Patterico's Pontifications


Abortion Doctor to Protesters: Let’s See You Adopt One of Those “Ugly Black Babies”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:29 am


A doctor, who was confronted by anti-abortion campaigners, told them that ‘aborting ugly black babies’ was a service to the taxpayer.

Doctor Ron Virmani was captured on camera last month by pro-life Christian group, Operation Save America.

. . . .

Virmani replies: “Don’t put it on the taxpayers, okay? I don’t wish to pay for the baby with my money.”

A female campaigner then asks the doctor: “You would rather profit off of those children?”

He responded: “No, no, no. I am not profiting. I, as a taxpayer, do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up and kill those people in Colorado.”

He allegedly is referring to the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado where 12 people and an unborn child died and 58 people were injured.

The doctor continues: “Go ahead and pay for them. Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies.”

My guess is this is not what he thinks himself. He’s probably trying to characterize what he believes is the protesters’ view of the babies whose lives he is ending:

Still, it’s a rather extraordinary statement. And you know that there are people who feel this way.

P.S. The protesters say they would love to adopt these babies.

130 Responses to “Abortion Doctor to Protesters: Let’s See You Adopt One of Those “Ugly Black Babies””

  1. And somehow, you’re the racist for telling him he’s wrong.

    George Orwell just called, he asked if these people have learned any-damn-thing from that little cautionary tale he wrote. Told him yeah, they use it as a how-to guide. Don’t think it’s possible to type out the sounds he made after that.

    PCachu (e072b7)

  2. And you know that there are people who feel this way.

    I had this “argument” made to me, about Trig Palin, including having to pay for him, by two doctors, during the last campaign. I did not shoot them.

    nk (875f57)

  3. I had a co-worker at Formula Consultants in Anaheim that had adopted black children. The most static he received was from black social workers in LA that believed he wasn’t raising the kids right because they didn’t hate white people.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  4. If it were the protestors that thought that why would they be the ones trying to save them?

    logic (839218)

  5. Oh, and my middle child is adopted and is known by KFI morning host, Bill Handel, as “Brenda who doesn’t eat dog”. Yes, Brenda is Korean and was 3 when she lowered the boom on Handel on the air for telling Koreans eat dog jokes.

    Oh, I have an Obama joke in mind right now.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  6. I wouldn’t have opened the door… he probably has cable I bet so the subtext of this discussion is that he’s missing key lympic moments, so he’s probably rushing and not choosing his words super-carefully

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  7. ______________________________________________

    And you know that there are people who feel this way.

    BTW, keep in mind that Democrat/liberal Woodward Wilson, US president in the 1920s, Democrat/liberal Harry Truman, president in the 1940s-50s, and Democrat/liberal Bill Clinton, president in the 1990s, have been witnessed as saying, or well documented as writing, explicitly racist/bigoted things behind closed doors., March 2011:

    Social scientists usually measure traditional racism against African Americans by looking at the survey responses of white Americans only. Among whites in the latest General Social Survey [conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago since 1975], (2008), only 4.5% of small-government advocates express the view that “most Blacks/African-Americans have less in-born ability to learn,” compared to 12.3% of those who favor bigger government or take a middle position expressing this racist view.

    [A]mong whites, Republican advocates of smaller government are even less racist (1.3% believing that blacks have less in-born ability) than the rest of the general public (11.3% expressing racist views). Thus, in 2008 Republicans who believe that the government in Washington does too much have 10 times higher odds of not expressing racist views on the in-born ability question than the rest of the population (79-to-1 odds v. 7.9-to-1 odds).

    In 2008, only 5.4% of white conservative Republicans expressed racist views on the in-born ability question, compared to 10.3% of the rest of the white population.

    [T]his same pattern holds for white Democrats compared to white Republicans: in 2008 12.3% of white Democrats in the U.S. believed that African Americans were born with less ability, compared to only 6.6% of white Republicans.

