Patterico's Pontifications


Aaron Walker: Discovery Has Begun

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:13 pm

Aaron Walker:

[T]he discovery process has already begun in my case. Kimberlin has been served with discovery and has twenty-one days in which to comply.

. . . .

[W]e do need to raise more money to keep this suit going. Do you want to see if Brett Kimberlin has the gonads to commit perjury in Virginia, where they might not be so lenient on convicted terrorists? Then please donate. It’s the first button on the right, or just go to their site.

Donations are by PayPal and do not require you to provide intrusive information.

Go to Aaron’s post for more, and to read the press release. Instapundit links and says: “He chose . . . poorly.”

Cruz vs. Castro in Texas

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:34 am

At the conventions, that is:

U.S. Senate nominee Ted Cruz is looking like Mitt Romney’s new best friend, in what some call a smart move by the presumed GOP presidential nominee to tap into tea party enthusiasm and showcase Latino support.

On Tuesday night, it was reported that Cruz would be a speaker at the Republican National Convention late this month, and he tweeted that he is honored.

The move puts another prominent Texan in the spotlight of the presidential race to November.

It was announced last week that San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, a national co-chairman to President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, would deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in September.

We win.

Abortion Doctor to Protesters: Let’s See You Adopt One of Those “Ugly Black Babies”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:29 am


A doctor, who was confronted by anti-abortion campaigners, told them that ‘aborting ugly black babies’ was a service to the taxpayer.

Doctor Ron Virmani was captured on camera last month by pro-life Christian group, Operation Save America.

. . . .

Virmani replies: “Don’t put it on the taxpayers, okay? I don’t wish to pay for the baby with my money.”

A female campaigner then asks the doctor: “You would rather profit off of those children?”

He responded: “No, no, no. I am not profiting. I, as a taxpayer, do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up and kill those people in Colorado.”

He allegedly is referring to the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado where 12 people and an unborn child died and 58 people were injured.

The doctor continues: “Go ahead and pay for them. Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies.”

My guess is this is not what he thinks himself. He’s probably trying to characterize what he believes is the protesters’ view of the babies whose lives he is ending:

Still, it’s a rather extraordinary statement. And you know that there are people who feel this way.

P.S. The protesters say they would love to adopt these babies.

Happy Birthday to (Two of) My Sisters

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:23 am

It’s their 40th today. Yes, I said “their.” They are identical twins.

It’s also Instapundit’s 11th blogiversary. So congrats to him.

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