Patterico's Pontifications


Kerry: I Am Proud to Have the Support of That Guy Who Said “Screw Them” About Murdered Americans in Iraq

Filed under: General,Scum — Patterico @ 11:23 pm

Via Dan Riehl, John Kerry is now squarely relying on the support of “Screw them” Kos.

61 Responses to “Kerry: I Am Proud to Have the Support of That Guy Who Said “Screw Them” About Murdered Americans in Iraq”

  1. Res ipsa loquitur.

    Christoph (9824e6)

  2. Boy you really are desperate for a smear. Kos made a mistake in applying his past experiences with human rights abusing merecenaries in Centeral America and his generalized feelings about lawless mercenaries in Iraq (feelings shared by a large number of our troops) to the American merecenaries who were murdered in Fallujah. He stood up like a man and admitted that mistake and apologized.

    Kos also served unlike many of the Righties on the attack against Kerry.

    Need I remind Pat of his past mistakes (one of which has to do with lying about Kerry) or are we to now believe his past apologies weren’t genuine and we should bring those up forever.

    But hey … the real goal is to distract people from the daily deaths in Iraq hoping to enable the continuation of a policy by which more than 2 Americans a day will continue to die. The fact that you can’t discuss how to stop that shows how much you really care about those troops who are being sent to die for this fiasco.

    Macswain (5b310d)

  3. Need I remind Pat of his past mistakes (one of which has to do with lying about Kerry)

    Yes, you do.

    I have never lied about Kerry.

    Made a mistake about whether journalists got records from him as opposed to the government?




    Need I remind you of your B.S. arguments here? The latest one being that I didn’t post something you wanted posted when I was AT WORK, therefore I am hiding something? When, in fact, I was just WORKING?

    When you throw around terms like “lie” when they don’t apply, and when you get on people’s cases for not posting something when they were at WORK, you’re a careless partisan hack.

    Patterico (de0616)

  4. Counselor,

    Are you telling me you never argued before a jury that someone wasn’t being truthful based on the circumstantial evidence. How many of those people actually stood up and admitted they lied? And when they didn’t admit it, did you concede that your claim of untruthfulness did not apply.

    I don’t really care whether you lied or not but used that term to bait you so as to make a point. The point is, you don’t like it when people bring up your past mistakes to delegitimize every single utterance you will make henceforth yet seem to condone it for Kos or probably more broadly for anyone on the left.

    Now why are you ignoring the real beef about Bush and the Republicans’ failed policy in Iraq that is actually resulting in dead Americans.

    Macswain (5b310d)

  5. You don’t really care whether I lied or not, but you said I had lied anyway. You know, to bait me.

    How admirable. Careless accusations of dishonesty are exactly what you want to be known for.

    And you declared Ann Althouse obsessed with Glenn Greenwald because she dared to post one entire post about him.

    And you say I have ignored Bush’s policy in Iraq when I have posted on that (see here and here).

    Do you mean to come across this clueless, uninformed, and careless with the facts?

    Patterico (de0616)

  6. Clueless must have gotten lost. Can someone throw him/her a floatie? Maybe a hot link back to the daily kos playground.

    hangover (33e430)

  7. kerry lied and good people died. kerry is envious of those with greater moral character, integrity and HONOR than he has ever had or ever will have. Namely the men and women serving now in our Armed Forces. I pity that poor soul.

    Skul (6be780)

  8. I followed the links (squarely relying)to the site belonging to john kerry. I’ll need to take a shower in a minute. He has a blog! Eyes wide shut!From there I followed Pamela Leavey to her site called the democratic daily. Then followed her recent articles to a meeting she had with Barbara Boxer, California. That is one tight lipped, angry woman.>p?I left as quickly as possible, without leaving comments along the way. Ill go back to FreeRepublic and unwind.

    hangover (33e430)

  9. Why couldn’t Kerry just say something like, “I apologize that my statement was not clear. I was not in any way saying our military personnel are stupid. I was trying to say George Bush is.” What is wrong with that man?!

    sharon (dfeb10)

  10. Fitting that on Halloween the masks fell off. It was nice of Kerry to put a face on the real lefties.

    You want 2 years of this demeaning crap, don’t vote.

    bill (26027c)

  11. You’re going to atttack Kos for writing that? About fucking Mercs?
    You’re out of your mind.
    More evidence for you: your guy fucked up
    Story here.

