Patterico's Pontifications


MSNBC’s Tamron Hall goes nuts on Tim Carney over the “Mitt Bully” story

Filed under: 2012 Election,Media Bias — Karl @ 12:47 pm

[Posted by Karl]

You see, the Washington Examiner columnist had the gall to not only suggest that Americans care more about the economy than whether Mitt Romney gave someone a haircut 47 years ago, but also to suggest that Tamron Hall was pandering to her audience of dozens by dragging out the story on the pretense of doing the meta-story of how the Romney campaign is reacting to the story which most people do not care about. Actually, Carney was far more polite than that, which did not stop MSNBC from cutting Carney’s mic while Hall yelled at him:

WFB has the full video. Apparently, Hall’s support staff thinks Hall was unequipped to have that discussion with Carney — or that MSNBC is ill-equipped when someone pulls back the curtain on how the establishment media drags out nonstories to suit their biases.

Update: Carney tweets: “The question I was sent for the Romney bullying segment was ‘Does the story matter?’ So I was answering it, not dodging.”


307 Responses to “MSNBC’s Tamron Hall goes nuts on Tim Carney over the “Mitt Bully” story”

  1. Ding!

    Karl (f07e38)

  2. These clowns wouldn’t know an honest debate if it bit them in the butt.

    Ghost (6f9de7)

  3. Isn’t cutting off mics a Bill O’Reilley schtick?

    As for Mtt “I don’t rememebr that” Romney–

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  4. We see the slanderers crawling enthusiastically out from under the rocks.

    SPQR (871bc3)

  5. Isn’t cutting off mics a Bill O’Reilley schtick?

    — NO, but if it was would that make it okay for MSNBC to do

    Icy (12e2a9)

  6. Spellcheck, Karl!

    Icy (12e2a9)

  7. Watch the whole clip, she schooled him…. Just no denying it.

    Alex (223691)

  8. Tamryn Hall and Lawrence O’Donnell — a match made in liberal heaven. Can you imagine their dinner conversations? Sitting there complaining about everyone they hate, while simultaneously patting themselves on the back for their über compassion for the downtrodden.

    Why, it’s enough to make you lose your lunch.

    Icy (12e2a9)

  9. Alex hearts his leftist memes.

    JD (e7d387)

  10. Icy (6),

    You know, a hint is always nice.

    Karl (f07e38)

  11. Alex, in order to know when someone has been “schooled” wouldn’t you yourself have had to graduate?

    Icy (12e2a9)

  12. Sorry I be so blunt. Me feel shame.

    Icy (12e2a9)

  13. I just think it’s funny Ehrenstein has to come here to spam-promote his blog.

    Karl (f07e38)

  14. Not a left or right issue for me. I don’t even know the black lady, I don’t watch tv, and thus don’t watch msnbc. But objectively, she schooled him, made him look stupid, and he was clearly flummoxed….

    Alex (223691)

  15. It’s easier to school someone when they can’t respond.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  16. Alex,

    Check the update: He was asked to address whether the story mattered, then got yelled at and silenced for trying to answer. You’d look flummoxed also.

    Karl (f07e38)

  17. Karl,

    The only thing I see is the second MSNBC is missing a B, but MSNBC is missing so much already that it doesn’t really matter.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  18. By the way, I like the “audience of dozens.” It never gets old when it comes to MSNBC.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  19. Really? I watched it three times. It looked to me like he tried to go off on an insult the media tiraid and she wasn’t gonna have it, since as she said: he knew the topics, and agreed to them. Plus, it’s not his show.

    Looks to me like he knew what was going to be discussed, agreed, then came on and started biatching to the host. She was right, don’t come on then.

    Alex (223691)

  20. I believe it should be “Tamryn Hall” in the headline.

    Icy (12e2a9)

  21. I think we should take Alex’s words to heart. He often sees things that others don’t. It is fortunate he is willing to share his insights. Like Tamron, he schools his inferiors with sensitivity, poise, and uncommon courage.

    elissa (00f0b3)

  22. Icy (21),

    Thanks. Picked up from others’ errors, I’m afraid. Fixed.

    Karl (f07e38)

  23. Not a left or right issue for me. I don’t even know the black lady

    — And you are mentioning her race because WHY?

    Icy (12e2a9)

  24. Carney has a longer response here:

    I’ve always enjoyed the feisty back-and-forths that MSNBC appearances provide me. I hope and expect to continue these.

