Patterico's Pontifications


Moving House and Work

Filed under: General,Real Life — Patterico @ 7:29 am

It’s busy at the Patterico household nowadays. We are preparing for a move to our new house on Saturday. What’s more, I have been transferred from downtown to the Compton courthouse, where I have worked before, effective Monday. (In our office, transfers happen every few years.)

I am pleased with the work transfer. Though I will miss downtown, I will be doing the same work with a much shorter commute. I will be in a courthouse I am familiar with, with colleagues I know and like, and will work for bosses with good reputations. But it’s a lot to have happen all at once.

In the meantime, if you know anyone who is interested in a four-level townhome in Marina del Rey that is a block and a half from the beach (you can walk there in your bare feet), feel free to have them e-mail me at patterico AT patterico DOT com.

10 Responses to “Moving House and Work”

  1. Is there no justice? Such a view and now you have to give it up? Enjoy house hunting again.

    Not a Yank (cd32cd)

  2. No. We’re moving *to* the house with the view.

    Patterico (929da9)

  3. Congratulations on the job transfer!

    aphrael (e7c761)

  4. Congrats!

    As someone that moved to a new house about 1 year ago, I can warn you prepare to paint the entire interior, and be ready for some landscaping work among other things.

    I enjoy that kind of stuff though.

    Dwilkers (a1687a)

  5. If you find a buyer for your townhouse via the blog, does that mean that you’ll be able to deduct the expenses of the blog as a real estate deduction?

    Dana (3e4784)

  6. dude, if I could afford it, I’d email you in a heartbeat. But there’s no way in heck I could….

    Plus that would mean we’d have to buy another car, as Hubby would have to drive to work.

    caltechgirl (fbed6f)

  7. I wish you good luck in both your move and your new job location. That worked well eh? Plan it that way?
    Say hi to PV…I miss it very much.

    [Pure coincidence. But it worked out. — Patterico]

    Marv (e5f76b)

  8. Patterico:

    The three most traumatic events that typically occur in a person’s life (discounting actual tragedies or catastrophes) are moving, changing jobs, and remarrying: you’ve got two of those going simultaneously (well, 1.5, since you’re only being transferred).

    So whatever you do, don’t start looking for a second wife!


    Dafydd (6e94cd)

  9. No, no, DO look for a second wife. The one you got is way to good for you.

    alert reader hank k. (4d4be8)

  10. Congrats 🙂

    Yi Ling (60e85d)

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