Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: Brett Kimberlin,General — Patterico @ 7:36 am

Brett Kimberlin to ABC News:

Kimberlin denied he was responsible for the post, even saying that he does not maintain any online presence and said he and his family have been victims of threats themselves and accused the bloggers of constructing a “false narrative” about him.

“I don’t blog, I don’t comment, I don’t tweet on any blogs at all. This is a right-wing attack on me and my organizations and it’s a smear job. It’s a swift boat action against us,” Kimberlin said. “What they’re doing is an obstruction of justice and it’s defamatory. We’re cooperating with the authorities in this matter. They have engaged in a massive smear campaign against us that has resulted in death threats to me and my family and to others associated with us.”

Brett Kimberlin at Aaron Walker’s recent hearing:

I’m the director of several non profits in the area I work with human rights issues and government accountability issues and so it’s part of my job to, to work on the internet because it’s basically a social networking job and so I get Google alerts all the time mentioning my my organizations, my name what work we do and (inaudible).

So the job is “basically a social networking job” and it’s part of his job “to work on the Internet” but he “does not maintain any online presence.” Got it.

This point was made by The Mental Recession, which has much more.

82 Responses to “Hmmmmm”

  1. The more he talks, the more lies get on the record.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  2. It’s a swift boat action against us,” Kimberlin said

    True, if using the conservative definition.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  3. Come on. This is a stretch, and it’s silly.

    Clearly he meant that he works online as part of his job, but doesn’t maintain an online persona for himself through a blog or Twitter or Facebook. That’s not unusual. I know a couple of people who work in marketing; they monitor social networking sites, have Google alerts, etc., but they themselves don’t blog or comment or Tweet, etc.

    Kman (5576bf)

  4. C’mon, yourself, Kman. BK continues to do legal work in the tradition of those who give lawyers a bad name, trying to find ways to say things that are clearly misleading without being easily charged with perjury or obstruction of justice and the like.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  5. How does “online presence” become “online persona”? Presence is the opposite of absence, and if he’s absent then how can he do his work?

    Milhouse (312124)

  6. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for this! Good news!

    Brett Kimberlin is a lying felon. The more attention the better.

    EBL (f71fce)

  7. ABC didn’t bother to ask him about his convictions.

    MCreamer (75d56f)

  8. _________________________________________________

    This is a right-wing attack on me and my organizations and it’s a smear job. It’s a swift boat action against us,” Kimberlin said.

    Oh, and don’t forget to add how unfair and how much of a smear it was when George Bush Sr back in the late 1980s pointed out Michael Dukakis’s record of releasing convicted murderers on weekend furloughs. I mean murderers have feelings too? They have as much a right to a bit of fun in their life as anyone else, correct?

    So unkind, unfair and rude of those on the right to raise such matters. So heartless compared with the wonderful, generous, compassionate, humane and sophisticated instincts of people on the left.

    Mark (9aa697)

  9. How does “online presence” become “online persona”?

    Because people in the course of speaking don’t always pick the EXACT precise word.

    Kman (5576bf)

  10. Bottom line – You can’t have a social networking job and not be involved in the act of social networking.

    Rusty (86225d)

  11. Kmart continues to redefine obtuse.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  12. 1000 comments on yahoo about the ABC story…–abc-news-politics.html

    the spotlight on kimberlin is bright enough to burn…

    razor419 (239cef)

  13. Or maybe Rauhauser does that aspect for him.

    JD (c543e6)

  14. He lied? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

    peedoffamerican (606d27)

  15. Kturd, you are so good at giving the benefit of doubt to your terrorist and lib buddies (any difference between the two?), but I notice that you never give that same benefit to anyone opposite of your warped beliefs and ideas. Hmmmmm, very telling!

    peedoffamerican (606d27)

  16. Maybe he committed perjury over this?

    Or maybe in this case, he really does work heavily in social networking, but for some reason, his commentary is so bad he has to pretend he didn’t leave any?

    It seems like it’s gotta be one or the other, right?

    Creepy to think that for years one of the sockpuppets here could have been Brett himself.

    It reminds me of the Volokh thread recently, where three very similar sounding sockpuppets raced through the thread responding to almost every Kimberlin criticism with attacks, and also made a point to smear Aaron with many of the things Brett has claimed about Aaron… but without any evidence.

    Just trying to put the smear out there, it seemed.

    I doubt all of this is Brett, but I would be surprised if none of it was.

    Dustin (330eed)

  17. True, if using the conservative definition.

    Comment by MD in Philly


    Dustin (330eed)

  18. While I think Kimberlin is probably flat-out lying, and is probably behind Breitbart Unmasked, at least, and other things which certainly qualify as an “Internet Presence”, including campaigns of harassment (even if largely through his surrogates), what Kman is saying is at least possible.

    A person could use the internet in various ways, including Instant Messaging, email, and the like; without actually having a publicly accessible online presence.

    In principle. I’m not saying that Kimberlin himself was honest.

    Random (fba0b1)

  19. I dont think Brett, himself, does the commenting and tweeting and swatting. I think his buddies/employees do it for him. I think he is too much of a coward to do so himself, and having Neal and Ron go batshltkrazy on his behalf muddies up the waters.

    JD (c543e6)

  20. JD, I think Neal leaving much of the astroturf is a much safer assumption than Brett doing so, but personally I wouldn’t be surprised if they both do it.

    Brett really seems to enjoy lying, so how could he resist?

    Dustin (330eed)

  21. A person could use the internet in various ways, including Instant Messaging, email, and the like;

    He manages his online charity social networking in private?

    I don’t get it.

    Dustin (330eed)

  22. I don’t tweet on any blogs at all…What they’re doing is an obstruction of justice

    A couple of phrases leaped out at me as being particularly nonsensical.

    Uh, no one actually tweets anywhere on a blog, does one?

