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Patterico: A Malkin Favorite

Filed under: Blogging Matters — Patterico @ 12:07 am

This is pretty cool. Michelle Malkin was asked by Technorati to put together her 20 favorite blogs (besides her own). It appears that Patterico has made the list. (Look at the right margin.)

P.S. Oddly, my posts don’t seem to be showing up on the Technorati page at the present moment; there are about 4 blogs at the bottom of the margin (including Dafydd ab Hugh’s Big Lizards) that have been listed among Michelle’s favorites, but don’t appear to be registering posts. Hopefully this technical glitch will be worked out. In any event, I consider this a great honor, and I thank Michelle for the recognition.

7 Responses to “Patterico: A Malkin Favorite”

  1. I thought Michelle Malkin, an author of a flimsy and debunked book devoted to rationalizing the WWII Japanese internment, was well below you in terms of wit, brevity, judgement, conservative smugness and ideogogical creepiness (and most likely, musical taste). I rate her somewhere between Limbaugh and Coulter. Which I don’t think is inaccurate. I’m surprised you would be honored to be on her list of top blogs.

    Beyond the fact that her commendation will boost traffic to your blog.

    jmaharry (74c3ec)

  2. Nah, not much. I have seen almost nothing in the way of a traffic boost. But you and I have very different opinions of Malkin.

    Patterico (8ccd07)

  3. Ok, but why do you like her at all?

    She harbors paranoia about a left-biased media. Is that your connection? Your criticisms, at least occassionally, have merit.

    But her? She’s just an ideologue. Again, just a grade above Coulter. Just my opinion.

    I can come up with examples, if you want. But I’ve got a couple of projects I need to work on for my company. Web sites, brochures, ads, stufff like that.

    jmaharry (74c3ec)

  4. I think she’s smart, level-headed, honest, thorough, and a great writer. I haven’t read her internment book, the reported theme of which gives me pause, but I wouldn’t render a judgment on it until I had read it, and read the various criticisms and rebuttals.

    I tried making my way through Eric Muller’s criticism, and was immediately put off by how personal and fact-free it was. Maybe it got better after the first installment, but leading with links to tasteless photoshops of the book cover did not impress me in the slightest. I thought Malkin’s rebuttal to the first installment was far more convincing than Muller’s criticism — and I was hardly predisposed to agree with Malkin’s thesis.

    Patterico (8ccd07)

  5. Ok, I’l have to reserve further comment on Malkin until a later time. You think she’s smart, and honest. I agree she is smart.

    As for thorough, just look at her conjoined effort, with a Brian Maloney, in their attempted takedown of Air America. It was fraught with innuendo, rumour, insinuation and speculation (without the courage or the substantiation to make any concrete conclusions). The kind of empty accusation that gives blogging a bad name, esp. as it begins to compete with professional journalism. Which at least has a code of ethics and truth worthiness.

    jmaharry (74c3ec)

  6. But her? She’s just an ideologue. Again, just a grade above Coulter. Just my opinion.

    I disagree. Malkin is waaayyyy hotter than Coulter. She also doesn’t call people “ragheads” or “camel jockeys,” either. That’s two grades right there.

    Xrlq (2b6e32)

  7. […] But some of the folks whom he carries water for are not quite so cleverly subtle. Let’s take Michelle Malkin, whom Patterico correctly says we have a particular animus toward. Patterico has defended Malkin on repeated occasions from lefty attacks, and has happily touted his association with her several times. All of which is well and good. But for someone who thinks it’s “crazy” to believe there is a widespread media conspiracy to help the enemy, Patterico sure did pick an odd horse to hitch his wagon to. […]

    Sadly, No! » Fair is Fair (d83a19)

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