    The question for the Romney bullying segment was “does the story matter?” I took that to mean “does this incident tell us anything about Romney would be as President.” I answered no. I maintained that position throughout the segment. Tamron thought I was ambushing her, apparently, and so she cut off my mic, I learned later.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  25. Alex,

    Again, check the update. He was told the topic was “Does the story matter?” Then got yelled at for trying to explain why it doesn’t. The question inherently addresses the standards of journalism.

    Karl (f07e38)

  26. Alex, objectively, makes things up.

    JD (e7d387)

  27. MSNBC says her name is Tamron Hall, not Tamryn. Am I missing a joke?

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  28. 26: so the point is she was lying when she said he knew what the show was about today etc….?

    Alex (223691)

  29. Boy, am I glad my daughter only let’s me watch Disney, Nickolodeon and TeenNick.

    nk (875f57)

  30. Oh good Allah

    JD (e7d387)

  31. Alex (29),

    No it’s equally possible that Tamryn Hall doesn’t actually know what the staff tells those they invite on the show. Or doesn’t understand them if they do tell her. Or doesn’t understand that if you have a guest on to present an opposing viewpoint, it’s unprofessional to shout him down and turn off his mic. Pretty sure that’s the point Ehrenstein was trying to make about O’Reilly, in fact.

    Karl (f07e38)

  32. Now I’m all confuzzled. Apparently it IS spelled “Tamron” but is commonly written as “Tamryn”, and she either spells it both ways herself or doesn’t bother to correct others. IDK. I’m fast regretting that I brought it up.

    Icy (12e2a9)

  33. Alex,

    Is Carney there to perform for MSNBC or is he there to answer questions from the campaign’s point of view?

    If it’s the former, then I call foul on every Democrat who appears on Fox News.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  34. Actually I like things like this, Icy. It’s like online trivia, but I’m sorry if it’s getting on anyone’s nerves.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  35. 32: assuming he is telling the truth, then;

    If she lied that is grossly in fair

    If she too was misinformed, she owes an apology on air

    But in any case, one more reason not to watch tv

    Alex (223691)

  36. 36: “in fair” should be “unfair”

    Alex (223691)

  37. What does her race have to do with this, Alex?

    JD (e7d387)

  38. I will give Ehrenstein this much: O’Reilly does occasionally shout down his guests, especially when they respond to a question with a prepared ideological statement; but I have never known him to have someone’s mic turned off, and he ALWAYS ends each discussion by allowing his guest the last word.

    Do we think that is what Ms. Hall did in this case?

    Icy (12e2a9)

  39. About what’s expected;

    Chtauri minion (1c125b)

  40. Please answer my & JD’s question, Alex. Why did you feel it necessary to describe Tamron Hall as a BLACK lady? None of us mentioned it — because it isn’t relevant. She is a liberal MSNBC hack; that’s the only point to be made here.

    Icy (12e2a9)

  41. A sparkling demonstration of the level of professionalism found at the peak practitioners of journalism in America today.
    Congratulations MSNBC, you out-did yourself.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  42. She’s more of a light to medium brown, with a hint of pink, actually.

    nk (875f57)

  43. Comment by Icy — 5/11/2012 @ 1:22 pm

    well, at least attended.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  44. Comment by DRJ — 5/11/2012 @ 1:30 pm

    So true, and so cruel.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  45. Icy.

    Fixed. Again.

    Karl (9c0e1b)

  46. Icy: I mentioned she was black to reinforce you are a moron. it worked!

    Alex (c76e4d)

  47. If one actually watches the video and reads the transcript, Alex’s notion that Carney got schooled, objectively, is absurd.

    JD (e7d387)

  48. Icy: I mentioned she was black to reinforce you are a moron. it worked!

    Comment by Alex — 5/11/2012 @ 2:16 pm

    Could you explain the imaginary connection between these 2 things? How does you obsession with race baiting prove what you claim it proves?

    JD (e7d387)

  49. 48. No, she made him look super stupid. She did.

    Now it may have been based on a lie, which is terrible, but he looked really bad. Which is one more thing that sucks about TV cause even if she apologizes, and even though more info is now coming out, most viewers will never know of it. All they will know is he was made the fool.

    again, one more reason not to watch TV news at all

    Alex (c76e4d)

  50. Well, Alex, using a racial term about a third person, in order to attack the person you are having a conversation with, is wrong on several levels.

    nk (875f57)

  51. 49: it proved JD is an idiot too! Damn I am GOOOD!