    You defend the indefensible. You should be ashamed.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  12. Talk about defending the indefensible. You’re *defending* Kos saying “screw them” about murdered Americans because they’re “f*cking Mercs.”


    The Angry Left, ladies and gentlemen.

    Patterico (de0616)

  13. Macswain,

    Can you provide a link to the post in which Kos allegedly apologized for saying “Screw Them” about the American workers murdered in Iraq?


    aunursa (1b5bad)

  14. Apparently this is the post in which Kos allegedly apologized:

    And yet he didn’t actually apologize for the “screw them” remark. Kos wrote, I [was] wrong to say I felt nothing over their deaths, I was lying. I felt way too much. Yet none of the words apologize, sorry, or regret appears anywhere in his post.

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  15. Oops… the last sentence in my previous post should not have been italicized.

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  16. [Sigh] I’ve attempted to turn off the italics, with no success.

    At any rate … Also in his non-apology apology, Kos blamed the American workers for their own deaths: “I was angry that these mercenaries make more in a day than our brave men and women in uniform make in an entire month… I was angry that these mercenaries would leave their wives and children behind to enter a war zone on their own violition.”

    “[T]he mercenary is a whole different deal. They willingly enter a war zone, and do so because of the paycheck. They’re not there for humanitarian reasons (I doubt they’d donate half their paycheck to the Red Cross or whatever). They’re there because the money is DAMN good. They answer to no one except their CEO. They are dangerous, hence international efforts (however fruitless they may be) to ban their use.”

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  17. I have little sympathy for those who fight, not for a country or a cause, but cash. In Iraq, the Mercs are sloppy, they have no supervision, not legal oversight and they’re a danger to themselves and to the soldiers.
    It’s all on record. Look it up.
    You spend your time attacking Americans who disagree with you. Have you given up defending the policies themselves?

    Are Mercs helping the soldiers or harming them? Is the war a success of an absolute fucking disaster? Was this predictable or not?

    And I’m not liberal, I’m on the left (in this country at least). Kos joined the army. He’s a big fan Reagan’s Secretary of the Navy, who’s running against Senator Macacawitz. He’s proud to vote for an Eisenhower Republican.
    And you idiots call him a traitor.
    Kos was proud to serve and proud to to defend republicans who aren’t idiots and lunatics. I would not be proud of either. But I will vote the middling Eisenhower ticket against the insane, drug fogged idiots who defend this administration. You are driving this country off a fucking cliff. Your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Your anger and frustration, adolescent.
    Can you argeu the issues? Will you try?

    My uncle was in an American POW in Germany in WWII. I’m proud of him. I would have served proudly in that war.
    Again: you should be ashamed.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  18. Handy Andy Sullivan
    “While the media is obsessed parsing the ad libs of someone on no ballot this fall, something truly ominous has just happened in Iraq. The commander-in-chief has abandoned an American soldier to the tender mercies of a Shiite militia. Yes, there are nuances here, and the NYT fleshes out the story today. But the essential fact is clear. In a showdown for control of Baghdad, the Iraqi prime minister took orders from Moqtada al-Sadr, and instructed the U.S. military to withdraw from Sadr City. The American forces were trying both to stabilize the city but also to find a missing American serviceman. He is still missing.”

    Riddle me this, dimwit. Who cares about the soldiers?

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  19. Alois said:

    “You are driving this country off a fucking cliff. Your knowledge of history is nonexistent. Your anger and frustration, adolescent.”

    Again with the projection–you’ll be able to start your own theater chain soon.

    Chris (926a19)

  20. Make an argument Chris. Defend a policy. Defend the abandoning of a US Soldier. Follow the links I posted
    “Nya, Nya! Can’t make me!”

    I know.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  21. I have little sympathy for those who fight, not for a country or a cause, but cash. In Iraq, the Mercs are sloppy, they have no supervision, not legal oversight and they’re a danger to themselves and to the soldiers.

    Yeah, the hell with those “mercenaries” who rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII, right Alois? Nothing but money-grubbing stooges for Haliburton or Standard Oil or U.S. Steel or whichever large successful corporation the Left was mad at in those days.

    JVW (709273)

  22. “Yeah, the hell with those “mercenaries” who rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII,”

    WTF are you talking about?

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  23. Alois said:

    “Make an argument Chris. Defend a policy. Defend the abandoning of a US Soldier. Follow the links I posted
    “Nya, Nya! Can’t make me!”

