Patterico's Pontifications


A True Story of How Hollywood Can Turn Anything Into Maudlin Crap

Filed under: General,Movies — Patterico @ 8:31 pm

I said I went to see United 93 because it looked like it was “not a typical Hollywood piece of crap.”

It wasn’t.

Judging from the trailer, this is.

P.S. The trailer says this Oliver Stone film is “A True Story.” Because there’s no expert on the truth like Oliver Stone.

Weekend Roundup

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 6:02 am

I’m doing a weekend roundup today, in part because I may have chased some of you off by telling you on Saturday that blogging was to be light this weekend. As it turned out, that was inaccurate, and I had quite a few posts after that:

  • Democrats have hit a stumbling block in their campaign to portray corruption as a purely Republican problem.

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