Ryan: Let’s Get This Done!
Paul Ryan gave a stirring, exciting speech last night. The last night I was this excited might have been after Sarah Palin’s speech in 2008.
That said, it’s worth noting that both speeches were written with significant input from (if not entirely by) Matt Scully, a very talented speechwriter whom I have been fortunate enough to spend some time with. Matt is a vegan (for moral reasons), an opponent of hunting, and an environmentalist; a thinking, independent conservative who shows that there is room in the party for people of all different stripes. He is also hell of a speech writer and he really pulled this one off.
But of course the focus is on Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, and Matt would want it that way.
And tonight the focus will really be on Mitt Romney. I’ll say this: He’s got a hard act to follow. But he’s the man. The voters have said so.
Let’s get this done!
P.S. Oddly, the left does not quite agree with my assessment.
For example, the editors of the Washington Post call it “Mr. Ryan’s misleading speech.” Misleading how? Here are a couple of their complaints: while acknowledging that “[a] convention speech is not a budget submission,” the editors nevertheless complain that Ryan’s convention speech was not a budget submission. They whine:
[A] party that claims to be willing to make hard choices ought to be prepared to spell some of them out.
. . . .
Mr. Ryan skewered the president in his speech for creating and then walking away from a bipartisan debt commission that, he said, “came back with an urgent report.” We’ve expressed similar frustrations, but omitted from Mr. Ryan’s self-serving rendition was the uncomfortable fact that Mr. Ryan served on that very commission but was unwilling to follow the brave lead of the Republican senators on the panel who supported its “urgent” recommendations. Will the Romney-Ryan ticket endorse them now?
Um, no.
If only Republicans had submitted some kind of plan for dealing with our fiscal problems. A plan from Paul Ryan would have been nice. We could call it the Ryan plan. Oh, wait. they did.
If only Mitt Romney had signaled his agreement with the spirit of the Ryan plan. A strong way of signaling this might be, say, to pick Ryan as his VP nominee. Oh, wait. He did.
Call it “The Washington Post‘s misleading editorial.”
I think they’re upset that the speech was actually effective.
Meanwhile, brazen liar Joan Walsh says Paul Ryan is a brazen liar. Here is part of her proof:
He blamed Obama for a deficit mostly created by programs he himself voted for – from two wars, tax cuts, new Medicare benefits and TARP.
Strangely enough, to me, that sounds like the brazen lie.
Matt is a vegan (for moral reasons)
— Because chickens wouldn’t lay eggs if we didn’t force them to, and milking machines are akin to waterboarding?
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:17 amP.S. Oddly, the left does not quite agree with my assessment.
For example, the editors of the Washington Post call it “Mr. Ryan’s misleading speech.” Misleading how? Here are a couple of their complaints: while acknowledging that “[a] convention speech is not a budget submission,” the editors nevertheless complain that Ryan’s convention speech was not a budget submission. They whine:
Um, no.
If only Republicans had submitted some kind of plan for dealing with our fiscal problems. A plan from Paul Ryan would have been nice. We could call it the Ryan plan. Oh, wait. they did.
If only Mitt Romney had signaled his agreement with the spirit of the Ryan plan. A strong way of signaling this might be, say, to pick Ryan as his VP nominee. Oh, wait. He did.
Call it “The Washington Post‘s misleading editorial.”
I think they’re upset that the speech was actually effective.
Meanwhile, brazen liar Joan Walsh says Paul Ryan is a brazen liar. Here is part of her proof:
Strangely enough, to me, that sounds like the brazen lie.
Patterico (83033d) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:22 amthe Washington Post propaganda whores understand that this election is a referendum on food stamp, and they’re deeply deeply worried
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:24 amMeanwhile, brazen liar Joan Walsh says Paul Ryan is a brazen liar. Here is part of her proof:
He blamed Obama for a deficit mostly created by programs he himself voted for – from two wars, tax cuts, new Medicare benefits and TARP.
— Revealed at last, EricPWJohnson IS Joan Walsh!
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:28 amHas the President “spelled out” what he plans to do differently (or at all) with respect to creating a budget and strengthening the faltering economy in a second term? I suppose he may be planning to lay it on us in his convention speech.
elissa (137a2a) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:37 amGood spot, Icy.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:37 amAll my friends on silly FB are carrying on about the Janesville plant being closed in 2008. Sigh. Teh Narrative is strong.
Question for the press: if this POTUS says something that is untrue, inconsistent, or makes a campaign pledge that he doesn’t follow through on…are those lies?
Just asking.
Simon Jester (f3ca55) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:38 amIsn’t the Janesville plant a GM plant, one from that company that Obama took over?
Seeing that the President and his Democratic party were unable/unwilling to pass a budget when they held all of the power, I would think it would be dangerous to criticize the economic proposals of the opposition, but I guess that would only be if honesty and information were held to be important.
For some reason the concept of a “post turtle” came back to me. Apparently these can be seen in regions in the SW, a turtle perched on top of a fence post by the side of the road: it doesn’t belong there, it didn’t get there by itself (truly), and it has no idea what to do next.
Except, unfortunately, the current administration thinks it does belong there and knows exactly what it wants to do next, make the US a shadow of its former self and turn it into another one of a multitude of petty countries ruled by lust for power with no under-girding of principle.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:47 amSo did Obama “save” the American auto industry or dint he?
elissa (137a2a) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:48 amsome hooch at Fox News is running with the same bullshit “fact checking”
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:48 amRyan presented a budget plan which got a lot more votes than Obama’s budget plans. As I recall, O’s budget plans failed in the House and were shut out in the Senate and the last time I looked, the Senate was controlled by his own party.
Boy howdy, there’s a real winner of a campaign issue!
Bill M (2f7437) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:51 amThe WaPo has to call it misleading, else they’d have to confess to criminal insanity and decades of lies.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:52 amYeah, mine too.
Tomorrow — after they fact-check Romney’s speech — I’m gonna ask my friends: Who checks the fact-checkers? Why do my friends assume that the fact-checkers’ facts are correct?
aunursa (7014a8) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:56 amIn Feb 2008, Obama said that a faithful government would keep the plant open for 100 years. It indeed closed less than a year later, Dec 2008, but might have reopened. It was finally shuttered in June 2009 after the GM deal left it shut.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:57 amEd on Hotair has a good piece about dishonest “fact checking”.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:01 amI actually think the msm is helping Republicans right now, with their (the msm’s) two pronged attack on the Romney campaign consisting of “Liar” and “Racist”.
And I wonder if the trolls here (and on other sites) think they are winning people over with their drool, or is just to make themselves feel better?
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:07 amGuess the days where POTUS played quarterback are over.
Romany will be team owner following understudy to the waterboy.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:07 amHow about this for a campaign pitch;
Vote Ryan; because he isn’t an incompetent twit who was elected purely because of his skin color.
C. S. P. Schofield (4feea2) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:07 amUSA Today tried to demolish Ryan too. This is a “news” article?
Patricia (e1d89d) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:08 amThe larger of the two wars is over and the other is being scaled down. TARP is long over as well. So they are making no current contribution to the deficit. Yet in in the 2007 fiscal year Iraq was at its peak, the tax cuts were there and the Medicare benefit was in effect…but the deficit was a fraction of what it is now.
So without even delving into the details of the Obama budgets, we can conclude that things other than the what brazen liar Joan Walsh listed have added substantially to the deficit since Obama took office.
Gerald A (f26857) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:09 am______________________________________________
Matt is a vegan (for moral reasons), an opponent of hunting, and an environmentalist;
I can see being a vegan for health reasons (although it’s been shown that a diet without fats really isn’t healthy), but for moral reasons? Maybe not him, but I’d guess that many others who have a similar bias on such social matters go into the voting booth and — at the very least — split their ticket.
I still try to get my head around the fact that Harry Truman, who desegregated the military and touted the idea of a publicly run healthcare system in the 1940s, talked and wrote like a rabid bigot/racist in private.
Mark (cf1ca8) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:10 amthe good thing about being vegan is your food stamps go a lot farther
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:12 amPatricia, I appreciate your desire to cite sources, but only the trolls here will scream for proof if you make a claim about the klown kar media.
I will take your word for it without visiting the USA Today web page.
Lets not give them any more page views than they deserve.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:13 amSo they are making no current contribution to the deficit.
I should have said “Other than Afghanistan they are making no current contribution” and Afghanistan is probably no larger and maybe less than in 2007 when we had a far smaller deficit.
Gerald A (f26857) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:14 amWe’ll do this again:
Obama “created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”
Ryan sat on that commission. He voted against the report as did the other House Republicans on the panel.
“We have responsibilities, one to another — we do not each face the world alone,” he said. “And the greatest of all responsibilities, is that of the strong to protect the weak.”
Are you F’ing kidding me? Ryan?
Ryan last night: Obama “began with a perfect Triple-A credit rating for the United States; it ends with a downgraded America.”
Ryan then: “Holders of US government debt would be willing to miss payments ‘for a day or two or three or four’ ”
The Janesville GM Plant?
Ryan backed the same cuts. You want to whine about “mediscare?” Selling the station wagon and renting a Mini may mean there’s still a car in the garage (if you can afford the rent) but yes the Ryan plan ends Medicare, and weaken care, not cut waste.
You’re right; he is like Palin, but he’s smoother.
Republicans are like women who want to be lied to.
And you look lovely.
Hey, Death Panels in Texas!
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:16 amhttp://www.star-telegram.com/2012/03/24/3833274/texas-has-had-death-panels-since.html
9.So did Obama “save” the American auto industry or dint he?
PatAZ (83729f) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:18 amComment by elissa — 8/30/2012 @ 7:48 am
Don’t be silly, elissa. Of course he did. Hasn’t he told us over and over again that he did? You dare to question the Won who won?
Obama’s whole economic plan is food stamps and disability checks
trashy trashy trashy
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:19 amI’ve been a vegetarian for 14 years – for capitalism reasons. If I don’t like the way a certain product is being produced, or what it does to my body, I do not buy it or consume it. No government intervention necessasry.
bridget (862c19) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:21 amClean up on aisle 24.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:25 amHas the President “spelled out” what he plans to do differently (or at all) with respect to creating a budget and strengthening the faltering economy in a second term?
Comment by elissa — 8/30/2012 @ 7:37 am
— If he actually created a budget, THAT would be doing something differently.
So did Obama “save” the American auto industry or dint he?
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:27 amComment by elissa — 8/30/2012 @ 7:48 am
— He saved the United Auto Workers. Same difference.
sleeeeepy still hasn’t ever come here with even one good reason to vote for Obama has he? It always seems like running down the other guys is sleeeeepy’s strategy and purpose–rather than proudly tooting the horn about all Obama’s stellar accomplishments and successes that would show why he deserves to be re-elected.
elissa (137a2a) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:31 amGive him this much, sleeeepy IS aptly named, as his posts are a sure cure for insomnia.
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:32 amI blogged against death panels in Texas a long time ago, sssssllllipee. So did most of the conservatives on the intertubes. Bite us.
And if whisky is a grain and tobacco a vegetable, I am mostly vegetarian too.
nk (875f57) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:35 amI’m gonna help you out sleepy, cuz I’m in a pretty good mood this morning.
On this site and on several others I read regularly the comments from the lefty trolls share something in common: they are all ten times longer than the other comments.
Remember, if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance (and you clearly cannot) then baffle them with bullsh*t (which you clearly are attempting, and failing, to do)
Just your friendly Thurs morning clue bat.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:35 amsleeeepy likes to share the latest “news” from HuffPo and the Kos kids.
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:39 amsleeeepy is getting more incoherent than usual. Its because the spin is so incompetent.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:40 am@30
Slurpy and the msm and the left in general (birm) have not been giving reasons to vote for Obama.
Anybody here think that will be a winning campaign for a sitting President (and his media lapdogs), to NOT run on his record, but run a purely attack campaign?
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:43 amWho let these traitors in! Fox news is full of darn liberals.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (c61b0c) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:47 amJeffrey, Kohn’s piece is false in its claims of deception. The linked article about the S&P rating downgrade is false, S&P’s own report contradicts the claim that “just” the refusal to raise the ceiling was the reason for the downgrade. The claim that the Janesville plant was closed in ’08 has been shown to be false and Ryan’s use of reductions in Medicare was to protect the integrity of Medicare while Obama used it to pay for the subsidies of Obamacare for younger people.
You need to step up your game, since your “fact checking” is itself lies.