    I know.”

    Alois, you know jack and shit.

    I’d love to follow your links, but I’m currently stationed in the Middle East and the local networks have Sully’s blog firewalled.

    Let me repeat–I’m currently stationed in the Middle East. Where the fuck do you get off lecturing me on “defending policy”. Oh that’s right, from your own projected narcissism–I get to deal with this stuff first-hand, you’re just a pathetic wannabe.

    “Defend the abandoning of a US soldier”? Is someone paying you to vomit ignorant loaded statements, or does it just come naturally? Neither you nor Sully have a clue as to what the plan is to recover this missing soldier, so save your faux outrage for your leftist cocktail parties–trying to pass it off on anyone with an ounce of understanding or self-respect is going to get you deservedly mocked.

    “I have little sympathy for those who fight, not for a country or a cause, but cash.”

    Yeah, the only one you have sympathy for is yourself. Loser.

    Chris (926a19)

  24. They have the NY Times blocked too?

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  25. Oh what’s wrong, no smart-ass comment now?

    Enlist in the military, come join me in the desert, and then I’ll take you seriously.

    Chris (926a19)

  26. “[JVW]’Yeah, the hell with those “mercenaries” who rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII,’

    [Alois] WTF are you talking about?”

    Well, Alois, once there was this great war which was started in Europe in 1939. . .

    As wrong as I may be to do so, I am going to assume that you have heard of World War II. After the war concluded, lots of Americans went to Europe and Japan to participate in the rebuilding of Europe. Look up the Marshall Plan if you want to learn more. Under your definition, and that of Kos when he originally blasted the American contractors killed in Iraq, these Americans were nothing but “mercernaries” and you would have “little sympathy” had they been killed while overseas. Face it, Alois, you and Kos and Kerry have made obnoxious statements. You should quit with all this tap-dancing around it, apologize, and take your lumps.

    JVW (709273)

  27. So Chris, you’re saying you joined up because it was a job I understand that. But Mercs are one step beyond. And they fight for anyone who pays: Democracy, king or dictator. And they make your job less safe.

    You may have needed a job and this was the best one offered at the time. Tough call. But don’t start defending the policy that sent you there just because you’re the one on the front line. If you want to argue with me you had better have the last 50 years of Middle East history and of American policy down cold. Begin with The Saudi monarchy, and then the founding of Israel. I’m a Jew but I’m not a Zionist. Defend the refugee camps. Defend the expulsion of people from their homes. Defend CIA sponsored coups. Defend Reza Pahlvi; and Saddam Hussein up until the day he invaded Kuwait. Did you know the CIA supported him from the beginning of his career? Support did not begin with Iran war.
    Defend Savak. Google that if they don’t block it.
    Run down the list son. Give me every argument you can.

    I hope you get out of wherever you are alive, and in one piece. But don’t confuse that with respect for the idiots who sent you there. They put your life in danger and the rest of ours as well.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  28. JVW You can’t read.

    “My uncle was in an American POW in Germany in WWII. I’m proud of him. I would have served proudly in that war.”

    When they released him he weighed 95 pounds.
    So stick that up your ass.

    Blackwater ops are Mercs son, not NGO employees,
    And Kerry’s a putz, born with a golden foot in his mouth, just like his distant cousin Bush (their family lines meet up in the 1700’s). So what?
    We’re talking policy here not football.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  29. Alois, I don’t want to stick your 95-pound uncle up my ass. I am not in to that kind of stuff. The fact that you treat your (alleged) war hero uncle that way shows a lack of respect.

    I had to go through all of your previous comments and wade through your semi-literate reliance on the words “fuck” and “shit” and all that other stuff that you lefties fall back on when you can’t make a coherent argument, but I still hold that you were condeming ALL mercernaries (i.e., one who works for profit in a war), which includes those Americans in post-WWII Europe and Japan and post-Saddam Iraq who have gone in to try to rebuild the respective countries. You are the one wearing the asshole badge here, Alois; don’t try to pin it on any of us.

    JVW (709273)

  30. That will be it for my comments to you, Alois. I have things to do, and feeding trolls isn’t one of them.

    Good day.

    JVW (709273)

  31. Alois – I’m a Jew but I’m not a Zionist.

    aunursa – Are you against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, too? Or just against a state for Jews?

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  32. “My (alleged) war hero uncle”?

