Patterico's Pontifications


Kevin D. Williamson: “Why the Left Hates Jews”

Filed under: Constitutional Vanguard,General — Patterico @ 12:44 pm

Kevin D. Williamson:

The Arab–Israeli conflict is a bitter and ugly one. My own view of it is that the Palestinian Arabs have some legitimate grievances, and that I stopped caring about them when they started blowing up children in pizza shops.

Treat both sides equally. So says the Republican standard bearer.

I’m happy to say that he’s not my standard bearer.

P.S. Are you more motivated by limited government and free-market principles than by the prospect of trying to put a charlatan in the Oval Office who kinda sorta pretends to be a Republican? If so, join the “Constitutional Vanguard” project. Hopefully I can start emails next week. Thanks to Michael van der Galien for the shout-out at PJ Media, and for joining the vanguard. We’re well over 300 strong so far, and we’re just getting started. Some people have already begun to share their thoughts, and I’m impressed with the thoughtfulness of what I have received so far. It’s clear that many of us are thinking along the same lines. Join us! If you haven’t signed up yet, send me an email at with the word “Constitution” in the subject line.

UPDATE: I have created an automated sign-up form for the list. Please use the signup form here if you’re interested in joining.

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