    Alex (c76e4d)

  52. 51: And i didn’t do that. So what is your point?

    Alex (c76e4d)

  53. Now, personally,

    I would like to see all those peeling-bananas-with-their-feet-primates sent back back to Africa, along with their n*****-loving, white, sucka** liberals, but I would withhold that expletive in a polite conversation.

    nk (875f57)

  54. That was a bit over the top, nk, no?

    JD (e7d387)

  55. Stand up for your comments, Alex.

    nk (875f57)

  56. Errorstein is off his meds.

    JD (e7d387)

  57. Do I need to explain sarcasm, JD?

    nk (875f57)

  58. Alex is provoking us. Let’s poke him back.

    nk (875f57)

  59. You were just channelling Alex. Gotcha 😉

    JD (e7d387)

  60. 57: Um… OK? I stand up for them? I am not sure what you are getting at. And I am not provoking anyone. Please, especially Icy and JD, feel free to completely ignore my comments and never respond to them. Really. Please.

    Alex (c76e4d)

  61. It’s bad enough that I have to be exposed to Jay Carney’s incessant lies on TV. Do I have to read his damn tweets too now?

    If it’s on Twitter, let it stay on Twitter, among people who care about Twitter, please.

    Beldar (2a462a)

  62. Howsa bout a story on Tamron Hall bullying her guests?

    Comanche Voter (dc4fc0)

  63. Beldar,

    I think this is about Washington Examiner reporter Tim Carney, not Obama spokesman Jay Carney, but I thought the same thing when I first read it. They really should have to change their names to avoid confusing me like this.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  64. Beldar – Tim Carney. Not Jay 😉

    We are still waiting for your explanation as to why you felt compelled to inject race into this, Alex.

    JD (e7d387)

  65. 66: I will answer if you tell me why you inject moronity into everything you say… fair?

    Alex (c76e4d)

  66. You always get crazy when you tune to MSNBC, Bashir,Schultz, Matthews,

    narciso (1c125b)

  67. I’d like to know the answer to their question, Alex, and then I’ll be glad to address whether I inject moronity into discussions.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  68. Nope. One is objectively true, you injected her race into the discussion. My moronity is debatable. I would rather be a moron than a dishonest crapweasel, like you.

    JD (e7d387)

  69. From her professional CV–Tamron’s philosophy and motto:

    “I provde a welcoming place for all the news on which I don’t turn off the mic first”.

    Short of encountering threats or protracted profanity from a “guest” that is a seriously egregious offense for a host to do.

    elissa (00f0b3)

  70. 69: Sorry, no way to answer you privately. Now you will note in 70 JD calls me a crapweasel….. yet he ALSO wants me to do him favors. Now that is just dumb.

    Alex (c76e4d)

  71. “I provde a welcoming place for all the news on which I don’t turn off the mic first”.


    JD (e7d387)

  72. I didn’t call you a crapweasel. I called you a dishonest crapweasel.

    JD (e7d387)

  73. And I am not provoking anyone.

    More accurately, you’re also not provoking anything. Certainly not thought.

    You’ve demonstrated yourself incapable of either. Which can be amusing to follow along as you continue to endeavor to do so.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  74. I don’t want a private answer, Alex. I want a public answer because your statement was public, and I’d like to know why it’s relevant.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  75. 76: I will happily answer once JD apologizes and answers my question. Until then, sorry. If this is unsatisfactory to you, please address your concerns to JD.

    75: thank you for stating I am not provoking anyone. If you do not find my comments insightful or interesting, there is no need for you to respond to them. Thanks!

    Alex (c76e4d)

  76. For everyone’s future reference: Jay Carney usually wears hipster glasses, mumbles and makes no sense, while looking into the camera as if he is a young deer in headlights that is very scared and confused by his surroundings.

    Tim Carney knows his subject, can think on his feet, forms cogent sentences and has a great smile.

    It is unfortunate that they share the same last name and both have short, common first names.

    elissa (00f0b3)

  77. I already answered you, Alex. I acknowledged that my moronity was subject to debate. I noted that it is a true objective verifiable fact that you injected race into the discussion where it was in no way relevant.

    JD (e7d387)

  78. Alex is a spineless dishonest twatwaffle.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  79. 79: that didn’t answer my question. I asked WHY you inject moronity, not IF. Further, your behavior since now requires an apology. I will await about 30 more minutes, then I gotta go.

