Charlotte Observer: Male Genitalia in Girls’ Locker Rooms? Overcome Your Discomfort, Girls!
Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.
Yeah . . . that’s gonna be a no.
I get that some people have trouble matching their self-conception with the reality of their bodies. I don’t care what goes on in your mind, but your right to act on those thoughts ends at the point where you’re waving around your schlong in front of some little girls.
This is how the end of sane culture comes to America.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/19/2016 @ 8:55 pmI really think that this is the hill that the Democrat Party should choose to defend this election.
Out-crazy Trump!
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/19/2016 @ 9:25 pmSh*t for brains Democrats. Hate ’em.
Colonel Haiku (32652f) — 5/19/2016 @ 9:30 pmDisregard the comfort of the 99.999% in favor of the comfort of the 0.001%.
Brilliant policy.
TheNaBr (0c7c2f) — 5/19/2016 @ 9:46 pmIt’s political suicide for the COMMIES if the GOP grows a pair of balls. NOT LIKELY.
Show me one single TRANSGENDERED PEEP who isn’t mentally ill.
I’ll double down. Show me one DEMOCRAT/LIBTARDOCRAT who isn’t mentally ill.
The WAR is COMING. It will be bloody.
GUS (30b6bd) — 5/19/2016 @ 10:32 pmYou’re not paying attention. Trump has “no opinion” on this. He thinks he’ll win by attacking Hillary’s character, not by focusing on, y’know, issues.
L.N. Smithee (472caf) — 5/19/2016 @ 10:42 pmThey should reclassify girls’ locker rooms and restrooms, declaring them Penis-Free Safe Spaces. Problem solved.
WarrenPeese (1df851) — 5/19/2016 @ 11:13 pmSometimes I feel the Caliphate cannot take over fast enough. ISIS, get your butts moving!
In the meantime, don’t shop at Target.
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 4:19 amTrump has “no opinion” on this.
Sorry to disagree, L.N.
1. Trump is exactly the kind of guy who would peep on girls and women in washrooms, locker-rooms and showers.
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 5:38 am2. Trump very likely has peeped on girls and women in washrooms, locker-rooms and showers.
3. Trump very likely would still peep on girls and women in washrooms, locker-rooms and showers if he thought he could get away with it.
4. Trump himself has “nothing to hide”.
5. There is no downside to his “neutral” position because all of the foregoing is also applicable to the majority of his supporters.
6. All of the above.
Those who will be shaking their heads in November over Trumps landslide victory should remember the transgender war on civility and the “conflict of rights”. The Democrats have trumped the rights of so many for so few for so long to create so much misery that a dead scarecrow could beat them this year.
cedarhill (9798de) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:05 amelecting Mr. Trump is a good rebuke to these social justice warriors i think
he’s not just a way better choice than pee-stank
he’s a plum lolly!
happyfeet (831175) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:07 amThe “rebuke” will be Trump posing in ladies’ undies in the Oval Office to show them that he looks better in it that they do.
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:23 amWonder what Hillary Clinton thinks about the issue? And when will SHE be asked?
Colonel Haiku (32652f) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:38 amAnd of course, the media outlet being discussed “disabled comments” so that the great unwashed knuckle walking masses will not be heard from.
orcadrvr (3cc3b1) — 5/20/2016 @ 7:17 amBlah, blah, blah.
The Psychological community has been stealthily softening and politicizing their stance on whether transgenderism is the anomaly that logic tells us it is, and whether it is acceptable to suggest that it is mental illness. Here in the real world, we’re just now feeling the boot of PC language enforcement. It’s been going on in academia for decades, working slowly through the system. The canary in the coal mine, IMHO, was when the term “cisgender” started being put into use alongside “transgender.” The only reason they use a term for people WITHOUT “gender dysphoria” is to clear the path for equalization for people who suffer from it.
One of the things I’ve been saying for years and years and years and years is finally coming due; once same-sex marriage is in place, among the next things on the agenda was attacking the fact that the sexes are significantly different, and assert that “gender” is nothing but a social construct that we need to discard. The Gaystapo has been one step ahead (at least) anticipating the opportunity to lay down the hammer represented by last week’s “guidance” to public schools from the Department of Justice and the Department of Education. Less than one year after Obergefell, it’s happened.