    And talking about him is obstruction of justice??

    It’s been pointed out that when Kimberlin obscures the difference between emails and email alerts about tweets luddite antique judges react like neanderthals trying to puzzle out the missionary position and rubberstamp his peace orders and arrest warrants.

    Does he actually believe the same tactic will work on the public at large?

    He’s demonstrated he grasps the technology and he was a prolific if impotent jailhouse lawyer, and according to his probation reports (per ample press reporting) he is very intelligent.

    Yet I also keep remembering that the big break the cops had that led to this guy getting caught and convicted for the Speedway bombings occurred when he dropped his Benz off for service. He gave the service manager his keys, and walked away. They had to open his trunk for some reason, and they had to permission to do so, and found his bomb-making stash. The rest, to coin a phrase, is history.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  23. Kimberlin, like so many sociopaths, lies automatically even when a rational person would see no benefit. Its because their inner dialogue does not match ours.

    SPQR (7789d2)

  24. Yes, SPQR, but successful sociopaths are more calculating than that.

    And up to now I considered Kimberlin at least a moderately successful sociopath.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  25. He’s had 30 years to learn from his mistakes that got him caught and convicted originally.

    I was under the impression he had honed his skills somewhat.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  26. Because people in the course of speaking don’t always pick the EXACT precise word.

    But you know what word he meant? Are you psychic, or did he tell you?

    Milhouse (312124)

  27. But you know what word he meant? Are you psychic, or did he tell you?

    Actually, this “gotcha” of Kimberlin is even stupider than I originally thought, since Kimberlin didn’t even USE the phrase “online presence” to describe what he didn’t have.

    That was ABC’s characterization of what Kimberlin said, not an actual quote.

    It’s not unusual that a media account of what someone says is slightly different from what that person actually says; what’s bizarre here is that it’s being used here to show that Kimberlin contradicts himself.

    For those of you still slow on the uptake… Kimberlin said (1) that he doesn’t blog, or comment on blogs, or tweet. He also said (2) that he works on internet for his job. Feel free to disagree, but I maintain those two statements are not inconsistent.

    Kman (5576bf)

  28. Milhouse – previously, Kmart ASSURED us he knew Brett’s motivations. He either reads minds, or has discussed it directly with Brett.

    JD (c543e6)

  29. Kman is voting “presence” on this one.

    Icy (521935)

  30. For those of you still slow on the uptake… Kimberlin said (1) that he doesn’t blog, or comment on blogs, or tweet. He also said (2) that he works on internet for his job. Feel free to disagree, but I maintain those two statements are not inconsistent.

    They are entirely consistent with the main thrust of the conflict; that Kimberlin maintains an online presence entirely devoted to monitoring activities of his critics and political enemies, and directing or coordinating online threats against them to intimidate and shut them up.

    Which is the allegation that led to the ABC interview in the first place.

    This is of course an adjunct to his confirmed use of the internet to monitoring the activities of his critics and political enemies, then establishing a courtroom presence to intimidate and shut them up.

    And the unconfirmed but entirely possible and indeed probable use of the internet to monitor the activities of his critics and political enemies, then using the phone to establish a police presence in their homes to intimidate and shut them up.

    Again, this all predates the ABC interview.

    And his contention he does not blog, tweet, or comment is (a) certainly subject to verification and (b) does not mean he doesn’t conspire with his confederates to do so on his behalf.

    Think Uncle Paulie sending a flunky across the street to use the pay phone.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  31. Since the big networks are starting to look into this, maybe they’ll perform a real service and investigate to see whether or not the convicted felon ever paid the money he owed Sandra DeLong, and whether or not he’s used, or is using his alleged non-profits to hide his money.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  32. I don’t tweet on any blogs at all.

    This phrasing is clearly meant to be exculpatory via the “Series of Tubes” Exception, which states that anyone who speaks about the internet like an octogenarian can’t possibly participate meaningfully in any online interaction.

    SEK (d9fd0a)

  33. Kinda seems to me that Brett Kimberlin has a twitter account and website for his charity.

    Dustin (330eed)

  34. Just remember, lying to the press isn’t a crime, Dustin.

    And Kman will be along with his latest excuse. That the guy whose entire job is social networking on behalf of his “charities” (I think he’s tearing a page from the Hamas playbook in setting up these “charities”) doesn’t mean he ever had anything to do with the Velvet Revolution’s twitter account.

    I mean, I’m sure the charities he runs from his mom’s basement have huge, unwieldy staffs and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  35. I need to point out that a necessary corollary to the law that “Lying to the Press is not a Crime” is that lying to the progs is not only necessary, but it would be impolite not to.

    Mark Singer’s book, Citizen K: The Deeply Wierd American Journey of Brett Kimberlin is a tale of a once sympathetic journalist’s road to discovery that a “first class con man” duped him by telling him not only exactly what he wanted to hear, but that he and other like-minded journ-O-listas approached Kimberlin on numerous occasions begging to be told exactly what they wanted to hear.

    Some “first class con man” it takes for that.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  36. Steve57:

    Yeah, yeah. “Corporations are people”. I didn’t know you guys took that literally!

    Seriously…. most everybody I know — including Patterico, Aaron Worthing, and myself — separate what we do online as part of our job from what we do online personally.

    …doesn’t mean he ever had anything to do with the Velvet Revolution’s twitter account.

    He didn’t say one way or the other whether he had “anything to do” with the Velvet Revolution’s twitter account. He said that HE doesn’t have one.

    Kman (5576bf)

  37. Kmart must be impervious to dizziness considering the amount of spinning he does for BK.

    JD (c543e6)

  38. Kimberlin denied he was responsible for the post, even saying that he does not maintain any online presence

    Do you think that Kimberlin has only one lie?

    He tells different lies to different people.

