Patterico's Pontifications


See-Dubya: What Madrassa Problem?

Filed under: General — See Dubya @ 10:33 am

My buddy Dave at Garfield Ridge soundly boxes the ears of the jackwipes at the NY Times, for the Old Grey Doddering Senile Lady’s silly take on Madrassas, which is basically this: “Since they don’t actually teach bombmaking skills, we don’t need to worry about them”. Please note: when Bush does something to stir up animus on the Arab street, that’s bad. When schools steep little children in the “Great Satan, Little Satan” Jihadi canon, that’s no big whoopdedoodle.

This is doubly ironic given that the Times has an especially delicate hate-o-meter running 24/7, and is constantly warning us about the corrosive effects of right wing hatred and haters and hatemongery. I guess the madrassas just pegged their dial.

Nonetheless, despite all this hatred, I still enjoy wearing cool, comfortable madrassa-plaid shirts in the summer months.

Hate tip: Junkyard Blog for the word “jackwipe.” He’s getting royalties.

4 Responses to “See-Dubya: What Madrassa Problem?”

  1. dude:

    check out the June 14 post on my blog – re: Rosie O’Donnell. it’ll make you laugh – or cry.

    ironically, for lefties, everything comes down to selfishness and power. their lip-service to tolerance and understaning is all just a front.

    -nikita demosthenes

    nikita demosthenes (5a1f30)

  2. Gratzi for the link.

    I know that there are like, all of three people in the blogosphere, and we each have blogs, and we all read each other’s posts, and that’s it– one big echo chamber.

    Still, echoes are fun.

    Thanks again,

    Dave at Garfield Ridge (4cd3c1)

  3. And the Hitler Youth didn’t actually teach gas chamber construction and usage. But with their attitudes properly molded, they picked up the technical skills really quickly as adults.

    Lew Clark (af9677)

  4. Dave,

    ROFL 🙂 and Lew, spot on man!

    Charles D. Quarles (593219)

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