Trump Announces, Well, Not His Potential Supreme Court Picks Exactly, But…Something
From the press release at the Sniveling Coward’s site:
(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 – Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. . . . Mr. Trump stated: “…The following list of potential Supreme Court justices is representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value and, as President, I plan to use this list as a guide to nominate our next United States Supreme Court Justices.”
A “plan” to use the list as a “guide” — from a liar. That’s . . . not particularly definitive or reassuring.
Trump flatly denies things he's said in past, so telling that he explicitly preserves so much wiggle room here.
— Ed Whelan (@EdWhelanEPPC) May 18, 2016
When President Trump makes his actual Supreme Court announcement.
— Orin Kerr (@OrinKerr) May 18, 2016
Pam Karlan is a giant lefty, in case you didn’t get that from the context.
So there you have it. Some of the names are good — but there’s no point in discussing them, really. This man says he is not the “John Miller” on that recording where he is a sock puppet praising his own exploits with women. Anyone who takes this list seriously — or who takes anything Trump says seriously — is a fool.
Americans face a stark choice in November, between a man they cannot trust and a woman they cannot trust. The details are irrelevant.
I’m very impressed with what the staffer came up with! If you could believe Trump, this would be better than Hillary. But you can’t believe Trump, so never mind.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:29 pmTrump mentioned Pryor and Sykes by name during one of the GOP debates. The very next day, he couldn’t remember Pryor’s name.
To credit his sincerity this list, you have to be brain damaged.
Beldar (fa637a) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:30 pmoh my goodness
these people are so much better than the people partial-birth pee-stank’s gonna do on america
i’m starting to feel pretty good about Mr. Trump
happyfeet (831175) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:35 pmIf you read for comprehension I’ve been very careful on my wording on this.
Steve57 (eca648) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:40 pmmeanwhile back at the ranch
sleazy goldy sackies are sleazy
happyfeet (831175) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:52 pmAmericans face a stark choice in November, between a man they cannot trust and a woman they cannot trust. The details are irrelevant.
Well, not exactly. Americans will likely face a choice between two candidates that millions of voters have selected to run against each other in the general election. Both candidates will have the support of their respective political parties, and both will put their best foot forward.
The choice is between a very popular but somewhat flawed Donald Trump, and a well known lying crook with a 30 year track record of criminal malfeasance in office who enabled her husband’s rapes, smeared and intimidated his victims into silence, turned her back on brave Americans fighting for their lives, then fraudulently blamed the attack in Benghazi on a video tape, railroaded the video producer into jail, lied to the parents of the murdered American and hid the electronic records of her monumental graft and corruption.
The choice is your, choose wisely.
ropelight (391c40) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:56 pmWhich of the potential candidates left standing at this point in the process is the closest to reality, what the country needs? Who is more to the right? Who is known for far-left policies? Who is known for extreme blunders… mistakes that have cost thousands of innocent lives? Who can be expected with near perfect certainty to govern in a specific way? A way that is antithetical to the core principles conservatives hold dear? Which of these candidates do we know will govern using Alinsky’s principles should they be elected? Which of the candidates are more likely to be under indictment before the end of 2016?
And which of them offer the potential for some pleasant surprises?
Colonel Haiku (32652f) — 5/18/2016 @ 6:56 pmAmericans face a stark choice in November, between a man they cannot trust and a woman they cannot trust.
I prefer the society of women to that of men in any and all circumstances. But I understand that some “guys” are “different”.
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:01 pmNo idea.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:02 pmthis makes no sense so some harvardtrash loser named orin kerr makes up a fake tweet and that’s what you use as evidence?
i have more dignity than this when i shop at sears
happyfeet (831175) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:06 pmJustice Willett gives the list very serious consideration.
The Trump supporter comments are just precious.
Rick Ballard (97c612) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:06 pmSour. Oh that tastes bitter. Like being weaned on a pickle.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:08 pmNo idea.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:02 pm
A case of willful ignorance? Or just plain don’t give a fu*k?