    ABC is a different audience.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  39. But looked at more closely, it’s actually consistent with what he told Judge Vaughey.

    Brett Kimberlin is trying to pretend to be as ignorant and mixed up about the architecture of the Internet as Cornelius J. Vaughey, or more precisely, he was the one who helped get
    Vaughey so mixed up about the Internet.

    And he’s staying consistent with that.

    “I don’t blog, I don’t comment, I don’t tweet on any blogs at all.

    “tweet” on blogs?!!

    Judge Vaughey:

    The Respondent shall not contact the person in person, by telephone, in writing or any other means, and any other means is putting it on a blog, a Tweet, a megaphone, a — smoke signals — what else is out there — sonar, radar, laser, nothing …..I could do anything that I deem necessary to keep you away from — or e-mailing him or Twitting him or Googling him or Tooting him or smoking (ph) him, whatever phrase you use.

    I guess included in the order the Judge gave Aaron is a command not to tweet on any blogs.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  40. Sammy, it may be consistent, but is it smart?

    He can pretend he’s confused, and in his pretend confusion he got some obsolete jurist confused, but he’s still the guy who set up the Google alerts and took other actions to monitor Aaron’s online activity.

    In other words, he can pretend to be confused about the architecture all he wants, but he’s the one who took active steps to maintain contact with Aaron, then created the false impression that it was the other way around.

    Which is consistent with his past, failed legal strategies. See Kimberlin v. White, 7 F.3d 527, 532-33 (6th Cir. 1993).Id. 532-33.

    As for Kimberlin’s allegations about Vice President Quayle supposedly creating an appearance of political vindictiveness in the Commission’s decisions, the district court correctly concluded that Kimberlin, not the Commission, created this appearance.

    …Were it otherwise, any prisoner could make public accusations prior to a Commission’s decision, and then argue that the decision was tainted by an appearance of vindictiveness.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  41. I posted this on the last open thread, but actually it deserves to be read here: It is exactly about attempts to squelch free speech. Further, Ace recommended everyone read it all and he’s usually right about this sort of thing.

    This is written by Alan Dershowitz about Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey’s attempt to intimidate Dershowitz and Harvard with a frivolous lawfare type suit, as well as her misleading, perjurious charging affidavit.

    Surprisingly, many of the issues parallel Brett Kimberlin’s legal misbehavior.

    Random (fba0b1)

  42. Comment by Steve57 — 6/7/2012 @ 11:45 am

    And his contention he does not blog, tweet, or comment is (a) certainly subject to verification and (b) does not mean he doesn’t conspire with his confederates to do so on his behalf.

    Since it is subject to verification, and he knows it,and he is at least moderately successful sociopath, it will indeed probably turn out that Brett Kimbelin does not send public messages to anybody under his own name.

    In addition to his Justice Through Music Project, which he is openly associated with, and which he -or the JTMP 2010 tax form – claims he for full time, 40 hours a week, Brett Kimberlin was believed to possibly be:

    1> @BreitbartUnmask

    2> @occupyrebellion,

    3> the blogger at,

    ..and to be responsible for several websites and publications:

    1. (and its subpages ProsecuteRove and

    2. RAW Story,



    Unless some of these are Neal Rauhauser.

    Think Uncle Paulie sending a flunky across the street to use the pay phone.

    On Twitter since 28 of Aug, 2009

    Views in this twitter feed are my own

    Why does she use that moniker?? Actually, she’s more closely associated with Neal Rauhauser, but still….

    How long has she had that name?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  43. 41. From Alan Dershowitz:

    a prosecutor would hide behind the claim that she did not have an obligation to tell the whole truth until after the judge ruled on probable cause displays a kind of gamesmanship in which prosecutors should not engage.

    She went on a 40 minute rant and threatened to sue Harvard University and to get Dershowitz
    disciplined by the Bar Association and to file charges for libel and slander – all because she said what Dershowitz charged was not actually an ethical violation!

    he also says:

    In her motion to revoke his bail, Corey argued that Zimmerman “intentionally deceived the court” by making “false representations.” The same can be said about prosecutor Corey. She too misled and deceived the court by submitting an affidavit that relied on a review of photographs and other reports that showed injuries to Zimmerman, without disclosing the existence of these highly relevant injuries.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  44. “Mark Singer’s book, Citizen K: The Deeply Wierd American Journey of Brett Kimberlin is a tale of a once sympathetic journalist’s road to discovery that a “first class con man” duped him…”

    More like a tale of a leftoid journalist who was Brett Kimberlin’s butt buddy and business partner, and then rolled over on Kimberlin when it started looking like Kimberlin’s legal troubles might get Singer in trouble too.

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  45. @ 43


    Random (fba0b1)

  46. I’m directing this to everyone and I hope I get a lot of answers, because I’m not sure what I think:

    How do you see Brett Kimberlin?

    As someone who sits at home in his PJs, cruising the internet for hours and hours in search of people posting and commenting about him?
    — or —
    As an Internet Svengali — delightedly plotting how to use the internet to help himself and his friends and get even with his enemies — but otherwise not using it much himself?
    — or —
    Something in between?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  47. I have no idea, DRJ, but I doubt he spends all day in his underwear. In his own way, he’s a go-getter.

    Random (fba0b1)

  48. I imagine him posting frequently on the blogs of his “enemies”, trying to derail conversations and picking apart the people trying to help his targets.

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  49. “How do you see Brett Kimberlin?”

    As a lowlife criminal with an impressive set of felony convictions, and a wrongful death judgement against him to boot.

    How else would I see him?

    Dave Surls (46b08c)

  50. I imagine him posting frequently on the blogs of his “enemies”, trying to derail conversations and picking apart the people trying to help his targets.

    That’s a pretty low-leverage activity. I see him more as a guy behind the scenes: a poor man’s William Ayers.

