Patterico's Pontifications


Maybe This Guy Can Get an Appointment Too

Filed under: Government — Angry Clam @ 6:32 pm

[Posted by The Angry Clam]

I mean, he’s worked in the White House for three whole years, that’s got to count for something.

4 Responses to “Maybe This Guy Can Get an Appointment Too”

  1. He’ll get appointed to Leavenworth.

    EagleSpeak (f6d463)

  2. Heckuva job, Leandro!

    Geek, Esq. (0834ba)

  3. After two days’ reflection, I think that you and I, as lawyers, have the same problem with this nomination. We are realizing that all the talk of “originalist”, “strict constructionist”, “non-activist”, “won’t legislate from the bench”, is all a bunch of b______t. There is a political agenda, fully as dishonest as anything Clinton ever did. This is not the nomination of a judge — it is the nomination of a political hack who will continue to do what she has always been doing. Sure, if you like school vouchers, a vote against Roe v. Wade and upholding the Patriot Act, she’s our girl. But if you like competent and honest interpretation of our Constitution and laws …?

    nk (d7a872)

  4. Amazing.

    I hate to take everything back to immigration, but this person’s loyalty was to the Philipines first and maybe the US second. The government failed when he became a citizen as much as it failed when he was assigned to the Whitehouse and/or Cheney’s office.

    jpm100 (06f700)

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