    And 2008 wasn’t an aberration. In sixteen surveys from 1977 through 2008, overall white Republicans were significantly less racist on the in-born ability question than white Democrats (13.3% to 17.3%), and white conservative Republicans were significantly less racist than other white Americans (11.7% to 14.7%)…

    Another traditional racism question — on segregated neighborhoods — was asked on fifteen General Social Surveys from 1972 through 1996. Though the percentage of white Democrats and white Republicans who slightly or strongly agreed that “White people have a right to keep Blacks out of their neighborhoods” did not differ significantly in any one survey, overall white Democrats were significantly more likely to support segregated neighborhoods than white Republicans (30.4% to 26.3%).

    There was a recent Public Policy poll on people’s perceptions of American cities. While respondents who were registered Republicans cited a variety of urban areas, including ones like San Francisco, Democrat-registered survey takers singled out only Detroit and Oakland.

    Mark (0644af)

  8. As dumb as what the Dr. said is, these idiots gain no sympathy by stalking people at home. The animal rights wackos do the same thing.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  9. I’m with you, Carlitos. Or at least leave your watchtower and go.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  10. #3, I know a couple in east Texas that tried to have a child for over 15 years. They finally decided to adopt a [very black] child from South Africa after they had made a missionary trip there. The little girls mother was dying of HIV/AIDs and the father was already dead.

    I asked them what the reaction was in their very small town. I was told that when they brought the child home, their friends threw kid parties for the little girl (who was about 8) so she could get to know her school mates, and that most of the teachers gave her one-on-one summer classes to bring her up to grade so she would not be behind in school.

    They were surprised when a group of women came from the largest local black church and wanted to know if the adoption was finalized. You see, these Black Christians did not think that a white couple should have been allowed to adopt a black child because, in their words “the couple could not teach the child how to be black.”

    I also have a friend who has immigrated from Kenya. He told me the biggest problem his kids had in school was from other “black” kids because they said his kids “did not act black enough.” He pulled them out of public school and now has them in a Christian school that has a majority white student body and said they were really, REALLY happy and his son has been elected Class Chairman.

    It is beyond my comprehension why blacks support Planned Parenthood when Margaret Sanger wanted to basically wipe them out or even why they become Muslim when Islam is supportive of slavery, to this day.

    zane (14b5c2)

  11. ____________________________________________

    in their words “the couple could not teach the child how to be black.”

    There’s the phrase of “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” A desire to be both non-conforming and do-your-own-thang in general — to go against tradition, flout standard rules, and upset the mainstream — stems from a left-leaning attitude.

    Surveys indicate that over 90-plus percent of black America is of the left and is notorious for favoring liberal politicians no matter what, for blindly supporting the Democrat Party. Therefore, it’s not race per se that is at the heart of the matter. It’s ideology. It’s liberalism gone berserk., Lloyd Marcus, April 12, 2011

    I recently had another cherished chat over the phone with my 84 year old black dad. He lives in Maryland. I live in Florida. Dad, sharp as ever, still pastors four churches. He also volunteers a few days a week teaching at an elementary school.

    Dad told me about an outrageously unruly and disruptive little boy in his class. Dad said, “Every time I take him to the office for discipline, they do nothing and send the disobedient child back to my class.” Dad jokingly said, “Does this kid have something on you guys? Why do you keep letting him off Scott free?”

    Dad, the answer to why the school is not administering discipline is liberalism. Excited, I thought, “This is a great opportunity to talk to dad about the evils and failure of liberalism which is the ideology of his idolized black president, Obama.”

    Dad is a strong Christian who lives by conservative principles and values. And yet, he always votes democrat. Dad is old school in his political beliefs; democrats are for the little guy. Republicans are rich, white and racist. Dad is clueless to the fact that the leadership of his beloved democrat party has been hijacked by the far left.

    …Perhaps, my explaining how liberalism hurts people will give dad a better insight into why his first born is a black conservative republican and does not share his admiration for the first black president. Thus, I am, excuse the pun, the “black sheep” of our black family.

    Call me wimpy or old fashioned, but confronting my dad “straight up” feels disrespectful. Also, attacking dad’s superhero directly would be unfruitful. I must take a more stealth approach to educating dad about the truth of Obama’s destructive agenda. I thought, “I will attack liberalism rather than Obama.”