    Random (fba0b1)

  51. Let me try this “tweet on a blog” thing:

    SInger called a sympathetic newspap reporter who’d known BK
    >10yrs. Do you believe BK’s story? Reply: “Which one” #citizenK

    SarahW (b0e533)

  52. Comment by Steve57 — 6/7/2012 @ 1:08 pm

    Sammy, it may be consistent, but is it smart?

    That’s a good question. There may be some way the whole thing makes sense, or is worth trying for him

    He can pretend he’s confused, and in his pretend confusion he got some obsolete jurist confused,

    I don’t blog, I don’t comment, I don’t tweet on any blogs at all.

    This pretend confusion enhances his denial of being on the Internet. now, for thise people who know what the Internet is, makes two clear denials:

    1) He doesn’t blog

    2) He doesn’t comment.

    For those people who know what blogs are, it’s actually a pretty limited denial – he doesn’t have a blog, and he doesn’t leave comments on other people’s blogs.

    For people who don’t know what a blog is, it sounds more far reaching than it is. I mean would you automatically know that “comment” here would seem to pertain to blogs? If you have never looked at a blog, would you know what a “comment” was??


    Then, to sound confused and/or stick with his story, he adds that he:

    3) doesn’t tweet on any blogs

    Now who uses the word “tweet” with regard to a blog? But this kind of a confused sounding denial is an even stronger denial than a straightforward one would be! For sure he doesn’t use Twitter if he talks this way!!

    Finally he says:

    4) – at all

    Which makes it sound more wide ranging bthan it is.
    What he did here is try to confuse a judge (by the words he used and so on) and, for thiose people who know, pretend to be confused himself, rather than lying.

    but he’s still the guy who set up the Google alerts and took other actions to monitor Aaron’s online activity.

    In other words, he can pretend to be confused about the architecture all he wants, but he’s the one who took active steps to maintain contact with Aaron, then created the false impression that it was the other way around.

    Which is consistent with his past, failed legal strategies. See Kimberlin v. White, 7 F.3d 527, 532-33 (6th Cir. 1993).Id. 532-33.

    As for Kimberlin’s allegations about Vice President Quayle supposedly creating an appearance of political vindictiveness in the Commission’s decisions, the district court correctly concluded that Kimberlin, not the Commission, created this appearance.

    …Were it otherwise, any prisoner could make public accusations prior to a Commission’s decision, and then argue that the decision was tainted by an appearance of vindictiveness.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  53. Comment by Steve57 — 6/7/2012 @ 1:08 pm

    Sammy, it may be consistent, but is it smart?

    That’s a good question. There may be some way the whole thing makes sense, or is worth trying for him

    He can pretend he’s confused, and in his pretend confusion he got some obsolete jurist confused,

    I don’t blog, I don’t comment, I don’t tweet on any blogs at all.

    This pretend confusion enhances his denial of being on the Internet. now, for thise people who know what the Internet is, makes two clear denials:

    1) He doesn’t blog

    2) He doesn’t comment.

    For those people who know what blogs are, it’s actually a pretty limited denial – he doesn’t have a blog, and he doesn’t leave comments on other people’s blogs.

    For people who don’t know what a blog is, it sounds more far reaching than it is. I mean would you automatically know that “comment” here would seem to pertain to blogs? If you have never looked at a blog, would you know what a “comment” was??


    Then, to sound confused and/or stick with his story, he adds that he:

    3) doesn’t tweet on any blogs

    Now who uses the word “tweet” with regard to a blog? But this kind of a confused sounding denial is an even stronger denial than a straightforward one would be! For sure he doesn’t use Twitter if he talks this way!!

    Finally he says:

    4) – at all

    Which makes it sound more wide ranging bthan it is.
    What he did here is try to confuse a judge (by the words he used and so on) and, for thiose people who know, pretend to be confused himself, rather than lying.

    but he’s still the guy who set up the Google alerts and took other actions to monitor Aaron’s online activity.

    In other words, he can pretend to be confused about the architecture all he wants, but he’s the one who took active steps to maintain contact with Aaron, then created the false impression that it was the other way around.

    Which is consistent with his past, failed legal strategies. See Kimberlin v. White, 7 F.3d 527, 532-33 (6th Cir. 1993).Id. 532-33.

    As for Kimberlin’s allegations about Vice President Quayle supposedly creating an appearance of political vindictiveness in the Commission’s decisions, the district court correctly concluded that Kimberlin, not the Commission, created this appearance.

    …Were it otherwise, any prisoner could make public accusations prior to a Commission’s decision, and then argue that the decision was tainted by an appearance of vindictiveness.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  54. Thank you, MayBee.

    Random — So you actually do have an opinion, right? You think he’s a Svengali/Ayers-type guy.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  55. He doesn’t have nearly the IQ nor verbal fluency, and he’s more of a sociopath, but I don’t think he’s making tons of comments and doing SWATting calls.

    Random (fba0b1)

  56. He may or may not be behind Breitbart Unmasked. Makes sense that he would be, but then that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s actually writing all the articles.

    But I doubt he’s Kman. Put it that way.

    Would be funny if he was thought.

    Random (fba0b1)

  57. *though

    Random (fba0b1)

  58. Sorry, accidentallky sent this too soon:

    but he’s still the guy who set up the Google alerts and took other actions to monitor Aaron’s online activity.

    Yes, but if you don’t know what he’s talking about – and he doesn’t describe it – you wouldn’t know he couldn’t get any “message” from Aaron by Googling unless he sought it out himself.

    <i. In other words, he can pretend to be confused about the architecture all he wants, but he’s the one who took active steps to maintain contact with Aaron, then created the false impression that it was the other way around.

    Yes, he did. But you have to know how things work to understand that.

