Your Taxpayer Dollars at Work: NTSB Confirms “Sum Ting Wong,” “Wi Tu Lo,” and “Ho Lee Fuk” Piloted the Crashed Asiana Airlines Flight
Someone gave a local TV station the following purported names of the airline crew from that Asiana Airlines crash. The names included the following:
- Captain Sum Ting Wong
- Wi Tu Lo
- Ho Lee Fuk
- Bang Ding Ow
The TV station dutifully checked the names and then rushed them onto the air:
One wonders if the anchor realized what was happening as she read the names out loud, probably for the first time.
I wondered when I first saw this clip if it was a tasteless Onion-style joke newscast. The answer is: nope, that’s a real TV newscast. Power Line links a USA Today article confirming that the NTSB did in fact confirm the names:
In seeking to verify the names with the National Transportation Safety Board, an unidentified KTVU reporter who made the call to the government agency’s public affairs office didn’t read the names out loud. KTVU didn’t clarify how the names were conveyed to the NTSB representative, who turned out to be a summer intern.
The KTVU reporter also failed to ask for the identi[t]y of the NTSB intern who confirmed the spellings of the names.
“We heard this person verify the information without questioning who they were and then rushed the names on our noon newscast,” KTVU’s note read.
The NTSB also issued its apology late Friday afternoon for “inaccurate and offensive names that were mistakenly confirmed as those of the pilots.”
“A summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew on the aircraft,” its statement said. “The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crewmembers or people involved in transportation accidents to the media. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today’s incident. Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such a serious error is not repeated.”
The “summer intern” is no doubt a low-level employee from Cincinnati.
Thanks to redc1c4.
They all looked the same to me.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:39 amA classic example of why we can’t trust the media or the government.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:42 amI know who the summer intern is. Sum Dum Gai, a Chinese exchange student.
nk (875f57) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:49 amI had already seen the names of the pilots elsewhere and realized this was wrong but hadn’t pronounced them to my self and missed the joke at first. Predictably, the LA Times is hysterical with indignation.
Mike K (dc6ffe) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:49 amAll those layers of editors and fact checkers. News you can trust.
Tanny O'Haley (ffc3bf) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:51 amAfter investigating the incident, I have narrowed it down to one of these two interns that confirmed the names of the pilots.
The person’s name is either, Yu Bin Had or Yu Tu Dum.
peedoffamerican (04dfe5) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:53 amThey had to call the NTSB? Then they deserve twice the humiliation and should go into beekeeping or something where you get to wear a mask.
SteveG (794291) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:07 amActually the best part is the end when she said:
“We are working to determine exactly what roles each of them played during the landing on Saturday.”
Translation: We’ll be sitting here on our butts waiting for the next press release that we will read to you verbatim without giving any thought to the content.
Or translation by Rush: We are the State-Run Media.
AZ Bob (c11d35) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:08 amHere’s the KTVU on-air apology:
I love how the anchorbabe sez an NTSB official confirmed the names in the station’s non-apology.
Something to keep in mind when the press uses anonymous sources like “a police official close to the investigation.” They’re probably talking to a janitor or another intern.
So this will happen again. Not only are they too stupid to recognize an obvious joke, they’re too stupid change their ways.
So we’ve got that going for us. The future is going to be full of unintended comedy, up until the point where Obama’s 13th century green energy plan puts these jokers off the air.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:11 amI choose Yu Tu Dum
SteveG (794291) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:12 amTrue dat. I hope the NTSB goes easy on the intern.
If you were a summer intern and a TV news station called you to confirm that Captain Sum Ting Wong was flying the plane with his trusty sidekick Ho Lee Fuk, how could you resist giving them the thumbs up and tell them to run with that?
In fact, if I were the guys supervisor I’d give him nothing more than a stern warning that if he ever does anything like that again I had better not hear about it. Then try to get back to my office before bursting into laughter.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:17 amComment by peedoffamerican (04dfe5) — 7/13/2013 @ 10:53 am
They’re siblings.
askeptic (2bb434) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:21 amLon Duc Dong
Colonel Haiku (8c33ea) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:21 amThat intern has a great future ahead…..
askeptic (2bb434) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:23 amProbably as the Public Spokesman for the Secretary of State.