    Confidently, I stated, “Dad, liberalism is black America’s greatest enemy. Allow me to explain how liberalism sounds compassionate, but in reality, is extremely destructive, counter to the human spirit and is destroying our great country…”

    I told dad how 50% of black males are not graduating high school. Why not? A high school education is free. Again, the problem is liberalism which encourages a break down in standards and morals.

    Yes, I said morals. Don’t paint me as a Bible thumping fanatic for mentioning the liberal hated “M” word. In the 1950s when racism truly was a problem for blacks in America, most black kids grew up in two parent homes. Today, after 60 years of liberal democrat entitlement programs, most black kids are growing up in fatherless homes.

    Mark (0644af)

  12. They were surprised when a group of women came from the largest local black church and wanted to know if the adoption was finalized. You see, these Black Christians did not think that a white couple should have been allowed to adopt a black child because, in their words “the couple could not teach the child how to be black.”

    I hope they answered with, “You sure? She seems to have been doing it quite well since birth.”

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  13. A nice snapshot of liberal welfare reform – kill potential welfare recipients, and that based on race.

    He doesn’t want to pay for them now, but who will be left to pay for his social security? He has aborted the next generation of taxpayers.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  14. Mark: That’s WOODROW WILSON, and his term ran from March, 1913, to March, 1921 (though many believe that he was medically/mentally incapable of pretty much anything the last year or two, and his wife was running things).

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  15. Since it can safely be assumed that most abortion providers would politically land on the Left side of the spectrum, is this not just reinforcement for the belief that Leftism/Progressivism is a Safe-Harbor for racists.
    After all, never forget that the KKK was the para-military arm of the Democrat Party in a one-party political arena.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  16. ________________________________________


    I had a sense that something was off about the name I keyed in. LOL. BTW, who the heck would name their son “Woodrow?”

    Getting a brief history of Wilson not too long ago was another a-ha! moment for me. I admit to previously having only a vague awareness of the history of Jim Crow laws. I definitely was unaware of how they were closely tied in with a US Congress dominated by Democrats and a White House managed by Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who considered himself and could be labeled a progressive/liberal.

    So when some on the right would cite Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party in order to rebut liberals’/Democrats’ belief in their moral-political superiority regarding non-racist, non-segregationist traditions, I admit to thinking that the line of “Party of Lincoln” was perhaps an overly stretched and hazy way to use history. IOW, I didn’t realize that one could move well past the Civil-War era — all the way to the era of Jim Crow — in order to illustrate the exact same point.

    Mark (0644af)

  17. What’s the big deal here?

    The doc just doesn’t want to be punished with someone else’s baby is all.

    Icy (93ceb1)

  18. Its amazing how much racism is buried in leftist positions.

    Woodrow Wilson was probably our worst President in many ways. The Democrats have maintained a bizarre belief that he was a good President. Despite the reality.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. Well, Liberalism/Leftism has always been challenged by reality.

    They keep putting forth “the Best and Brightest” but their programs keep failing because they didn’t have “the best people running them”.

    If that isn’t a denial of reality, nothing is.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  20. So according to DOC it is OK to kill people if they are possibly going on public assistance (or are I guess). Interesting ideas worth exploring …. hmmm …

    I think he should explore them further as he enters his retirement years and he can no longer work and he becomes a burden on society

    Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60)

  21. So according to DOC it is OK to kill people if they are possibly going on public assistance

    That’s been the pro-choice argument for years, although they don’t actually say it that way. No, they couch it in different terms. Their argument goes that the children are unwanted, so they would end up as drains on the system. And nobody wants that, right?

    Mankind’s capacity for rationalizing evil never ceases to amaze me.

    Chuck Bartowski (3bccbd)

  22. 20. The iconic Liberal position, espoused by educators who double as loving grannies is that the misery encountered by the abandoned crack baby molested and abused in infancy, homeless in adolescence, gang bang victim at puberty and exterminated by the man before their sixteenth birthday is just too horrible to undergo.

