Response to Bainbridge
I want a nice, juicy sirloin steak on my plate tonight. No tofu or soy substitutes — just a nice, thick, 16-oz. slab of steak. But I don’t want any animal to be killed in the process. That’s my position and I’m sticking with it. I have my principles.
Does my position make any sense? No — but it makes about as much sense as Professor Bainbridge’s position on judges.
In response to the recent Kelo decision, Bainbridge insisted that President Bush nominate a staunch conservative to the Supreme Court:
As the recent Kelo decision illustrates, it will be essential that President Bush pick somebody reliably – and permanently – conservative when he has the chance to fill a Supreme Court vacancy.
What’s more, Bainbridge doesn’t want Democrats involved in the selection process:
Bush should just say: “Sorry guys, but the GOP won the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. It’s our turn to choose.”
Bold words. Especially coming from a guy who wants the Democrats to be able to filibuster Bush’s judicial nominees.