Patterico's Pontifications


About to Go On

Filed under: Blogging Matters,Judiciary — Patterico @ 6:27 pm

I’m standing at a pay phone in the Minneapolis airport, waiting for the producer of Pundit Review radio to call. This is the thread to comment on how horribly I did once it’s all over.

UPDATE: Seemed to go okay. We’re boarding now. The guys say there should be an audio file available in the next couple of days . . .

UPDATE x2: Don’t everybody comment at once!

A Couple of Liens Do Not a “Slumlord” Make

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 1:40 pm

Via Bench Memos: if this is the worst the press can find on Miers, she’ll be confirmed easily. Jonathan Adler titles his post “Harriet Miers . . . Slumlord?” That seems a bit harsh.

Patterico Media Appearances

Filed under: Blogging Matters,Judiciary — Patterico @ 9:59 am

Jonathan V. Last in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

The near unanimity of conservative thinkers against the Miers appointment shows that conservatives are willing to stand on principle. By and large, their opposition has been independent of politics. One could reasonably expect that Miers will vote roughly with Chief Justice John G. Roberts. But the worry from conservatives isn’t that Miers is another David Souter. It’s that they think the Supreme Court deserves better than a serial flatterer who earnestly tells people Bush was “the best governor ever” and “the most brilliant man” she’s ever met, one who “votes right.”

California lawyer and blogger Patrick Frey made this point last week when he argued that “judicial conservatism means knowing the law, inside and out. It’s easy to simply choose a result and build an opinion around it. But to come to the right decision, based on rigorous legal knowledge and backed by a powerful intellect capable of authoring irrefutable judicial opinions – that’s hard.”

Jonathan V. Last is proprietor of the fine blog Galley Slaves, and an editor of the Weekly Standard. The reference is to this post.

And on a CNN segment with Erick Erickson and Lorie Byrd, I was referred to as a “hard-core conservative blogger[]” who is against Miers. The Political Teen has the video. (Thanks to commenter Russ for the heads-up.)

Reminder: Patterico on Pundit Review Radio Tonight

Filed under: Blogging Matters,Judiciary — Patterico @ 9:29 am

Just a reminder that I’ll be on Pundit Review radio tonight at 9:30 p.m. Eastern. Topic: Harriet Miers. Details here.

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