    It isn’t like a ghetto mom has a live worth living either, its just the humanitarian motivation.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  23. life*

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  24. Modern collective empathy:

    1) Some people are poor – so have the Government give them stuff because we all care about them so much and they can’t be expected to provide for themselves, and we don’t trust private non-entitlement charity

    2) This is too expensive for all of us – so kill poor people’s kids, women and minorities hardest hit

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  25. We have allowed our entitlement to stuff to void our entitlement to life itself.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  26. “Getting a brief history of Wilson not too long ago was another a-ha! moment for me. I admit to previously having only a vague awareness of the history of Jim Crow laws. I definitely was unaware of how they were closely tied in with a US Congress dominated by Democrats and a White House managed by Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who considered himself and could be labeled a progressive/liberal. ”

    It was Woodrow Wilson who segregated the US civil service. Prior to his presidency, it was integrated since the Civil War. I’ll bet less than 1% of blacks know that.

    I teach black medical students, most of whom are foreign born. Those who grew up outside the US have none of the negative feelings that the native blacks have. The exceptions among my students are like one kid who grew up in San Diego and played water polo in high school and college. Right there, you know he’s going to be OK.

    Ironically, Obama should have been OK. I think somebody had to teach him to hate. Maybe it was “Frank” the communist. Maybe Jeremiah Wright.

    Mike K (326cba)

  27. Its amazing how much racism is buried in leftist positions.

    If it’s buried, it’s in a shallow grave.

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  28. I heard that this guy was Romney’s tax lawyer but needed another job when Romney stopped paying them ten years ago.

    tye (770315)

  29. tye – Why do you hate black people?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  30. I heard tyke was one of Harry “Pederast” Reid’s early “conquests”.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  31. I’m glad you asked that, daley. I don’t. Though a former GOPer has testified to meetings in which it was actively discussed how they could keep blacks from voting.

    So I ask you why you so actively support this awful party…

    tye (770315)

  32. It is amusing how tye routinely makes unsubstantiated charges of racism and bigotry against people here, yet when confronted with actual racism and bigotry, tye attempts to change the subject, as addressing the topic would be uncomfortable for its narrative.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  33. Read the link biff.

    tye (770315)

  34. I ain’t your Beeyotch.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  35. FWIW, coming from a Crist supporter, and a classic definition of a disgruntled former employee who has had at least 6 felony charges against him for misappropriation of funds, bringing this up years later strains credulity. What did he do at the time this allegedly happened, when he was in power? Nothing. I know what I would have done. Fire them on the spot.

    But tye just wants to distract from the topic.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  36. “I’m glad you asked that, daley. I don’t.”

    tye – The assertion is out there. It is up to you to prove it wrong. Merely saying you don’t will not cut it.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  37. Daley – the fact that you were told tye hates black people is out there. You are winning because tye refuses to prove that he does not hate black people, reinforced by the fact that he is trying to distract from the actual racism depicted above.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  38. JD – As you say, the assertion is out there and studies consistently show Democrats are more racist than conservatives.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  39. Obama’s Acorn people were actually caught stopping people from voting by sabotaging vehicles used in GOTV efforts. tye forgets this.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  40. 34- oh but you are….

    tye (770315)

  41. Your fantasies about me have no place here, tye.

    The facts about your racisms remain unrefuted.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  42. Ha! You are the bigot. And what lengths you go to to hide it. You’re the worst of the worst.

    tye (770315)

  43. Though I have yet to hear why you’re calling me racist. You know exactly why I’m calling you one.

    tye (770315)

  44. Please prove said accusation. Your charge, your burden of proof.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  45. “Progressives” are notorious racists and have been for more than a century.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  46. See 43. We’ve been over this. You know. Now you prove your charge.

    tye (770315)

  47. It just occurred to me that Alinsky’s “Patron Saint” Lucifer’s original tactic was to tell people he was going to give them something good, when in reality all he wanted was power. What is promised as good in the short term, whether good or not, is damaging and painful, a betrayal, in the long term.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  48. Calling an idiotic statement idiotic is racist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JD (bcf1b6)

  49. Tye,

    You haven’t proven you’re not racist.

    In fact, your objective to keep blacks on welfare suggests you don’t believe they’re capable of being self-reliant human beings.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  50. Tye’s stalker-ish crush on me is creepy. His desire to have pictures of my wife for his sick fantasies is even grosserer.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  51. Some anonymous person told me that tye was a notorious racist.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  52. SPQR – that is a true fact. His desire to distract from the racisms depicted above prove it.

