Patrick Sheehan Speaks; Cindy Sheehan Goes Home for Now
The New York Daily News reports that Patrick Sheehan is speaking out about his wife’s vigil:
“My kids and I feel like we’ve had two losses: Casey and now our wife and mother,” Cindy’s estranged husband, Patrick Sheehan, tells People magazine. “The kids are angry and lonely for her.” His wife has been camped outside Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Tex., since Aug. 6, hoping to talk to the President about the death of her soldier son, Casey, in Iraq.
Son Andrew, 21, adds: “I think she should come home.”
The partisan site NewsMax adds:
“I don’t think she’s done the best for the family,” Patrick Sheehan, 52, tells People Magazine. “When we see Cindy talking about Casey, we all relive the loss.”
NewsMax gets stuff wrong, so we’ll have to wait on the responsible journalism of People Magazine to confirm that latter quote. It sounds authentic, though.
Meanwhile, the AP is reporting that Cindy Sheehan is headed to L.A. to be at her hospitalized mother’s side. Her spokeswoman says she expects to return to Crawford within 24 to 48 hours.
What does it all mean? Only the Shadow knows.