    Alex (223691)

  80. They are always lying, omiting or just making things up;

    narciso (1c125b)

  81. 81: sorry “since now” should be “since then”

    Alex (223691)

  82. If Alex isn’t going to answer the question he was asked then our host might consider following Tami’s example, browbeat him for a few minutes and then cut off his mic.

    ropelight (181f72)

  83. What a thread. A silly troll, and a pathetic slanderer of the dead.

    DRJ, you remain a classy poster. I’m always happy to see your posts. Trolls and sociopaths, not so much.

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  84. Apologize to you? No thanks. Okay, I apologize to crapweasels the world over. That was unkind of me.

    JD (e7d387)

  85. she sure took him to the rapebarn® woodshed!

    Or not.

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  86. I’m moderating you, Alex. Take it up with Patterico if you disagree.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  87. “Jay Carney usually wears hipster glasses, mumbles and makes no sense, while looking into the camera as if he is a young deer in headlights that is very scared and confused by his surroundings.

    Tim Carney knows his subject, can think on his feet, forms cogent sentences and has a great smile.

    It is unfortunate that they share the same last name and both have short, common first names.”

    Comment by elissa

    It’s easier than that, elissa! One of them tells the truth and the other is paid to play the role
    of pathological liar on a daily basis!

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  88. 88: eh, with the intelligence and sanity exhibited by icy, daleyrocks, and jd….. I’m not too upset. Your actions speak of you, not me. All the best

    [Released from moderation — DRJ]

    Alex (223691)

  89. You’ve demonstrated yourself incapable of either. Which can be amusing to follow along as you continue to endeavor to do so.

    Comment by Steve


    what’s over/under
    on Steve at age of seven
    pulling wings off flies?

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  90. I moderated Alex because he is playing games instead of engaging in discussion, but we all fall victim to that. Please don’t celebrate his moderation because I’m sure Patterico will take him out at some point, and perhaps immediately.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  91. ya gotta be cruel
    to be kind in right measure
    colonel just sayin’…

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  92. only a drone strike
    would have me dancin’ ’bout teh
    demise of alex

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  93. and Burma Shave!

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  94. Not playing any games. I just don’t take requests from people that insult me. If you want to discuss something DRJ, happy to. Sad you feel the need to misrepresent me and censor, but that’s your deal not mine. Cheers,

    [Released from moderation @ 3:55 PM PST —

    I’m sorry you feel I’m misrepresenting you, Alex, but I agree I’m censoring you since your comments will have to wait until I read them to be released. I wish you would respond to the requests that you explain your earlier comment. I will release you from moderation if you will do that.


    Alex (223691)

  95. My understanding is that the family of the guy who was allegedly “bullied” has declined to confirm the story. Not only wasn’t it a non-story but it was a non-event.

    Wasn’t that your understanding, David ? Oh

    I don’t like O’Reilly much either but I’ve never seen him cut off a mic. I guess I missed that segment.

    Mike K (326cba)

  96. Not only wasn’t it a non-story but it was a non-event.

    ginned out of whole cloth from Fruit-of-the-Loom®… and yet teh washington post ran it front page/above-teh fold.

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  97. and I think you meant “Not only wasn’t it a non-story…” Mr. K.

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  98. moe larry cheese help me!
    where’s Kev M when I need him
    somebody stop me

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  99. @77: No, there’s no actual need to respond to your uninteresting comments. But then, there’s no law against it either.

    Pure and simple, Tamron Hall got called on the new Democratic/media complex propaganda strategy. She “schooled” Carney by amateurishly admitting to what that strategy is due to her juvenile need to play “tough girl.” Democratic oppo researchers dredge up old dirt, and outlets like the WaPo and MSNBC will pretend that it’s somehow an issue how Romney is handling these non-stories during the current campaign. Cutting off Carney’s mike was a graphic illustration of this strategy. She isn’t going to let people let her stop talking about Democratic party talking points, or Romney, and instead talk about the issues that matter.

    If Romney can talk about the issues that matter, Obama’s toast. The members of his propaganda arm know this, and will carry his water by somehow pretending that Romney NOT talking about the non-stories they intend to bombard him with is an issue.