Oh, and Fox News – unlike MSNBC – actually contains a variety of opinions.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:51 amZerobama’s only accomplishment is to insure that no black man will ever again be made President in living mamory.
nk (875f57) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:52 amStandard and Poor’s own statement shows that its Kohn – and “Jeffrey Diamond” – who deceives.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:53 amAs a republican, i hate that ryan got called out on his lies. It makes me sick that we can’t make stuff up like the good old days.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (c61b0c) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:59 amI can see being a vegan for health reasons (although it’s been shown that a diet without fats really isn’t healthy), but for moral reasons?
I know a sociopathic lawyer who claims to be a vegan for moral reasons, which is funny because he would defraud his mother if he got a cut.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:05 amAs a democrat i hate the “all racism all the time” strategy instead of running a positive campaign on the issues. I think it just makes us democrats look stupid.
See? 2 can play this game!
elissa (137a2a) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:06 amI hope the libs don’t bother to read the third and fourth bullet points! That would wreck your link! The bad thing is that a lot of them can read.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (c61b0c) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:07 amI picture this at the first debate: Obama has just trashed the Ryan plan as extreme, and Mitt turns to him and says:
“I get it that you don’t like our plan, but at least we HAVE a plan. Where’s yours?”
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:08 am“He blamed Obama for a deficit mostly created by programs he himself voted for – from two wars, tax cuts, new Medicare benefits and TARP.”
The Community-based reality – Don’t look at where the money is actually being spent, just blame Boooosh!!!!!!11ty!!!!!!
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:10 amJeffrey Diamond returns – Glad to see that you’re back in the Big Tent again today to help debunk liberal lies. Why are the liberals blaming Bush for a level of baseline spending almost $1 trillion higher than his administration that has nothing to do with wars, medicare drug benefits, TARP anymore, or tax cuts. Surely you can help us point out the stupidity of that position.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:16 amMore to the point, why do Democrats feel that minor insanity in the past justifies their major insanity in the present? Or are they just victims, as usual?
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:21 amComment by Jeffrey Diamond leaves, never to return
— Hmm? Oh, just daydreaming. Carry on.
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:25 amKevin that would sound sort of like we are conceding that our plan is bad but better than nothing. We shouldn’t do that.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (c61b0c) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:26 amJeffrey, you start your lie with “We”. Why should I read further?
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:27 amTo borrow a phrase from The Anointed One, these boys and girls in the MSM are getting all wee wee’d up!
Look, we’re having some fun at the GOP convention. The speakers are mostly preaching to the choir. But dang me if they haven’t added a few new members to the choir! This thing may work this year. Folks may look around like Susana Martinez and say , “Damn it! We’re Republican!”
It’s a good year for conversions.
Now next week we’ll be hearing from the Democrats who’ll be preaching to their own choir. Let’s see how we feel at the end of next week.
Comanche Voter (29e1a6) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:28 am_______________________________________
We’ll do this again:
Obama “created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report. He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”
Yep, here we go again. And, actually, Barry did worse than nothing. He instead closed his eyes, tapped into his inner leftism, and promoted his own ding-dong, business-as-usual budget. A budget apparently so idiotic that not even one Democrat voted for it.
Mark (cf1ca8) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:31 amFrom the Janesville Gazette Feb 2009—
General Motors will end medium-duty truck production in Janesville on April 23 [2009], four months to the day after the plant stopped building full-size sport utility vehicles.
About 100 employees associated with the line learned of the layoffs Wednesday.
April will mark the end of vehicle production at the Janesville plant that traces its roots to 1919 and the Samson Model M tractor. Chevrolet production started in Janesville in 1923.
The Isuzu line and its employees build about 25 trucks four days a week. The cab-forward truck is commonly used as a delivery vehicle.
GM and Isuzu strengthened their partnership in 1994 with the launch of the NPR gas-powered trucks in Janesville. Two years later, GM and Isuzu started a separate project that put Isuzu-designed cabs on GM’s medium-duty chassis. That line eventually moved from Janesville to Flint, Mich.
Please do keep this in your quiver to bring out when “critics” say Ryan lied about when the plant closed and when the workers were laid off permanently. All the folks in Janesville know that Ryan was correct and now we all know, too. Gee– who was preezy in April 2009 and whose “promises” were not kept to the workers of Janesville?
elissa (137a2a) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:37 amJeffrey Diamond is the liar here.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:37 amThe number of commenters and comments worthy of ignoring seem to be proliferating.
Feel free to include me if so inclined, but it doesn’t change the point.
How many lawyers and private investigators and Bernstein+Woodward wannabes are scouring Wisconsin right now looking for anyone with anything to say that can be used to make Ryan look bad?
“When we were in grade school Paul bought a toy for my new kitty, but it was a cheap toy and fell apart before the cat died 15 years later.”
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:42 amMD in Philly, that’s not even a parody, given the ridiculous Obama campaign illegally coordinated attack with a PAC about the woman dying of cancer 6 years after being laid off.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:43 amFor warmup, the RNC ought to run the JibJab 2009 sendup of the Obama Myth, as shown at that year’s Correspondent’s Dinner (with Obama present).
How we forget.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:45 amComment by MD in Philly
I expect that all of Ryan’s transcripts, public records, medical records, video rental logs, phone bills and tax returns — and those of his parents, wife and children — have all been handed over to the Obama team.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:48 amGreetings:
Moral vegans are my favorites. It’s those trendy ones that should be on the way to the gas chambers !!!
11B40 (206f5d) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:49 amAnd for closing, the RNC ought to run the 1986 Ridley Scott/WR Grace “Deficit Trials” commercial.
Best line; “The national debt has reached TWO. TRILLION. DOLLARS.”
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:51 amWhere DO these Mobys come from? Is there a troll hiring hall?
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:52 amHow many lawyers and private investigators and Bernstein+Woodward wannabes are scouring Wisconsin right now looking for anyone with anything to say that can be used to make Ryan look bad?
— Uh, ALL of them?
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:53 amI promised no prize for the correct answer, Icy.
From some “humor” site my daughter was looking at:
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:57 amWhat did one lawyer say to the other lawyer?
“We’re both lawyers.”
Yeah, moral vegans are hilarious.
That “sentient beings shouldn’t eat other sentient beings” jazz really holds up well under close scrutiny of the animal kingdom.
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:57 amLast nite’s speech by that Paul Ryan person gave me a thrill up my leg !
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 10:27 amMarket down today. Tomorrow Bennie takes no action, down somemore.
Ryan saying we haven’t much time has reached the top of the curve.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 8/30/2012 @ 10:31 am“Fact checkers” at the chicago tribune and Abcnews website are following last night’s “lead” from msnbc and Obama camp’s Jim Messina in calling Ryan a liar about the date the GM plant closed in Janesville. (see my #54 above) “They” desperately need it to be Dec. 2008 rather than April 2009. and are willing to lie to America about it.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 10:36 amForget it, there was never increase in chocolate rations;
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 10:39 amTwitchy kicks Ezra Kleins’ backside.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 10:41 am“Last nite’s speech by that Paul Ryan person gave me a thrill up my leg !”
Elephant Stone – Heh. It gave Chris Matthews an aneurysm in his leg!
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 10:48 amI liked Ryan more than I thought I would. Cautiously optimistic.
carlitos (49ef9f) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:05 amThe ancestors of Genus Homo didn’t develop an omnivore gut for fun, or for moral reasons. It was survival. In a survival situation, I guarantee a starving “Vegan” will chow down on whatever’s in the pot.
Space Cockroach (8096f2) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:09 amThe WaPo is upset because they see that they’ve been “stroking” the members of the wrong party.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:14 amIt would be interesting to know how many reporters at the Post have actually set down and discussed – seriously – budgetary matters with Ryan and his circle of Congress Members? You know, the MC’s that they will be addressing in the next Congress as Mr/Madame Chairman, who will be marking-up the legislation implementing, and funding, the policies of the Romney Administration.
I doubt if any of those within Ryan’s circle are on Sally Quinn’s Guest-list.
Comment by elissa — 8/30/2012 @ 10:36 am
The real question is why Obama allowed it to happen after promising in a campaign speech delivered at the plant that it would be there for 100-years.
Oh, right, like Clinton, he meant that it would be “there”, just not necessarily “open”.
Choomed, again!
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:17 am“It would be interesting to know how many reporters at the Post have actually set down and discussed – seriously – budgetary matters with Ryan and his circle of Congress Members?”
AD – Are you serious? Math is hard. There is a reason these people are reporters.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:20 amBy falsely claiming that Ryan was deceptive, they only reinforce the truth of his speech and the reputation of Obama shills for dishonesty.
SPQR (0c9c0a) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:26 am#76 “Math is hard.”
Truth is much harder for them than math.
Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:27 amSomehow i forgot about the official policy: lie then deny. God bless us.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (c61b0c) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:29 amDoes “Jeffrey Diamond” think this bad performance art is accomplishing anything? Does anyone believe he’s a Republican? No.
carlitos (49ef9f) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:35 amComment by daleyrocks — 8/30/2012 @ 11:20 am
The reporters of the WaPo will faithfully man the walls of the castle, as those evil conservatives walk-in through the back-door, and capture their flag.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:37 amComment by Mark — 8/30/2012 @ 8:10 am
still try to get my head around the fact that Harry Truman, who desegregated the military and touted the idea of a publicly run healthcare system in the 1940s, talked and wrote like a rabid bigot/racist in private.
He used a lot of rough and unfair language in private, or semi-privately, but not in public, or at least public speeches or ceremonies.
At some point somewhere (maybe it was something said in he 1952 election as a way of saying Eisenhower would be superior) Richard Nixon
criticized Harry S Truman for that (bad language
Then wh en it was revealed in the White House transcripts of the tapes which contained the words (expletive deleted) that Nixon did the same thing himself, some Republicans came to the ide that “Oh, that was why he didn’t want to release the tapes.” But that idea didn’t seem to hold up over time.
Still, it is important to know that the tapes exonerated him from a lot of stuff, like offering clemency to Watergate burglar James McCord, and prevented the making of accusations later on.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:39 amSomehow i forgot about the official policy: lie then deny. God bless us.
Comment by Jeffrey Diamond returns — 8/30/2012 @ 11:29 am
— Which is why Wasserman Schultz no longer requires your services.
So, stop servicing her.
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:39 am[Now, THERE is a nice image for everybody’s lunch hour!]
I was wondering about that in an earlier post.
I’m not going to bother reading the trolls anymore. They are just here making themselves feel better. They know Obama will probably lose, and are getting very desperate, and hence angry and confused.
The 2012 Dem Platform:
1. Look at the liars!!
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:41 am2. Look at the racists!!
3. Look, a squirrel.
An Election-Year formatting change:
Comments are PRECEDED by the commenter’s handle.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:49 amIt is mind boggling to me that the “fact checking” media thinks that the congressman from Janesville and the governor of the state of Wisconsin don’t know the full facts and details of how and when the GM plant closed and be aware of the Dem campaign promises that were made to the workers in order to gain their votes. And then, confronted with the presence of contemporaneous newspaper articles about the timing and announcement of the layoffs, and myriad news videos of Obama making his “retooling for the next 100 years” campaign promises about the GM plant, they still continue to dig in and call Ryan the liar. Un. effing. believable.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:50 am“Somehow i forgot about the official policy: lie then deny. God bless us.”
Jeffrey Diamond returns – Correct – That is why we are here to bravely present the hard truths the lying liars of the Obamamedia and the left conceal and deny. I am glad you have decided to get with the program again today.
I am curious, though, have you plastered any left wing site with your unique plan to put gays in concentration camps or execute them? You have skills and ideas nobody has seen before. You should take advantage of them!
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:59 amJeffrey Diamond returns – If you are too shy about communicating your ideas on progressive blogs, don’t worry, I’ll be happy to do it for you you under your name and give you full credit.
I’m a giver.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:01 pmThe degree of their dishonesty must in part be their protection. There are many people who either believe:
A. No one would be so dishonest as to outright lie about something that could so easily be checked, even back in card catalog* days.
B. So what? Everybody is that dishonest and it doesn’t make any difference.
Just think. Once upon a time a main reason to get educated in this country was to be able to read the Bible for yourself and not be dependent on others to tell you what was true or not, right or wrong.
*card catalog- a way of finding books at a library by subject or by author, as well as location in bookshelves** according to the Dewy Decimal system***.