    Have some fun with my sentence construction if you want but WTF is this? My uncle wasn’t a hero, he was just a soldier and he fought in a war worth fighting. For this you throw around insults. It’s your ego you’re worried about, not the country.
    And still no one talks policy.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  33. A state for jews founded by Europeans, with European money and Eurpoean backing. My family wanted the Rhineland.
    Zionism is Racism baby. Or maybe John Kerry and the rest of the East Coast Blue bloods should invade England and claim a ‘right of return’
    Lets all go ‘home’ Give this country back to the natives.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  34. My question remains unanswered: Are you against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, too? Or just against a state for Jews?

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  35. “You may have needed a job and this was the best one offered at the time. Tough call. But don’t start defending the policy that sent you there just because you’re the one on the front line.”

    What nonsensical illogic. Those on the front lines are as good as anyone to offer both defense and criticism of the current administration’s policies, since we see them and are directly affected by them. Just because it isn’t what you want to hear doesn’t make it any less legitimate.

    “If you want to argue with me you had better have the last 50 years of Middle East history and of American policy down cold. Begin with The Saudi monarchy, and then the founding of Israel.”

    Oh, I see. Since the fact that I’m serving in the Middle East pretty much fizzled your sniveling implication that I have no understanding of the issues at hand, you now want to broaden the argument to the past 50 years rather than the last 5?

    “Run down the list son. Give me every argument you can.”
    Your “defend this” laundry list reads like a Howard Zinn rant, and equally shaky on methodological grounds. Why stop at 50 years? Why not go back 1500 years to the beginning of Islam? Why not 2000-2100 years to the invasion Macedonians and later on, the Romans? Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if you decided to blame King David for supressing the Philistines in Gaza. So before you decide to condescend to me, “son,” you better think long and hard about what exactly you want to argue. When you’ve figure it out and can develop a coherent thesis, come back and talk.

    As to the contractors, I–and the rest of us over here–will decide if they are putting our lives in danger, not you. We are also big boys and girls who do not need patronizing do-gooders to tell us what is best for us.

    Chris (926a19)

  36. My “sniveling implication” that you have no understanding, has become a statement. Admitting that you would be good to have around in a firefight says nothing one way or the other about whether you’re any good at avoiding one.

    As far as going back 2000 years, that’s the absurdity of Israeli logic, so why would I make that argument? 80 is enough, 50 would do. To 1967? Why not?
    On tactics, I’ll let central command do the talking.

    The strategy, which never really existed anyway other than as a dream, has failed. You make accusations; you don’t engage my arguments. What’s next? A lecture on Islam from Raphael Patai and Bernard Lewis?

    Eid Mubarak

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  37. Vote Vets

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  38. Atta Boy!, Chris. As I have said before, the lefties have nothing but contempt for those with virtue and honor. “Always Failing” does just that in all of his/her/it’s arguments.

    Ropeboy (c77ffa)

  39. From the Imus appearance this morning, approx. 6:40 in…

    … the quotable Kerry:

    “John McCain says we oughta send another hundred thousand troops over there. First of all, we don’t have another hundred thousand troops. Secondly, uh, if we send them over there, uh, it’s going to do exactly what’s already happenned, which is attract more terrorists, more jihadists.

    “Our own generals are telling us that it’s the numbers of troops are the problem and the fact is that that’s what’s adding to the number of terrorists in the world.”

    I see, so it’s the U.S. military that is the problem. There are simply too many of them. And this creates terrorists and jihadists.

    Christoph (9824e6)

  40. closing html tagtest

    Christoph (9824e6)

  41. another test

    Christoph (9824e6)

  42. yet another test

    Christoph (9824e6)

  43. Quoth my friend Max,

    “Had to say something about John Kerry. Much worse than sending young men and women to their deaths on the basis of lies hysteria and ignorance is suggesting that if you don’t study, you’ll wind up in Iraq.

    The real scandal is that if you DO study you could still wind up in Iraq, because the job market sucks for young people. And if you don’t study, like young G. Bush, you could avoid ending up in Vietnam Iraq because Daddy’s got money and friends. And if you’re a Republican, you can dodge the draft, dress up like a cowboy, and impugn the patriotism of real live vets.

    What a country.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  44. So by your non-response, should I assume that you are not against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia?