    As a matter of fact, that Democratic strategist (whose name escapes me at the moment and I’m not rewatching that nonsense just to put it in my comment) gave the game away. When he said that every time Mitt Romney tries to talk about the economy instead of the gossip the media is spreading about what he supposedly did 30, 45, or 50 years ago it’s going to be a problem for Romney. They certainly hope so. And that’s going to be the narrative in the propaganda wing of the Democratic party from here to the election. Or until they figure out it’s stupid and not playing well. It isn’t just Carney; when Romney’s in Hall’s “house” (the church of the left wing media in general) they’re going to either make him talk about what they want to talk about (the Obama campaign smear job du jour) as if it mattered, or they’ll cut him off. I.e. do their best not to let Romney get his message out.

    Your comments have been so lacking in insight you’ve completely missed the larger point. Tamron Hall yapping like a small safe dog while cutting off Carney’s mike so he couldn’t respond was instructive. But it was no “schooling.”

    I didn’t write anything of the above for your benefit. I expect you to keep doing your part by attempting to help the media out; pretend Mitt Romney needs to play into Obama’s hands by talking about nonsense Obama distractions instead of substantive issues. Your comment about Tamron Hall “schooling” was uninteresting and the opposite of insightful, but predictable, and I just thought I’d point out why.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  100. Poor Steve, missed my later comments where I said she should apologize.

    Alex (223691)

  101. 90. what’s over/under
    on Steve at age of seven
    pulling wings off flies?

    Comment by Colonel Haiku — 5/11/2012 @ 3:31 pm

    Take it for what it’s worth, but at age seven I not only didn’t pull the wings off flies I’d have beaten the crap out of anyone I caught doing so.

    But by eleven I was pretty handy with a 20 ga. on birds.

    What can I say; I still don’t eat flies.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  102. How did anyone see this? I thought no one watched MSNBC. After viewing the video I can see why they don’t. She talks fast and loud and over anyone who disagrees with her, just like O’Reilly. Most times, though, O’Reilly is watchable if only for his guest.

    Andy (b63f79)

  103. How did anyone see this? I thought no one watched MSNBC.

    I don’t think anyone does watch MSNBC. Except paid professionals, who keep track of the buffoonery for conservative websites. These websites then use the fact they have considerably more traffic than MSNBC has viewers to publicize said buffoonery which would otherwise goes unnoticed.

    It’s like the old riddle:

    Q: If Tamron Hall spews liberal talking points but it’s only on MSNBC, does she make a sound?

    A: Only if some paid critic is keeping track.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  104. The contortions, look something shiny, mental gymnastics and other general nonsense wouldn’t be necessary, Alex, if you could just explain why you deliberately chose to inject her race into the discussion.

    JD (e7d387)

  105. But by eleven I was pretty handy with a 20 ga. on birds.

    What can I say; I still don’t eat flies.

    Comment by Steve


    Damn… you tasted freedom and realized your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms at an age where I felt blessed to be packin’ a Sheridan “Blue Streak” pellet gun.

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  106. Jerry Colonna look-alike GERALDO ‘RAPED’ BY TSA…

    Colonel Haiku (b3da95)

  107. Lord my penis itches.

    [This isn’t a sockpuppet thread so please post under your own name, Alex, and not other people’s.]

    JD (223691)

  108. I can’t wait to see these folks interview Edward Klein (who wrote “The Amateur“, which I am anxiously awaiting).

    Tim Geithner (bf8ad7)

  109. Just in case you’re wondering:!/ashleyrparker

    narciso (1c125b)

  110. Though I find censors and censorship disgusting, I will put my standards down and answer DRJ, if you can at the least ask me a clear question. So what is it you want me to answer DRJ?

    Alex (569651)

  111. As you see, the point is to criticize the notion of
    any critique, rather than to clarify the reputation
    of the afflicted, she;ll get around to that Monday.

    narciso (1c125b)

  112. Concern troll is concerned.

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  113. I haven’t ever watched MSNBC that I know of. I stopped watching TV some time back, and had stopped watching TV news even further back. From what I’ve seen, heard, and read about them, I have to ask the question;

    Why would ANYBODY with any self respect agree to appear on any show on that network?

    C. S. P. Schofield (df34af)

  114. iowahawkblog #DistractionoftheDay New evidence: Romney held down Seamus against his will, gave him haircut

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  115. iowahawkblog #DistractionoftheDay Mormons: Threat or Menace?

    iowahawkblog #DistractionoftheDay War Against Nostrils: cruel GOP, health insurance companies won’t cover Sandra Fluke’s deodorant bills

    iowahawkblog #DistractionoftheDay Romney’s Visigoth ancestor Gronnknar Romney practiced paganism

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  116. Damn… Carroll Shelby died.

