Patterico's Pontifications


Paul Ryan Not Jumping On Trump Train Just Yet

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:05 pm

[guest post by Dana]

In light of the various politicians who once swore off Donald Trump, yet are now supporting him, it’s interesting to hear Paul Ryan say that he’s not ready to endorse Trump:

TAPPER: So you’re saying you can’t, you can’t support or endorse him right now?

RYAN: Yeah, I am basically saying that… I think Conservatives want to know: Does he share our values and our principles on limited government, the proper role of the executive, adherence to the Constitution? There are a lot of questions that Conservatives, I think, are going to want answers to. Myself included.

Trump, clearly working hard to unite the party, responded to Ryan’s comments:


While some see Ryan’s cautious approach to endorsing Trump as “exceptionally bold,” given that he is the Speaker of the House, and while I’m certainly happy to see Ryan defy the party and not jump on the Trump Train like McConnell and friends, I can’t help but be aware of the bitter irony that up until a few days ago, we had a candidate who more than met Ryan’s criteria. In spades. A candidate with a reputation for fighting for limited government, a candidate with a full understanding of the proper role of the executive, and a candidate who has spent his entire adult life pushing for strict adherence to the Constitution. All of these things are demonstrably true about Ted Cruz. They are not so about Donald Trump.



64 Responses to “Paul Ryan Not Jumping On Trump Train Just Yet”

  1. Blech.

    Dana (0ee61a)

  2. wiscotrash paul ryan has no class whatsoever he’s a worthless bought and paid for snivelpoop

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. And as soon as the Coronation of Herr Drumpf is over, Ryan will have received his “assurances” and fall in line. This is theatre, nothing more.

    Matador (9f5894)

  4. harvardtrash ted cruz has a big nose so who cares if all his principles are right

    also he would have had a better chance to beat pee-stank

    but it turns out i don’t care about that

    i only care about tasty tasty muffins

    and spiced tea

    i love spiced tea

    — happyfeet

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  5. paul ryan is a pooper for hating on mr the donald

    i bet he wants the wriggly fetus parts to live

    what a pooper

    — happyfeet

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  6. goldy sacky harvardtrash cruz and his slut wife heidi maybe would have lowered the debt

    ok and maybe gotten that big big government out of our faces

    but would they have made america great again i ask you

    great in the sense of making every day another chance to watch tabloid trash on all the cable channels

    with red drippy stuff we imagine drip drip dripping from that whore megyn

    no i don’t think so

    balanced budgets or entertainment mister you gotta make a choice

    — happyfeet

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  7. severeid, or murrow could not have said it better, but the cattle futures tell a different story,

    — narciso,

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  8. All I know is Hillary is a twatwaffle.

    — JD

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  9. yes yes yes a twatwaffle you have it right mr jd

    and a whore

    and slut

    — happyfeet

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  10. Patterico probably thinks that Hillary is not so bad, maybe she is a “good woman” the way the current occupant of the White House is a “good man.” This is what makes me suspicious of people who in the back of their minds share that Peggy Noonan feeling that liberals are OK, like David Brooks and the crease in the pants, despite Jeremiah Wright and his constant yelling about goddamn America. Ted Cruz maybe could have fixed this but for his aqualine nose.

    — Mark

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  11. Racists

    — JD

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  12. OK enough fun I’m tired.

    — Patterico (for real)

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  13. Rodham was kicked off the Watergate Committee as a Lawyer, for dishonesty.
    Rodham, hired Private Investigators to slime the WOMEN that Bill Clinton had affairs with or had raped.
    Rodham called Jenifer Flowers (spelling correct) a liar, despite AUDIO TAPES, and went on National TV calling THE BILLY JEFF/JENIFER FLOWERS story a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY.
    Rodham claimed she took $1000 and magically turned it into $100,000.00 in cattle futures.
    Rodham hid her Rose Law Firm records for years.
    Rodham fired the WHITE HOUSE travel office staff, in favor of HER kick back friends.
    Rodham, claimed to be named for Sir Edmund Hillary.
    Rodham said she CORKSCREWED into Kosovo under gunfire.
    Rodham said she carries HOT SAUCE in her purse.
    Rodham set up a private server and had THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS on it, and lied about it.
    Rodham lied about the BENGHAZI DEATHS IN FRONT OF THE MENS CASKETS and also lied to their NEXT of KIN.

    I’m voting for RODHAM. Because TRUMP is uncouth.