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  45. What are you asking? Did I support the British Mandate?
    Do I support the Saudi Monarchy?
    What does this have to do with Zionism and my family with our German surname and our supposed “right” of return?

    A homeland for the Mizrahi? Equal rights for religious minorities? The claim- the fucking joke- that the 3 million Russians who moved to Israel since 1990 have more right to a home in Israel than the families that were thrown off their land 40 years earlier?
    What do you think of the partition of Pakistan?
    I’d no more get in an argument over Saudi Arabia and Transjordan. than than over the Balkans, except to say that all Empires are criminal enterprises.
    I’m not a nationalist. You I’m sure defend the logic of Haider and Le Pen for a country that didn’t exist 50 years ago founded by colonizers from half a world away. I’m the descendent of European Jews. The Europeans should get used to it and so should you.


    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  46. Alois – this thread was SUPPOSED to be about John F. Kerry, proven congenital liar and Teresa’s lap dog (ick), and his support by Daily Kos who is a left winger and asshat of gigantic proportions. So all the other crap about Israel and the Mizrahis and so forth is OFF THE TOPIC. Not to mention ill-informed dreck.

    I’ve only been reading this site for a few weeks and it seems to me that you are NEVER on topic but just spewing whatever, regardless of its connection to any topic.

    Are you that lonely and desperate?

    I’m just asking.

    Gayle Miller (855514)

  47. It’s a simple question asking for a simple answer: either “YES, I am against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia” … or “NO, I am not against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia.”

    Is it always this difficult to get a straight answer out of you?

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  48. “Alois – this thread was SUPPOSED to be about John F. Kerry”

    The question is “why aren’t you talking about anything of importance to the future of this country?”

    Lost amidst the manufactured outrage over John Kerry’s study-hard-or-go-to-Iraq line has been the genuine outrage that Americans ought to feel about the president’s and vice president’s coordinated message two days ago that essentially said a vote for Democrats is a vote for terrorism.”

    Rilly kids. Your boy’s an idiot. Defending him is defending chaos. One of you pleaase give me an argument about what direction we should take.

    Aunursa- The answer is that if I were a resident of either territory I would have preferred to live in a republic. Is that enough? I doubt it.
    You’re positing a parallel between Arab and Jewish nationalism.
    All things being equal, I might agree and be annoyed by both.
    But since the Jews ended up with the imprimatur of a European, and then an American Empire, I’d say the whole thing becomes a bit fucked.
    But for the hell of it, to keep this ball rolling, I’ll just answer: “NO, I am not against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia.”

    So ramble on and we’ll see what you come up with.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  49. More news, The Merc are pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq.
    too dangerous
    Heck of a job Georgie.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  50. I’m done with this.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  51. NO, I am not against the founding of Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

    Thank you.

    So while on the one hand, you oppose the founding of a country that provides freedom of religion for all its citizens — Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and miscellaneous … on the other hand, you express no disappointment about the founding of a nation that prohibits Jews from becoming citizens. And you are okay with the founding of a nation that prohibits the practice of any religion except Islam.

    You oppose the founding of a nation that offers free speech (e.g. to criticize the government), women’s rights (until recently the only Middle East nation where Arab women had the right to vote), homosexual rights (gays have more rights in Israel than in the U.S.) to all its citizens … while you don’t oppose the founding of nations that prohibit or greatly inhibit human rights. And these are considered to be two MODERATE Islamic states.

    aunursa (9236fc)

  52. John Kerry the dirty rotten liberal liar an all time crook who can trust a sore loser like this pathetic idiot

    krazy kagu (52a738)

  53. aunursa…

    what I expected

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  54. Alois…


    aunursa (8d026c)

  55. I answered your last question above. You trotted out that list as if by rote, sure that I’d fallen into some trap.
    It’s sad. I had these fights years ago.

    I would not have defended Apartheid era SA even if it were a socialist utopia for white people. And No Israel does not treat its Arab citizens as equals. Remember, by your own definition it is “A Jewish State.”
    Defend the Palestinians return and our debate is over.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  56. I posted a reply?
    Was it removed?
    I said:
    I responded to your other questions previously, and said that I would not defend apartheid era s africa even if it were a socialist utopia for white people. Furthermore Israel calls itself a “Jewish” state -defined by race, unlike America- and that if Aunursa would accept the return of palestinian refugees our debate would be done.

    A home for Jews is not the same thing as a Jewish state.