    Which is consistent with his past, failed legal strategies. See Kimberlin v. White, 7 F.3d 527, 532-33 (6th Cir. 1993).Id. 532-33.

    As for Kimberlin’s allegations about Vice President Quayle supposedly creating an appearance of political vindictiveness in the Commission’s decisions, the district court correctly concluded that Kimberlin, not the Commission, created this appearance.

    …Were it otherwise, any prisoner could make public accusations prior to a Commission’s decision, and then argue that the decision was tainted by an appearance of vindictiveness.

    It fails if somebody (disinterested of course) takes a look at what he says.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  59. That’s a pretty low-leverage activity

    I don’t think he’s an attention seeking, topic changing, supporter-criticizing blog commenter because he has some big plan.
    I think, if he does it, he does it because that’s just what attention-seeking punks do.

    MayBee (2f6e35)

  60. It fails if somebody (disinterested of course) takes a look at what he says.

    Beyond that, it helps if the judge is willing to make an effort to understand. Even a biased judge could probably figure it out if they were willing to do that basic step.

    Random (fba0b1)

  61. DRJ – I doubt he directly engages. That would not fit with his history, as direct confrontation is not his style, or duffel bag bomb, hiding behind lawsuits like the ones they filed against AW and Patterico, etc… I also doubt he, personally, did the swatting, he seems to allow RonB and NealR to do the nasty stuff, occupyrebellion, Breitbartunmasked, etc…

    Maybe he is blissfully ignorant of what they do for him.

    RSM’s connect the dots post did a good job laying out a roadmap for how this appears to have coalesced.

    JD (c543e6)

  62. Comment by DRJ — 6/7/2012 @ 1:41 pm

    I’m directing this to everyone and I hope I get a lot of answers, because I’m not sure what I think:

    How do you see Brett Kimberlin?

    As someone who sits at home in his PJs, cruising the internet for hours and hours in search of people posting and commenting about him?
    – or –
    As an Internet Svengali — delightedly plotting how to use the internet to help himself and his friends and get even with his enemies — but otherwise not using it much himself?
    – or –
    Something in between?

    People report back to him.

    But he’s not the leader – he’s rather an expert on specialized matters – lawfare, and on telling lies. He comes up with the general ideas. If someone is stuck, he will come up with ideas. His advice is needed. He tells people exactly what kind of implausibilities they can use and what they should not.

    Mostly he focuses on trying to stop people from communicating bad things. He makes a lot of false accusations – throws in a lot of false allegations, not for their own sake, but for the long term effect of making people very cautious on repeating other things which they might figure out or hear about.

    So he talks about vote fraud in a way that can’t, or doesn’t, take place. This could protect something that does or could actually happen. The media won’t run with the story if they have enocuntered a crazy story before. He tried to make the falkse accusation in some way resemble the truth of what somebody else is doing. Even if the someone else is himself.

    Right now he’s mostly reduced to just defending his own reputation.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  63. Kimberlin to Judge Vaughey:

    it’s part of my job to, to work on the internet because it’s basically a social networking job and so I get Google alerts all the time mentioning my my organizations

    Comment by Dustin — 6/7/2012 @ 9:30 am

    Or maybe in this case, he really does work heavily in social networking, but for some reason, his commentary is so bad he has to pretend he didn’t leave any?

    It seems like it’s gotta be one or the other, right?

    I’m surprised nobody has figured this out yet.

    “Social networking” is a codeword for FaceBook.

    I finally checked:

    That’s what he openly admits to.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  64. Those vermin have just attacked Jeff Dunetz AKA Yis with a Lid. It gets sicker by the day with that crew.

    MrPaulRevere (66db07)

  65. I imagine him posting frequently on the blogs of his “enemies”, trying to derail conversations and picking apart the people trying to help his targets.

    I agree with this. And I don’t think he ever confronts in person – he has neither courage nor the confidence to do so.

    I don’t believe he is dumb or without a certain level of savvy and cleverness given how he plays with the courts.

    And of course he is unhinged, vicious and without any remaining recognition of right or wrong. He has become his own law.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  66. Those vermin have just attacked Jeff Dunetz AKA Yid with a Lid

    Ah, too bad. I like that blog, mostly because of the cool web design, but I’m sure he’s good too.

    Random (fba0b1)

  67. Misery loves company.
    Kimberlin lies, crimes, and goes to jail repeatedly, upon release does more of the same. no remorse. Becomes political and people notice.
    Seth Allen is sued
    Patterico is smeared and swatted
    Aaron walker is smeared.
    Kent Gibson becomes a troofer and a charlatan
    Ali akbar becomes the most dishonest people of all of the above.

    It’s probably good to vet Gibson and Ali. To me they are free and clear to advise and fund the anti Kimberlin efforts. If someone thinks this is bad they should provide the better alternative. There is not infinite dollars and infinite time here. mistakes will be made but the common conventions of freedom and honesty should prevail.

    If anyone here can’t compartmentalize the two opposing parties here and judge which one has the dark lies and is what we would label criminal and evil….. i can only assume by their lack of enlightenment that they consider both sides dark and evil.

    I would have cut kimberlin some slack if he had made some honest effort to pay back the Delong widow versus trying to Jail Karl Rove.

    scable (40a8c6)

  68. Lawyers must experience this.
    1. First time trial of a thief and he doesn’t appear and gets nailed.
    2. Next time he is caught he appears to defend himself.
    3. Next he appears with a lawyer
    4. Next time he appears with a lawyer and is incorporated.

    When questioning Kimberlin, you would have to be specific and ask him what he means by the word “I”. And then ask him if he acts in socialmedia under any other aliases or identities that are not Brett Kimberlin. Or via cohorts that act for him.

    Even then he is going to try and lie his way out of it. He will try to take advantage of the clock and distance and veil his past associations to where they become doubtful.

