Rick Ellensburg: Kirsten Powers Is a “Right-Wing Pundit”
Dishonest link, or insult? You be the judge.
Ellison says:
Right-wing pundits this week spent several days expressing such intense outrage over the outing by Mike Rogers, claiming that the conduct of this single, obscure blogger somehow shows how depraved and evil The Democratic Party itself is.
The link for the word “outrage” goes to a post at Kirsten Powers’s blog.
In other words, Ellensburg/Ellers/Ellison/Greenwald is calling Kirsten Powers a “right-wing pundit.”
Well, if Glenn Greenwald says it, it must be true. After all, he’s never misrepresented links before . . .
Allah has been trying to accomplish KP’s conversion for months now. Looks like it’s finally complete.