Patterico's Pontifications


The Vetting (If You Can Call It That) of Harriet Miers

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 3:35 pm

John Fund discusses the slipshod vetting process that brought us a second-rate Supreme Court nominee.

Miers: NAACP Not “Politically Charged”

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 2:58 pm

If you were surprised to read on Drudge that Harriet Miers once called the Federalist Society too “politically charged” for her to become a member, then you haven’t been reading Patterico. I told you about that six days ago.

At the time, I was amused (and distressed) that she didn’t find the ABA “politically charged.” Now I’m further amused (and distressed) that she thought the same about the NAACP.

UPDATE: Reporters suck. Even though it’s a week-old story,they’re just now asking Scott McClellan about Miers’s views of the Federalist Society. Why? Because Drudge reported it.

Online Petition Opposing Miers Nomination

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 7:12 am

David Frum has an online petition against the confirmation of Harriet Miers.

I might have worded it a bit differently if I had written it myself. Nevertheless, I think it’s an important way to communicate the grassroots opposition to this nomination. I have signed it, and I encourage other opponents of the nomination to do the same.

Which Is It?

Filed under: Judiciary — Patterico @ 5:54 am

Paul Deignan catches the White House telling two different stories about Supreme Court candidates withdrawing their names.

Paul has had a lot of interesting posts on the Miers nomination lately. Browse around his site some while you’re there.

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