Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: General,Real Life — Patterico @ 11:06 pm

What a day. I’m sitting in our back yard listening to a cricket, the hum of distant traffic mixed with the waves, and some annoying electonic noise that I assume is related to the neighbors’ alarm system. The air is cool but soothing after all the activity today. It’s a relaxing scene, though I wouldn’t mind if the beeping stopped.

8 Responses to “Whew!”

  1. Been thru too many moving days not to know what you’ve just been thru yourself.

    Well done! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. And thank your wife, since she did most of it

    ras (f9de13)

  2. Hmmm. It seems that both Sister Toldjah (whose picture you have run on your website) and you are moving into a new domicile at the very same time. This could be time to start a rumor that you two are moving in together. 🙂

    Dana (71415b)

  3. Congratulations on your new home, Patterico. The view of the ocean looked wonderful. And if you look straight down, there’s the Cabrillo Fault (not to be confused with the Palos Verdes Fault) which is capable of producing a 7.0 quake.

    Justice Frankfurter (2dcd84)

  4. The noise is probably from the LA Times Surveillance.



    Flap (633b91)

  5. You Bastard!!!

    mog (963157)

  6. Emjpy the Monday commute.

    mog (963157)

  7. Here is an amusing parody of the recent “Mohammed Comic” situation that I found:

    Andrew (7983ed)

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