Patterico's Pontifications


Saddam Trial Update

Filed under: Humor,War — Patterico @ 10:52 pm

Gil Garcetti has been put in charge of the Saddam prosecution. He has moved for a venue change to Ramadi, claiming that the evidence is so strong that even a jury packed with insurgents and Saddam loyalists would have no choice but to convict.

P.S. It’s a cheap shot, but sometimes you just gotta take the cheap shot.

2 Responses to “Saddam Trial Update”

  1. Ha! I’m cracking up over here, but that’s only because I get the joke.

    (the sound of crickets is heard all around me and my insane laughter)

    Nick @ HBR (63e20f)

  2. I think it was a cheap shot put Saddam in a baby pen.

    Tillman (1cf529)

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