Trump is ready to let this schtuff slide because he covets spurned Bernie supporters, who would side with Hillary if they think he’s a “homophobe.” It’s a deal-breaker with lefties, as Brendan Eich and others will tell you. Our last chance at “balls” on this issue was Cruz winning Indiana. Think about that next time someone whines about “social issues” weighing the right down.
L.N. Smithee (472caf) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:05 amOur last chance at “balls” on this issue was Cruz winning Indiana.
Let’s analyse. So your suggestion is we hitch our wagon to a guy who would rather debate “equality” with Bruce Genderless, than border security and trade deals with Hillary.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:20 amThey call us the stupid party for a reason.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:21 amUnlike YOUR guy, papertiger, Ted Cruz can multitask.
L.N. Smithee (472caf) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:23 amyes yes i’m super concerned about errant tranny schlongs
if we can’t completely avoid them, does anyone have any tips for what to do if/when we’re faced with an actionable tranny schlong situation?
happyfeet (a037ad) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:28 amJaysus, what noise around here lately. Eyes on the prize, folks.
Colonel Haiku (32652f) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:28 amif we can’t completely avoid them, does anyone have any tips for what to do if/when we’re faced with an actionable tranny schlong situation?
Lot of tall buildings with rooftop access in Chicago.
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:32 am#20 Colonel Haiku,
Eyes on the prize.
Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:46 amPrecisely.
no, the precious, still is in their gaze,
narciso (732bc0) — 5/20/2016 @ 8:47 amCome on. The jails are not filled with pervs fresh picked from school girl locker rooms. For a good reason.
A lot of good reasons really. The first and main reason is that this boogie man loitering at the locker room is a figment of Hillary voters imagination. The Dems plan on having this debate.
It’s easier on their psyche, when all they have to do is point a finger and yell bigot.
Trump would rather not grease the way for those mental midgets. He’d rather have pee stank thinking about issues, rather than emoting bumper sticker bromides.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:01 amImagine for a minute the hapless doofus dressed in a moo moo, shaking his gigglestick at Daddy’s little princess in the rest room. Imagine that due to title IX it’s totally legal, and a violation of goober’s “rights” for the cop to smack him across the nose with a newspaper.
(Here’s the good part. Wait for it.) Then the Democrats will have cemented vigilante fathers and brothers take street justice under their own initiative, codified in law.
Pretty much the way it works in the real world anyhow.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:13 amOn one hand Feminists have spent 50 years telling us Men have predatory sexual natures and need to be controlled.
On the other hand, PC Warriors/LGBT Advocates are telling us men who claim to be women (whether they are crazy enough to believe it) don’t need to be controlled because their sexual natures are pure as a driven snow.
Liberalism is a mental disease.
Rodney King's Spirit (e2dd8e) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:25 am#25 A little vigilantism is needed to fix what is broken. Cuz we know the law will be tortured to mean whatever they want otherwise.
Rodney King's Spirit (e2dd8e) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:26 amGetting back to the topic at hand instead of yelling at each other and being all weird….
I think this topic is ironic.
First, every college campus in America is being told that a “rape culture” exists.
Now, every college campus in America wants unisex bathrooms.
The solution at our college was to take the janitor’s room next to the M and F bathrooms, label it “Gender Neutral Bathroom” and put a toilet, sink, and mirror in it. But even here, no one is discussing unisex locker rooms and showers. This is just about the toilets.
For now.
The part about this that irritates me the most is likening this to the civil rights movement. I’m sure MLK would help lead a march for these bathroom rights.
This takes me back to what a college president told me many years ago, and it so very true today, on both the right and the left.
Simon Jester (eabb9f) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:38 amIt seems to me, the fact that we all know what “male genitals” refers to belies the nonsense that transgender activism expects us to embrace. I guess it’s impossible to have a consistent vocabulary, though, once we’ve veered into the territory of the absurd.