Or translation by Rush: We are the State-Run Media.
KTVU is a Fox affiliate, Rush.
nk (875f57) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:28 amThe LA Fox news is Channel 11 and they are just as bad. Pure rip and read.
AZ Bob (c11d35) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:34 amFrom the NTSB’s own web site.
JDow (d8539e) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:40 amThey’re siblings.
Comment by askeptic (2bb434) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:21 am
Could be cousins, same last name.
peedoffamerican (c1642d) — 7/13/2013 @ 11:44 amIt isn’t like the local ABC affiliate couldn’t have done it. It’s not like the networks make the staffing decisions for their local stations.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:03 pmProbably a lot of media outlets could have done this, especially with confirmation from a government source, but I have to point out this was a San Francisco TV station.
And they think Texans are dumb.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:19 pmOk, we have the “confirmation”, a chimerical summer intern at the NTSB. What’s the source of the first draft that needed “confirming”? I call BS on the whole KTVU explanation.
nk (875f57) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:23 pmHow can anyone look at those names and not chuckle? When the media gets punked, let’s just say I’m not exactly full of sorrow or regret.
Mark (897d7b) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:26 pm“…but I have to point out this was a San Francisco TV station.”
Colonel Haiku (8c33ea) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:31 pmAnd they think Texans are dumb.
Not to mention another preconceived notion of what the left likes to believe is the nature of people in Non-liberal Land, meaning they’re rather unsophisticated too. Consequently, assessments that follow a template similar to what Matthew Cooper (who very likely leans left) dishes out:
Mark (897d7b) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:40 pmBTW, I have forgotten the which thread contained them, but will take the opportunity of a Bang ding Ow thread to mention my gratitude for the kind concern and good wishes offered to me the other evening.
On advice I’m on bedrest, b/c of the signs of CSF leak. I have a test tube to catch fluid if it should increase to nosebleed level again.
Minor leaks will sometimes heal themselves and that would spare me some very unpleasant and risky tests and/or procedures.
Mr. Busig Raggarbil sent me a very civil apology by post and in his own hand, and I expected it to add to my feeling his regret was sincere, and my sorry for him but he had the misfortune of me opening it when I was in bed frightened, with heat pads on my back and a hammering and aching head.
Which while well meant, stuck me then as insulting and had rather the opposite of the intended effect; or at least until I recollected that he was otherwise occupied and would not from the police report alone have much damage was done. I wish he had just said “I’m sorry for any harm done to you.”
Sarahw (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:46 pm1 1/2 months into a summer internship at the NTSB and the kid is bored outta his mind already… 5 weeks behind the usual schedule, but nevertheless…
Hey kid.
1. Feel free to think bigger than any career an NTSB internship could ever prepare you for
2. If you are going to work in government, master plausible deniability. The appropriate answer to their query should be something like: Yes.
SteveG (794291) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:49 pmLet them draw their own conclusion what that means.
They will think you are answering in the affirmative, when you can say you were very busy and were simply affirming your intent to check into it and get back to them
2b. If hauled into court, DO NOT answer yes or no. Answer I do not recall, have no memory of that etc.
feel better quick like a bunny summer is almost half over
I’m sure he really is very remorseful and from now on he will be a very conscientious driver but gosh how hard is it not to hit people.
Even people what might maybe could be seen as deserving of getting hit with a semi-frozen polish sausage upside their noodle like for example a malevolent fascist like Lois Lerner, they never ever get hit.
happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:53 pmThat newscast, the “confirmation” and those names are pretty funny. It’s an instructive (one hopes) episode for all the morons involved without leaving any really terrible consequences–as opposed to something like NBC completely falsifying a 911 call related to an already high profile death case. If I were an American citizen of Asian extraction who carries an ethnic sounding name I’m not sure how amused I’d be, though.
All I can say with respect to the media is: “buyer beware”.
elissa (0faa93) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:58 pmSarahw,
I had a wreck almost 7 years ago in which I sustained very serious injuries, some of which will be with me for the rest of my life. The other driver was at fault — in fact, he was convicted of felony assault — but neither he nor anyone from his family ever called, wrote, or asked how I was.
