for ever having offended anyone, and never having intended to, what do you think Miss Marcotte or LA would write about such a train of events on their sites?

    Dana (3e4784)

  15. LA – not only should you look up the definition of satire, you might want to look up ‘hypocrite’ as well.

    Unless you are proposing that Amanda Marcotte is actually a conservative and she is posing as a vile, hate-filled feminist, you are comparing AllahPundit’s apples to Marcottes oranges.

    So which is it, LA? Were you snookered into believing Marcotte before she was hired by Edwards or are you snookered now?

    w3 (853e72)

  16. […] Hot Air brings you a clip of Sean Hannity interviewing the Imam who can’t even own his own words. Little wonder the DNC likes him. No word on whether Edwards has decided to bring al-Husainy on as his Muslim Outreach Advisor. […] » Blog Archives » Forked Tongue Alert (853e72)

  17. Ann Coulter would never apologize for what she’s written.

    sharon (dfeb10)

  18. LA is desperately trying to avoid the realization that Amanda has sold-out. A rich southern white boy with nice hair scolded her and she couldn’t submit fast enough.

    How 1950’s of her.

    Darleen (543cb7)

  19. LA is desperately trying to avoid the realization that Amanda has sold-out. A rich southern white boy with nice hair scolded her and she couldn’t submit fast enough.

    How 1950’s of her.

    “1950’s”, Darleen? It’s practically antebellum! The only difference between Edwards and Rhett Butler is the mustache!

    L.N. Smithee (b048eb)

  20. Salon has the backstory, which, summarized, is that the reversal is attributable to the lefty bloggers’ collective tantrum.

    Can you imagine how well Edwards will stand up to, let’s say, Iran???

    Patricia (824fa1)

  21. “I wonder what’s so great about being a campaign blogger anyway”

    They get paid for it?

    bud (46e4bf)

  22. Iowahawk has now further developed his ideas about the
    Marcotte affair and has turned it into. . . a musical.

    JR (0064f3)

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