Steven (83f6ca) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:52 amit’s important to remember the tranny is probably just as scared of you as you are of it
do NOT corner the tranny or try to detain it in any way – always make sure there is a clear path to the exit
be wary of making eye contact – some trannies may interpret this as a challenge and become territorial
happyfeet (a037ad) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:56 amStill trying to answer happyfeet’s question at 19.|THD|G|0|G-BASE-PLA-D28I-InsideGardenOther|&gclid=CPO0972P6cwCFcYdgQodlBAMMQ&gclsrc=aw.ds
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:57 amIllinois is a stand-your-ground state, BTW, for any of you ladies, or fathers of little girls, with a concealed carry permit.
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:00 amoh my goodness that pruner looks like it means business
happyfeet (a037ad) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:09 amSimon,
MD in Philly (d85301) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:18 amThat answer just makes too much sense, Simon
I believe the argument is that being made to use a specific alternate bathroom is demeaning…
Besides, “they” do want locker rooms and showers to accommodate as well
Wow just wow. All I can see is a bunch of web site whiners. Where are your “conservative” hero’s, being all indignant on the floor of congress saying…nay, demanding that this atrocity will not happen in “my” country. Throwing bill after bill at Obama’s cruel and illegal executive orders.
Please don’t try to sell me on how conservative you all are until you have something to sell.
I am running for County Commissioner of my district here in Michigan (Republican) and I’ll be at my next School Board meeting to calmly protest this intrusion on our freedoms, hell I’m prepared to suggest a local solution if asked. What are you doing?
tonynoboloney (280edb) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:26 amI’m putting my daughter in a private school.
nk (dbc370) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:28 am” Some people would rather have a cause than an effect.”
Simon Jester (eabb9f) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:38 am
Heh, that’s great. I’m stealing it.
felipe (b5e0f4) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:41 amWell, Sen. Lee and others were trying to reign in yet another Obama overreach when other Repubs undercut them
Where is Trump on this?
MD in Philly (d85301) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:49 am“Give it to the states”
That worked great with DOMA, didn’t it.
Sooooo….which part of that response separates you from “web site whiners”? I missed it.
L.N. Smithee (b84cf6) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:49 amObama and the Charlotte Observer see nothing wrong with some guy peeing in the sink in the high school girl’s locker room.
One of my old college friends is gay–been with his “husband” for thirty plus years. He was just about to get on the Obama “transgender rights” train–until he heard a report about some forty year old guy wearing nothing but a towel strolling through a girl’s locker room in New York City. He was appalled that the owner operator of the locker room couldn’t do anything about it because of “transgender rights”. My friend got off the train at the next stop.
Skeptical Voter (1d5c8b) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:59 amNew guidelines for the owner operator of the locker room.
Don’t call the police because there is a guy lamping around the school girls locker.
Do call the police because there is a guy lamping around the girls locker room, and you fear he will be done for by the angry mob. For the pervs own safety.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:22 amI have an acquaintance who is all rape-culture, women as victims, big mean men, patriarchy.
Richard Aubrey (472a6f) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:28 amBut she’s sure my eight-year old granddaughter could defend herself if an opportunistic faker went into the ladies’ room.
It’s a dumb argument, but it’s the smartest I’ve heard.
Simon Jester – my undergraduate university had gender-neutral bathrooms in the dorms, twenty five years ago. By which I mean: there were bathrooms with toilet stalls and with shower stalls, used by both men and women, at the same time.
There *was* an option to select single-gender floors, where the bathrooms wouldn’t be shared, but fewer than 5% of the students opted for that.
Everything worked just fine. But a lot of that really depended on the fact that on a floor, everyone knew everyone; it was not like sharing with *strangers*, at least not after the first week, which also meant that normal social pressures worked.
aphrael (e0cdc9) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:37 amMy dorm had an open, not private, shower stalls…
MD in Philly (d85301) — 5/20/2016 @ 1:21 pmIs the C-O walking the walk, and taking down all the “Men” and “Women” signs?
askeptic (bfa00e) — 5/20/2016 @ 3:37 pmTrump has no opinion on this, other than to say that North Carolina did a lot of bad with their common sense law.
JD (a9bf1a) — 5/20/2016 @ 5:13 pmMr. Trump wants to make America great again Mr. JD
trannies can help by using their tranny skills to burnish certain qualities and add tranny value to certain processes
He’s not writing anyone off unlike pee-stank who hates under-capitalized small businesses and coal miners.
happyfeet (831175) — 5/20/2016 @ 5:27 pmMy dorm had an open, not private, shower stalls…
MD in Philly (d85301) — 5/20/2016 @ 1:21 pm
You dropped teh soap there it might put some Irish Spring in your step!