So I think I know how you feel right now, and that’s pretty bad both mentally and physically. Let me offer this unsolicited advice: Don’t worry about the other driver for now. Focus on taking care of yourself and getting better. Don’t laugh too hard in your condition but watch movies that make you smile and think happy thoughts. Rest as much as you can and, if your doctor says it’s okay, eat your favorite foods. Spend time with your family and friends at home and online, and listen to God.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:58 pmwith respect to the post this makes me feel a brief sparkle of affection for america, and a wee bit of hope as well
now if we could but channel this impudence against the baleful fascist evil what is all up in our white house and our congress and our media and our piggy piggy bureaucracies
happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 12:59 pmOn advice I’m on bedrest, b/c of the signs of CSF leak.
You do know that I’m not a real doctor, though, right? 😉
Get well sooner, SarahW. Do you know why doctors keep you in the waiting room for so long? Because time heals all ills.
nk (875f57) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:02 pmas a kooky coincidence Mr. Instapundit posted this earlier today on his internet blog
happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:20 pmreceiving a frozen sausage to the head is a behaviour changer im sure. but i would not wish headaches on Lois, maybe some fear.
I wonder if Busig realizes he was not in a cosmetic fender bender. ( It might be upsetting because it means less leniency wrt DWI consequences.) they have to replace about an eighth of my car including wheel and suspension.
My memory of the crash consists of “happy idling :roar: :blur: :BANG: crunch” The witness statements were more alarming he had be frisky driving all down the road befor he lost control on his last turn. He went airborne, hit me twice.
SarahW (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:21 pmI saw a Reporter with an NTSB menu in her hand
Walkin’ through the concourse of SFO in the rain
She was lookin’ for a pilot named Ho Lee Fuk
Gonna get the big scoop on KTVU!
Aaahoo! Newsluts of Oakland
Aaahoo! Newsluts of Oakland
papertiger (c2d6da) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:27 pmSarahW, if you tell us what kind of movies you like, maybe we can amuse ourselves and you by suggesting movies “that make you smile and think happy thoughts” but don’t make you “laugh too hard”, like DRJ suggests.
Plus, if you are wanting to drift off to sleep I’m thinking that they can’t be too gripping either.
Maybe “Hannah and Her Sisters?” Woody rarely makes me laugh and often puts me to sleep.
Pious Agnostic (20c167) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:33 pmHi Lois look what I got here
yup that’s right
a semi-frozened polish sausage
hey aren’t you that lady what corrupted the IRS and bent it towards the persecution of food stamp’s political enemies?
gosh this semi-frozened polish sausage sure is heavy hey Lois let’s play a game! Ok this is a game where I’m a swing my sausage and see how close I can get it to your head c’mon it’ll be fun
hey where you going
happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:34 pmthey have to replace about an eighth of my car including wheel and suspension
that is good that’s the first I’ve heard the flex is gonna pull through
happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:36 pmDRJ, I am very sorry to hear that – i did not know you were seriously hurt and have been left with lasting harm. I am very sorry to hear it indeed. I will listen to any advice you have for me to get out of ruminations that might not be of much help.
What NKasey might look like :27.
Also my reg. doc concurs. 🙂
SarahW (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:44 pmEvery time I think the MSM can’t behave any more stupidly, they prove me wrong. How many abject MORONS read and approved this list of names before it was broadcast?
If we posted pictures of the stupidest “journalists” in America it would look like a yearbook for every college in the country.
How bloody stupid can they be? I can’t tell you until tomorrow but “dumber than you think” is a safe bet…
WarEagle82 (2b7355) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:45 pmMovies that are not too gripping and will tend to put you to sleep.
Moulin Rouge starring Tom Cruise’s ex wife.
I use it instead of sleeping pills.
papertiger (c2d6da) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:46 pmI know more than a few Asians living in this country and they think it’s funny as all get out that the MFM got punked like that. Especially the ones who’ve been to San Francisco. You’ve got to be pretty stupid to look at that list and think those are plausible Korean names, but especially so when you live in a region like the SF Bay Area that undoubtedly has a higher percentage of Asians in the population than any place in the US outside of Hawaii.