    Gus (30b6bd)

  14. There must be another shoe to drop. Even if Trump can get the usual suspects on board — the ones that all his supporters spent a year demonizing — that still does not unify the party.

    The Party includes the 60% of Republicans that did not vote for him until recently, and the third that won’t vote for him ever. I plan on voting for Cruz on June 7th and I truly hope that people who despise Trump make that effort, too.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  15. i’m voting for Bernie June 7th.

    redc1c4 (b14302)

  16. which reminds me, Pat: do/will you have any recommendations on the judge seats coming up locally?

    redc1c4 (b14302)

  17. …the ones that all his supporters spent a year demonizing…”


    “demonizing”: i don’t think that means what you think it means… 😎

    redc1c4 (b14302)

  18. Kinda reminds me of his support for genuine conservative bills being brought to the floor, and his squishy behavior when it came time to stand up to BHO, yet acceded to a truly wretched omnibus last December.

    This is Ryan. He knows he is virtually untouchable in his Speakership and he makes everyone else take the tough stances while he figures out a path of least resistance in the end.

    He’s not quite a Boehner, but as long as the U.S. Chamber of commerce and such run the domestic agendae for the GOP, Ryan may as well be one.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  19. Traitor ryan is a disgrace to Americans, hang this pos now.

    mg (31009b)

  20. oh my goodness i went to bed and missed all the satires

    i’m a have a friend in over weekend so I’ll probably miss a lot more

    but yes yes paul ryan, he is no good

    he has his own agenda

    happyfeet (831175)

  21. speaking of stupid agendas

    Puerto Rico’s governor signed an order banning plastic bags last fall.*

    and then these losers come whining for a bail out

    happyfeet (831175)

  22. I am not ready to support Speaker Ryan’s agenda, either. His agenda is what gave us Trumpkins. And half a billion dollars to Planned Parenthood so Cecile Richards could have a coat made from 101 Dalmatian puppies. Cute little spotted puppies. I know you all like puppies.

    Tiny Donnie wouldn’t be Trump if he had said anything other than what he said. For him, it was a fair and measured statement.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. The question is why is Patterico supporting Speaker Ryan?

    How far does this support go? Is it only on condition that Paul Ryan is saying something nasty about Trump?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  24. RYAN: Yeah, I am basically saying that… I think Conservatives want to know: Does he share our values and our principles on limited government, the proper role of the executive, adherence to the Constitution? There are a lot of questions that Conservatives, I think, are going to want answers to. Myself included.

    This is the guy who raised the Federal debt limit?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  25. Well, given what he now has, I think Ryan is saying a reasonable thing.

    I’m not sure if Ryan’s support for Cruz would have helped or hurt, myself.

    And whatever Trump says at time “x” means about as much as when Biden or Obama say something.

    I prefer Sasse’s response.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  26. Ryan is at least trying to influence Trump, rather than saying he will support him.

    But yeah, Ryan is a big reason we are where we are.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  27. Tomorrow does not belong to those who have made today possible.

    Colonel Haiku (feb2a4)

  28. There is repentance, Colonel,
    But it is too rarely employed.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  29. ROGER SIMON: Republicans Should Take a Time Out:

    “All branches should stop and think, not do anything definitive. It won’t hurt. They can come out and be just as mean to each other in another week, destroy the party, start a third party, move to Canada, invade the Balkans, whatever they want to do. But maybe they won’t. Maybe they have more in common than they think. They should at least try to find out.”

    Colonel Haiku (feb2a4)

  30. Ryan didn’t turn the Republic into a democracy, he just has to deal with the reality that a democracy will always empty the Treasury to support subsidies. The fact we’re actually borrowing beyond capacity to repay to sustain current subsidy levels isn’t hidden from anyone but the futile gesture of ‘shutting down’ government without any hope of overriding a veto would ensure a much higher turnout of parasites dedicated to maintaining unsustainable subsidy levels.

    The problem is neither new nor rare, it’s actually the predominant situation throughout the world at the moment.

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  31. Herr Oberst, Roger Simon can take his opinion and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. I don’t advocate the party be destroyed, they’re doing that just fine all by themselves. Start a third party? Quixotic as that may be, I have that right. Move to Canada? Why? To suit the “Cruz is a Canadian” crowd? Invade the Balkans? Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. “Whatever I want to do”. Well, thank you Roger, I appreciate that.