    All this publicity is probably hurting him.

    scable (40a8c6)


    That’s what he openly admits to.

    Facebook business pages have to have an underlying personal friend account to admin the business page.

    Sometimes there are more than one admin. To create the facebook friend account one had to use an email address and a birthdate. Facebook tracks all that forever. Also who the friends are, what they click on and what they link to.

    scable (40a8c6)

  70. 36.


    Yeah, yeah. “Corporations are people”. I didn’t know you guys took that literally!

    Seriously…. most everybody I know — including Patterico, Aaron Worthing, and myself — separate what we do online as part of our job from what we do online personally.

    …doesn’t mean he ever had anything to do with the Velvet Revolution’s twitter account.

    He didn’t say one way or the other whether he had “anything to do” with the Velvet Revolution’s twitter account. He said that HE doesn’t have one.

    Comment by Kman — 6/7/2012 @ 12:24 pm

    No, Mr. BS lets-be-precise-about-language, at no point in this article does Kimberlin make any such claim about how HE “doesn’t have one.” Whether whatever you mean by “one” is a twitter account, blog, or personal website.

    He simply says:

    I don’t blog, I don’t comment, I don’t tweet on any blogs at all.

    In fact, if we’re going to parse words as carefully as you pretend you wish others would when talking about your buddy Kimberlin, he never claims not to have a twitter account of any sort.

    Bottom line, if he blogs for Velvet Underground or JTMP, he blogs. Period. If he tweets on a twitter account he set up for his charities, he tweets.

    What’s next, Kmart? Are you going to claim that someone’s protest that “I don’t drive” is valid because they don’t own a private vehicle even though they operate the delivery van for their business?

    Steve57 (958caf)

  71. 58. Yes, but if you don’t know what he’s talking about – and he doesn’t describe it – you wouldn’t know he couldn’t get any “message” from Aaron by Googling unless he sought it out himself.

    …Yes, he did. But you have to know how things work to understand that.

    …It fails if somebody (disinterested of course) takes a look at what he says.

    Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 6/7/2012 @ 2:07 pm

    Having ABC report his statements to the wider world considerably raises the odds that his statements will now reach an audience that does understand what he’s talking about, how things work, and is disinterested, wouldn’t you say?

    Which is why I don’t believe it’s particularly smart to use the same lies you may get away with in a Maryland courtroom where it’s just you, Judge Royal Typewriter, the respondent, and a half-asleep bailiff when talking to a national broadcast news outlet.

    Steve57 (958caf)

  72. 36.


    Yeah, yeah. “Corporations are people”. I didn’t know you guys took that literally!

    Seriously…. most everybody I know — including Patterico, Aaron Worthing, and myself — separate what we do online as part of our job from what we do online personally.

    Comment by Kman — 6/7/2012 @ 12:24 pm

    Well, Kmart, meet Brett Kimberlin. A new kind of online presence that doesn’t separate the professional from the personal.

    KIMBERLIN: You’re creating a lynch mob to harm me, and harm my family, and harm my business, and harm my funders, and harm the State Department and everybody that I work with.

    WALKER: So is your position that therefore anybody who says anything bad about you on the internet, including truthfully discussing your criminal record, is therefore inciting people to imminent lawless behavior. Is that correct?

    KIMBERLIN: We’re not talking about you writing an article about me. We’re talking about you stalking me and harassing me. In Galloway there was 134 letters sent to the victim in that case. I’ve had 15,000 tweets. I’ve had scores of death threats and calls to my mother and my daughter. And they’re friending my daughter on Facebook and trying to threaten her on Facebook.

    WALKER: What specifically did I do to incite that? I said bad things about you, is that the long and short of it?

    KIMBERLIN: You tweeted thousands of times.

    Aaron supposedly harassed Brett Kimberlin personally by contact Kimberlin’s funders. Care to point out what part of the “Peace Order,” bogus as it was, that Aaron violated, Kmart?

    And if it’s a separate issue as far as you’re concerned, Kmart, care to explain why Kimberlin’s bringing it up in this proceeding?

    Steve57 (958caf)

  73. Aaron supposedly harassed Brett Kimberlin personally by contact Kimberlin’s funders.

    Should have been “discussing Kimberlin’s funders.”

    Steve57 (958caf)

  74. Breitbartunmasked also does not separate Kimberlin from VR

    JD (c543e6)

  75. I think reading this passage helps one understand the strange contradiction noted in the post above.

    It’s from Citizen K: AKA The Book About Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin.

    Notice how Kimberlin segues from one line of attack to another in a destructive way. Notice how he describes someone who contradicts his version of events.

    The following is an excerpt of Mark Singer’s Citizen K, Page 80-82:

    “She knew I was doing something illegal, though she didn’t know exactly what it was,” he told me. “She said, ‘Brett, I hate it when you go to Texas.’ I said ‘Why?’ She said, ‘Because I’m afraid you’ll never come back.’ But I had to go. So she started getting back at me for going away on her special days. Like when I came home, I told her, ‘I’ll pick you up on Thursday,’, and she’d say, ‘No, I have other plans.’ This was her way of getting back at me.

    “One day in June, I called her at the apartment and said I’d come pick her up. I told her I was coming and I had a friend with me. She said ‘Who?’ It was Bill Bowman” – a drug-dealing associate. “When I got there she wasn’t there and she left a note that she was at her grandmother’s. I called over there and said I was coming to pick her up and the grandmother said, ‘Well, Jessica’s with me today. You’ll have to see her later.’ It was like Jessica was doing this little head game, you know. I wouldn’t call it a rebellion against authority. It was more ‘Hey, you’re fucking with me because of your dope. I can fuck with you too.’”

    Julia Scyphers could be a nuisance, Kimberlin acknowledged, but he emphasized that in no sense did she and he have a running dispute.