Besides, it isn’t like Asians can’t laugh back.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:54 pmSarahw,
It takes time to get better from injuries like you have, but we’re all pulling for you. We need your wit and wisdom.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 2:01 pmLast year a friend and her passenger were rear-ended at a fairly high rate of speed on an expressway when traffic` slowed somewhat unexpectedly. The driver who hit her could barely speak English, was unlicensed, and so had no liability insurance which is mandatory in our state. His vehicle was damaged but driveable.`Hers was not driveable nor was she in any condition to drive. He was the one who called the police since she was too shaken up, and he immediately got out of his car to offer assistance and make sure they were relatively OK. He volunteered his fault to the cop without any excuses.
When his court case came up she actually went–not to excuse or defend him in any manner–obviously he was in deep doo doo.– but to let the judge know that he had acted in a civilized and responsible manner following the crash. She is not a bleeding heart liberal by a long shot, but she felt his humanity needed to be acknowledged. He again apologized to her that day.
SarahW, your letter from the guy who hit you is not worded very well and is not nearly enough. But I also think the fact that he even bothered to write you is kind of a miracle in this day and age. It suggests he at least feels bad about it. But DRJ gave good advice which is well worth heeding. Concentrate on you. Best wishes for a continued and full recovery. Do take it easy and listen to your family and doctors.
elissa (0faa93) — 7/13/2013 @ 2:15 pmSwedish television has the advantage for me of being barely intelligible even though my vocab grows. It helps to turn the undertext on. There are still things to crack a person up, like fishing shows and this one show that has two living history actors portray different time periods in Sweden. The 1970s episode (if lileks were a Giant Swede) includes a lot of bad clothes, gelatin-plus-catfood dishes, inflation, commie kids books, and a very funny impression of a 1970s Aftonbladet journalist. Welcome to your swedish socialist paradise at 16:43.
SarahW (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 2:17 pmSarahw,
That’s an interesting viewing choice. Did you watch Swedish television before your wreck, or has your head injury caused you to start speaking Swedish?
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 2:31 pmIt probably is funny, though, so go for it.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 2:32 pmHeh. I could sight read a little since ages ago, but have been trying to pick it up at beginner-level conversation for about six mos. I have mostly been watching kids shows for pronunciation and grammar. Ponnyakuten (Pony emergency room) is one of my favorites – the scenery is like the end of soylent green when the old guy exclaims on how beauitiful everything used to be. “Wallande”r is on Netflix with English subs by the way, its worth anyone’s time for the stories, but its also interesting to observe cultural tensions constantly alluded to ( Ystad is hard by Malmö) and remnants and legacy of Weather Underground -styled radicals, etc.
SarahW (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 2:47 pmHope you heal quickly, SarahW.
mg (31009b) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:33 pmWoody rarely makes me laugh and often puts me to sleep.
Speaking of whom, and if racial self-consciousness is relevant to this thread — not to mention in light of Martin/Zimmerman — I recall a movie of his (and I saw only a small snippet of it) featuring a scene where a middle-aged Jewish couple were arguing about money stolen by a black housekeeper.
The wife was furious with her husband because he didn’t want to say or do anything about the theft to the housekeeper. The wife yells something like: “But she stole several hundred dollars!! You can’t just sit back and do nothing!” The husband then retorts: “But she’s black!”
The soft bigotry of low expectations, which even Woody Allen apparently considered quite absurd and, in turn, wanted to mock.
Mark (c7cc04) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:37 pmWell, they were obviously fake; they were Chinese names attached to a Korean air crew. Who couldn’t have spotted that? 😆
The orientalist Dana (af9ec3) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:37 pmDRJ wrote:
Think of John Candy in Splash.
The Dana who thought Daryl Hannah made a great mermaid (af9ec3) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:40 pmImagine what this anchorette says off prompter.
mg (31009b) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:45 pmI don’t have to imagine much. When I’d visit friends in the SF Bay Area we’d sometimes head over to Jack London Square. We’d bump into the KTVU types in some of the bars and restaurants on occasion. There studio isn’t too far away, if it’s still where it was.
