Patterico's Pontifications


“Hard to Imagine”?

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 11:11 pm

A recent L.A. Times article says:

It’s hard to imagine any American today not knowing about the childhood traumas of Oprah Winfrey; her rocky romance with beau Stedman Graham; her cycle of dieting, ballooning and dieting; the books she reads; even the amount of money she makes. Oprah may be the most famous woman in America.

Stedman who?

3 Responses to ““Hard to Imagine”?”

  1. LOL!!

    I am with you there, I have no idea what any of that means in relation to Oprah.

    wwwgeek (e2b878)

  2. “It’s hard to imagine any American today not knowing about the childhood traumas of Oprah Winfrey…”

    Imagine it, because here I am. Not only do I not know about Oprah’s “traumas”, books, or salary, I couldn’t care less.

    I am vaguely aware she has had diet problems though, and that she couldn’t get a fancy French store to stay open late so she could buy a purse or something a while back.

    Dwilkers (a1687a)

  3. Hard to imagine?

    This person has a very limited imagination and an addiction to TV.
    Hello, you over there – turn off your TV and get a life!

    FastNed (9c5640)

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