**bookshelves- shelves like in your kitchen, but much larger and filled with books when they were printed on paper.
***Dewy Decimal system- already enough anthropology for today, look it up yourself if interested.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:07 pm“By December 2008, when President George W. Bush authorized nearly $14 billion in loans to General Motors and Chrysler, both of which were near financial collapse, GM had already warned it might close the Janesville plant because of sagging sport-utility vehicle sales. The plant was effectively shut down on Dec. 23, 2008, when GM ceased production of SUVs there and laid off 1,200 workers. (Several dozen workers stayed on another four months to finish an order of small- to medium-duty trucks for Isuzu Motors.)”
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:08 pmRYAN PRESS RELEASE June 3, 2008
Washington, D.C. – Following the announcement by General Motors that it planned to close its Janesville plant by 2010, U.S. Senators Russ Feingold and Herb Kohl and Representative Paul Ryan sent a letter to General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner asking him to reconsider the decision to close the Janesville GM plant and requesting a meeting to discuss the possible retooling of the plant for different production lines.
sleeeepy – Keep f*cking that chicken.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:14 pmComment by sleeeepy — 8/30/2012 @ 12:08 pm
December 2008, plus another four months to finish an order
Let’s see: December, January (1), February (2), March (3), April (4). OK, there were still workers in the plant in April of 2009 after Obama taking office 3 months previously, the plant was still open, still could have started retooling as Obama promised.
But discussing this is like rearranging chairs on the Titanic, anyway.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:14 pmI love it when Republicans complain about the debt, since they do it when they’re out of office. When they’re in office all they do is spend. Ryan’s proposals bring the debt waaaay up.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:18 pmJeffrey Diamond returns – Do you think it is going to be a problem for the Democrats next week when they can only present two weak retiring female governors in contrast to the the slate the Republicans presented at their convention this week? Do you think they’ll avoid having Gregoire or Perdue speak at all rather than risk the embarrassment? I think I would if I were advising them even though they are strongly pushing that ridiculous war on women theme.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:18 pmShorter @93
Look, a squirrel!!
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:19 pmWord is that the “Man with No Name” will be the surprise speaker not previously named tonight.
Go ahead, make our convention.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:20 pmComment by MD in Philly — 8/30/2012 @ 12:07 pm
Geez, Doc, you’re such a Neanderthal (Heh!).
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:20 pm@94
I wonder what kind of catastrophe the Dem convention will be?
It will be a hate fest, that’s for sure.
Can’t wait to see the msm trying to spin it, knowing that the country knows Obama is a failure, but knowing they have to try to prop him up.
Good times.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:22 pm“Ryan’s proposals bring the debt waaaay up.”
sleeeepy – What is Obama’s proposal, moron?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:23 pmDr,
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:26 pmObama made no promise.
The plant shut down, leaving a skeleton crew to finish one order.
I’m not Ezra Klein.
Otherwise I’ll refer you to #24 above
Diamond and sleeeepy show that their lies are intentional. I am especially amused by sleeepy’s spin about GOP deficits. Obama broke his promise to cut the deficit in half by now … which would have brought it down to the average Bush admin era deficit.
Stupid trolls cant figure out how their lame talking points rebound against Obama.
SPQR (0c9c0a) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:26 pmWagoner resigned as Chairman and CEO at General Motors on March 29, 2009, at the request of the White House.
Gee, did they fire him because he closed Janesville precipitously, or because he didn’t move fast enough?
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:27 pmIf Teh Won was intent on keeping a campaign promise, he would have directed Rattner to reverse the closure.
Perhaps they closed it to teach those UAW members to stop voting for Republicans?
sleeeeeepy, wake up!!!- here’s a news release from government motors–
DETROIT — 6-26-2009 General Motors selected its assembly plant in Orion Township, Mich. and stamping facility in Pontiac, Mich., to build its future small car, which will add to the automaker’s growing portfolio of U.S.-built, highly fuel-efficient cars, including the Chevrolet Cruze and Volt. Today’s announcement will restore approximately 1,400 jobs in total — 1,200 at Orion Assembly and 200 at Pontiac Metal Center, Building # 14
Two other GM assembly plants in Spring Hill, Tenn. and Janesville, Wis. were also under consideration to build the future small car. Janesville was placed on standby capacity in May 2009 and will remain in that status… said Cal Rapson, UAW Vice President and Director, UAW-GM Department. “My heart also goes out to our UAW members in Janesville, Wisc., and Spring Hill, Tenn.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:27 pmComment by daleyrocks — 8/30/2012 @ 12:18 pm
They owe Christine, she is an ACORN Gov, after all.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:28 pm@100
So in other words (the truth we call it) the plant did not shut down, even if it only had one order to fill.
Not shut down is not shut down dude.
Get over it.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:31 pmMeanwhile, at the same time that Obama shills continue to try to “blame Bush” for events months after Obama’s inauguration, unemployment is rising again in Obama’s failed economy.
SPQR (0c9c0a) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:34 pmComment by sleeeepy — 8/30/2012 @ 12:08 pm
— Speaking of “re-tooling”.
Icy (584273) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:34 pmFirst of all, Daley, end the Bush tax cuts for the top and keep them for the rest of us. Tax cuts, two wars, one of which was totally unnecessary, the unfunded medicare drug program, you pile on the debt and then you say “Deficits don’t matter”!
You vote for actors and good liars. Democrats have had the bad habit to trying to elect librarians. Books are for pussies. You like real men who put on cowboy suits before they get in front of the camera. Hell, if any of The Village People were republican and wanted to run for office you’d of made them President by now.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:39 pm“Let’s get this
doneover.” There. Fixed that for ‘ya. And it will be, tonight.“The last night I was this excited might have been after Sarah Palin’s speech in 2008.”
Over the top for the bottom of another losing ticket, eh. And you say you’re not funny?!
Poor Mitt. And it’s likely the first time those two terms go together.
Lyin’ Ryan’s been tagged out PDQ for fibbing. Bad boy. The life-long government droid, currently a member of the least popular and ineffective Congress– has the kiss of Vader going for him, as well: “I worship the ground Paul Ryan walks on.”–Dick Cheney. C-Paul-Ry-an, on the other hand, worships only at the altar of Atheist Ayn. The same Ayn who urged devotees not to elect Ronnie. Voters ignored her and Rand’s ‘objectionist’ stand was overruled.
Tonight’s secret guest, pre-Rubio, is hinted to be Clint Eastwood. My quarter-million-mile long shot guess is Gene Cernan, which would ‘make my day.’ But a real-life moonwalking hero; an anti-Obama, big government space project advocate, is a poor substitute for sn 82 year old film actor. And we all know how much the GOP swoons over matinee idols. Octo-Clint is the safe bet. Tip of the hat to the 91 year old Nancy trib. The stars have been kind to her. Time has, too.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:43 pmYou’d of?
You can’t even correctly phrase your straw man argument. I award you zero points. The entire commentariat is dumber for having read your comment. Fail.
carlitos (49ef9f) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:47 pm@109
Awesome, I must say.
In the face of GM’s website, and a local newspaper story confirming that what Ryan said is true, you continue with the liar meme.
Damn it must be fun to be a lefty. I get tired of reality all the time, and you guys just ignore it!!
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:49 pm103. Well what Obama said was:
“I believe that if our government is there to support you, this plant will be here for another hundred years.”
1. Can we say he does not believe that?
2. He said “if”
Now what Paul Ryan said was:
Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year.
There is one problem with that:
1) People are saying that Obama said that in February 2008 (is that true?) but the plant closed April 2009.
That’s more than one year.
Ryan’s statement is only correct if the false December 2008 date is used.
Somebody didn’t do his research correctly. It comes out that:
Ryan’s point was valid, but his facts were wrong.
The Democrats prefer to say his facts were right, but his point was wrong.
Like they earlier preferred to say that Romney didn’t quit Bain so they could attack him for things that happened between 1999 and 2002.
(They never accused him of committing a felony. They only said that if he wasn’t running Bain he would have committed a felony, and more or less that they are fair people so they will assume he was running it.)
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:49 pm“As announced on June 1, Orion Assembly will be placed into standby capacity status in Sept. 2009. Pontiac Metal Center ’s Building #14 will be placed into standby capacity status in Dec. 2010. Pontiac Metal’s buildings #15 and #25 will close by Dec. 2010, or sooner depending on market demand. Timing for the retooling of the small car assembly and stamping plants is still under study, but we anticipate this prep work would begin in late 2010 in anticipation of the start of production in 2011.
Two other GM assembly plants in Spring Hill, Tenn. and Janesville, Wis. were also under consideration to build the future small car. Spring Hill will be placed in standby capacity status in Nov. 2009, as announced earlier this month. The plant could be brought online at some point in the future should GM require additional capacity due to increased market demand. Janesville was placed on standby capacity in May 2009 and will remain in that status.”
GM retooled and reopened plants, but not all of them. Do you want the federal government to make every decision about what plants corporations should open and close?
Do you believe in a command economy?
Obama made no promise. The plant shut down except for one small team to finish a preexisting order. It did not reopen.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:49 pmRyan made bigger lies last night. I’m done with this one.
Duckcrap is getting back into shape, 109 is almost down to his usual standard.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:52 pmhttp://www.humanevents.com/2012/08/30/the-saga-of-the-janesville-plant/
The speech was given on February 13, 2008:
The Democrats did not correct a real error in order to tell a real lie.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:52 pmsleeeepy— at least half of the people who have been commenting here for a while were not down with a whole lot of Bush’s spending and we said so! Regularly. Still do. So your arguing that “neener neener Bush did it too” holds no sway with us. However, that said, Obama has taken deficit spending to a whole new unsustainable level and you and he cannot deny it no matter how often you cry “look a squirrel!”
Fiscal conservatives at least tried to fight against some of Bush’s over spending. Question: When was the last time any liberal has stood up to Obama Pelosi and Reid about spending? Answer: How about never.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:52 pmI love this. In the fevered lefty mind this:
The plant shut down except for one small team to finish a preexisting order
Equals this
The plant shut down.
Lol you lefties are awesome.
Note to the lefties here: one small team working means the plant did not shut down.
It’s the meaning of “is” is all over again!!!
They love Clinton so much!!!
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:55 pmWell, elissa, I think it can be demonstrated that members of The Left have criticized Obama for spending too much……
at the Pentagon.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 12:57 pmkinlaw, it’s not like they shuttered the doors, stripped all of the equipment out, and then razed the structure…..
They did, after all, put it on STANDBY.
Is that like a show on TV going on hiatus?
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:01 pmBTW, when you’re on hiatus/standby, do you get paid?
And, if not, how does that contribute to the economy of the area?
That’s not the point.
Gerald A (f26857) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:02 pmOK– you win that one on a limited basis by a small technicality, AD!
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:03 pmNBC News confirms Clint Eastwood will address the convention. Might as well head to Neil’s services, Geno.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:03 pmNote to dcsca: obtuse does not equal witty.
Some writers/pundits are very good at that (see Dennis Miller)
You are not.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:07 pmA command economy….
When Obama put Rattner in charge of reorganizing GM and Chrysler, and gave him the power to change management (or at least pass on the demands of the WH in those concerns), a “command economy” was created at least as far as the Big-Three (minus-one) were concerned.
Dealerships were closed, and the evidence at both GM and Mopar indicate that the political contributions of the franchisee were a significant factor in the decision to maintain, or terminate, the franchise.
Can you spell C-R-O-N-Y S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M ?
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:07 pmOr consider Rom Bloom, the manufacturing czar, who
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:09 pmin a moment of candor admitted he believed like Mao,
‘that power does flow from the barrel of a gun’
121- I don’t want the comatose-one to think that we ignore the principled opposition to American-Exceptionalism that does exist on the Left, and give him another arguing point that he’ll misuse – as usual.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:10 pmYou know, my pocket copy of the Declaration and Constitution has red-covers (it’s my Little Red Book), and I also believe “…that (a great deal of) power does flow from the barrel of a gun…”!
Mao and Me, bosom-buddies!
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:14 pmAD–I do not understand what I take as a dig at Kinlaw in your 1:01 pm comment. Are you missing the importance of the 2009 date/obama GM carrot as it relates to the “Ryan lied because it actually closed down in 2008” meme? Maybe you had a different point and I misunderstood it.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:15 pmThanks. You said that better than I could of.
carlitos (49ef9f) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:17 pmSammy’s link to Human events:
—Ryan asking for federal spending to save the plant, and Romney criticizing the auto industry bailout, have nothing whatsoever to do with when the plant closed, or who was ultimately responsible. As for whether Ryan’s description of the plant closing was accurate, here is the relevant passage from his speech:
“President Barack Obama came to office during an economic crisis, as he has reminded us a time or two. Those were very tough days, and any fair measure of his record has to take that into account. My home state voted for President Obama. When he talked about change, many people liked the sound of it, especially in Janesville, where we were about to lose a major factory.