    “People call it a falling-out, but I don’t know that’s what it was,” he said. “I think it was more jealousy on her part/ The grandmother was a control freak. She was always trying to control Jessica and Sandi’s lives, even after they’d moved out of her house. Maybe the grandmother thought I was instigating Sandi’s independence. She would call and say she wanted Jessica over at the house at a certain time on a certain day, but Jessica would’ve already made plans with friends. Then the grandmother would lay this head trip on her. I never had a falling-out with her. I never had a blowout with the grandmother or an argument or a disagreement. She never threatened me.”

    The afternoon of 23 June 1978, Julia Scyphers appeared at the office of Judith L. Johnson, an employee of Born’s Management Company, a real estate management firm whose portfolio included the Port O’ Call apartment complex, where Sandra Barton was the lessee of unit 68-A. According to a statement that Johnson later gave to the Speedway police department, Mrs. Scyphers paid fifteen dollars to have the front-door lock on 68-A rekeyed. Johnson wrote that Mrs. Scyphers wanted the lock changed because “her grandchildren had been approached by a man prior to her visit to our office. She was concerned for the safety of her grandchildren.”

    Subsequently, Judith Johnson has recalled, either Kimberlin or Sandi intercepted a Port O’ Call maintenance man and prevented him from changing the cylinder on the lock.

    The morning of June 26, Judith Johnson continued in her statement to the police, she had another surprise visitor.

    Brett C. Kimberlin came to our office. He came into my office and closed the door, talked very low, was nervous, introduced himself as living with Sandra Barton, 68 POC #A, and stated he had lived there for a good many years. He told me that his girlfriend’s mother was harassing them, that she hated him and their situation (living there with her daughter and grandchildren) . . . he said that Mrs. Barton’s mother was insane and that he wanted them to get away from her but that Mrs. Barton was afraid of her mother and would not stand up to her.

    Listening to Kimberlin, Johnson realized she’d made a mistake when she accepted money from Julia Scyphers to change the lock. Nor did she care to hear much more of what he had to say. But Kimberlin persisted.

    He wanted me to evict them so it would be a good reason for them to have to move away and therefore Mrs. Scyphers would believe them and think they had to move and were not just getting away from her. I told him I couldn’t evict Mrs. Barton for something like that. He then told me the apartment was destroyed due to Mrs. Barton having 4-6 animals, that the odor was very bad and that the sometimes had to step out on the patio in warm weather. He said the carpet was ruined. I advised I would have it inspected. If it was true and was this dirty we would ask her to move. He agreed. We also discussed the date and arrived at 8/1/78.

    On a three-by-five index card, the detective from the Speedway Police Department who interviewed Judith Johnson -the interview took place 3 Augist 1978- recorded the following quotation from her, separate from her signed statement: “Brett Kimberlin had vengeance on his face when he talked about Mrs. Scyphers. He radiated hatred.”

    When, during Marinus Dykshoorn’s visit to Indianapolis, Jessica Barton approached to ask about her grandfather’s prognosis, Dykshoorn went out of his way to accommodate her. Knowing that she was a friend of Kimberlin’s, he gave her fifteen minutes of his time, gratis. While Jessica sat with the psychic in one corner of the hotel suite, Kimberlin chatted with his wife. A memory of this occasion lingered with Kimberlin 0 of Jessica bringing along a photograph of her grandfather or some other object that could yield a clue to his destiny. When it was time to leave, Jessica seemed distressed. If Dykeshoorn indeed had the capacity to foretell the future, then the outlook for her grandfather was bleak.


    According to Kimberlin: He never had a conversation about Julia Scyphers in the offices of Born’s Management Company – on 26 June 1978 or any other date- and the meeting Judith Johnson described to the Speedway Police Department never occurred; any suggestion of impropriety between himself and Jessica Barton was a delusion that flowed from Julia Scyphers’s neurotic need to control the lives of her daughter and granddaughters. “Nobody ever explained to the grandmother anything about the relationships,” he told me. “The grandmother never had any idea what was going on. Sandi had these boyfriends but she would spend time with me. My conjecture is maybe the grandmother thought Sandi was whoring around. The grandmother couldn’t figure it out. But so what? I never had any conflict with the grandmother –never, ever.” All insinuations of exploitative or unsavory behavior on his part were figments of the imaginations of unscrupulous people whose object was to impugn and persecute him.

    What was not a figment of anyone’s imagination, however, was what happened to Julia Scyphers on 29 July 1978. Shortly before three o’Clock that afternoon, she was mortally wounded with a gunshot to the head, in a fashion that bore the earmarks of a contract murder.

    Take a look It's in a book A Reading Rainbow (330eed)

  76. Amazing, did he mention the fact that he is domestic terrorist bomber convicted felon, aka a dangerous criminal to the Court and Judge. I didn’t think so.. Of course the Judge knew this, but could care less about Right and Wrong, Truth and Lie, only his own leftwing ideological political allegiances, regardless of the danger he puts communities and people at risk of because of his actions in giving credence to Brett Kimberlin’s lies and false pretentious innocent victim status against Arron Walker, and every other conservative blogger and person in America.

    TeaPartyPatriot4ever (ddc388)

  77. This passage helps one understand the strange contradiction noted in the post above.

    It’s from Citizen K, pages 80-82.

    “She knew I was doing something illegal, though she didn’t know exactly what it was,” he told me. “She said, ‘Brett, I hate it when you go to Texas.’ I said ‘Why?’ She said, ‘Because I’m afraid you’ll never come back.’ But I had to go. So she started getting back at me for going away on her special days. Like when I came home, I told her, ‘I’ll pick you up on Thursday,’, and she’d say, ‘No, I have other plans.’ This was her way of getting back at me.

