I’m disappointed in John Cole. His recent rant against Michelle Malkin defends the indefensible. He should know better.
Cole is upset that Malkin is discussing the fact that Pat Sheehan has filed for divorce from Cindy Sheehan. Cole thinks the divorce isn’t news. Malkin disagrees, and so does the AP. That’s fine. People are entitled to disagree about such issues.
But Cole has come completely unhinged on the topic, excusing nasty leftists’ personal and juvenile attacks on Malkin and her appearance. Cole’s raving on the subject is full of profanity, so I’ll tuck it into the extended entry for those of you who are offended by such talk:
A correction in today’s L.A. Times reads:
Saudi Arabia: An editorial Friday about security issues in Saudi Arabia said 11 of the 15 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. There were 19 hijackers, of whom 15 were Saudi.
I don’t mean to jump down the editors’ throats inappropriately here. But doesn’t this seem like a surprising error to make? How many times have we heard it repeated that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi?
Didn’t you know there were 19 hijackers?
I just see this as another reminder not to take editorials as infallible just because they look so official, seemingly emanating from the paper itself rather than from any one human being. Editorials are written by people, not newspapers — and people make mistakes. Don’t forget that.