“A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that GM plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: “I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years.” That’s what he said in 2008.
“Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.”
Sorry, weeping liberals, but this passage is one hundred percent factually accurate. —
Who was ultimately responsibility for a plant that GM decided to close before Obama came into office, that left a small crew to finish an old order that was completed 3 months after the inauguration.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:24 pmAnd this is what you give me? You givin’ me more peanuts!!?
Go Todd Akin!
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:26 pm==Who was ultimately responsibility for a plant that GM decided to close before Obama came into office, that left a small crew to finish an old order that was completed 3 months after the inauguration==
Ooooh, I know, I know!!! The unions.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:26 pmNote 2 123/129:
Radio Miller backed Cain. And once upo a time Newt. Both obtuse and twitty. And losers. Stick with Clint.
“FIDO says it couldn’t be any better.” – NASA PAO, STS-1, 4/14/81
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:27 pm“They never accused him of committing a felony.”
Sammy – Check your facts. Stephanie Cutter did. I doesn’t matter if she said he either committed a felony or did something else. If the first choice was a felony, she accused him of committing a felony.
What world do you live in?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:27 pmSuggested new headline:
Palace guard circles the wagons to protect reelection campaign of President Obama.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:30 pmWitty/twitty: wow, such word play.
What a card.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:32 pmsleeeepy – Plant closed in 2008 continues to produce vehicles in 2009?
How does that work? Splain that Lucy.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:34 pmsleeeepy – “Closed” That word you keep redefining does not mean what you keep redefining it to mean.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:35 pmComment by elissa — 8/30/2012 @ 1:15 pm
Once again, the internet fails at sarcasm.
I was just attempting (quite poorly, evidently) a little Clintonian parsing on the situation where they put a plant on “standby” (in the words of the UAW goon implanted into the GM management structure by Rattner), but 1200 men and women lost their livelihood.
All this after The Lightworker promised that “with government support” the plant would stay open:
“… it is our responsibility to restore balance, and fairness, and keep that promise alive for the next generation. That is the responsibility we face right now, and that is the responsibility I intend to meet as President of the United States…I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years. ..”
So, they elected him, and he shut it down!
They might as well do everyone a favor, and do it the Detroit way, and turn the land back into plowed furrows.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:42 pm“Tax cuts, two wars, one of which was totally unnecessary, the unfunded medicare drug program,”
sleeeepy – Slight problem. Where has Obama immortalized his grand plan on paper? His budgets could not even secure any votes from his own party, which should be a scandal.
Two wars – Democrats voted fro both, D’oh!
Unfunded medicare drug program – Democrats wanted a more expensive program, Doh!
Is that the best you can do to explain away a $1 trillion increase in baseline spending, because it doesn’t explain jack sh*t?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:45 pmFacts, and sleeepy, are two alien concepts meeting in the dead of night, not knowing the other is there.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:50 pmIt’s like mixing Matter, and Anti-matter – the result is not good.
Shorter DCSCA – Ryan must have lied about something because I don’t like him.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:51 pm“They never accused him of committing a felony.”
Sammy – Cutter has even doubled down on the accusation in subsequent interviews saying she did not regret bringing it up. Do some homework.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:57 pmWhere has Obama immortalized his grand plan on paper? His budgets could not even secure any votes from his own party, which should be a scandal.
Comment by daleyrocks — 8/30/2012 @ 1:45 pm
It really should be this simple:
Where is the budget that the White House and Congress should have been able to agree on when the Dems controlled everything?
If that cannot be produced, then it is clear that Obama and company have no plan for the budget and for the economy that they are willing to put on paper for scrutiny.
How many big companies would keep their CEO and CFO around if they acted the same way??
How many wives (or husbands) would put up with that from a spouse as they were approaching bankruptcy?
Why in the world should the people of the US put up with something no one else would (excepting countries where the outcome id determined, such as the USSR or Russia).
Have I substantively made any mistakes here?
If not, would sleepy and others please go away.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 1:59 pmThis is surreal.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:02 pmOf course, the Democratic Party and American people (at least) once did what nobody else would have done, kept a CEO that had an inappropriate relationship with an intern. No other CEO or professional in America could have kept his (her) job in a situation like that. Few would have even tried.
Which sort of sounds like being above the law.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:13 pmthis plant will be here for another hundred years. ..”
Comment by AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! — 8/30/2012 @ 1:42 pm
One could make the point that he kept his (implied or otherwise) promise. The plant is still there, in fact, it is a green plant, not producing any carbon emissions or things that make carbon emissions at all.
And it will be retooled the second the unions of Wisconsin get Walker out of the governors’ seat.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:18 pmelissa, thank you for defending me in your comment, I appreciate it
to tell you the truth, I really didn’t understand what Ad was trying to say, whether he was being sarcastic or not, so I didn’t worry about it
better to be stupid and happy I say, 🙂
so no worries AD
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:20 pmThe plant is still there
Didn’t I say that in my poorly written parsing of Clintonism?
Doc, you’re making too much Good Sense.
We’re going to have to report you, or something.
And it will be retooled the second the unions of Wisconsin get Walker out of the governors’ seat.
Which will be evidence that “cheese-head” is an apt description of Wisconsinites in general, and not just Packer fans.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:23 pmkinlaw, we’re good!
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:24 pmJeffrey Diamond,
The Governor called. He said your three day furlough will end at midnight.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:27 pmHe said he expects you to be in your orange jumpsuit and slippers at 12:01AM, back in the cell with your cellmate, Bubba.
“One could make the point that he kept his (implied or otherwise) promise. The plant is still there, in fact, it is a green plant, not producing any carbon emissions or things that make carbon emissions at all.”
thread winner!
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:27 pmIn October, 2010, Holman Jenkins of the WSJ, did a column on Rick Wagoner and GM, and who saved who for what, from the perspective of 18-months on, and a couple other scholarly works to reference.
The interesting part (remember, this is 10-2010) is this finish:
“…A future president—say, President Paul Ryan—might have a job for Mr. Wagoner if he ever can bring himself to set foot in Washington again.”
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:33 pmComment by AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! — 8/30/2012 @ 2:23 pm
Yes, yes, yes, the plant is still there, I was just acknowledging your comment that motivated my post.
I think our ability to make clear judgements is being impaired by the subject matter we are dealing with.
Anyone see Jennifer Rubin’s column (if not already mentioned)?
The WaPo editorial staff lunch room must be an interesting place to be. What is funny/sad is looking at the comments to her column that totally ignore what she days.
I warned y’all before, if you thought Bush Derangement Syndrome and Palin Derangement Syndrome were bad, they’re just gettin’ warmed up.
Comment by kinlaw — 8/30/2012 @ 2:27 pm
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:39 pmThanks for the vote of confidence, but look at the material we have to work with…
It is the End-Of-Times, I’ve turned into a “motivator”.
What evil will befall us next?
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:42 pm
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:42 pmdays.saysDoc, I’ll cut Ms. Rubin’s commenters some slack in that 99.44% of them probably suckle at the government teat, and so anything attacking the status-quo would be a threat to them.
Therefore, anything that she would advocate, report, etc., that would comprise such a threat – such as a positive review on the policies advocated by Romney-Ryan – must be denounced stridently, in no uncertain terms.
Insty posted a link to a good read about the current class-war between “The Clerisy”, and “The Yeomanry”, by Joel Kotkin
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 2:54 pmhttp://www.newgeography.com/content/003056-the-unseen-class-war-that-could-decide-the-presidential-election
it is a fairly accurate depiction of our situation.
I hope sleeeepy gives that chicken a rest.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:02 pmRyan’s line about young adults living at home under their fading Obama posters while awaiting improved economic prospects was both a hilarious visualization and spot-on characterization. As some of the naive young liberals who currently worship Obama as a deity emerge from the liberal cocoons of academia and the households in which they were raised, they will be forced to confront the fiscal realities of the “real world” that we adults deal with every day — taxes, rent expenses, mortgages, healthcare costs, food costs, child raising costs, etc. — in short, the costs of living and working without mommy and daddy footing the bill. And many of them will become fiscal conservatives as a result. Or, so I hope.
Guy Jones (851e14) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:14 pmDont’ forget their Student Loans, and how Obama essentially Nationalized the loan system, so that they are now in debt to the government, and the IRS is the collection agency.
“I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help you.”
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:19 pmGuy–there is already an ad out about that faded Obama wall art called “the poster”. It has a time-lapse kid’s room showing how the furniture and posters change as the kid grows–leaves home– and then returns after college. I can’t link it now but I’ve seen it several places on blogs today. It’s very cool.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:23 pmElissa, the poster ad is veiwable over at Ace of Spades HQ, but I don’t know how to link just that post, so here is the web link:
it’s the 7th post down right now
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:34 pmveiwableum, pretty sure that’s spelled viewable
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:35 pmNBC is saying Ryan was wrong about somw thinbgs (basically reporting White House and Obama claims)
1. The GM plant.
They are saying that GM announced the plan to close the plant in June 2008. (this seems to have replaced the Dec 2008 date)
2. The downgrade NBC is correct. The downgrade was because of the policy uncertainty, nothing else. Tea Party Republicans have been ignoring the truth about that downgrade since the beginning…it doesn’t fit the narrative. Of course the rating agencies were a bit coy but they still told the truth.
3. Talk about the fact Ryan voted against that report (he had a reason but he didn’t explain it. Also NBC ignored the next sentences Ryan said: “Republicans stepped up with good-faith reforms and solutions equal to the problems. How did the president respond? By doing nothing— nothing except to dodge and demagogue the issue.”
Still why tell a half truth when the truth is perfectly good for you?
Ryan was on NBC. Ryan told NBC what really got the plant was $4 gas. Said Romney wanted a bankruptcy.
The point about the plant said Ryan to NBC: Obama campaigned about the plant.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:46 pm”
When Governor Romney asked me to join the ticket, I said, “Let’s get this done”— and that is exactly, what we’re going to do.
It sounds like “get this done” means win the election.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:46 pmWhy do you repeat White House lies, Sammy?
SPQR (f2d612) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:50 pmI like Politifact’s prebuttal. Surreal.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:52 pmfiscal realities of the “real world” that we adults deal with every day — taxes, rent expenses, mortgages, healthcare costs, food costs, child raising costs, etc.
I wonder how many liberal kids are surprised at the deductions from their first paycheck. I remember an exercise WAY BACK WHEN in high school when a teacher had us kids make a budget based on a 40-hour week at minimum wage. He was merciless going through the results.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 3:58 pmAvik Roy at Forbes does a nice, reasoned fact check of the Ryan Speech factcheckers. And gets a few licks in at Dave Weigel as well. Winning!
It seems most of the media fact checkers do not understand economics or math much.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:01 pmoops
here it is
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:03 pmElissa – I don’t think it is that they do not understand, I think they are just willing mouthpieces for their ideological allies.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:04 pm“NBC is saying Ryan was wrong about somw thinbgs (basically reporting White House and Obama claims)”
Sammy – I don’t understand your comment. Is NBC complaining about things Ryan actually said or things he did not say?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:04 pmSammy, I don’t understand your comment either.
And as to the next one, does it bother you if “get it done” means win the election?
What, you want 4 more years of Obama?
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:13 pmCAFE standards, sure didn’t help either, I imagine,
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:13 pm@171
I agree, they understand just fine.
The left (Dems and media*) are desperate, and they sense the oncoming preference cascade. Its going to get worse and worse, they are all in for helping him get re-elected.
*and if you cannot accept the reality of our media you need to grow up and develop a working acquaintance with reality.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:16 pmThe Jamestown plant was idled which is a big difference than closed.
An idled plant is maintained for reopening if the economic situation improves.
Obama’s Party had both Houses of Congress and the Presidency and both houses for the 2 years preceeding the Jamestown plant’s closure and after the Plant’s closure.
They had at least 4 years to fix it.
Blaming it on Bush or Ryans inability to keep the unions from overcharging their services into a uncompetative situation is hard to swallow
The only reason the plabnt closed was really due to the weight of the union cost burden pricing the lightweight cars by GM into the midsized categories of Kia and others.
