It Starts to Get Interesting in the Golden State
[guest post by JVW]
Both Fox News and the Sacramento Bee are reporting on the latest Public Policy Institute of California poll that shows Hillary! Rodham Clinton, the Once and Future Inevitable Next President of the United States, with a slim 46% – 44% lead over Socialist senator Bernard Sanders of lily-white Vermont in the upcoming June 7 California Democrat Presidential Primary Election. This represents a tightening of the race since March when polls had Her Clintonic Majesty up 48% – 41%, and it’s a huge departure from the 18-point lead that the ABC/SurveyUSA poll released earlier this week showed. Significantly, however, no poll released this far has shown Sanders with a lead in the California primary.
As of 11:00 pm Pacific Time tonight, the Los Angeles Dog Trainer hasn’t seemed interested in reporting these latest updates. Recall that they have already endorsed the former First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State/IT Whiz for the job.
I followed through on my threat to change my party registration from GOP to No Party Preference, only to discover that the NPP ballot does not include the Democrat Presidential candidates. I received a helpful text from the Bernie Bros (I do not recall opting in to receiving texts from any candidate) telling me that I had to request a Democrat ballot by Tuesday, May 31 if I wanted to vote by mail (I’ll be out of state on primary election day, so that’s imperative), or I need to request a Democrat ballot at the polling location on election day or at the County Election Office before election day. This is fair warning to anyone who wants to join the Democrat fray.