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  117. I just watched the video. Tamron Hall was really quite lovely. But then she opened her mouth.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  118. Alex,

    As you can see by the fact your comment appeared immediately, I already took you out of moderation and I have no plans to put you back in. I don’t regret doing it but I’m too lazy to moderate comments right now and I don’t want your comments to be delayed.

    So you can avoid this if you want, but I hope you will honor your word. I would like to know why you identified Tamron Hall by calling her the “black lady” in your comment 14, instead of identifying her by name, as the MSNBC anchor/reporter, or as “the lady.” It seems like an effort to inject race into this discussion, but I’m willing to keep an open mind.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  119. jimgeraghty The Post is now reporting that young Romney gave classmates “Indian burns,” but he was taught how to do that by Elizabeth Warren.

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  120. Wiki informs me,

    At MSNBC, Hall served as a general reporter and fill-in anchor, first achieving prominence as a substitute anchor for Keith Olbermann on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Hall then joined David Shuster as co-host of a new two-hour program, The Big Picture, which premiered June 1, 2009 and ended January 29, 2010.

    How could she be anything but rude, insulting and dismissive of her guest?

    Dana (4eca6e)

  121. DRJ,

    I had no intention of inserting race, or her race, in to the discussion. I referred to her as the black lady because she is a black lady. Didn’t mean one thing by it. I find it strange that anyone would read anything racial into that, but we live in hyper politically correct times, so if required I shall in future write like this:

    “well the black lady (black being only mentioned as an identify as I am either lazy and don’t want to look up her name or otherwise don’t know it, and thus this mentioning of her skin color should not offend anyone, and should be seen only as an identifier of which of the various people I am referring too. However, to assist the hyper sensitive I will admit that I am probably a near Klan member and am enrolling in both sensitivity training and a race and gender class at my local community college immediately.) said she like pizza.”

    Further, I have no idea what anyone hyper sensitive would have possibly thought my mentioning of her race would have implied….. I mean, if people are so upset they require clarification, what is it that they think my meaning was, or might have been, that was so negative. I can’t even think what it could be. So can I ask you a question DRJ? What negative meaning or purpose did you think I had (or might have) in mentioning her race? Did you think I was trying to demean her or lower her qualifications or something?



    Alex (569651)

  122. “Damn… Carroll Shelby died.

    Comment by Colonel Haiku ”

    Shelby must have used up at least seven or eight lives. When I was in college, I used to go to rad races, popular at the time. One time we went to the race at Palm Springs Airport, about 1957, Shelby was driving a foreign car at the time, maybe an Aston Martin. As we approached the entrance to the parking area, Shelby drove out onto the city street, still pretty rural at the time, and roared by us at about 150 mph. Pretty thrilling.

    The obit doesn’t mention it but I think he had a liver transplant about 25 years ago.

    No, It was a heart transplant

    Mike K (326cba)

  123. No, Alex. You were implying that her measurement on the light meter mattered to us. IOW, you were calling us racists.

    nk (875f57)

  124. conservative people really should try much much harder than they do to find something better to do with their day than going on MSNBC I think

    you just have to take it one day at a time

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  125. It’s like missionary work, with the cannibals in Borneo, someone’s got to do it.

    narciso (1c125b)

  126. Hell, when my daughter came back from surfing at Waikiki she was darker than Tamryn Hall, and her Afro would have made Bob Marley jealous.

    nk (875f57)

  127. it’s more like the scorpion and the frog I think

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  128. It’s like missionary work, with the cannibals in Borneo, someone’s got to do it.

    Comment by narciso

    teh missionary position over there was on a dinner plate, smothered in sweet potato fries…

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  129. Alex,

    I don’t know what you were thinking when you described Tamron Hall as a black lady. Maybe it was an unconscious description; maybe you were deliberately trying to inject race into the conversation; maybe you were trying to change the conversation; or maybe you always describe black people by including a reference to their color — even when it’s not necessary.

    What struck me as strange is your unwillingness to respond to other commenters when they asked about this. Most people would respond by explaining their reasoning or perhaps by saying “I thought it was relevant” or “I don’t know why I did it,” but it doesn’t seem like a question that would lead someone to avoid it the way you did. That suggests you may be commenting to play games or in bad faith.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  130. If Alex had not called Tamron Hall “the black lady” I think everybody would have been hopelessly confused because of all the other ladies in that video, or something.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  131. No, Alex. You were implying that her measurement on the light meter mattered to us. IOW, you were calling us racists.

