Patterico's Pontifications


Aaron Walker May Speak About Brett Kimberlin

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:41 am

Aaron tells me by phone that the word is Judge Rupp signed the order, modifying the peace order against Aaron to let him speak publicly about Kimberlin.

P.S. There is a very interesting aspect of Kimberlin’s response that I will be blogging in full. You will definitely want to read that post. Trust me on this one.

59 Responses to “Aaron Walker May Speak About Brett Kimberlin”

  1. I can’t WAIT to write that post.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  2. *ALWAYS* trust content from Patterico… 8)

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  3. I’m really looking forward to this post.

    Maybe it ties into a theme Patterico has been running for a while about what you can trust about unverified internet claims.

    Or maybe it’s a recipe for gluten free soy pancakes, in which case Happyfeet looks forward to this post.


    Congratulations, Aaron!

    Dustin (330eed)

  4. gluten free soy pancakes

    Heretic. Everyone knows it should be coconut flour.

    YAY AARON!!!!

    Moriah Jovan (f1940d)

  5. Let me guess, the State Dept is heavily concerned according to Kimberlin?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  6. Damn good news! Congratulations, Aaron!

    Old Coot (8d3bbf)

  7. A win for the good guys!

    JD (318f81)

  8. Let me guess, the State Dept is heavily concerned according to Kimberlin?

    Comment by SPQR

    I’m sure the secret government sources are secretly working very secretly hard to protect the secretly exonerated secret political prisoner.


    Dustin (330eed)

  9. Any link to documents?

    And I hope he posts something within the next 10 days! The sooner, the better.

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  10. Sic em!

    Dan S (cdeb05)

  11. Twitter me @DarthChocolate

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  12. Woo Hoo! Glorious “temporary” victory!

    OmegaPaladin (a63d4d)

  13. I’m guessing BK came in with nothing but a PR statement of grievances, about legally irrelevant and/or frankly manufactured (astroturfed) remarks of others that have no bearing on AWs right to speak.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  14. And I hope he posts something within the next 10 days! The sooner, the better.

    Comment by Darth Chocolate


    I’m pretty darn sure he’s going to be posting on this today.

    He’s struggled mightily to obey this unconstitutional and disgraceful order not to blog. Despite repeated requests people not harass anyone and repeated redaction of addresses and other material like that, Aaron’s rights were stolen from him for a protracted period. Thankfully Judge Rupp was reasonable. But it was a no brainer, in my opinion.

    Dustin (330eed)

  15. _______________________________________________

    P.S. There is a very interesting aspect of Kimberlin’s response

    Perhaps something along the lines of: “While Judge Cornelius Vaughey was a bit standoffish to me at the end of his ruling, I do think he deserves to be nominated to the Supreme Court. His great wisdom and discernment may even justify his being awarded a Medal of Freedom. Judge Rupp, by contrast, is a low-life and punk.”

    Mark (d5d5cf)

  16. Yay! Congratulations Aaron.

    LASue (ba1869)

  17. Though this is a victory, it is temporary. There is still the appeal of the peace order in July, as well as the new Federal suit.

    JD (318f81)

  18. I am greatly looking forward to this post

    Dustyn H (acf6c9)

  19. Dang it, Pat, you beat me to it by 5 minutes. Keep this up, and I’m going to start calling you Scoop.

    Robert Stacy McCain (502c5d)

  20. @Dustin:

    My tongue was firmly in my cheek. It has been 2 hours and so far nothing. I would have guessed he would have something written and set to publish immediately once his rights were restored.

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  21. YES!!!

    PatAZ (41722e)

  22. If you read the long rambling nonsense that Kimberline submitted when opposing the Maryland prosecutors’ motion to nolle pros the arrest warrant, you’ll find a bizarre incoherent set of weird ramblings about Aaron’s old EveryoneBlogAboutMohammed posts and how there were muslim nations and the state dept were all anxiously sitting with bated breath to see that Aaron could not blog about … BK.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  23. #15, Mark — you forgot the thinly veiled threat. They’d certainly not leave that out. Perhaps they’d include the judge’s home address? Or that of a close relative?