EPWJ (2925ff) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:16 pm“It sounds like “get this done” means win the election.”
Sounds more ‘akin’ to ‘Larry, The “Get ‘er done” Cable Guy’- in tune w/t down-market audience appeal. Clint will pepper his pitch w/seasoned quips from his flicks, save one most familiar to Gen-Xers from ‘Grand Torino”– “Get off my lawn!”
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:16 pmJamestown?!
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:18 pmThe International Man of Parody is off its meds. Again.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:19 pmThanks for the poster ad info and links, Elissa and others.
Kevin M. — I think you speak to an important point, certainly one that shaped my own political evolution. When I was a teenager, working summers in the restaurant business as a busboy and later, a waiter, I was certainly aware of tax deductions and FICA deductions, but never spent much, if any, time digesting their import or crunching numbers. When I started working post-college in 2000, I began to pay a bit more attention to those deductions. And that increased scrutiny leads to natural and inevitable questions such as “Where is this money going, exactly?”; “How is it being spent, and is it being spent wisely?” And, with a person of open mind and some degree of intellectual curiosity, this path of inquiry should lead that person to taking a greater interest not just in his or her personal money management, retirement planning, etc., but a greater interest in how our government, at all levels, conducts its fiscal affairs. The road to fiscal conservatism has to start somewhere, and analyzing one’s own paycheck deductions is a good place to start.
I think the bulk of this country’s fiscal ills have come about in large part because citizens conceded and delegated their oversight of and indeed, their awareness of, governmental fiscal affairs to politicians whom they trusted to manage those finances with prudence. The problem, of course, is that politicians, especially the Dems, don’t manage the people’s money with anywhere near the prudence with which they manage their own.
Guy Jones (851e14) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:20 pm==I don’t think it is that they do not understand, I think they are just willing mouthpieces for their ideological allies.==
You may be right JD (you usu sally are) but it strikes me that if they better understood the fables they are being asked to parrot they would be less likely to do so. I think Weigel is a major tool but a tool with some ambition and pride. Like lil Ezra (who also got a comeuppance today on the GM dealio) Weigel thinks pretty highly of himself. Therefore I was shocked to see Weigel write:
“Ryan plowed through one of the more impressive strings of whoppers we’ve seen at this level,”
I don’t think he will take too well to having his intelligence with respect to those “whoppers” dismantled by Avik Roy and I hope he suffers severe embarrassment and shame. Maybe regular helpings of that will at least slow down a few of these eager journolisters.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:23 pmSen. Barbara “Bouncer” (Leftist-CA) while in the House is a perfect representation of the fiduciary responsibility demonstrated by our elected representatives.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:27 pmDCADD, why don’t you just declare victory and go back to your DU hole.
It’s obvious from your comments that you think you have won.
It is obvious to us from your comments that you need to read a little more and get out and actually have a conversation with someone you disagree with.
The hive is a comfort at first, but it will let you down in the end.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:34 pmComment by daleyrocks — 8/30/2012 @ 4:04 pm
Sammy – I don’t understand your comment. Is NBC complaining about things Ryan actually said or things he did not say?
NBC reported three things wrong with the speech.
1. GM – it said the plant shutdown was announced in June 2008.
I bet people were worried before and that’s why Obama stiopoped there.
They also carried short excerpts on the Nightly News from when Ryan stopped by at their booth. He said that what actually closed the plant was $4 gas – then added a word about oil prices and Obama. He also said that was about Obama promising. He was asked abouyt Mitt Romney’s assertion that iot should have gone bankrupt NBC asked him also that bankruptcy wouldn’t have worked,
2. The downgrade. What NBC said was true – the downgrade was because oif the politics.
3. NBC mentioned the fact that Ryan voted against the report. (But Ryan in his speech had, unclearly, mentioned that he’d not given up on the idea of doing something.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:35 pmYOu mean he’s not from virginia?
Ha! oh thats embarassing but the point is blaming Bush or Ryan or saying Ryan was wrong – the party in Power in the 18 months before the plant closure was announced was the democrats.
And in the immediate days after the plant was closed the democrats had Congress and the Presidency and 24 months to make good on their promises they made to the workers at that plant
But blame Bush
EPWJ (2925ff) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:36 pmTherefore I was shocked to see Weigel write:
“Ryan plowed through one of the more impressive strings of whoppers we’ve seen at this level,”
That is what I expect from his ilk.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:38 pmComment by kinlaw — 8/30/2012 @ 4:13 pm
And as to the next one, does it bother you if “get it done” means win the election?
No it doesn’t. It only bothers me that Ryan (or his speechwriter or maybe the audience) seem to want to mean something else, like solving the nation;s problems. “Let’s get it done” meaning let’s win the election, is actually fine.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:39 pmLater on I’m going to try to put a list of speakers somewhere
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:39 pm2. The downgrade. What NBC said was true – the downgrade was because oif the politics.
Spending, deficits, and debt. Not politics.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:40 pmNo it doesn’t. It only bothers me that Ryan (or his speechwriter or maybe the audience) seem to want to mean something else, like solving the nation;s problems. “Let’s get it done” meaning let’s win the election, is actually fine.
Solving the nation’s problems would be a bad thing?!
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:42 pmWe had a Reagan video
Remarks bny Connie Mack the younger
Newt and Calista Gingrich
Creaig Romney
8 PM
Jeb Bush (former Flo Gov – very pro immigration or getting rid of reputationr soemthing)
Tom Stemberg (Staples co-founder)
9 PM
Kerry Healey (former Mass Lt Gov)
Jane Edmonds (former Mass Sect Workforce)
3 Olympians
10 PM
Marco Rubio (Fla Senator)
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:42 pmMitt Romney
Yesterday Ryan finished at just about exactly right before 11 POM Eastern time.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:43 pm189. Gridlock in Congress – not passing the debt limit rise.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:44 pm“NBC reported three things wrong with the speech.”
Sammy @184 – Still as clear as mud.
1. Does not contradict anything Ryan said.
2. The only argument is over apportionment of blame.
3. They are complaining about something Ryan did not say, but addressed later by submitting his own budget plans which were approved two consecutive years by the House. Obama still ignored the final Simpson-Bowles report.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:45 pmBS, Sammy
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:47 pmSammy go read the forbes link. it will help you muddle through this. i promise.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:53 pmPlease, God, MORE Reagan. More Reagan video. More Reagan quotes. More reminders of thirty years ago. Please, more, more, more! Imagine the DNC televising warm and fuzzy 1945 clips of FDR to undecided voters in 1976. Please, more Reagan! More, more, more!
The Fox News mantre lives: ‘In case of emergency, use Reagan.’ Priceless.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 4:59 pmwhew! trying to beat sammy to the punch=
Maybe this will help you DCSCA dahlink.
Feb 18 2012 Harris poll Best President Since World War Two:
* Ronald Reagan, 25 percent
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:06 pm* Franklin Roosevelt, 19 percent
* John Kennedy, 15 percent
* Bill Clinton, 12 percent
* Dwight Eisenhower, 4 percent
* Harry Truman, 4 percent
* Barack Obama, 4 percent
* George W. Bush, 2 percent
* Jimmy Carter, 2 percent
* Lyndon Johnson, 1 percent
* George H.W. Bush, 1 percent
* Richard Nixon, 1 percent
* Gerald Ford, 1 percent
So you are saying its been a century since the dems had a leader they are proud of? (FDR)
EPWJ (2925ff) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:07 pmDSCSA(AKA Jeffrey Diamond returns !),
After your Aunt Janice warms up your favorite flavor of Hot Pockets, you can sit down on the couch and watch some RNC speeches about freedom, self-reliance, and fiscal responsibility.
The content of the speeches will make a nice juxtaposition when you turn to Aunt Janice and Uncle Larry and ask them if you can continue to stay in their basement rent-free, as well as when you ask to “borrow” sixty bucks so you can see the REO Speedwagon double-bill with Styx at the county fairgrounds this weekend.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:12 pmJeff Dimon and IMP are not the same. Not even close.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:21 pmstill coooooomatose; when people say they “will” do something, that’s a “promise”:
Continue your descent into insanity; it’s fun to watch.
Steve57 (40573d) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:22 pmFeb 18 2012 Harris poll Best President Since World War Two:
* Franklin Roosevelt, 19 percent
Apparently 1 out of 5 people cannot understand the word “since”.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:48 pmComment by AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! — 8/30/2012 @ 11:17 am
The real question is why Obama allowed it to happen after promising in a campaign speech delivered at the plant that it would be there for 100-years.
He didn’t really care. He didn’t actually promise it would be there, but he did say it would be if people wanted it. I think he figured people would remember if it stayed open but nobody would care a year or a year and a half later after it closed.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:53 pmIn Sammy’s world, one must search for anything possible, which then becomes plausible.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:55 pm“There is nothing to fear but another 4 year term.”
– Barack Delano Milhous Hussein Hija de la Chingada 0bama
Colonel Haiku (cb4f3e) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:57 pmFinkelman, then why are you pretending that White House spin is objective truth and using it to claim that Ryan is the liar?
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 5:58 pm@200- Stoned again, eh Stoney. But thanks for sharing your TV dinner menu. This is your night to persude, not ours. So persuade-away. Where’s Dick? Where’s George? Where’s Herman and Michelle? Where’s Sarah or Rick or Donner and Blitzen? Bring ’em on. Persuade the undecided. More Reagan! PLEASE! more, more, more, more Reagan! Undecideds crave more vintage, thrity year old clips of Reagan! THay want their Ron-TV.
Yes, Ron TV– ‘some people just don’t get it.’
Ahh, the ’80s. Priceless.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:05 pmColonel,
That’s definitely something to fear !
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:08 pmHe promised to lead the effort to make Washington “finally live up to its promise to help our automakers compete.”
Reinforcing in October what people thought he was saying in February. That he was making a commitment.
But that wasn’t Ryan’s point. Ryan was pointing out that Obama promised to deliver an economic recovery, which had it happened would have increased demand for the vehicles produced in the Janesville plant.
He failed to deliver on that promise as well. Of course, he never meant that promise either. The Alinskyite knew that’s was just what he had to pretend to care about to get people to vote for him, and hide the fact that he intended all along to “fundamentally transform” the country into something those autoworkers and the middle class in general would hate.
But you keep believing the WH spin, Sammy.
Steve57 (40573d) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:08 pmA huge step up from what Obama’s delivering; the 1930s.
Steve57 (40573d) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:10 pmIMP is on another bender. Maybe we will get yet another serial fabulist story.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:12 pmI hate it when I post to the wrong thread.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:12 pmWhat I’m enjoying the most is the fear and desperation from the left.
Can’t wait til Obummer gets a dead cat bounce from his convention.
Oh the long faces we will see in the media.
And has anyone wondered just how Chris Matthews is going to cope if Obama loses?
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:12 pmObama sees the 70’s as the good old days. Malaise would describe this administration to a T.
Kevin M (bf8ad7) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:14 pmComment by SPQR — 8/30/2012 @ 3:50 pm
Why do you repeat White House lies, Sammy?
It’s news. It was on the NBC Nightly News. You don’t want to know what’s being said.I mentioned that it came (they pretty much said so) from the White House and these were I guess what NBC found had the most merit.
Now the big lie here is that these were big lies.
The first thing about the GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin: There is the implicit claim by the White House that the GM bailout decisions had nothing to do with that plant closing. But they did make a decision affecting that plant, even though it was headed toward closure before the election.
I still wonder why Paul Ryan had to say it was closed in less than a year instead of “little more than a year.”
Why this compulsion to simplify and make slightly better sounding, but, now untrue, statements? He did it also with the claim that Obama had been president for 4 years. Not so: 3 years and 7 months and one week – he has been president for only slightly over 90% of a term.
The second thing, they are absolutely right. The downgrade had nothing to do with the size of the debt.. It had to do with with politicians in Washington (Obama included of course) playing chicken.
The third thing is something true (Ryan did not sign on to the Simpson Bowles plan) – but not mentioning that fact is not a lie. It is, however, a lie, almost, to imply that afterwards Obama acted the same way as Ryan which is what the Obama campaign is basically nowdoing.
But Ryan didn’t want to explain. It was actually in his speech that he did something but he did not mak e himself clear – on purpose.