Colonel Haiku (a81cba) — 5/20/2016 @ 5:28 pmThe part about this that irritates me the most is likening this to the civil rights movement. I’m sure MLK would help lead a march for these bathroom rights.
Simon Jester (eabb9f) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:38 am
Me too.
L.N. Smithee (b84cf6) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:20 pmClown nose on…
L.N. Smithee (b84cf6) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:21 pmLN – happy vacillates between hating trannies and supporting their mental issues, it all depends on the Narrative Du Jour.
JD (a9bf1a) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:23 pmI think a guy standing there with his junk claiming to be a woman and demanding to use women’s facilities is a pathology not a civil right. If one really cares about the well being of these poor unfortunate, sexually confused and dysfunctional people we should be looking to help them not lie to them about their sexuality. Sick people need help not reinforcement of their pathology. People are so afraid of being labeled bigots they can’t even call a person who is ill what he is and get him help. It’s a sad, sick society that does this to these unfortunate sexually dysfunctional people and further victimizing them by allowing them to wallow in the lie that is their sexuality without reaching out to help them is wrong. So wonder so many of them abuse themselves, want to reverse their procedure or in the worse scenarios kill themselves. They commit suicide at a rate ten times the normal population and that is because we let them drown in their pathology.
Rev. Hoagie ™ (734193) — 5/20/2016 @ 6:50 pmI have friends and acquaintances with gender issues, and so I’m sympathetic. That said, I am in utter disbelief that the Democrat party actually wants to be associated with this issue today. Truly astonished.
We are living in Heinlein’s “Crazy Years”.
SPQR (a3a747) — 5/20/2016 @ 9:23 pm“…your right to act on those thoughts ends at the point where you’re waving around your schlong in front of some little girls.”
Yeah, no sh!t. What you’re describing is sexual assault, which absolutely nobody is advocating (with the exception of straight, non-transgender guys like Mike Huckabee who are using this opportunity to fantasize about pretending to be trans in order to look at girls in the shower).
Tom Ryberg (fa25db) — 5/20/2016 @ 10:56 pmNobody is “advocating” it.
The issue is whether it might be an unintended consequence of what people are advocating.
If only people would think more about unintended consequences and less about intentions.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:00 pmFortunately, peeping on girls never occurred to high school boys. So there is no danger in ordering this in schools.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:02 pmPatterico, why don’t you just STFU and allow the LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR…to pay SEVENTY MILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLION DOLLARS in fines for not OBEYING…..HIS TRAJESTY OBAMA’S decrees vis a vis FORCED PAYMENTS for abortion pills that are CONTRARY to THEIR RELIGION??
GUS (30b6bd) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:27 pmHow does this stuff not result in INSURRECTION GEORGE WASHINGTON STYLE??
I’ll take it under advisement. I do like “his trajesty.” That is good stuff, Gus.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:31 pmThanks Patterico. I love your site.
GUS (30b6bd) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:34 pmPatterico, the level of Obama’s fascism can be more clearly understood, when you recognize WHAT LENGTHS the RADICAL LEFT will go to, to KEEP, CONTROL and FURTHER their MARXIST/FASCIST power, vis a vis OBAMACARE or furthering their control of LAW and HEALTHCARE power.
GUS (30b6bd) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:41 pmNOTHING. NOTHING can or will EVER CHANGE, OBAMA’S and the MARXIST LEFTS march to control and further the GOVERNMENT CONTROL of MONEY and HEALTHCARE LAWS.
It is not a CONVERSATION nor a DEBATE. You and I would GLADLY WELCOME such a CONVERSATION or DEBATE, because LOGICALLY and HONESTLY we would win. There is no WIN vs a LYING COMMIE CABAL.
We agree, Gus. It’s too bad Trump supports the ObamaCare mandate and the concept of single-payer health care.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/20/2016 @ 11:56 pmHey, Thank you Patterico. It’s pretty cool to discourse in real time with you. I love your blog, and I’m so pleased that you are willing to share discourse with a rookie such as Gus.
