Patterico's Pontifications


Bear Flag League Covers the Mudslide

Filed under: Current Events — Patterico @ 10:16 pm

Bear Flag League members Right on the Left Beach and American Digest (see also here) have great posts about the Laguna mudslide, including original pictures.

Not All Spanish Citizens Are Appeasers

Filed under: International — Patterico @ 10:06 pm

Barcepundit reports on a massive demonstration against Zapatero’s proposal to negotiate with home-grown terrorists. There are reportedly almost 1 million people taking to the streets.

Good for them.

L.A. Times Blog, Take Two

Filed under: Blogging Matters,Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 9:59 pm

L.A. Observed reports that the L.A. Times Sunday Opinion section will be hosting a blog, starting tomorrow, to allow readers some direct (albeit limited and edited) input on selected topics.

There are two topics tomorrow: 1) parental involvement in their childrens’ education; and 2) Joel Stein — love him or hate him?

As a blog, I’m guessing it’s not going to be any great shakes, but it nevertheless strikes me as a positive step, and kudos to Bob Sipchen for once again being an innovator at the paper. I hope it works out better than the election blog did; that blog seemed clunky, little-visited, and hard to figure out. Still, they’re dipping their toes in the water, so give them some credit.

It “opens” at 8 a.m. tomorrow, so check back then.

The Wishing Ring, part 3

Filed under: Economics,Government — Dafydd @ 3:25 pm

Foodless Food

By this, the final segment of the Wishing Ring, you’re either desperate to know what the heck I mean by “foodless food” — or else you’re so overwhelmed by ennui that you’re gnawing your own leg off to escape.

On the assumption that those of you in the latter category will have other things to worry about (such as sudden, catastrophic blood loss), I’ll dive right into this last wish of our iconic three.


Can’t Stop with the Radio

Filed under: Blogging Matters,General — Patterico @ 12:06 pm

I am supposed to be on KABC (AM 790) with Jill Stewart tomorrow night (Sunday) sometime between 7 and 8 p.m. We’ll be discussing blogs and media bias. If you’re in the L.A. area, I hope you’ll tune in.

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