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  24. Sad that freedom of speech had to be “restored.”

    Harrison (975823)

  25. Anybody have a copy of the judge’s order?

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  26. My tongue was firmly in my cheek. It has been 2 hours and so far nothing. I would have guessed he would have something written and set to publish immediately once his rights were restored.

    Yeah, I hear ya!

    It’s coming!

    Anybody have a copy of the judge’s order?

    I think he simply signed on to Aaron’s request without much elaboration. There’s a full hearing coming in one week four days.

    Dustin (330eed)

  27. AW, a Victory – You Magnificent Bas….!

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  28. Just noticed that this Norton guy that you banned filed a peace order against Kimberlin today. I’m not sure what the story is behind that since I missed the offending post.

    Kaitian (da9520)

  29. In other news, the First Amendment is still a part of the Constitution! Great victory for bloggers. I hope Aaron has been writing all this time, and we get a bunch of fresh articles about “convicted Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin.”

    ukuleledave (e546ca)

  30. Yea! Congratulations, Arron. May this be the first of a parade of such victories.

    htom (412a17)

  31. OT: Sammy and other NYers, what do you think about tomorrow’s primary? Long or Turner?

    Milhouse (312124)

  32. ANyone has to be better than Gillibrand. Even my dead cat has more common sense.

    Darth Chocolate (49c15a)

  33. Nice. Congratulations to Aaron and free speech.

    Noodles (3681c4)

  34. Glad to see Aaron get some measure of justice. I really won’t view any of this as positive until something gets put into BK’s path to keep him doing it to other people. @bschlyer

    Bret (73ed2c)

  35. Maybe now we can “Forget Vaughey” for a moment, and remember “Brandenburg”. Bravo to Judge Rupp.

    Boomer (85341a)

  36. Heh, Boomer. Damn straight.

    Aaron posts on the victory!

    And Bret’s right. We need more than just Aaron finally getting his speech back. We need a legal result that stops BK and his pals from continuing this campaign.

    Dustin (330eed)

  37. 2!of my favorite blogs repeatedly crash my iPhone and iPad due to the sheer volume and size of the embedded documents and videos.

    JD (318f81)

  38. Link for mobile browsers.

    Just add ?m=1 to the end of a blogspot url.

    It’ll probably crash your phone anyway, though.

    Dustin (330eed)

  39. Comment by Milhouse — 6/25/2012 @ 10:26 am

    OT: Sammy and other NYers, what do you think about tomorrow’s primary? Long or Turner?

    The only reason Long is getting these endorsements is because she has the Conservative Party nomination I think. She won’t campaign and can’t win. I’d favor Turner. The upstate machines want her, but they are not interested iun an actual victory. Kirsten Gillibrand is the most defeatble Democratic candidate for the U.S.Senate in a long time. Her selection is almost an insult to New Yorkers – and to the polotics here.

    Bob Turner is maybe the only person who would have a shot, at least if the Conservative Party is not a factor. If they find a way to uninterfere.

    Long is adviser to Romney but that may be just Romney collecting advisers. She may be too conservative also. She’s one in a long run of purely vanity candidates.

    Here is information about Congressional races.

    If I undersdtand this right, there is a Senate primary only on the Reoublican side, and there Housew primaries only for Democrats but only in some districts.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  40. ANyone has to be better than Gillibrand. Even my dead cat has more common sense.

    Um, Gillibrand isn’t a candidate in tomorrow’s R primary. So denouncing her isn’t relevant.

    Milhouse (312124)

  41. Long is endorsed by John Bolton. Club For Growth has made no official endorsement, but they’ve informed me that Turner is bad on “our” issues.

    Milhouse (312124)

  42. Comment by Milhouse — 6/25/2012 @ 2:51 pm

    Um, Gillibrand isn’t a candidate in tomorrow’s R primary.

    And she has no challenger, not even a Ralph Nader type, in the D primary, so there is none.