GUS (30b6bd) — 5/21/2016 @ 12:04 amYou and I have pretty much ZERO idea what Trump stands for SPECIFICALLY. I am a thoughtful Conservative, in my own words. I am not a TRUMP FAN. For me, my new friend Patterico, it is quite quite and beyond LOGICALLY SIMPLE. Rodham is a sick freak, and a CRIMINAL. My youngest and most BELOVED sibling, is STATE/DIPLOMATIC/SECURITY and former USAF PILOT. Rodham is a worthless pile of CRAP. Trump is no picnic, but TRUMP is not BEREFT of any sort nor sense of MORALITY. RODHAM IS. Furthermore, THOSE who support RODHAM are either completely IGNORANT, or they are WITHOUT MORALITY.
Given his lifetime track record, the only conclusion that can be drawn here is ‘assuming facts not in evidence’.
Luke Stywalker (4d90ad) — 5/21/2016 @ 1:21 am#63, Luke, the only conclusion reasonable people can draw from your comments is that facts play no part in anything concerning Donald Trump. You’re like a petulant child in denial when he’s told there’s no tooth fairy.
ropelight (1bda83) — 5/21/2016 @ 9:05 amNobody is “advocating” it.
The issue is whether it might be an unintended consequence of what people are advocating.
Are you saying you think it will become legal for people to flash their genitals at each other because of transgender bathrooms?
If only people would think more about unintended consequences and less about intentions.
Right, like the consequences of making it illegal for trans people to pee in an appropriate bathroom. Consequences like forcing a seven year old trans girl to use male bathrooms because some people are afraid of straight male perverts like Mike Huckabee. (The seven year old is a girl in my church. Not hypothetical – unlike the fear of a trans bathroom flasher/peeler.)
Tom Ryberg (2c5752) — 5/21/2016 @ 9:48 amMr. Ryberg,
You remind me of those people who said that their SSMarriage would have no effect on the rest of us,
they were wrong
I don’t know how many were simply wrong,
and how many knew they were wrong and lying about it
Likewise, I do not know if you are merely wrong,
or lying
Already we have the issue of locker rooms and group showers
And if you don’t know that, you should
And we care about the individuals who have this issue,
especially since medical experts in the field 20+ years say 70-80% or more eventually stabilize with the gender of their birth without any specific intervention, other than not reinforcing it
And that doesn’t take into account children who have abuse or other issues interfering with normal childhood development…
MD in Philly (64f9f9) — 5/21/2016 @ 10:09 amWhat are the consequences of a 7 yo biological boy who thinks he is a girl being reinforced in his abnormal development and the fact you can not make a school full of other children all believe that what is not true is true?
MD in Philly (64f9f9) — 5/21/2016 @ 10:13 amMD, I can only assume from your comments about biology that you are not as up on the research in the field of gender variance as your pseudonym implies. What are the consequences for that kid if you are wrong?
Tom Ryberg (2c5752) — 5/21/2016 @ 10:36 amLet’s make the world a safe place for paraphilias, one pervert at a time!
nk (dbc370) — 5/21/2016 @ 10:41 amMr. Ryberg,
MD in Philly (64f9f9) — 5/21/2016 @ 10:52 amI can only assume you are unfamiliar with the decades of experience and evidence from the people at Hopkins that surpasses whatever recent claims,
Let’s keep this up,
start posting links to your claims and we will put the “science” on trial.
trannies aren’t right in the head
this is obvious to anyone who is willing to do the analysis
the sad little tranny sat alone on the train, crying
“why you so sad, little tranny?” I asked
“cause of i need to pee and I don’t know what to do,” the tranny sniffled
“I CAN’T EVEN HANDLE YOU RIGHT NOW,” I thundered, visibly annoyed.
This only made the little tranny cry even harder, and I felt like I’d done all I could to help so I walked to the other end of the train and started poking aimlessly at my phone.
the sad little tranny sat alone on the train, crying
happyfeet (831175) — 5/21/2016 @ 10:59 amThe girls that buy these should be moved to the front of the room…
steveg (fed1c9) — 5/21/2016 @ 2:10 pm