Colonel Haiku (32652f) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:10 pmAnd just in case Hillary doesn’t know already, she is running for her life now.
Trey Gowdy tapped for Attorney General.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:13 pmIf Trump put out a serious list with consistently solid appeals to conservatives one could give him and his campaign staff at least credit for a strong strategic maneuver to give those R’s who don’t see a reason to vote for him
a reason to vote for him
the main reason, in the opinion of many of us
It is…something…that people who complain about politicians not being able to keep their word
are all supportive of a person
who has demonstrated that he can’t keep his word
The Alinsky-spirit mind trick is very strong…
I still say there are good odds it will not be HRC, but I could be wrong
MD in Philly (f9371b) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:15 pmand I still hope it will not be John Miller’s boss…
Hannity is interviewing Trump on FOX NEWS right now explaining his conservative and popular positions.
ropelight (391c40) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:16 pmLet Hillary put out a list of her potential choices for the Supreme Court. That would give voters a chance to compare.
ropelight (391c40) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:19 pmTrey Gowdy? To be expected. His first three choices, Gomer, Goober and Barney are not available.
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:19 pmThe problem with Graham’s analogy to poison and being shot,
is that one can potentially beat either one,
and succumb to either one,
and it depends on what happens exactly,
which you don’t know until after the choice is made and the events happen.
If it comes to HRC vs DT, I will vote for DT knowing how bad HRC is,
MD in Philly (f9371b) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:20 pmbut I will not be surprised if DT turns out to be a disaster of terrible proportion
and I will be surprised if he is anything but a disaster of some proportion
and I have years of evidence supplied by DT for all to see to support my opinion
Hannity is interviewing Trump on FOX NEWS right now explaining his conservative and popular positions.
Is Hannity on all fours or just on his knees?
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:20 pmMr. Hannity’s honey bunny is cuter than pickles
happyfeet (831175) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:24 pmshe weighs 52 kg
happyfeet (831175) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:25 pmAnother shinny object.
Trump releases a list of anything, media stops asking about his tax returns. Tomorrow it will be the top ten women with the best breasts in America.
Next it will be, “Look, it’s Halley’s Comet!”
Suckers. And as the Great One said, “How sweet it is!”
DCSCA (a343d5) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:31 pmThere is a third option: I see no difference.
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:34 pmKissinger to Trump: “Vee beleeved peace vuz at hand.”
Trump to Kissinger: “I believe you had quite a piece in your hands for years, Hank! You dated Jill St. John… I mean, a TOTAL TEN! Great breasts, firm buns. You see her in that Bond movie? A TEN!”
DCSCA (a343d5) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:37 pmYou see Orin Kerr doing the Beldar (wish casting straw man arguments on his victim).
Shady practice.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:37 pmWould Kerr scruple to manufactured evidence in his professional life, you think?
Funny, huh?
Patterico (86c8ed) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:40 pm@24- The Beast needs fed. On your knees, Sean! Toss him a list to chew on.
DCSCA (a343d5) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:42 pm14
Has anyone asked Gowdy?
Mind you, this represents a double flipflop on the part of Donald. Or maybe he just forgot he flipfloped in December.
kishnevi (93670d) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:43 pm
@27- Ask Mike Deaver. Image over substance. It’s as American as Mrs. Smith’s Frozen Apple Pies.
DCSCA (a343d5) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:45 pmI like Trey’s intensity.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:46 pmRemember that tax plan he floated earlier in the year? It’s already disowned. This is just another piece of paper.
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:50 pmPatterico, there’s one big difference: Hillary is a MUCH better liar that Trump. With Trump his lies are dares — everyone knows they are lies, but do you dare to mention it?
Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:53 pmDo you want civil war now or do you want civil war later?
‘Cause Hillary is going to have it out with gun owners. And that means civil war.
AS to which would be better, can’t say.