    Perhaps Roger Stone needs to really look around him and understand that there are a lot of conservatives who are fed the fu*k up with politics as we know it. Now that we’ve selected our answer to Obama as our candidate, if Stone believes that the non-Trumpers are having a temper tantrum now, just wait until November. If Trump does make it to the White House, there’s going to be YUUUUUGE hurt feelings when his cult of personality finds he can’t do much of what he “promised”.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  32. The question is why is Patterico supporting Speaker Ryan?

    Who said I am? I will support any policy he pursues that advances the cause of limited government and liberty. I will oppose others. He’s not from my party as I have no party. It’s going to be case by case.

    Patterico (5f511c)

  33. Mistook you for Dana. Not the first time. Not the last time either. Sorry.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  34. Good Morning Pat.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  35. Pick and settle on a choice of Rogers, Bill. Stone’s a d-bag, I’ll grant you that. Simon’s suggestion seems to be a jolt of common sense in all this narcissistic soap boxing and posturing. At least to me.

    Colonel Haiku (feb2a4)

  36. There is the saying about the devil you know vs the devil you don’t….
    But when the devil you know is very, very, bad,
    The devil you don’t (exactly) know is a consideration.

    I’m going to keep praying for the miraculous to happen and either Trump gets a new favorite Bible verse,
    Or we get a viable alternative.

    He is that bad.
    Between marriages and bankruptcies,
    How many times has he betrayed major promises and the people behind them
    for his own short term gain????
    The past predicts the future.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  37. you forget that ryan had his own pac out there, but it sank like a lead balloon,

    narciso (732bc0)

  38. I do not blame Ryan for the pile of crap Boehner left on his desk. There was no way that a $3 trillion budget is rewritten in a few weeks. I will judge him by the budget they produce this year.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  39. The real problem that everyone in the House, and Cruz in the Senate had, was that McConnell refused to risk his Senate majority on anything at all. McConnell’s political world ends at the steps to the Senate, and getting rid of him is the rate-determining step. OF COURSE he cozies up to Trump — he has no ideology either, other than what is good for the Senate. See Pournelle’s Iron Law.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  40. mind you, mcturtle, was not appreciably different then frist, dole, lott, baker, (am I missing anyone,)

    narciso (732bc0)

  41. Trump supported Democrats – including Hillary Clinton – for decades but Ryan is the traitor?

    In Trump World up is down and down is up.

    SteveMG (b6be89)

  42. those actually in power, who made a pledge, have more responsibility then those outside the circle, how difficult is that to understand?

    narciso (732bc0)

  43. #4 -#12


    felipe (b5e0f4)

  44. A person closing his eyes and covering his ears and going na-na-na, neener-neener-neener, or a lighter form of what extremists like Brett Kimberlin do, is a window into that person’s mind. And not a terribly reassuring one at that.

    Just realize that when assigning blame for the ongoing decline of this society, never forget to glance in the mirror. But that’s why I was intrigued by this blog and its threads in the first place, and why I’ve gotten the answer I suspected all along.

    Liberals are more likely to censor or Facebook-unfriend people whose opinions they dislike or resent. Do left-leaning (more than right-leaning) impulses in people in general cause the same reaction? Perhaps.

    I had a hunch former visitors like Mike K. knew something was amiss all along.

    Sad but fascinating.

    Mark (fb60e8)

  45. And we cannot hold Trump responsible for anything he did on behalf of Democrats over the decades?

    Ryan says he’s undecided and therefore he’s a traitor? Or what?

    Trump actively helped Democrats including Hillary. He called Pelosi up to persuade her to impeach Bush.

    Which of these is the more egregious act?

    SteveMG (b6be89)

  46. Trump on the Iraq war:

    Trump: You do whatever you want. You call it whatever you want. I wanna tell you. They lied.

    John Dickerson: Okay.

    Trump: They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

    Again, and Ryan is the traitor?

    SteveMG (b6be89)

  47. yes, however, any course of action, that puts red queen on top, is shibboleth,

    narciso (732bc0)

  48. As Charles Cooke at NR explains:

    “Without the GOP manning the barricades, Obamacare could well have been single payer, and, at the very least, the law would have included a “public option.” Without the GOP manning the barricades, we’d have seen a carbon tax or cap-and-trade — or both. Without the GOP manning the barricades, we’d have got union card check, and possibly an amendment to Taft-Hartley that removed from the states their power to pass “right to work” exemptions. Without the GOP standing in the way, we’d now have an “assault weapons” ban, magazine limits, background checks on all private sales, and a de facto national gun registry. And without the GOP standing in the way in the House, we’d have got the very amnesty that the Trump people so fear (it’s fine to oppose Marco Rubio for his support for the “Gang of 8″ bill, but it’s not fine to pretend that it didn’t matter that the Republicans ran the House when the reform bill left the Senate; it did).”

