Patterico's Pontifications


Because It’s All About Me

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 6:36 am

I love the rotating batch of testimonials that Jeff Goldstein has at the top left of his site. I am thinking of doing the same thing, and I’m collecting testimonials towards that end. In the course of my research, I have seen some very nice quotes about me, and some that are less than complimentary. For some reason, I thought it would be amusing to publish some of the comments from the less enthused in this post.

Just listen to what they’re saying:

“. . . stupid . . . idiotic . . . [d]umb, dumb, dumb . . . mentally incontinent whining . . . mindless crap . . . incomprehensible gibbering . . . dolt . . . numbnuts . . . Pattynumbnuts . . . idiot wingnut . . . unbridled prevaricator . . . damned liar” — Our friend Alex

“. . . just another run-of-the-mill right-wing blogger . . .” — Frank Ferrone of El Cajon

“. . . generic warblogger[] . . .” — Ted Rall

“. . . SpongeBob-Dobson-smackdown enthusiast[]” — Josh Marshall

“Feel free to stop reading TalkLeft any time now.” — Jeralyn Merritt

“Nitpicker.” — Bill from INDC Journal

“Patterico’s whining is just another example of Conservatives playing the Victim Card.” — David Ehrenstein

“. . . sometimes makes gratuitous sneers . . .” — Commenter Bradley

I admit that I Dowdified that last one a bit — Bradley also said some nice things, but it’s not as funny if I include those.

I have a feeling this list will grow in the coming days, as letters to the editor about my recent L.A. Times op-ed start to roll in.

Anyway, if you have said something nice about me — or even something not so nice — that you think might be appropriate for the testimonials, remind me of it in the comments. I may add it to the list.

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