Ryan nevertheless is right that Obama basically did nothng, while he did propose something.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:16 pmThe International Man of Parody is above coherence … still.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:16 pmFinkelman, if you are auditioning to replace DCSCA as the International Man of Parody, you might have a shot. Your comments are just windy and incoherent enough.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:18 pmComment by Kevin M — 8/30/2012 @ 6:14 pm
Obama sees the 70′s as the good old days. Malaise would describe this administration to a T.
Jimmy Carter will give a speech in which he will talk about the economy at the Democratic convention.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:19 pmInstead of criticizing the President for all of his broken promises, it would be easier if we just compiled a list of the promises he has kept.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:21 pm@203- LOL Priceless. The crowd appears underwhelmed. In all fairness, the GOP got a bad break w/t storm and had to condense events. Still, that hall needs a good stem-winder and a lively confetti and balloon drop. Shoulda nominated Christie, for in spite of Ann’s plea, it better to be respected, than loved… bada-bing.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:22 pmFloor reporter DCSCA reports in about nothing.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:25 pm@222- Indeed, there’s not much there, there. Is there.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:27 pmSince you’re there, I’ll take it as gospel.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:27 pmI am still of the belief that the real reason Biden is Vice President is to conceal the fact that the rest of Obama’s staffers are all unable to compete with Down’s Syndrome sufferers.
Seriously, Jay Carney has the IQ of a small soap dish.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:28 pmDCSCA,
Since you keep bringing up Reagan, I can only reply, “There you go, again.”
Seriously, bro, don’t waste your life depending upon the gov’t for your happiness. Make the life you want for yourself.
Handouts, freebies, dependency, and blaming rich people for your station in life is not a healthy outlook. Being angry at successful people does not “hurt” successful people—it only hurts you when you slog through life with that resentment occupying your heart.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence—not the Declaration of Dependence.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:29 pm@224 Gospel? That rock ‘n roll.
Persuade us. More Reagan.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:29 pmHe did it also with the claim that Obama had been president for 4 years. Not so: 3 years and 7 months and one week – he has been president for only slightly over 90% of a term.
Are you effin kidding me ?!?!?
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:29 pmf0ur m0re years 0f this?!?!
Colonel Haiku (cb4f3e) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:36 pmit’s President Stagnation
Hey, maybe President will be able to catch some wind from Clinton at the DNC conclave.
Too bad the Secretary of State won’t be there to rally the folk. Some big trouble in wherever.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:36 pmhe has no clue it’s
Colonel Haiku (cb4f3e) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:38 pmteh expanding welfare state
@226- LOL, in fact, it is the GOP who keeps digging up Reagan. But Stoney, government is good. Ask your hero, Rand devotee Paul. Seriously, ‘bro,’ Lyin’ Ryan’s been a creature of Washington for two decades and a member of Congess for 14 of those years. Seriously… get a grip.
Then persuade us.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:39 pmVladivostok, seriously, one is reminded of the Artic post, they sent John Laroquette, at the end of stripes.
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:41 pmWhat a refreshing change… hearing about a man who has quietly helped others his whole adult life instead of tales of the unaccomplished, community organizer who has built a reputation on rabble-rousing, self-promotion, and a grandiose, narcissistic vision of self-entitlement.
Colonel Haiku (cb4f3e) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:42 pmDCSCA drew the short straw at teh Low T circle jerk.
Colonel Haiku (cb4f3e) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:44 pmIMP thinks govt is bad?! It is so far beyond parody that there is not a word for it.
Dems are digging up Jimmah Carter soon.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:44 pmDaleyrocks:
1. Does not contradict anything Ryan said.”
Ryan actually said something that was wrong, but they didn’t focus on it. (the plant was shuttered more than a year, not less than a year, after Obama’s speech) The White House attempted to find grounds for saying that what Ryan implied (Obama closed that plant) was not so. If they did that, they couldn’t very well point out that it closed a bit later. They were shooting for it being doomed long before Obama had any influence over it.
“2. The only argument is over apportionment of blame.”
There is indeed an argument there.
But Ryan never mentioned anything about the reason for the downgrade. Tea Party people talk about it like it is evidence the federal debt has gotten dangerously high. That wasn’t what that was about. The Federal government is not a state. The White House was not arguing with anything Ryan said, but only with the concept that it the downgrade indicates a fiscal problem, and Ryan didn’t actually say that it did. But that’s why the downgrade is cited so often.. The White House also says it was Republicans’ fault, but it was Obama who was threatening not to pay Social Security checks and not being entirely clear about debt payments.
“3. They are complaining about something Ryan did not say, but addressed later by submitting his own budget plans which were approved two consecutive years by the House. Obama still ignored the final Simpson-Bowles report.”
Basically they are claiming that Ryan’s complaint about Obama ignoring Simpson Bowles is hypocritical, especially since Ryan also said it was urgent.
Now while Ryan did indicate he didn’t drop the subject, he spoke in vague terms.
White House spin is also maybe that if Ryan had signed on, it would have been harder to ignore. Also that there was no official report, which is wrong.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:45 pm@229- Congrats- you’ve finally figured out the proper pitch. Now sing it out. ‘Cause that’s a tune the DNC is going to have to drown out.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:45 pmNPR finally carrying the speeches.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:46 pmStill no Ron Paul.
Matt B (095766) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:46 pmLet’s see if anybody mentions JFK or FDR at the DNC. Nope, that will never happen.
They might even mention LBJ, as if the GOP would mention RMN. Sure that will happen.
I’m pretty sure WJC will be mentioned often and will probably have a dominate spot. Alone.
We can play this alphabet game all night long.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:47 pmSammy, seriously, Obama made promises, each more progressively specific, re the Janesville plant, they were lies of course, but they exist.
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:50 pmComment by JD — 8/30/2012 @ 6:29 pm
He did it also with the claim that Obama had been president for 4 years. Not so: 3 years and 7 months and one week – he has been president for only slightly over 90% of a term.
Are you effin kidding me ?!?!?
Paul Ryan said this over and over again. For some reason, the fact checkers are not mentioning it but it was the most glaring inaccuracy in his speech. I didn’t like it.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:51 pmMitt Romney video now.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:53 pm@230- At least he’d be alive in the here and now and not on vintage 30 year old videotape. Thought for sure some young wag at the RNC would have pushed for a holigram Reagan on stage a la the Grammys. Might actually have been more cool than creepy- certainly attention-grabbing. But then, that skepticism over science keeps getting in the way.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 6:53 pmDCSCA:
I admire your spirit, I really do.
Your guy Obamessiah is a failure, he is going to lose, nothing you do or say here is going to help, and we are all pretty much just laughing at you. And yet here you are anyway.
I don’t know if that is admirable or pathetic.
kinlaw (8f4928) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:08 pmI have an idea for DCSCA, make fun of Eastwood now. I’m happy to play the straight guy.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:10 pmMost conservatives, me included, believe that Reagan is Jesus’ younger brother.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:15 pmJeff Dimon – your fear and desperation is palpable.
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:18 pmThis is where I got that earlier link;
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:18 pmI’m sorry, I thought the President was Jesus’ younger brother. Whoa, was I confused. And I’m a conservative.
After all he said he could stop the seas from rising.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:21 pmMostly I’m afraid that the Dems will continue to build and repair roads. My republican behind is tired of going to work to support Romney’s layoffs.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:24 pmClint Eastwood was on before Marco Rubio. I forgot to mention him. Clint Eastwood did a little bit of a comedy act. Marco Rubio is talking. Talking about America being special. “Faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all”
NPR has got a tape delay beyond that of the TV etworks.
The Google home page lads to a web stream. ABC is also streaming.
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:25 pmHow about your buddies get to work on <a href="null” target=”_blank”>this, you fool.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:27 pmSorry about the bad link that actually works.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:29 pmAwww, Clint. You know the rules- hit your mark, look into the camera and say your lines like you meant them. Never adlib and ramble off-script– or prompter.
Truly- and sadly- bizarre. Oh, Octo-Clint, Gene Cernan would have been such a more uplifting pitchman. He’s only 78– but been to the moon- twice.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:30 pmoh geez, DCSCA, I replied to your same comment at the GOP Convention thread. You’re all over the place!
So anyway, DCSCA, the teleprompter froze at the introduction. Clint had to wing it. Not bad, not bad at all for an old man who can still drive his point home. Perhaps he went too fast for you?
Dana (292dcf) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:32 pmRubio should have gone straight rug instead of the combover. So handsome though. The dems haven’t got a shot. Clint Eastwood is so current and relevant.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:33 pmAnd there it is: The comment about one thing that doesn’t matter, making fun of an old person.
Congratulations, DSCSCA, you win a life of nothing, you pitiful fool.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:34 pmThank God Mitt did not salute and say “reporting for duty”
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:37 pmRomney is using a teleprompter?! I thought only the evil stupid obama did that? What the heck??? I hope the dems don’t make fun of him for using this handy device. It sure would make them look dumb every time they make fun of it.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:37 pmHatch and Romney– the super-duper, super-secret-Brother Mormon Hug. LIVE! Coast-to-coast. Hilarious. ‘Don’t touch me’ came the cry from the crowd… and now.. Prince Charles approaches the microphones and is about to address the people of New Guinea….
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:38 pmJeffery diamond is weak
Carlitos (49ef9f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:38 pmIs this the savant of Murfreesboro, or someone new?
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:38 pm“Americans always come trogether after elections…..”
Really, Mitt? “I want him to fail.” – Rush Limbaugh
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:40 pmDiamond, that meme is about two minutes too late. My lefty facebook friend have already posted it. Besides, it’s not what the President says when he has a teleprompter, it’s what he says when he doesn’t,
Oh, and keep up the anti-Mormon tripe, DCSCA, I bet that works out well for you and your bigoted ilk.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:41 pmI’m pretty sure I want him to fail, you fool.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:42 pm“When I fired you from that job making 22 bucks an hour you got two jobs laundering my money through the Caymans for 9 bucks an hour each.”
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:43 pmTick-tock, you fool.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:44 pmWait his dad was born in Mexico? Doesn’t that make him a foreigner? Obama’s dad was born in Kenya and that made him ineligible for the presidency. I hope the dems aren’t watching this.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:48 pmWell, that was intelligent. Amaze us more. <a href="null” target=”_blank”>You fool.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:51 pmDCSCA,
Oh no, you’re not going to equate the Constitutional obligations of federal government with free condoms, food stamps, expansion of entitlements, and exploding national debt, are you ? Seriously ?
That’s such a cheeseball analogy, and Obama likes to push that meme…”if you believe in federal highways, the military, and the federal judiciary, then you are obligated to support Obamacare, free condoms, and six trillion dollars of debt !”
You don’t really need more government entitlements for yourself, do you ?
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:51 pmRomney is not a good reader.
Jeffrey Diamond returns (616128) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:58 pmObama is not a good leader.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:59 pmI think Rubio mis-spoke.
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (2bb434) — 8/30/2012 @ 7:59 pmHe said that with the selection of Mitt Romney, historians will note that we choose government over liberty, when he meant to say “liberty over government”.
Well, everyone gets one flub.
Sammy @237
1. The point the critics are Ryan are making are that the Janesville plant closed in 2008, not the bizarre garbage point you are raising that it closed 14 instead of 12 months after Obama’s speech. Get your head out of your butt.
2. The concept that the overall level of U.S. debt had nothing to do with S&P’s downgrade is laughable. You also raised it earlier in the thread. From S&P’s original announcement:
“– The outlook on the long-term rating is negative. We could lower the long-term rating to ‘AA’ within the next two years if we see that less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case.”
3. We are in agreement that they are wrong. They are whining about things that were not in Ryan’s speech and Ryan correctly pointing out that Obama ignored the final report of Simpson-Bowles. That’s too bad. They don’t have the privilege of writing their opponents’ speeches.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:03 pmThat may be so, but I like someone who believes in people rather than government, regardless of their reading skills.
If you want the government to tell you what to do, there’s nothing wrong with that. I just would prefer not.
Good luck! I’m glad your folks taught you how to read well. Go up the stairs and say “Thank you.” Don’t worry, they’re still awake.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:03 pm277 was directed at 273.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:05 pm“Americans always come trogether after elections…..”
Really, Mitt? “I want him to fail.” – Rush Limbaugh
Comment by DCSCA — 8/30/2012 @ 7:40 pm
You still haven’t figured this out?