    Where was Trump when all of this was being done?

    Should the Congressional Republicans have done more? Absolutely. But to say they’ve done nothing is absurd.

    SteveMG (b6be89)

  49. Pick and settle on a choice of Rogers, Bill. Stone’s a d-bag, I’ll grant you that. Simon’s suggestion seems to be a jolt of common sense in all this narcissistic soap boxing and posturing. At least to me.

    Colonel Haiku (feb2a4) — 5/6/2016 @ 6:51 am

    Sorry about that, Col. I meant Simon in both paragraphs. But yah- Stone is a di*khead. Simon just irks me on occasion.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  50. This whole thing sucks…a 3rd party can’t win in today’s environment – the candidate will not get enough electoral votes. The only hope is that he (Gary Johnson) gets enough electoral votes to deny with Clinton or Trump the 270 needed and the election goes to the House. The odds of that happening are slim and none, and Slim just took the last train out of town.

    So, as has been noted, we are left with the two primary candidates…unless…Clinton is either 1) indicted, or 2) she drops out due to “health reasons”. I do think there is a Biden/Warren team waiting in the background in either event.

    My concern is SCOTUS and other Federal judges – Clinton will appoint another Kagan or Sotomayor. Trump could appoint a Scalia clone or a Souter clone which I doubt. But given the impact the Court has on society for generations, I’ll gamble on Trump to deny Clinton the opportunity to further the “fundamental transformation of America”.

    Horatio (0c8823)

  51. My question is “does paul ryan share our values?” Thinking as a conservative, my answer is a resounding “NO!!!!”

    Jim (a9b7c7)

  52. Ryan is going to get ‘Bogarted’ by Trump very soon: “When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it.”

    Trump beat 16 or so others- governors, senators, businesswoman, surgeon… and Hillary still can’t put away one aging Jewish socialist.

    Trump is going to win on November.

    DCSCA (a343d5)

  53. I can not abide Paul Ryan. Please don’t be our “saviour”; no Rubio, no Romney, no Ryan.

    SarahW (67599f)

  54. I do not blame Ryan for the pile of crap Boehner left on his desk. There was no way that a $3 trillion budget is rewritten in a few weeks. I will judge him by the budget they produce this year.

    Fair enough.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  55. My concern is SCOTUS and other Federal judges – Clinton will appoint another Kagan or Sotomayor. Trump could appoint a Scalia clone or a Souter clone which I doubt. But given the impact the Court has on society for generations, I’ll gamble on Trump to deny Clinton the opportunity to further the “fundamental transformation of America”.

    Horatio (0c8823) — 5/6/2016 @ 10:42 am

    Well, if Trump is up to playing master-level chess rather than Candy Crush, he could appoint Cruz. You know, that whole “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” thing. That would knock Cruz out of the running forever. I mean, how could he refuse?

    Bill H (971e5f)

  56. how many would vote to confirm, this is what we discovered in this campaign,

    narciso (732bc0)

  57. Ryan should be trade to Islam for a pile of steamy camel dung.

    mg (31009b)

  58. d

    mg (31009b)

  59. What Trump will appoint after Hillary is elected is a director for his new movie: “Melania Does Moldavia, A Donald Trump Production”.

    nk (dbc370)

  60. Or she could end up like Carla bruni who dated jagger and trump before she traded up.

    narciso (1b4366)

  61. This Carla Bruni? The Carla Bruni with genuine looks, style and talent who really deserves the title of supermodel?

    Why be such a piker? Why not compare Melania to Kate Middleton?

    nk (dbc370)

  62. I’m no Trump supporter, but I can’t help but think that Paul Ryan and those like him are, at least in part, responsible for the rise of Trump. If the GOP wouldn’t promise to do things if sent to Washington, such as fight against the Progressive agenda, and then do the exact opposite, under the guise of reaching across the aisle, perhaps we would be looking at someone else at the Party’s nominee.

    This truly is going to be the year of voting for the candidate you hate the least.

    Rochf (f3fbb0)

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