    Comment by nk — 5/11/2012 @ 6:05 pm

    My good friend nk hits the nail on the head squarely.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  132. Sorry DRJ, I was just refusing to answer certain people and your request got caught up in the middle. To answer, again, I called her the black lady cause she’s a black lady. Nothing more I can possibly say bout that.

    Nk: why would you think that?

    Alex (569651)

  133. The thing is much of cable is to paraphrase Minow, a vast wasteland, it seems particular acute at MSNBC, but it is rife at CNN, with my paisan, Soledad, and her predecessor Rich Sanchez, for
    ‘I apologize unreservedly’

    narciso (1c125b)

  134. Alex,

    I’ll take you at your word but for the record, I did not think you were trying to demean Tamron Hall. Us, maybe, but not her.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  135. Because you did not stand up for your comment?

    nk (875f57)

  136. Who is “us”?

    Alex (569651)

  137. “Us” refers to people who comment here frequently.

    Why refuse to answer specific people, Alex? You don’t seem delicate or easily offended, although I think you like to verbally spar with people who antagonize you (as they do with you). But the best way to reach someone online is to talk to them, and I think that’s why I sometimes wonder if you’re here to talk or to antagonize people.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  138. We’re just talking here, Alex. Take it easy. Not up to me to tell you how to talk to some dam smart people here, but the way I do it is, “Thank you for correcting me”, “I’m sorry, I was over the top”, F*** you, I said what I said”. Stand up for your comments.

    nk (875f57)

  139. I’m sorry,

    If you say that third thing to DRJ, I’ll cook you alive and feed you to yourself.

    nk (875f57)

  140. maybe Zer0 way
    too smart and too sensitive
    to be a good Prez?

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  141. embarrass easy?
    teh Party of Distractions?
    you must be joking

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  142. i should have printed
    bumperstickers with Patt Pont
    “0” slogan winner

    everybody’s using “are you better off now than you were $5T ago?”

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  143. even that lap dancin’ Dick Morris!

    Colonel Haiku (48ac0b)

  144. DRJ, this fellow is just playing troll games. Not worth your time.

    nk gives good advice, if the fellow is serious. But he isn’t. I would be delighted to be wrong, but I doubt that I am about him or her.

    Plus, it is always nice to see people express their support for you, DRJ. Count me among them.

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  145. Yeah, put on ignore. He would not taste good even to himself.

    nk (875f57)

  146. Simon,

    Patterico doesn’t want his website to be an echo chamber and it’s interesting to read different views, so I’d like to encourage Alex if he’s willing to be sincere. Also, in fairness to Alex, it’s hard to continually debate people who consistently disagree with your views. But there’s more and more of the taunting sockpuppet-type comments showing up on the other posts, and frankly I don’t really care for that.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  147. Simon,

    I’ve met nk. What you read is what you get, as far as I can tell.

    Karl (6f7ecd)

  148. I will endeavor to be kinder and gentler. The serial race-baiting and mendoucheity is tiresome – Zimmerman, hate crime fabrication, lying about Romney, etc … I will have to come to accept that.

    JD (e7d387)

  149. “I’ve met nk. What you read is what you get, as far as I can tell.”

    Karl – I second that, but I thought you were busy with the cocktail waitress in the back room most of that evening or perhaps I’m thinking of a different occasion.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  150. The Midwest branch of sounds like fun.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  151. JD,

    I didn’t mean to imply that your comments or anyone’s are out-of-line, only that sometimes the tone of the sockpuppet comments carry over to comments on other posts. I’m not a fan of that but a lot of people like it, so I accept that I’ve been out-voted on that one.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  152. Oh good grief, didn’t we all hone in on Alex’s dis ingenuousness about 9 or 10posts ago? And amazingly, he still holds court and controls the conversation. Just throw in a zinger, a sly insinuation, a mocking “who, me??”, and off we go.

    In other news, what’s worse: a high school kid behaving badly 45 years ago and now running for president, or a sitting president bullying someone who won’t support him?

