Patterico's Pontifications


Christmas Shopping

Filed under: Humor — Angry Clam @ 7:56 am

[Posted by The Angry Clam]

Let me just say this: I love America. No, really, I mean it. I really, really love America.

I mean, you can buy Uranium from the internet.

Check out the other stuff from UnitedNuclear too- it’s all cool as hell.

— The Angry Clam

8 Responses to “Christmas Shopping”

  1. Awww… that’s depleted uranium; good for sailboat keels and radiation shielding, but not at those prices. For the ambitious, they’ve got uranium ore, which still has the lovely U-235 in it, but by the time you buy a few tons of the stuff at $10/pound, and set up your extraction and enrichment plants, it makes for a horribly expensive firework.
    Now, they do have some nifty chemicals… atomized aluminum, ammonium perchlorate, fun, fun, fun… hey, vanadium pentoxide! Build yer own sulfuric acid plant! The prices are out of line, unless you really just want tiny quantities. ($2/pound for coal, forsooth!) The flat $8.50 shipping is a heck of a deal, though, for some of the things they sell (thinking back to what I spent on shipping for some barium compounds a few years ago).
    Ah, and it might be the most convenient source for a wee dram o’ heavy water! Alas, no palladium foil. Gotta have the palladium foil to go with the heavy water.

    Eric Wilner (3936fd)

  2. I gave a link to the ore, not the U-238.

    They’ve got other awesome radioactive isotopes though.

    Also, check out the magnetic liquid- that stuff is so fun to play with it should be illegal. I think that it is also used in the Corvette Z06’s ball bearings.

    Angry Clam (a7c6b1)

  3. I gave a link to the ore, not the U-238.

    So you did. Sorry, I got carried away browsing the site, and forgot where the original link had pointed!
    They do have polonium alpha sources and beryllium spheres, for those bent on making neutrons the easy way (though spheres aren’t exactly the most useful form of beryllium for the purpose). A neutron source can get you in all kinds of interesting trouble, as a teenage kid learned a few years ago playing with smoke detectors, beryllium, and thoriated camping-lantern mantles.

    It’s been quite a while since I played with magnetic liquid. Interesting stuff. And some of those fancy magnets could have their uses….

    Eric Wilner (3936fd)

  4. If you do Google searches on any of the following terms, you’ll get a sponsored link (usually from eBay) offering to sell them to you:

    land mines, blasting caps, thorium, ammonium nitrate, guillotines, artillery, bayonets, incendiaries, C4, plutonium, katyusha, congressmen

    Steven Den Beste (b57a45)

  5. Eric Wilner: Interesting link. I wonder how many other teenagers like David Hahn there are out there?

    I always wanted to comment on a thread with Stephen Den Beste. Too bad I don’t have anything interesting to say.

    DRJ (15ed57)

  6. Also, too bad I can’t spell Steven.

    DRJ (15ed57)

  7. SDB: Interesting! I notice that eBay also advertises a “huge selection of Red Mercury items.” Also “great deals on Flux Capacitor.” They’ve even got an ad for Neuralizer, but not, for some reason, for Deneuralizer.

    Incidentally, I should note that I have no connection to the radioactive Boy Scout, and have personally never been caught with a stash of high-level radioactive materials. On the other hand, in partial answer to DRJ’s question, most of the teenagers who got up to nuclear mischief in my day didn’t get caught, and their antics didn’t make the news, so the number is probably more than you’d think.

    Eric Wilner (3936fd)

  8. I just noticed that eBay was willing to sell me VX. SourceTool offered to sell me nerve gas.

    Steven Den Beste (b57a45)

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