    Pat, I hope racial nationalism isn’t high on your agenda

    A.F (ede69b)

  57. Israel calls itself a “Jewish” state -defined by race, unlike America- and that if Aunursa would accept the return of palestinian refugees our debate would be done.

    Judaism is not a race, nor does Israel define itself by race.

    Israel is not an apartheid state. Unlike South African apartheid law, Israeli law provides equal rights for all Israeli citizens, irrespective of race or religion.

    Why should aunursa accept the rights of Palestinian refugees to be greater than the rights of any other refugees? That would be racism.

    If the Arab and Muslim nations would accept a Jewish state in the historic Jewish homeland, the conflict would be done … and the Palestinians would have their own state within a month. (If their own state is what they really wanted.)

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  58. “Judaism is not a race, nor does Israel define itself by race.”
    The Jews are a semitic people. Many Israelis are as secular as I am.
    I am a Jew. My father was a Jew. Niether of us believe in your god or any other.

    “Why should aunursa accept the rights of Palestinian refugees to be greater than the rights of any other refugees?”

    3 millions Russians brought into a place their ancestors left 2 millennia ago, and 3 million Palestinians not allowed back to the place of their own and their parent’s birth.
    And you defend this in the name of racial demography.
    By your logic, the majority of the American population would have a right of reurn to Europe. But I said that already. Kick the Pakis out of England and Give America back to the Indians

    “Jewish state in the historic Jewish homeland…”
    2500 years ago after the fact.
    And you offer a Bantustan in return.

    The Palestinians have been willing to accept 1967 borders for a long time; and they assume that most of them will never return to their old lands. That you ignore this- by pretending not to know- and affect a tone of moral superiority towards the dispossessed is something that I can only call grotesque.
    You are a racist. You defend racism.

    The disaster you call home is falling apart. You’re left courting the lunatic Anti-Semites of the American right, who expect the second coming any day and want it to come now. They support your cause while hating you. The rest of the world has just about lost patience.
    Israel/Palestine will be rebuilt in a better more just way. But it will take awhile.

    Your dream is ending. A better one will take its place

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  59. The Jews are a semitic people. Many Israelis are as secular as I am. I am a Jew. My father was a Jew. Niether of us believe in your god or any other.

    Nevertheless, Jews are not a race; rather Jewry includes people of many races. Moreover, one cannot opt in or out of a race.

    3 million Palestinians not allowed back to the place of their own and their parent’s birth.

    The Palestinian Claim to a “Right of Return”
    Legal aspects of Palestinian refugees

    By your logic, the majority of the American population would have a right of reurn to Europe.

    Have Americans been persecuted throughout history in the various countries around the world in which they resided?

    2500 years ago after the fact.

    I’m confused. You’re the one who wants to go back in time to correctly alleged injustices. Yet you just want to go back only to a certain point … and no further? Or are you now ready to deal just with the present situation?

    The Palestinians have been willing to accept 1967 borders for a long time

    Obviously, that’s why they elected by an overwhelming margin a group whose charter is laced with a virulent strain of anti-Semitism … and that states frequently and vociferously that its goal is the destruction of Israel.

    You are a racist. You defend racism.

    [Sigh — ad hominem is the last refuge of the losing side]
    Judaism is not a race. (See above)

    If you wish, I would be happy to discuss these issues offline. You may email me at

    aunursa (bbff33)

  60. wow.

    Of course, Israel’s actions have nothing to do with the rise of Hamas. It must be genetic.
    If you don’t understand the difference between the murder of my friend’s grandfather and the crimes of the Roman Empire there’s nothing much to say. CAMERA? Oh dear.
    Thanks for the email, but you won’t want to continue with me anyway. Chomsky and my family go a long way back. My mother always said he was humorless. Not much for dinner table chat.
    Now go play with your friends
    I said before that I was done.
    Now I am.

    Alois Fahyling (6aa211)

  61. Blame Israel for Israel’s actions and blame Israel for the Palestinians’ actions. Why not just blame Israel for the AIDS epidemic, starvation in Africa, and Hurricane Katrina while you’re at it. The Palestinians shouldn’t be held responsible for their own actions — now that’s racism.

    Chomsky, that explains it. You can recover. There is hope. But you must take the first step.

    I’m actually more curious about your identification as a Jew, but I suppose we won’t get a chance to explore that sensitive issue. Oh well … ce la vie.

    aunursa (d50e8b)

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