IGotBupkis, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (225d0d) — 5/18/2016 @ 7:59 pmWould be irregulars aren’t ready now, and if Donald Trump wins the presidency we won’t have to face uncivil war at all. That’s a win/win.
ropelight (391c40) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:29 pmGotta get your grins where and when you can, I guess…
Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:36 pmi know these people seriously
partial-birth pee-stank’s people are no match for partial-birth poo-stank’s
he will pick the best goldy sackers since he knows them so well
he will make the deals to sell out
it’ll be great
all the goldy sacks men
sadfeet (ddead1) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:38 pmIt is hilarious to see how the creative photoshop of a “future” tweet of Trump’s pisses off the Trumpkins.
Because they know its true.
SPQR (a3a747) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:45 pmhappyfeet, do you mean she weighs about 8 stone? Nobody in America knows what a kg weighs except drug dealers.
Rev. Hoagie ™ (734193) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:48 pmDerp.
Steve57 (eca648) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:56 pmropelight, maybe _you_ are not ready….
SPQR (a3a747) — 5/18/2016 @ 8:56 pm2.2 lbs to the kilo. 52 kilos is 104 + 10.4 = 114.4 lbs. A person who can give change can do it in his head.
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:05 pmI somehow knew I’d hear from you, nk.
Steve57 (eca648) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:20 pmWent to a good high school, and paid attention in Chemistry and Physics.
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:28 pmMy parents grew up with this:
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:30 pmnk, me too.
Steve57 (eca648) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:32 pmOk, not the Ottoman thingy.
Steve57 (eca648) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:34 pmDram (Turskish derim) is from “drachma”, an Athenian silver coin of standardized weight, which became kind of like the dollar, the monetary standard, of the Classical Mediterranean. Lot of cross-culture going on with the mongrelization of the pure Aryan races by the second and third world.
nk (dbc370) — 5/18/2016 @ 9:43 pmReally no question about what Hillary’s justice list looks like. People committed to doing away with Heller and Citizens United, for a start.
Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1) — 5/19/2016 @ 8:05 amHe can’t be entirely serious about these names because one of them, Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett is a very active user of Twitter and has issued a number of anti-Trump tweets including one about the Supreme Court. (albeit they seem to date back almost a year)
More recently, he tweeted this:
Asked to comment yesterday, Willett said he was “exercising judicial restraint” (per the New York Daily News.
Also, Diane Sykes is none other than the former wife (1980-1999) of Milwakee radio talk show host Charlie Sykes who was one of the members of the #NeverTrump movement in Wilsconsin and helped get that state’s primary campaign voters to vote for Ted Cruz (although most didn’t really want him but would have liked, let’s say, Paul Ryan)
He did this famous interview with Donald Trump before the Wiscosin primary.
They divorced because of his adultery, which may mean they are not close.
None of that means that Trump wouldn’t submit one of those names, for his first pick, if Republicans retained control of the Senate.
Sammy Finkelman (643dcd) — 5/19/2016 @ 10:52 amThanks, Sammy. You are confirming that that list is as phony as Tiny Donnie’s hair.
nk (dbc370) — 5/19/2016 @ 11:00 amI like the way Patterico compares Trump to an imaginary politician who is ideologically pure, never has to compromise and has never told a lie to further his agenda or ambition.
Mr Black (7c41e5) — 5/19/2016 @ 4:26 pmI do too. My ideal is this guy.
nk (dbc370) — 5/19/2016 @ 4:41 pmOthers here like Cincinnatus.
Oh, wait, these guys were not imaginary. Oh, well, you can’t have everything I suppose.
well he wasn’t in 300 rise of empire, so seriouly, themistocles was the hero, pericles was overrated, and his faults were whitewashed by thucydides,
narciso (732bc0) — 5/19/2016 @ 4:50 pmAristides was exiled when the second invasion occurred but Themistocles brought him back. He ceded his military command to Xanthippos, the father of Pericles, who was also his surrogate in politics. (Yes, Pericles was of the aristocratic party.) He had done the same thing ten years earlier, ceding command to Miltiades at Marathon, because he considered him a more competent general than himself. He was not a glory-hound.
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cancer information (b99211) — 5/30/2016 @ 12:33 am