Patterico's Pontifications


See Dubya: The Chicago Way Bumper Sticker (UPDATED)

Filed under: General — See Dubya @ 2:35 pm

I said a couple days ago that Time got played when it released the leaked internal account of exactly what we’re doing at Gitmo. I said that people actually support the internment and interrogation of enemy combatants, and I think that’s being proven. Dick Durbin’s criminally stupid accusations are blowing up in his face as he strains to compare “Cold Air Conditioning” and “Zyklon B”. Meanwhile, for a more tangible way to show your support, Ace has the details.

(It’s about time to peel off your “Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas” sticker anyway.)

UPDATE: Durbin retracts!
UPDATED AGAIN AT TEN: Karol from Alarming News encounters, face to face, a Chicago Way voter while she was petitioning door-to-door on Staten Island:

The woman signed but said ‘I’ve got to tell you, I think this country is really headed in the wrong direction.’ ‘Oh,’ I said ‘you don’t like Bush?’ ‘Oh no, I love Bush, I just think the country has gotten so soft. If what we’re doing in Guantanamo is torture, we’re never going to win the battle against terrorists who cut our peoples’ heads off. They’re going to shame us into losing.’ A standard poll question asks the right direction/wrong direction question and the answer is seen to be a reflection of the president. I wonder how many people feel like this woman and don’t see a poll answer to express it.

Jeff Harrell has blogged and commented here about the Durbin issue and how it is a distraction from the real issues of the day, foreign and domestic. I think this woman’s response reveals a lot about why Durbin and the Moonbats must be met head-on and shown to be the fools they are. Barring new evidence of real torture, these mild interrogations of horrible men at Gitmo are A: necessary and B: nothing to be ashamed of and we need to defend that point against all assaults. The world is watching–not these scribblings, I mean–but the world is watching how the United States will react to this hyperventilating power play. We won’t let them shame us into losing. We can’t.

12 Responses to “See Dubya: The Chicago Way Bumper Sticker (UPDATED)”

  1. “Dick Durbin’s criminally stupid accusations are blowing up in his face as he strains to compare “Cold Air Conditioning” and “Zyklon B””

    criminally how?

    actus (cd484e)

  2. There ought to be a law against being that stupid.

    See Dubya (053ad5)

  3. I didn’t know they had air conditioning at Auschwitz. Next we’ll find out the Germans abused Torahs.

    I suggest Durbin be censured: “Resolved: Senator Durbin is too stupid to be a US Senator.”

    Kevin Murphy (9982dd)

  4. Durbin, like Rather did not apologize. Read his words.His statement is not an apology. He did not say it was wrong to compare Gitmo to either: the USSR, Socialist Germany, nor Pol Pot.

    What he said was, ” I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings…”. In other words it is our fault not his. Americans are too dumb to understand how bad we are.

    Rod Stanton (be2363)

  5. There ought to be a law against being that stupid.

    Comment by See Dubya — 6/17/2005 @ 2:55 pm

    Don’t go there. There would be no further comments by the left. Their constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech would be completely obliterated. In fact it may well be that the liberal is required to make silly stupid ill informed statements or they wouldn’t qualify as liberals. Does Carl Rove always have his prayers answered so dramatically? With incompetent opponents like Durbin, Howard Dean and John Kerry, can we really give any credit to Rove for Republican success?

    john (fc4860)

  6. At the risk of being pedantic, he apologized. He didn’t retract.

    (And yes, Rod, he really, really did apologize. Whether you liked his apology or accepted it or not is another question, but don’t try to say that he didn’t apologize when the man clearly did.)

    Jeff Harrell (a5b150)

  7. Rod is right, Durbing neither apologized nor retracted. All he said was that he regretted that everyone misunderstood his “feelings”. No backing down on the facts at all.

    This is just another, “I despise everything our armed forces do but I support the troops” moment.

    Doc Rampage (47be8d)

  8. What did you people expect? The man’s a morally compromised arsenicker who exploits our troops for fun and profit. I doubt he even understands why what he said was so awful. Demanding a complete, comprehensive, and satsfying apology from this guy is like demanding a five year old atone for missing piano practice by writing a sonata. Not gonna happen. He’s consitituionally incapable.

    See Dubya (053ad5)

  9. So the only thing that would have satisfied Rod and Doc is a retraction? Or would even that have been sufficient?

    The man apologized. If you don’t like it, fine, but at least give the man credit for apologizing.

    Jeff Harrell (a5b150)

  10. Why on earth? He didn’t apologize! Let’s take a look at his they-a culpa, line by line:

    More than 1700 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and our country’s standing in the world community has been badly damaged by the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. My statement in the Senate was critical of the policies of this Administration which add to the risk our soldiers face. I will continue to speak out when I disagree with this Administration.

    So far, that’s exactly the opposite of an apology. Now the part where he almost, kinda-sorta says he’s sorry, but not really:

    I have learned from my statement that historical parallels can be misused and misunderstood.

    Note the strategic use of the passive voice: not “I f***ed up,” but rather, “mistakes were made.”

    I sincerely regret if what I said caused anyone to misunderstand my true feelings: our soldiers around the world and their families at home deserve our respect, admiration and total support.

    “Sincerely regret” is about as he gets to apologizing, but they’re not the same, as “regret” does not connote personal responsibility for the situation. Anyone can regret anything. I sincerely regret the tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands this past winter, but that doesn’t mean I accept any responsibility for causing it. That’s especially so in this context, where Durbin can’t even make himself “sincerely regret” having said what he said – only a conditional regret if someone else was too stupid to understand his true intentions, and even then only as to the other person’s failure to understand him, not as to the fact that he said what he said in the first place.

    This was about as much of an apology as “Oh yeah? Didn’t like my Hitler analogy? Well, soooo-ooooo-rry!”

    Xrlq (5ffe06)

  11. Durbin, “I sincerely regret that you’re too bloody stupid to understand my true feelings”

    That’s effectively what the idjut said and it’s not an apology. Check what he said on radio in Chicago this morning…which was exactly of opposite.

    Any watcher of weasels can see this but maybe not their apologists. 60 years ago he would have been charged with sedition, justifiably so.

    RiverRat (f64620)

  12. Dick Durbin took apology lessons from Hanoi Jane.
    If you’re fooled by their “apologies”, then all I can give you is a Steve Martin “excusssssse meeeee.”

    Boman (b5ad8d)

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