Patterico's Pontifications


This Post Intentionally Left Blank

Filed under: Humor — Patterico @ 9:10 pm

12 Responses to “This Post Intentionally Left Blank”

  1. Leaving it open for a “gut and amend” should a future issue arise?

    Miller's Time (6f1795)

  2. I just thought I’d do the blog-post version of those pieces of paper that say they are intentionally left blank. Those always crack me up.

    Patterico (756436)

  3. Paterico, you left the body of the post empty. What did you intend to write?

    PS. I share your pain. I often have to explain my jokes too.

    PPS. Speaking of which: the first sentence in this comment was a joke. See, Patterico wrote a post with the title “this post intentionally left blank” as a joke on those even-numbered pages in some books that they leave blank so they can start a chapter on an odd-numbered page but some deep sense of insecurity compells them to make sure everyone understands that they left it blank deliberately and it wasn’t an error. Then _I_ responded by pretending not to get the joke and telling Patterico that the post was empty even though that was obviously the whole point of the post but it was a joke and I did not actually misunderstand the post. I explain this, not due to a deep sense of insecurity that people will think I was really that dense but due to a lifetime of experience to reactons to my jokes.

    PPPS. Also, I sometimes ramble and make dumb jokes when I’m up too late.

    Doc Rampage (2b9fb5)

  4. I also thought it would be interesting to see what kind of comments I got.

    Patterico (756436)

  5. If you are going to copy the New York Times’ Air America/Gloria Wise/Multicultural coverage word-for-word like this…

    You should at least credit them!

    Michael (075497)

  6. Is this a left-wing moonbat blank post or a right wingnut blank post? I can’t not respond until I know what I’m not responding to.

    Lew Clark (7080f5)

  7. My initial reaction was to say that it’s balanced. But then I realized that its lack of content is really more consistent with a leftist argument.

    Patterico (19e407)

  8. Nah, it’s brief and to the point. Only a conservative would say nothing literally saying nothing.

    Xrlq (816c74)

  9. page from the Mackie 8-bus mixing console owner’s manual (PDF, page 68):

    This is the back of a master track
    sheet, which came in the Mackie
    8-Bus console manual

    If you find this sheet in a copy
    machine, please return it to the
    engineer/owner of the console

    If you find this sheet in the back of a
    gloomy tavern, buy it a cold one

    Rob@L&R (41aaf7)

  10. This is one of the few posts that you have written that I read completely through. I must say it is refreshing to see that you agree with my views completely on this subject. We may be the only two people on the planet that can probe the depths of a subject such as this and reach the conclusions that we have.

    I look forward to more posts such as this. Keep up the good work – I’ve bookmarked this blog as a favorite and will return frequently. I’m anxious to see if you can duplicate the clarity, passion and wit that you have projected on this post.

    rls (0516f0)

  11. Next time just say, “This space reserved for the DNC’s fresh ideas.”

    bureaucrat (825e78)

  12. This Blog Entry Negligently Left Blank

    damnum absque injuria (38c04c)

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