    Sammy Finkelman (48f9c6)

  43. And Bret’s right. We need more than just Aaron finally getting his speech back. We need a legal result that stops BK and his pals from continuing this campaign.

    Comment by Dustin — 6/25/2012 @ 11:28 am

    Since Aaron and his wife have lost their jobs because of this incident, there should be a monetary award too.

    Tanny O'Haley (12193c)

  44. I don’t understand why stupid bus lady gets half a million dollars and Mr. Aaron has to eat dirt

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  45. The Club for Growth maybe wants mindless opposition on budget issues.

    The conservative Club for Growth is slamming 95 Republican members of the House, six from NY, for voting down an amendment yesterday that would have cut .27% across the board in the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill that was passed last night. The final House bill is still roughly a billion dollars less than the President’s proposed plan…..

    …Voting against the plan were Reps. Grimm, Turner, Hayworth, Gibson, Hanna, and Reed. Outside of Turner, who is running for US Senate, all 5 of them are running for re-election in moderate districts – though some are definitely more moderate than others.

    Note: Other sources say 2.7%

    Rep. Flake (R-AZ) offered an amendment that would have resulted in savings of $87.5 million. It cut spending across the board by 2.7%, which was chosen to bring spending back to the previous fiscal year. It was rejected 144-274.

    Rep. Blackburn’s (R-TN) amendment was rejected 157-261. The current FY 2013 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill includes $32.1 in funding. The amendment, designed to curtail escalating spending, imposed a 1% cut to every line item and would have saved $321 million. The goal was to have departments operate more efficiently on the taxpayer’s dime.

    32.1 billion?

    An argument that the Club for Growth just arbitrarily pushed for one thing and not another:

    Remember, the Club for Growth was (and still is) saying that the Ryan Plan was not cutting spending deeply enough, while these other plans were, so the Ryan Plan should be opposed while the other plans should be supported. That reasoning is understandable. But it is not understandable, and even illogical, that the Club takes umbrage with those who have applied the same logic to the Energy & Water Appropriations Bill: that it must be cut at least as deeply as Marsha Blackburn has proposed to, and that a tiny 0.27% cut will not do.

    On the other hand, if the Club for Growth thinks that Republicans should vote for EVERY spending cut, no matter how mild it may be, there is NO excuse for it to oppose the Ryan Plan, which would cut far more out of the federal budget (in absolute numbers and relatively to its current size) than either Flake’s or Blackburn’s amendments.

    Sammy Finkelman (48f9c6)

  46. Head to had voting comparison of members of Congress. This direct link compares Flake and Blackburn.

    Sammy Finkelman (48f9c6)

  47. Damit, get that post up already, Patterico.

    whiskey (96dcfa)

  48. Yeah, it’s all over Twitter. Apparently someone SWATted Aaron Worthington tonight and his wife is apparently *really* upset.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  49. I’m glad to hear Aaron is ok. This is ridiculous.

    Dustyn H (acf6c9)

  50. those people what swatted Mr. Aaron can sleep soundly tonight knowing that law enforcement in America is more worried about cheating on their fat wives and padding their piggy piggy pensions than actually investigating this sort of thing

    it’s kind of a character flaw in a way if you think about it

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  51. Why do I always type Worthington when I mean Worthing? Must be my old friend Cal.

    crosspatch (6adcc9)

  52. Same guy or copycat? Heard a rumor a certain someone was meeting with a three-letter LE agency today. If true, would be a good day to concoct alibi.

    Sarahw (1c254f)

  53. Don’t forget to open your checkbooks if you are able, good folks. A worthy cause in so many different ways.

    Colonel Haiku (32d4f5)

  54. This will continue. With holder in charge I predict an increase in swattations. Prayers for you and your family A.W.

    mg (44de53)

  55. I am looking forward to a copy of Kimberlin’s objection to the motion. Its incoherence ought to be very illuminating.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  56. No surprise, Aaron got SWATTed.

    @IstandwithAaronWalker is trending.

    The Borg (5e24a8)

  57. I’m still looking forward to seeing what bizarre ravings Kimberlin filed.

    SPQR (26be8b)

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