    “One day in June, I called her at the apartment and said I’d come pick her up. I told her I was coming and I had a friend with me. She said ‘Who?’ It was Bill Bowman” – a drug-dealing associate. “When I got there she wasn’t there and she left a note that she was at her grandmother’s. I called over there and said I was coming to pick her up and the grandmother said, ‘Well, Jessica’s with me today. You’ll have to see her later.’ It was like Jessica was doing this little head game, you know. I wouldn’t call it a rebellion against authority. It was more ‘Hey, you’re fucking with me because of your dope. I can fuck with you too.’”

    Julia Scyphers could be a nuisance, Kimberlin acknowledged, but he emphasized that in no sense did she and he have a running dispute.

    “People call it a falling-out, but I don’t know that’s what it was,” he said. “I think it was more jealousy on her part/ The grandmother was a control freak. She was always trying to control Jessica and Sandi’s lives, even after they’d moved out of her house. Maybe the grandmother thought I was instigating Sandi’s independence. She would call and say she wanted Jessica over at the house at a certain time on a certain day, but Jessica would’ve already made plans with friends. Then the grandmother would lay this head trip on her. I never had a falling-out with her. I never had a blowout with the grandmother or an argument or a disagreement. She never threatened me.”

    The afternoon of 23 June 1978, Julia Scyphers appeared at the office of Judith L. Johnson, an employee of Born’s Management Company, a real estate management firm whose portfolio included the Port O’ Call apartment complex, where Sandra Barton was the lessee of unit 68-A. According to a statement that Johnson later gave to the Speedway police department, Mrs. Scyphers paid fifteen dollars to have the front-door lock on 68-A rekeyed. Johnson wrote that Mrs. Scyphers wanted the lock changed because “her grandchildren had been approached by a man prior to her visit to our office. She was concerned for the safety of her grandchildren.”

    Subsequently, Judith Johnson has recalled, either Kimberlin or Sandi intercepted a Port O’ Call maintenance man and prevented him from changing the cylinder on the lock.

    The morning of June 26, Judith Johnson continued in her statement to the police, she had another surprise visitor.

    Brett C. Kimberlin came to our office. He came into my office and closed the door, talked very low, was nervous, introduced himself as living with Sandra Barton, 68 POC #A, and stated he had lived there for a good many years. He told me that his girlfriend’s mother was harassing them, that she hated him and their situation (living there with her daughter and grandchildren) . . . he said that Mrs. Barton’s mother was insane and that he wanted them to get away from her but that Mrs. Barton was afraid of her mother and would not stand up to her.

    Listening to Kimberlin, Johnson realized she’d made a mistake when she accepted money from Julia Scyphers to change the lock. Nor did she care to hear much more of what he had to say. But Kimberlin persisted.

    He wanted me to evict them so it would be a good reason for them to have to move away and therefore Mrs. Scyphers would believe them and think they had to move and were not just getting away from her. I told him I couldn’t evict Mrs. Barton for something like that. He then told me the apartment was destroyed due to Mrs. Barton having 4-6 animals, that the odor was very bad and that the sometimes had to step out on the patio in warm weather. He said the carpet was ruined. I advised I would have it inspected. If it was true and was this dirty we would ask her to move. He agreed. We also discussed the date and arrived at 8/1/78.

    On a three-by-five index card, the detective from the Speedway Police Department who interviewed Judith Johnson -the interview took place 3 Augist 1978- recorded the following quotation from her, separate from her signed statement: “Brett Kimberlin had vengeance on his face when he talked about Mrs. Scyphers. He radiated hatred.”

    When, during Marinus Dykshoorn’s visit to Indianapolis, Jessica Barton approached to ask about her grandfather’s prognosis, Dykshoorn went out of his way to accommodate her. Knowing that she was a friend of Kimberlin’s, he gave her fifteen minutes of his time, gratis. While Jessica sat with the psychic in one corner of the hotel suite, Kimberlin chatted with his wife. A memory of this occasion lingered with Kimberlin 0 of Jessica bringing along a photograph of her grandfather or some other object that could yield a clue to his destiny. When it was time to leave, Jessica seemed distressed. If Dykeshoorn indeed had the capacity to foretell the future, then the outlook for her grandfather was bleak.


    According to Kimberlin: He never had a conversation about Julia Scyphers in the offices of Born’s Management Company – on 26 June 1978 or any other date- and the meeting Judith Johnson described to the Speedway Police Department never occurred; any suggestion of impropriety between himself and Jessica Barton was a delusion that flowed from Julia Scyphers’s neurotic need to control the lives of her daughter and granddaughters. “Nobody ever explained to the grandmother anything about the relationships,” he told me. “The grandmother never had any idea what was going on. Sandi had these boyfriends but she would spend time with me. My conjecture is maybe the grandmother thought Sandi was whoring around. The grandmother couldn’t figure it out. But so what? I never had any conflict with the grandmother –never, ever.” All insinuations of exploitative or unsavory behavior on his part were figments of the imaginations of unscrupulous people whose object was to impugn and persecute him.

    What was not a figment of anyone’s imagination, however, was what happened to Julia Scyphers on 29 July 1978. Shortly before three o’Clock that afternoon, she was mortally wounded with a gunshot to the head, in a fashion that bore the earmarks of a contract murder.

    Dustin (330eed)

  78. “…This is a right-wing attack on me and my organizations and it’s a smear job. It’s a swift boat action against us,” Kimberlin said. “What they’re doing is an obstruction of justice and it’s defamatory.

    Geez, everything but the kitchen sink! Paranoid much, Brett?

    Nate Whilk (095050)

  79. Naw, he’s not paranoid….
    Everybody IS after him.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  80. You have a real pearl-clutching, skirt-hiking sense of drama there, Patty.

    tpartynitwit (2ae747)

  81. You beandogs really have a misogyny problem.

    Dustin (330eed)

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