Let’s just say KTVU may be a Fox affiliate now, but Sean Hannity or even Bill O’Reilly they were not. They fit in well with the rest of the San Francisco/Berkeley liberals.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:51 pmBy now the anchorette is in a glass case of emotion.
SarahW (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:55 pmThey knew she’d read it? I half wonder if it isn’t a very sly viral for Anchorman 2. Nice try, Anchorman 2, or rather, EXCELLENT try.
SarahW (b0e533) — 7/13/2013 @ 3:59 pmComment by happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:34 pm
feets, maybe you can get Lois to play “dodge rock”?
askeptic (2bb434) — 7/13/2013 @ 4:01 pmSarahW
Asking God for a quick and complete recovery
SteveG (794291) — 7/13/2013 @ 5:49 pmThat you would have, and notice, improvements great and small
I’m blessed every day, SteveG, including by comments like yours.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 7/13/2013 @ 5:52 pmlet’s start with dodge sausage and go from there
happyfeet (8ce051) — 7/13/2013 @ 5:55 pm39. Comment by WarEagle82 (2b7355) — 7/13/2013 @ 1:45 pm
How bloody stupid can they be?
Those were Chinese names, and this was a Korean airliner.
Sammy Finkelman (a4dbab) — 7/13/2013 @ 8:43 pmI didn’t see comment 50 before replying. Of course this TV news outlet doesn’t know the difference between China and Korea. (The plane took off from Shanghai and all the people killed were Chinese, but it made a stop in South Korea before continuing on to San Francisco. They should have noticed it was Korean airliner. It’s been a few days, after all.)
When the first emperr of the Ch’in dynasty (now spelled Qin) conquered the 6 warraing states
Korea was the 7th state he didn’t conquer.
Sammy Finkelman (a4dbab) — 7/13/2013 @ 8:53 pmSammy, things have changed a bit since the 3rd century BC. I think the news station could have gotten up to date by now.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 9:04 pmThey’re not even plausible Chinese names.
Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 9:05 pmThey’re not even plausible Chinese names.
Comment by Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 9:05 pm
What? Names like ‘Sum Ting Wong’ and ‘HoLee Fuk’ aren’t plausible? Well, I’ll be damned!
peedoffamerican (a84075) — 7/14/2013 @ 1:05 amThey’re not even plausible Chinese names.
Comment by Steve57 (7c82fc) — 7/13/2013 @ 9:05 pm
Stating the obvious, he is!
Yoda (127915) — 7/14/2013 @ 1:07 amHello there, simply notice your own site thru Search engines, and located that it must be really beneficial. I’ll beware of brussels. I’ll be gracious in the event you continue the following later on. Many people would be achieved positive results from the composing. All the best!
best search engine placement (1d1d64) — 7/14/2013 @ 10:35 amSo. Some news reporters calls you, and asks whether these stupid names are real. Would you let him/her in on the gag – or simply make sure you watched the news later that evening?
Mike Giles (3b469a) — 7/14/2013 @ 11:41 am@ #67
I’d be more likely if I was the kid to react upon answering NTBS phone: “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?” Kid: Yeah right, whatever.
Caller: There we have it! Confirmation from NTBS
Angelo (eaf707) — 7/14/2013 @ 11:49 amAsiana Airlines is not amused on accounta their reputation has been besmirched by the fake pilot names. May sue.
elissa (30a415) — 7/14/2013 @ 12:04 pmelissa – It was San Francisco. They’ll believe anything, especially if it was confirmed by an intern named Dick Smoaker.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 7/14/2013 @ 12:11 pmDid the intern actually confirm the names as being the names of the pilots, or just say that the spelling sounded good to him or her?
The names are not normally released, so perhaps the station thought that by asking for the correct spelling, it was tricking a confirmation out of the NTSB.
Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42) — 7/14/2013 @ 12:25 pmWho knows, Sammy. This is kind of the crux of the matter that nobody is discussing.