    JD (bcf1b6)

  53. JD, I sure wish I could reveal which anonymous persons …. err, person … told me that.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  54. Why do you hate Sandra Fluke?

    JD (bcf1b6)

  55. SPQR, JD;

    So each of you heard the rumor that Tye is racist ?

    I did, too.

    Well, then we probably have Nancy Pelosi’s blessing to continue to publicly comment on Tye’s racism since it can be established as a “fact” that we each heard that Tye is racist.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  56. Elephant Stone, rumor? The anonymous person who told me had reason to know …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  57. Ignore the troll. The truth, that that “doctor” let slip, is that the left wants black votes but it does not want black babies.

    nk (875f57)

  58. Which explains the funding of Planned Parenthood.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  59. SPQR,

    I stand corrected—it’s no longer a rumor—we can say it’s a confirmed fact; Tye is indeed a racist.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  60. Considering that life can be extremely difficult and invariably results in death, one could ask whether abortion isn’t just morally permissible but ethically required.

    Random (edf1d2)

  61. Here we go again.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  62. It’s a bona fide philosophical position. I am not convinced of it, but I certainly think that some lives are so bad the person involved would have been better off not existing and, what’s more, that there’s no reliable way of predicting for whom that will be so (although because everything is distributed unfairly, some people will have far worse odds than others). Some reputable philosophers believe it would be Better Never to Have Been for everyone.

    In any case, when the person dies, all of their consciousness ends instantaneously and, from that point, it is as if they had never been born for them — nothing they did or didn’t do in their lives makes the slightest difference from their present perspective, since they have no perspective and they have no present.

    I’d say that in a grand sense, abortion doesn’t matter just like everything else doesn’t really matter. If anything truly matters at all, it only matters for a flash.

    Random (edf1d2)

  63. 57- that makes no sense.

    tye (770315)

  64. 57- the fact is that the right would rather watch that child starve to death on the street rather than cut a check in assistance once it’s born

    tye (770315)

  65. That is not a fact. It is something you tell yourself to try to make your pathetic existence more palatable.

    JD (1979fe)

  66. Tye would not adopt one of those ugly black babies.

    JD (1979fe)

  67. Yeah, there may be an ugly truth behind what the doctor said other than the words themselves, but they want black votes but not black babies is not it. tye’s right — that makes no sense at all.

    Patterico’s also right in his post: it was his misguided take on what the protesters “believe”.

    Random (edf1d2)

  68. Tye,

    Why do you always assume that a black mother is incapable of providing for her own child ? Why do you always assume a black person needs a welfare check ?

    Let’s judge people by their merit, by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  69. Just as facty as nk’s bs fact, biff.

    tye (770315)

  70. In my experience, I have never met a white lefty who wasn’t a racist. That’s the way they roll. It’s also a big reason I left the lefty fold.

    I’m not saying tye is a racist though. I’ll leave that up to him.

    And no one in America is starving to death on the street. If you have evidence, prove it.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  71. Note the great lengths tye has gone to in order to avoid discussing the topic. Leftist racism does not fit it’s narrative.

    JD (1979fe)

  72. I don’t know why tye continues to post here, but if it prevents it from carrying out rash acts on the public, I suppose we can tolerate the crazy.

    As a public service.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  73. Actually every person I’ve met who said racist stuff to me was pretty hard right. To be clear, I’m not saying all righties are racists.

    tye (770315)

  74. Tye may or may not be racist today, but for the last nine years, who knows? Until he releases everything he said or did during that time period, we can assume he really has been a racist.

    Chuck Bartowski (99415f)

  75. Yes, we all remember your tales of random strangers approaching you and dropping n-bombs, tye.

    JD (1979fe)

  76. #73 “Cool story bro!

    Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60)

  77. Well, since we’ve established that everyone is racist, maybe we can move on to real issues.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  78. Not all of us can make up stories of who we married.

    tye (770315)

  79. Ag, cutting spending is racist too.

    Tye, no more.

    JD (1979fe)

  80. but if it prevents it from carrying out rash acts on the public, I suppose we can tolerate the crazy.
    As a public service.

