Patterico's Pontifications


Rush Reads Patterico

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 12:26 am

A friend of mine told me that Rush Limbaugh read from my recent “Outside the Tent” piece on his radio show last week, either Tuesday or Wednesday. If anyone knows a way to get a clip of that, I’d appreciate it.

6 Responses to “Rush Reads Patterico”

  1. I think you can get the whole thing if you are a premium member of Rush’s site. He has been hawking his podcast where you can download the shows. Not sure of how much time they are available for download, so I would move fast if you want it. Don’t know if you can post it, but worth asking. Call the show and see

    I didn’t hear it, but would be interesting to hear.

    bill (26027c)

  2. I have the mp3 files for each of those 2 days. I haven’t listened to them yet. They are each about 30-40 MB in size. If interested, email me at

    Thomas Burk (65cbc6)

  3. Completely off the topic but did anyone notice that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez appears to be giving some kind of salute during a renditon of the Mexican national nnthem, pg.A5 OC edition LAT 8-27-05? Last time I checked didn’t elected officials in California take an oath of office swearing allegiance to California and the USA?

    Pat Patterson (75f1f6)

  4. Wow! Congratulations on catching the attention of Rush, Patrick. I’d like to hear this. Unfortunately I’ll have to potentially listen to six hours’ worth of Rush Limbaugh to get to your part.

    I don’t know if I’ve had a change of perspective or if Rush has become even more infatuated with himself over the past year or two. I’ve just found it incresingly difficult to listen to him.

    Laudio (06d15b)

  5. Wow Patterico, word has it that Hugh Hewitt was talking about you, too.

    I’ve gotta get a transcript of that!

    Nick @ HBR (731b94)

  6. I don’t know if I’ve had a change of perspective or if Rush has become even more infatuated with himself over the past year or two.

    Probably the former. I had a similar epiphany in the late 1990s, after having listened to him religiously since the early 1990s.

    Xrlq (428dfd)

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