Well, let me help you. Rush understood that the one wished to transform America from what it was, despite its faults, to officially being the paper tiger that Bin Laden and others laughed at, and too burdened by debt to do anything in the world even if it wanted to; while at the same time finding ways to undermine domestic affairs with executive orders and appointments going around/ignoring Congressional oversight.
In other words, Rush wished he failed at all of the things that were going to hurt the country.
Rush did not want him to fail in bringing around the economy, or fail in foreign policy decisions in the US interest, Rush wanted his plans to fundamentally change those things to fail, in order for the US to succeed.
But Obama succeeded at what he wanted to do (undermine the US standing in the world and increasing public dependence on the welfare state), and now the roosters are coming home to roost, as it was previously said.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:05 pm@259- In FACT- Ag, the only poster broaching the thought of making ‘fun’ of the elderly has been you- such is the conservative mind set. For shame.
@257- A lifetime of memorizing lines… =eyeroll= Always excuses w/t GOP. If you gotta explain, you’re losing, Dana. Blame the storm, instead.
And now the Despicable Mitt. Laying claim to the Apollo triumph- a program opposed tooth and nail by the Republican Party. And sorry, Mitt, Neil and Buzz’s flag fell over– and what remains of it and the other five government purchased. $5.50 flags from that $25 billion government financed and managed, JFK/LBJ project have been bleached white. And we all know your position on anyone bring proposals for a moon base– you’d fire them. Truly a despicable, soulless droid with no core convictions. Oh Christie, ‘ya shoulda run.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:08 pmJeffrey Diamond,
I might be willing to go along with the whole “free contraception” policy if there were a way to mandate that all you lefties promise to use it.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:12 pmIMP is a JournoLister
JD (ca5af2) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:12 pmJD, Commander McBragg can’t pass the entrance exams to the Journolist.
Simon Jester (aa2652) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:13 pmObama has outsourced our manned space program to the Vlad Putin and DCSCA blames Mitt.
What a tool the International Man of Parody is.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:14 pmBut you made fun of Eastwood. You fool.
“Awww, Clint. You know the rules- hit your mark, look into the camera and say your lines like you meant them. Never adlib and ramble off-script– or prompter.
Truly- and sadly- bizarre. Oh, Octo-Clint, Gene Cernan would have been such a more uplifting pitchman. He’s only 78– but been to the moon- twice.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:15 pmBut you made fun of Eastwood. You fool.
“Awww, Clint. You know the rules- hit your mark, look into the camera and say your lines like you meant them. Never adlib and ramble off-script– or prompter.
Truly- and sadly- bizarre. Oh, Octo-Clint, Gene Cernan would have been such a more uplifting pitchman. He’s only 78– but been to the moon- twice.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:15 pmOh, and DCSCA? Remember, you have been extensively shamed and skooled over your ridiculous revisionism regarding the space program. For God’s sake, you try to pass yourself off as a Person of Importance, and were shown to be a fraud.
Have you no shame at all?
Simon Jester (aa2652) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:15 pmObama has already broken two TV remotes throwing them at his set tonight.
Michelle has already bashed him twice with a frying pan cursing him for a fool for wanting Romney as an opponent.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:16 pmAg, you remember this character from the past several years. Pathetic poseur doesn’t begin to describe it.
Remember his claims of sniffing Rush Limbaugh’s pits, and have a pajama party with Werner von Braun? Not to mention selling newspapers of the Beatles’ breakup for “quite a few quid.”
With so much Walter Mitty fantasies.
Simon Jester (aa2652) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:17 pmDCSCA,
Bro, is that true—you’re a Journalister ?!
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:17 pmWhich fishwrap do you write for ? The Village Voice ? The LA Weekly ? The Advocate ? Penny Saver ?
Axelrod is already lining up male and female teenage tweakers to swear they had sex with Mitt Romney in return for pardons from Eric Holder.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:18 pmDCSCA has his chili spigot set wide open tonight.
Don’t get splashed.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:20 pm@285- You have, Ag. It was in your mind. Truly despicable. Lends truth to those commercials of Ryan look-alikes rolling granny over a cliff. For shame.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:23 pmHas anyone seen DCSCA and Biden in the same place? Does anyone remember if Neil Kinnock gave any speeches about knowing Werner Von Braun?
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:27 pmWell, SPQR, Commander McBragg certainly has a veering view of reality, so there is that. But the bragging (without bona fides) is certainly Biden-esque.
Simon Jester (aa2652) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:29 pmI’m quite looking forward to watching the democrats next week. Yes indeedy.
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 8:30 pmLater on I’m going to try to put a list of speakers somewhere
Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 8/30/2012 @ 4:39 pm
Oooh, Oooh, ‘raises hand’, “Can I make a suggestion on where to put it?”
peedoffamerican (ee1de0) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:10 pmI’m going to run some Google searches against Neil Kinnock speeches … there has to be something about Von Braun in there …
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:14 pm@292- And you be eatin’ it up.
DCSCA (9d1bb3) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:15 pmDCSCA – How is the reception in your trailer park. Do you get satellite or cable TV?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:22 pmdaleyrocks, UHF.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:29 pmindoor plumbing or porta potty?
elissa (184e78) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:30 pmI’m more concerned with the tinfoil he wraps around his head.
Simon Jester (aa2652) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:32 pmI’m pretty sure he was watching from a folding lawn chair in his two tone underwear again. Yellow in front. Brown in back.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:55 pmUnless he put them on backwards again.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/30/2012 @ 9:56 pm10 Pinnochios and your pants are on fire, James Rainey at the LA Times:
LukeHandCool (eb8fe6) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:06 pmWait his dad was born in Mexico? Doesn’t that make him a foreigner? Obama’s dad was born in Kenya and that made him ineligible for the presidency. I hope the dems aren’t watching this.
Comment by Jeffrey Diamond returns — 8/30/2012 @ 7:48 pm
— Tell ya what, why don’t you scour all of the birther sites and report back to us on how many of them claim that Obama is ineligible for the presidency because his father was born in Kenya. K?
Icy (4c63db) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:13 pmAnd now the Despicable Mitt. Laying claim to the Apollo triumph- a program opposed tooth and nail by the Republican Party.
Comment by DCSCA — 8/30/2012 @ 8:08 pm
— That’s our Disco Stu, folks!
One small penis for men, one giant leap for men’s hineys.
Icy (4c63db) — 8/30/2012 @ 11:22 pmThe news today that Illinois was just downgraded by S&P reminded me how much it pissed me off above to see Finkelman repeating the false claims about S&P warning on US debt – a false claim that I had refuted in another thread with the actual S&P press release.
SPQR (26be8b) — 8/31/2012 @ 8:05 amVegan Environmentalist & Conservative are incompatible.
Your endorsement is suspicious.
libarbarian (803b96) — 8/31/2012 @ 9:27 amGo gave us the animals to eat. The more I think about it, the less I can reconcile being a Vegan for moral reasons and being a Conservative. Very suspicious.
libarbarian (803b96) — 8/31/2012 @ 9:30 amSPQR, IL isn’t too bad, they still have a better credit score than CA.
We’re #1!….We’re #1!….We’re #1! – GO TEAM!
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/31/2012 @ 10:16 am143.
“They never accused him of committing a felony.”
Comment by daleyrocks — 8/30/2012 @ 1:57 pm
Sammy – Cutter has even doubled down on the accusation in subsequent interviews saying she did not regret bringing it up. Do some homework.
You have to do your homework right, too.
She never accused him of committing a felony.
What she said was that if it were true that Mitt Romney had not been running Bain in the years 1999 to 2002, then he would have been committing a felony.
Of course, Mitt Romney was indeed NOT running bain then. And he wasn’t committing a felony either by signing papers that said he was in charge..
But she said (presumably because the favorable interpretation is that Mitt Romney did not commit a felony) that Mitt Romney would have to agree that he was in fact heading Bain, and HE WAS merely responsible for fooling the voters of Massachusetts and making decisions that resulted in the firing of lots of people.
This was the whole argument.
Sammy Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/31/2012 @ 10:24 amlibarbarian IS The Return of Jeffrey Diamond.
Icy (4c63db) — 8/31/2012 @ 10:47 amRyan “If you’re feeling left out or passed by: You have not failed, your leaders have failed you,”
So you built it, unless you f’d it up. In which case it’s the government’s fault.
Sheer genius. Watching and listening, I’m amazed he’s called slick. Slick Willie was slick. this is B level if that. Ronnie was an actor and GWB was a fun dry drunk but wow.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/31/2012 @ 11:09 amSleeeeeeeeeepy getting its hate on. Again.
JD (346b99) — 8/31/2012 @ 11:16 am==So you built it, unless you f’d it up. In which case it’s the government’s fault==
unemployed recent college grads. laid off workers in the retail and housing industries
sleeeeepy, surely even you can do better than this.
elissa (ed98f9) — 8/31/2012 @ 11:16 amAre the trolls on other sites better equipped and more interesting than ours?
elissa (ed98f9) — 8/31/2012 @ 11:20 am“Are the trolls on other sites better equipped and more interesting than ours?”
elissa – No, they all get the same talking points every day.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 11:27 amstill-slicking-his-willie-in-mom’s-basement burbled:
Ryan “If you’re feeling left out or passed by: You have not failed, your leaders have failed you,”
So you built it, unless you f’d it up. In which case it’s the government’s fault.
— Ryan was speaking of Obama administration policies that have stifled the recovery. If you were capable of honesty, you would admit this.
Icy (4c63db) — 8/31/2012 @ 11:55 amComment by daleyrocks — 8/30/2012 @ 1:27 pm
Sammy – Check your facts. Stephanie Cutter did. I doesn’t matter if she said he either committed a felony or did something else.
What do you mean, it doesn’t matter?
If the first choice was a felony, she accused him of committing a felony.
Romney took it as an accusation that he had committed a felony, because the first choice (not running Bain Capital) was true. He would not have, if it were false.
But she was not accusing him of committing a felony. She was offering up a Morton’s Fork. And asking Mitt Romney to take the other prong – where he was not committing a felony, but only lying about not running Bain Capital – to the voters, which would not be a felony.
What world do you live in?
A better question might be where does Stephanie Cutter live in. Of course, she knows the true – this was all ridiculous sophistry.
The facts were as they were and there was no violation of law on that, the true prong of the Morton’s Fork.
And the reason she wanted him to be running Bain in the years 1999-2002 was that there were some juicy false accusations they had about Mitt Romney closing factories and so on like that
Why were they so much easier to find after 1999?
Because Mitt Romney was NOT running Bain Capital!!
Sammy Finkelman (2ae267) — 8/31/2012 @ 12:47 pmFor awhile, two weeks ago, one of my computers, not connected to the Internet, thought it was in a different century.
I checked the date. The day of the week in the Gregorian calendar is right.
Samm,y Finkelman (d22d64) — 8/31/2012 @ 2:39 pm“Ryan was speaking of Obama administration policies that have stifled the recovery.”
But how can government really stop people from succeeding when it can’t help them to succeed?
You succeed on your own and if you fail you blame big gub’mint.
That’s your stupidity, now live with it.
Give up on Bain. His name was all over the filings for years after he said he was gone. But that’s all minor now.
“Attacking Obama’s health care reform law, Ryan said its “biggest, coldest power play of all” targeted seniors for $716 billion in cuts. But Ryan’s own budget counted on those same savings, which in fact would be squeezed from reimbursement payments to hospitals and insurers. Asked about the inconsistency of Ryan attacking cuts his own plan embraced, Cantor begged off. “The assumption was that, um, the, the, ah, again — I probably can’t speak to that in an exact way so I better just not,” he said.”
“um, the, the, ah”
You want to bitch about jobs? You don’t care about the poor so why should I care if your out of work? You can’t be the poor can you?
“DeMarco won’t allow principal reduction on Fannie, Freddie loans” Look it up. A Republican holdover.
How many filibusters?
Republicans demand tax cuts for the rich. Without that, you all get nothing. How many of you are rich?
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:21 pm“The facts were as they were and there was no violation of law on that, the true prong of the Morton’s Fork.”
Sammy – Is English your native language?
Saying Romney did either A or B when A is a felony is still accusing him of a felony whether he is being offered a Morton’s knife, spoon or fork. It is the person saying it making the accusation, not Romney accepting it. Get your head out of your butt.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:29 pm“But she was not accusing him of committing a felony.”
Absolute, complete, total rubbish.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:31 pm“But she was not accusing him of committing a felony.”