    Comment by Ag80 — 8/8/2012 @ 6:42 pm

    Now that you put it that way, Ag80, more patient with tye I’ll try.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  81. I have tye’s college transcript and he majored in “animal husbandry” if you know what I mean.

    Seriously tye, that’s all you’ve got, casting aspersions on JD’s spouse?

    You pretty much exemplify everything wrong with the hate-filled, bankrupt left. “Like rotten mackerel by moonlight, he shines and stinks,” except you don’t shine.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  82. We have hard evidence of a wicked level of bigotry. Murderous bigotry. From the left.

    A comment troll assures us this is not relevant and he personally has experienced how the opposite of what we see is the real truth.

    No one is convinced, but it should be worse. We should be appalled at this disturbing need to deflect instead of discuss a real problem with the democrat party.

    Tye, it’s people like you who keep the hate alive on the left. If you sincerely have a problem with racism, the answer isn’t to hide and deflect and project.

    Dustin (73fead)

  83. Tye

    Can you furnish an instance were the right let a child die?

    EPWJ (d84fb0)

  84. if he had said “let me see you adopt one of those beautiful black babies” it wouldn’t have changed his meaning very much I don’t think

    it was just an awkward conversation for everybody involved

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  85. Considering that life can be extremely difficult and invariably results in death, one could ask whether abortion isn’t just morally permissible but ethically required.
    Comment by Random — 8/8/2012 @ 5:50 pm

    — New terminology: “ethically required”. Didn’t the Nazis use that term?

    Maybe it was “eugenically required”. Close enough.

    Icy (c327b0)

  86. Tye is a coward. Runs and hides.

    JD (7782d6)

  87. There are musings to that effect in the Bible, but not as an injunction to action. It would require a very pessimistic view of life.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  88. I really like this blog, but I don’t get as much time to hang out here anymore and enjoy the conversations. I have other things to do. Though I admit I spent a lot of time here as it is.

    I have to wonder about the mentality of someone like Tye who spends far more time here than I ever could, but clearly hates it here.

    This is his life? I’m feel so sorry for people like that.

    Dustin (73fead)

  89. *I‘m

    Dustin (73fead)

  90. abortion isn’t just morally permissible but ethically required.

    Good grief. Not even going to entertain that.

    Dana (292dcf)

  91. This is his life? I’m feel so sorry for people like that.

    sometimes people – and not uncommonly – are tethered to these computing machines of necessity for hours upon hours

    cell phones and tablets are just now beginning to provide some relief really, which, yay

    plus this sort of thing is intriguing – they do computery stuff for people what are doing other things – or what have other people doing computery things for them who may not realize that what they’re doing could be outsourced

    being here for “a lot of time” can be just an alt+tab away from being in front of the spreadsheet or IM window or web-based citrix application where you don’t really have a whole lot of choice but to be

    I blame Steve Jobs

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  92. That’s a good point, Happyfeet. But why spend so much time trying to make others miserable? I think the reason is probably something pretty sad.

    Dustin (73fead)

  93. it might could just be a phase

    this too shall pass

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  94. no, happyfeet, comment trolling is the most important issue in the world and likely the result of a government conspiracy.

    Dustin (73fead)

  95. if our government were competent enough to conspire we’d all be in high cotton

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  96. OMG you’re part of it.

    Dustin (73fead)

  97. I’d say that in a grand sense, abortion doesn’t matter just like everything else doesn’t really matter. If anything truly matters at all, it only matters for a flash.
    Comment by Random — 8/8/2012 @ 6:08 pm

    — Using the “all we are is dust in the wind” argument, Random?

    You will, of course, understand if some of us desire to reach that dust stage by natural means; and even then, only after a long & happy life.

    But that’s okay. You carry on with your “whats the big deal about killing a fetus; it’s just gonna die eventually, anyway” lobbying effort.