Neither the station nor the NTSB commented on where the names originated.
elissa (30a415) — 7/14/2013 @ 12:28 pmI was reminded of an old Saturday Night Live sketch in which Rodney Dangerfield was a substitute judge treated by all members of the court the way high school sophomores treat a substitute teacher. The trial in question involved a “Richard Hurtz.” Who would have guessed SNL wasn’t trying to be funny but rather was ahead of its time.
T (86061a) — 7/14/2013 @ 1:22 pmT – I had an old girlfriend who had a gyno named Dr. Kuntz. She thought it was hilarious. Go figure.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 7/14/2013 @ 1:51 pmAsiana’s reputation is all wet – at least the tail section is.
And what about the emergency response teams at SFO?
Runway safety equipment out of service. No word on if when or ever it will be repaired, replaced. Are planes to continue being funneled through on their dangerous runway?
The way I heard it just as many people were killed by their firetrucks as died in the plane crash.
I’m all in favor of harranging news reporters, but Cheese-n-Rice damage to their reputation?
I hear Asiana Airlines are run by humorless scolds who are twice as quick, stepping over the prostrate bodies of their passengers, to sniff after a claim in their favor, no matter how shaky or tenuous.
How’s that for a reputation?
papertiger (c2d6da) — 7/14/2013 @ 6:30 pmI’m not a native english speaker and I have a really hard time to understand the joke behind the names..
Captain Sun Ting Wong = Sun ???
Wi Tu Lo = Way too Low ?
Ho Lee Fuk = Holly F***
Bang Ding Ow = ?!?
Would appreciate some help.
Luxo (2b343d) — 7/15/2013 @ 4:19 amLuxo,
“Sum Ting Wong” = “Something’s Wrong”
Chuck Bartowski (8dd23e) — 7/15/2013 @ 4:51 am“Wi Tu Lo” = “We’re Too Low”
“Bang Ding Ow” = simulated crash sounds
Well, of course they are!
The unsurprised Dana (3e4784) — 7/15/2013 @ 6:56 amI think what damaged the reputation of Asiana Airlines is their plane crashed, not that a media outlet got punked.
Stashiu3 (e7ebd8) — 7/15/2013 @ 7:21 amThe say “summer intern.” I think they mean a soon-to-be former summer intern. BTW its offensive but it is quite funny.
Rajeev Kumar (933dc9) — 7/15/2013 @ 8:33 amNot only that, but based upon the NTSB’s interim updates it’s hard to see how this is not some combination pilot error and/or lack of crew coordination. I suppose I should use the industry-correct term and refer to poor Crew Resource Management. Either no one was monitoring the airspeed because they assumed the autothrottles were operating correctly, or if they were no one called out that their airspeed was too low.
Which was sort of a flashback for me. There were at 5 major KAL/Asiana crashes between 1989 and 1999 attributable to poor CRM (one with no fatalities but the aircraft was destroyed). That makes an impression. When a developed nation’s two air carriers are in the news for major, almost always fatal mishaps every other year for 10 years I tend to grow a little leery.
There were other close calls during and after that period that didn’t alter my impression. On 9/11/2001 a KAL flight was inbound to Anchorage to refuel before continuing on the New York. It was squawking the international code for “hijacked” on its transponder. That was definitely the wrong day to make that mistake. Because of the language barrier the aircrew didn’t respond correctly to ATC’s coded questions and came within a hair’s breadth of being shot down. Instead Canada agreed to allow it to divert to Whitehorse.
I know KAL (and no doubt Asiana as well) embarked on an aggressive program of CRM training after the 1997 Guam crash. The UK’s equivalent of the NTSB, the AAIB, noted major deficiencies in that area following the KAL Cargo crash outside of London.
Maybe my information is out of date and they’ve made major strides but you know the old saying; you only have one chance to make a first impression.
Steve57 (996952) — 7/15/2013 @ 9:56 amAnd the woman read the TelePrompTer just like BO would. Why did this air-head question the names right after Sum Ting Wong. I knew it right away.
Yorkshire (d1e31d) — 7/18/2013 @ 9:11 am