Sammy – To accept your version, she was just lying for the pleasure of lying.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:32 pm“Republicans demand tax cuts for the rich.”
sleeeepy – Nobody is demanding tax cuts for the rich, liar, but Obama will increase taxes on the middle class.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:35 pm==But how can government really stop people from succeeding when it can’t help them to succeed?==
This contribution from sleeeeepy may be the single most stupid sentence I have ever read on this blog.
elissa (ed98f9) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:40 pmSleepy, the power to tax is the power to destroy. Also the power to destroy is the power to destroy.
SarahW (b0e533) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:50 pmthe comatose one’s reality is derived from his morning TPM:
AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92) — 8/31/2012 @ 3:57 pmRead lies, live lies.
Sleeeeeeepy – socialists suck. Go back to sleep.
JD (346b99) — 8/31/2012 @ 4:03 pmSleeeeepy, how’s that fading poster of Obama looking on the wall of your
childhoodadult bedroom ?As Clint said, “It’s time to let him go.”
Successful people aren’t any smarter or harder-working than you, Sleeeeepy…we just have access to roads, bridges, and the internet !
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/31/2012 @ 4:05 pm“How big government hurts the average Joe.”
DRJ (a83b8b) — 8/31/2012 @ 4:06 pm“Nobody is demanding tax cuts for the rich, liar, but Obama will increase taxes on the middle class.”
Daley you’re a moron. Obama’s proposals were and are to extend the Bush tax cuts for most Americans and allow the cuts to end for the top. The republicans say no, never.
Romney’s plan raises taxes on almost everyone.
DRJ links to Hooverville
“But it is our record-high government spending, not the failure to raise taxes on the rich, that is the typical American’s largest long-term problem.”
Ryan’s plan drives the debt through the goddamn roof.
Ryan goes after Obama for cutting from medicare reimbursement when he has the same cuts in his budget.
He’s angry about something he supported 3 days ago.
You don’t like condescending liberals? Well there’s a reason they condescend. My stockbroker has pictures of your heroes pinned to his dartboard.
Reagan proved to you that deficits don’t matter. Democrats prove to you they do. Never mind democrats bring the debt down. “We built it” but if you f’k it up it’s never your responsibility. Curt Schilling.
1- “I’m a conservative gimme money!”
2- “No I didn’t lose your money. They did!”
It’s always someone else’s fault.
Didn’t Clint do a great job last night!!?
As dumb as a rock
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:15 pmSleeeepy, if Clint had done a poor job, the left would not be tearing their hair out. Obama only tweeted about it because Clint had gotten under his skin.
Obama is The Empty Chair.
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:25 pm#336… spot on, stones!
Colonel Haiku (71375e) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:27 pmObama’s proposals were and are to extend the Bush tax cuts…
Gee… I often wonder when anything teh Blamer-in-Chief does will have the 0bama stamp on it.
Colonel Haiku (71375e) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:29 pmCol. so you don’t wander around aimlessly the bulk of the Eastwood discussion is on the main Romney speech thread.
elissa (ed98f9) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:34 pmThanks, elissa… don’t know if anyone has seen this one yet…
Colonel Haiku (71375e) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:37 pm“Romney’s plan raises taxes on almost everyone.”
sleeeepy – Do you have a link to a Romney document for that or just some liberal study that makes assumptions about what must be in Romney’s plan?
Nevermind, I already know the answer. You’ve just got make believe liberal analysis.
Thanks, but no thanks.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 5:50 pmSleeeeeeepy is very very angry today.
JD (346b99) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:12 pmIs that why he’s lying so incompetently?
SPQR (7b6129) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:21 pmThe Economist
Bruce Bartlett held senior policy roles in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and served on the staffs of Representatives Jack Kemp and Ron Paul.
A bit of an apostate
Romney’s people off the record:
“Not me,” said an exasperated-looking senior adviser, when asked who was responsible for Mr. Eastwood’s speech. In late-night interviews, aides variously called the speech “strange” and “weird.” One described it as “theater of the absurd.”
But that’s in Pravda by the Hudson
So long kids. have a good weekend
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:23 pmsleepy, Obama already raised taxes on everyone. The Supreme Court told us.
SPQR (7b6129) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:24 pm23 different taxes on medical devices, on ‘cadillac’ plans, some with green eggs and ham, some not.
narciso (ee31f1) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:33 pmit’s a very special weekend cause of this weekend is when we honor labor people like the piggy piggy union whores what make those fancy camaros for the government
happyfeet (3c92a1) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:35 pmI see there are already rumors of the Obama’s shopping for a new house for January 2013.
SPQR (57ca8f) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:36 pmI always wondered why everybody gets Labor Day off from work. They should have called it something different.
Birdbath (716828) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:38 pmOne described it as “theater of the absurd.”
That’s an accurate description considering the subject matter.
Birdbath (716828) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:41 pmIn honor of Fearful Leader Obama’s jobless recovery, perhaps Monday ought to be re-named “Unemployment Day.”
Elephant Stone (65d289) — 8/31/2012 @ 6:50 pmI see there are already rumors of the Obama’s shopping for a new house for January 2013.
Comment by SPQR
Can you blame him? “CHICAGOLAND: SHOOTING BLOCK FROM OBAMA’S HOUSE; 2ND IN WEEK…” http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/08/31/another-person-shot-near-obamas-chicago-home/
Colonel Haiku (71375e) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:04 pmMSNBC host Chris Matthews got into a heated exchange with Republican delegates at a Tampa restaurant early Friday morning following the conclusion of the GOP national convention.
Matthews was booed and sworn at as he was leaving the Tinatapas restaurant, which is near the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Matthews turned back and confronted the taunting GOP officials. The Hill witnessed the exchange and interviewed Republican delegates after the confrontation.
Matthews told The Hill in a phone interview that after he left the restaurant, he heard a group of guys “heckling” and “hooting and hollering” at him.
He headed back into the restaurant to mix it up with them. “I wanted to confront them,” Matthews said, describing his exchange with the men as “towel-snapping” among guys.
Matthews said he told the rowdy group, “What’s this, a douchebag convention?”
The Republicans became angry and retorted back.
“I told him that’s next week,” said New York delegate Anthony Nunziato, referring to the Democratic convention in Charlotte, N.C., that will start on Tuesday.
Colonel Haiku (71375e) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:07 pmIf Teh Won was confident, he and his footsoldiers would not feel compelled to be so damn dishonest.
JD (346b99) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:08 pmColonel – didn’t one of his producers shove somebody too?
What ever happened with that faux story Shuster made up, and sleepy dutifully swallowed?
JD (346b99) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:14 pmThere’s nothing wrong with men mixing it up, for a good reason or no reason or no reason at all.
Safe, but on the long side. When you say that smile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSFJdbqYiTc
nk (875f57) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:22 pmI ask Mars not for victory, but only for courage to fight. And to have fun.
nk’s daughter.
nk (875f57) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:25 pmColonel – didn’t one of his producers shove somebody too?
What ever happened with that faux story Shuster made up, and sleepy dutifully swallowed?
Comment by JD
Yep… earlier that same evening, lol.
Colonel Haiku (71375e) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:27 pm“Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter says the campaign never accused Mitt Romney of being a felon, yet at the end of an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer says she does not regret bringing up the possibility that Romney may have committed a felony.
“No, absolutely not. I’m just saying that his explanation doesn’t add up that either you were the chairman, CEO, president, sole owner of a company,” Cutter said at the beginning of the interview when asked if she called Romney a felon.
“No, absolutely not. It’s a fact. If you’re signing federal documents knowing them to be false, it’s a felony. Anybody who works in the federal government knows that,” Cutter said at the end of the same interview when asked if she regrets mentioning the word felony in a previous interview.”
Shorter Cutter – Both my accusations are false and I know it.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:28 pmThe Obama’s new house rumor.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 8/31/2012 @ 7:48 pm360. Could they really swing $35 Mil in, putatively, their own money? I don’t believe they are worth that much to anyone who’d have that kind of scratch.
And the property taxes.
gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:09 amPoor, poor, deprived victims of racist oppression.
nk (875f57) — 9/1/2012 @ 4:18 amComment by sleeeepy — 8/31/2012 @ 3:21 pm
But how can government really stop people from succeeding when it can’t help them to succeed?
— The government stops people from succeeding by over-regulating and over-taxing; it “helps” people to succeed by doing the reverse.
You succeed on your own and if you fail you blame big gub’mint.
That’s your stupidity, now live with it.
— Cause and effect, son. If the government gets out of the way, then the ONLY thing it did to ‘help’ you was to get out of the way. Every new business faces enough stumbling-blocks on the road to success without any need for the guvmint to put up some more.
Give up on Bain. His name was all over the filings for years after he said he was gone. But that’s all minor now.
— And this proves WHAT, exactly?
You want to bitch about jobs? You don’t care about the poor so why should I care if your out of work? You can’t be the poor can you?
— Uh, let me see if I’ve got this straight: You enjoy the moral high-ground because you care more about other people than I do; therefore, you are the one that enjoys the privilege of NOT caring about other people.
Is that how this works?
Republicans demand tax cuts for the rich. Without that, you all get nothing. How many of you are rich?
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 9:05 am— Most of us are NOT. Coincidentally, most of us also are NOT holding out our hands to Uncle Sam and saying “Gimme, gimme, gimme.”
Rapid fire on the sleeeeepy express:
Icy (338973) — 9/1/2012 @ 9:29 amRyan’s plan drives the debt through the goddamn roof.
— Lie.
Ryan goes after Obama for cutting from medicare reimbursement when he has the same cuts in his budget.
— Lie.
He’s angry about something he supported 3 days ago.
— Lie.
You don’t like condescending liberals?
— Not true! We LOVE you.
Well there’s a reason they condescend.
— Yeah, it’s because they are over-educated, under-intelligent a-holes. We know.
My stockbroker has pictures of your heroes pinned to his dartboard.
— Rave on, brother sleeeeepy!
Reagan proved to you that deficits don’t matter.
— Lie.
Democrats prove to you they do.
— And they have proved it in spades . . . so to speak.
Never mind democrats bring the debt down.
— Lie. The ONLY thing that Democrats have ‘brought down’ is the nation’s credit rating.
“We built it” but if you f’k it up it’s never your responsibility.
— What we are ACTUALLY saying is that government is making it difficult to build it in the first place.
Give up on Bain. His name was all over the filings for years after he said he was gone. But that’s all minor now.
– And this proves WHAT, exactly?
Icy – This drives me nuts. We already had this conversation and Sammy’s uniformed meanderings about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which came after the time in question, yet here it is again. It proves nothing. Romney held his titles until his exit was negotiated. Both of Cutter’s claims are false, that he was committing a felony or misleading people. Bain Capital was not a public company. Romney was its only shareholder according to the only information that keeps getting disclosed. Who was he misleading? Himself?
He was not involved in fundraising for new Bain Capital funds during the time in question, so investors understood his role. As an investor and partner in prior funds he was certainly entitled to profit sharing from previous investments. Cutter and others also show their ignorance in how the real world operates in this instance by not understanding that management is free to delegate responsibilities they choose without passing along a formal title.
Morons one and all.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 9/1/2012 @ 9:50 amBrave Sir sleeeeepy ran away.
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:43 amhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/law/2012/sep/02/christian-rights-cases-strasbourg-court
Here’s some real red meat for you.
But remember they’ve banned circumcision in Germany and the hijab in France.
I’m opposed to all of those decisions.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:05 amLike I said, he ran away.
Icy (0d627c) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:20 amThanks for sharing sleeeepy. Dozens of us have lain awake at night for weeks wondering how you personally felt about hijabs and circumcision.
elissa (023ef3) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:26 amI can picture sleeepy… his little link sausage fingers hammering away… smiling as he typed that last li’l gem.
Colonel Haiku (78d44b) — 9/2/2012 @ 9:29 amThe article is about the attempt to ban the wearing of crosses in the workplace in the name of sensitivity.
I’d call that liberal fascism.
As for the rest
Ryan goes after Obama for cutting from medicare reimbursement when he has the same cuts in his budget.
– Lie.
He’s angry about something he supported 3 days ago.
– Lie.
Ryan is a Republican.
Your turn Icy.
sleeeepy (b5f718) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:00 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-k5J4RxQdE
Sleeeeeeeepy and Sean are tag team douchenozzles
JD (804352) — 9/2/2012 @ 12:06 pmStill waiting on you, sleeeeepy.
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commercial mortgage refinancing (4b2b41) — 9/8/2012 @ 7:31 am