    Icy (c327b0)

  98. it’s not a “lobbying effort” Mr. Icy… that’s reductionary

    me I say it’s just as vital wonderful and mad to live in a country where everyone can carry guns as it is to live in a country where everyone can abort fetuses willy nilly

    and that’s cause we lived for a time in a country where we got to do things what other people think are fundamentally wrong

    when we said God Bless America that’s the part what we were blessing for God’s sake

    but now that the Supreme Court gets to just make sht up it’s like the end of middle earth or whatever

    but still it’s incumbent upon us to remember how it used to be for a brief shining moment

    all that madcap freedom in one place

    goddamn it was exciting

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  99. 62. Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus is a virtual biography of Shopenhauer.

    “bona fide philosophical position” may not be everything you envision it to be, Pilgrim.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  100. 94. Tye, an NSA agent, trolling Rico’s and a half-dozen other skinhead haunts, with trophy wife and two kids on the honor roll and dog Rusty.

    No effin way.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  101. Yeah, there may be an ugly truth behind what the doctor said other than the words themselves, but they want black votes but not black babies is not it. tye’s right — that makes no sense at all.
    Comment by Random — 8/8/2012 @ 6:26 pm

    — Silly wabbit! Liberals don’t want minorities to proliferate; they just want to exploit the ones that are already here.

    Icy (c327b0)

  102. Not all of us can make up stories of who we married.
    Comment by tye — 8/8/2012 @ 6:50 pm

    — Not all of us can be a heaping, steaming pile of crap, either.

    Icy (c327b0)

  103. Dr. Kevorkian is no longer available to help you out with your lebenschmertz, Random, but Home Depot sells rope by the foot at reasonable prices.

    nk (875f57)

  104. I don’t spend as much time here as you do… and certainly not as much as jd does.

    tye (770315)

  105. I love how tye just ignores his horrible behavior and just carries on with his asshattery. No conscience.

    JD (8b137f)

  106. Just for the record, tye, my wife and I, and our daughter naturally, are pure Aryan, descended from the very first Aryan race to migrate to Europe. We don’t talk about the Turks, the Visigoths, or the Celts, because it is well known to anyone who has read Margaret Sanger that the Aryan blood is dominant over the sub-human genes.

    nk (875f57)

  107. _______________________________________________

    I have to wonder about the mentality of someone like Tye

    When I picture someone like him as a teenager or young college-aged adult, it doesn’t bother or perplex me as much. But when I try to envision such a person well past his or her 30s, 40s or who’s certainly the age of Obama or oldster liberals like Warren Buffett or, worse, George Soros, I can’t help but shake my head and think that it must be a genetic thing. IOW, the section of certain people’s brains that influences common sense must be intrinsically defective or perhaps non-existent.

    Mark (0644af)

  108. I’m a pure Gemini we have lots of common interests with Aryans plus we both love to talk! Our shared love of freedom can be the basis of a great friendship, but we have to remember to practice good listening skills.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  109. I’m a Gemini, too, happyfeet, and Castor and Pollux, being Spartans, can be counted among my ancestors. I don’t know about listening, but you need to venerate your father (adoptive?) who raised you. That’s how you become a constellation.

    nk (875f57)

  110. being a constellation is a BIG responsibility

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  111. We’re getting away from the subject.

    Democrats want to abort black babies. Democrat voting record.

    Omama wants to kill black babies who survive abortion. Obama’s Illinois Senate voting record.

    nk (875f57)

  112. “Dr. Kevorkian is no longer available to help you out with your lebenschmertz, Random, but Home Depot sells rope by the foot at reasonable prices.

    Comment by nk — 8/9/2012 @ 1:50 am


    I actually feel good, nk. I went through some incredibly hard sustained times, but seem to have processed them in useful ways, and feel must stronger (and better) than in years. This wasn’t totally “random”, I worked on this, but often it was so hard that even those small steps were impossible.

    However, even though I may have a new lease on life and may be enjoying it, I’m cogniscent of the fact that the bad times can be really REALLY bad, not to mention the terrible things which can befall people that have nothing whatsoever to do with their outlook on life, learned resilience, or innate (genetics, upbringing) abilities.

    A few moments ago I was on some website talking about the value of not setting goals and just getting on with things, including remaining flexible to changes and new life directions and opportunities. The website had a picture of a young man with his smiling young daughter on his back.

    I gave it the “thumbs up” and said, “Go dude.” It was very sweet.

