Specter Should Subpoena Dobson and Rove
Arlen Specter wants to ask James Dobson and Karl Rove what mysterious thing it is that Dobson claims to know about Harriet Miers:
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter said he wants to know whether presidential adviser Karl Rove privately assured a conservative activist of how Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers would rule on the court.
Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican, said he will would look into a statement by James Dobson, president of the Colorado Springs, Colorado-based advocacy group Focus on the Family, that Dobson has had “conversations” with Rove about the woman nominated to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and knows things about Miers “that I probably shouldn’t know.”
“The Senate Judiciary Committee is entitled to know whatever the White House knew,” Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican, said on ABC’s “This Week” program. “If Dr. Dobson knows something that he shouldn’t know or something that I ought to know, I’m going to find out.”
I sure as hell want to know what Dobson claims to know that he says he probably shouldn’t know. I sincerely doubt that Harriet Miers secretly assured Karl Rove that she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, but that is one logical reading of Dobson’s mysterious suggestions.
Specter should look into this, and should subpoena Dobson and Rove if necessary. Either we’ll learn something really interesting, or (as I think is likely) we’ll learn it was really nothing — and that’d be interesting too, wouldn’t it?
UPDATE: I’m not understanding the negative reaction in the comments. I’m not suggesting that executive deliberations over Miers be revealed. But Dobson is not in the Bush Administration, and (as far as I know) he didn’t participate in the selection process. As I understand it, he was simply called once the selection was made, and told it was A-OK. Now, Dobson has made some dark suggestions that he knows things he shouldn’t know, based on those contacts occurring after the selection was made. Under these circumstances, we have a right to know what those things are. Rove should be asked only what he told Dobson, not what his discussions were with Administration insiders.
UPDATE: More here.