Patterico's Pontifications


Jack Dunphy Blasts L.A. Times Again

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 12:21 pm

More catching up on Internet reading: you should read this recent Jack Dunphy piece on the L.A. Times‘s coverage of discipline at the LAPD. Good stuff as always.

6 Responses to “Jack Dunphy Blasts L.A. Times Again”

  1. I started a 21-year career in journalism at the Newark Star-Ledger in the early 1970s where I got beat up by some of the best editors in the business. If I had submitted a a story with so many misconceptions, half-truths, and ignored facts as this LA Times piece, the managing editor would have personnally kicked my butt down the two flights of stairs from the editorial office to the street.

    sam (8539e1)

  2. misconceptions, half-truths, and ignored facts

    Name one.

    Sam, you clearly know little (nothing?) about the LAPD.

    Susan (77c816)

  3. Well, for starters, how about the dishonesty in saying that union officials didn’t return a call without the qualifying statement that their offices were closed for the holiday. I thought Patterico laid out the deficiencies in the copy pretty well.

    sam (8539e1)

  4. Oh… looks like you may have been talking about the problems in the original LA times piece? I took it you were criticizing the Dunphy article.

    Susan (77c816)

  5. G-d bless you normal people living out there on the west coast. Having never been to Calif. it seems like the lunatics are running the sylum out there.

    paul (464e99)

  6. I always love reading the Dunphy pieces. Amazing perspective that is very seldom seen. As far as I’m concerned he and his articles are a very large light in the halls of the Criminal Courts Building. It helps fight the good fight.

    MOG (4d4be8)

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