    I like kids. I like them a lot. I like a lot of people. But … it is a fact, however much I wish it were otherwise, that creating people is a tremendous risk to them. Life can be terrible. No amount of me doing good now changes this fact.

    I threw that out there for consideration, not necessarily because it was my personal philosophical view (any more). I said as much in my first comment on it, and said these are philosophical positions of others.

    I think it’s blaise not to acknowledge these hard facts of life.

    At any rate, thank you for your concern, but I won’t need rope: I have a much more reliable, peaceful, technologically sound method designed by compassionate euthanasia experts with advanced medical training, available to me should it be necessary.

    Which it isn’t at the moment. I’ve also accepted that my death may be hard and painful and bloody and prolonged and unexpected and so on — all things I accepted without complaint as a kid, then somehow became resentful of. I’m willing to accept life and death on its turns (no, this didn’t come from a “therapists couch”, although I’m sure she wouldn’t disagree).

    Cheers, mate.

    Random (edf1d2)

  113. *much

    Random (edf1d2)

  114. You carry on with your “whats the big deal about killing a fetus; it’s just gonna die eventually, anyway” lobbying effort.

    Comment by Icy — 8/8/2012 @ 9:46 pm

    Well whether it is or isn’t a big deal is obviously the core question. For most of my life, I believed it was a massive deal and horrendously wrong (not exaggerating a bit). Having thought the matter through, to my shock I don’t know if I believe that any more.

    I believe for most people the difference in outlook comes down to this: some value life above all, and others value subjective experience above all. These lead to radically different interpretations of right and wrong.

    I know this was the difference for me: I valued life as a paramount good, and later realizing that subjectively my life had become a horror to me, eventually came to value experience over longevity in myself. This lead to a shaking up of many of my views.

    Random (edf1d2)

  115. Whatever curls your homefries, Random.

    nk (875f57)

  116. Listen, asshole. Life is a rare and precious thing and when it goes away it only comes back in the food chain. Pray for a very slow and painful death, not a quick one, so that you can appreciate your life.

    nk (875f57)

  117. Why the agro?

    Random (edf1d2)

  118. Random – There are other forums more suitable for you to spew your bildungsroman of self-discovery concerning your obsession with the subject of life and death.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  119. And my therapist is very young and beautiful, so I stopped seeing her because my “transference” was unseemly. 😉

    nk (875f57)

  120. Actually, daleyrocks, there’s only so much you can say about OB/GYNs who make $1m or so per year killing a 100 black babies a day. Why don’t we let the Black Panthers know about them and let Random decide whether he wants to join them?

    nk (875f57)

  121. Keep it simple, on account of below 85 IQ, HADD, and illiteracy:

    Hos and Jew doctors kill black babies at ____ West ______, _____, ____, ____.

    Post it all over a black neighborhood.

    Makes a bomb look harmless.

    nk (875f57)

  122. “Why don’t we let the Black Panthers know about them and let Random decide whether he wants to join them?”

    nk – Except for the money, I’m not sure the NBPP care that much.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  123. And my therapist is very young and beautiful…

    Careful, nk, or tye will ask you to prove her youth and beauty by posting a picture for his enjoyment.

    Pious Agnostic (7c3d5b)

  124. ^^^ Talk about an “unseemly transference”! ^^^

    Icy (f95ed9)

  125. Wow, its funny how insensitive these “Doctors” get when they think no one is listening or is going to hear about it.

    Custom Made Mattresses (a22990)

  126. Hmmm, more effort went into that spam.

    As for the thread, what I find offensive is that among my friends are caucasian couples who adopted: a El Salvadoran mestizo baby girl, a Chinese baby girl and a mulatto baby boy.

    All were overjoyed to be able to adopt those children.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  127. “He’s probably trying to characterize what he believes is the protesters’ view of the babies whose lives he is ending.”

    Since racism of this type is rather rare in the US, perhaps you are right.

    However, it is a problem we see on a day to day basis. Ignorant leftists ranting about what they believe others are thinking, instead of using science or perhaps asking others what they are thinking. Our education system actually allowed this ignorant man to become a doctor? I blame the teachers union.

    tyree (84087f)

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