    Dana (4eca6e)

  153. Someone actually wrote this, it has semblance of balance, all the while following the template

    narciso (1c125b)

  154. I know, DRJ. I have hard edges, and am rather intolerant of mendoucheous behavior, which sometimes makes the general tenor a little rancorous. I can seek to be better. 😉

    JD (e7d387)

  155. That story made me want to buy some Melaleuca, Dana.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  156. I might be willing to give Alex the benefit of a doubt on his silly sounding explanation if he had not ended it with a question implying that DRJ was a racist. To me, that showed that his intention was malicious in the first place.

    Machinist (b6f7da)

  157. You know, sometimes describing people by age, race, gender, etc., is helpful. For instance, here’s how the Village Voice said the NYPD described the assailants in a recent mob attack on two other girls on the NY subway:

    The 12 suspects are described as follows:

    – 17, gray sweatpants and a pink shirt
    – 17, pink sweatshirt, blue jeans, black T-shirt with white writing
    – 17, long blond hair, black bubble jacket, white jeans
    – 17, maroon Hollister T-shirt with white writing, blue denim jacket, blond stripes in the back of hair
    – 18, red jacket and olive green baseball hat
    – 17, heavyset, black T-shirt, gray jeans and a purple scarf.
    – 17, purple sweatshirt, blue denim jacket, light jeans, white sneakers
    – 18, white T-shirt, blue jacket, mesh hat with white writing
    – 18, blue T-shirt, gray sweatshirt, white sneakers
    – 17, tan jacket, light jeans, black knee high boots
    – 15, heavyset with blond hair in a bun, pink sweatpants, pink sweatshirt, blue denim jacket
    – 15, heavyset, purple Polo shirt with two yellow stripes and a yellow No. 5, light blue jeans

    Wow, ages and clothing! That’s helpful. That will lead to their identification and arrest. Not. The problem is, that isn’t the description the NYPD put out. As reported by the local Fox affiliate:

    Police released this information on the suspects they are seeking:

    #1: Black Female, 17, wearing gray sweat pants and a pink shirt.

    #2: Black Female, 17, wearing a pink sweatshirt, blue jeans and a black tee shirt with white writing on it.

    #3: Black Female, 17, with long blonde hair wearing a black bubble jacket and white jeans.

    #4: Black Female, 17, wearing a maroon Holister tee shirt with white writing, blue denim jacket and in possession of a green purse. She also had blonde stripes in the back of her hair.

    #5: Black Female, 18, wearing a red jacket and olive green baseball hat.

    #6: Black Female, 17, heavy set, wearing a black t-shirt, gray jeans and a purple scarf.

    #7: Black Female, 17, wearing a purple sweatshirt, blue denim jacket, light jeans and white sneakers.

    #8: Black Female, 18 wearing a white tee shirt, blue jacket and a mesh hat with white writing on it.

    #9: Black Female, 18 wearing a blue tee shirt, gray sweatshirt and white sneakers.

    #10: Hispanic Female, 17, wearing a tan jacket, light jeans and black knee high boots.

    #11: Hispanic Female, 15, heavy set with blonde hair in a bun, wearing a pink sweat pants, pink sweatshirt and a blue denim jacket.

    #12: Black Female, 15, heavy set, wearing a purple Polo shirt with two yellow stripes and a yellow #5 on it, and light blue jeans.

    Most of the news outlets were too PC to report the ethnicity, thus reducing the value of their reporting to nothing but I’m sure they all congratulated themselves while running down that racist PD that released a racist description that they had to correct.

    But on the other hand, when there’s just one woman, and she’s hosting the show, and her two male guests are not even with her in the studio, there’s lots of ways to describe her. As in, “the only woman in the video.” Or even, “the only person in the studio.” Maybe just, “the MSNBC host.”

    What could have possibly been the added value in describing her as, “the black lady?” It’s strange that someone would describe here as “the black lady” when she’s the only lady on the screen; indeed the only human being actually in that room at that one location who is in front of a camera.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  158. Dana – they love using the office of the president to attack private citizens that dare to disagree with them.

    JD (e7d387)

  159. He’s Nixonian in that regard. And far more effective.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  160. I think I’ve said this before but imagine the things we don’t know about.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  161. Steve,

    I was going to describe Tamron Hall, the *only* lady in the video as the ‘lady in white‘, but then I thought how racist of me to identify her by wearing a white top rather than wearing her black skin.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  162. 162… what DRJ said.

    Colonel Haiku (1d0614)

  163. any of the perps blue or green-eyed, Steve?

    Colonel Haiku (1d0614)

  164. Dana – they love using the office of the president to attack private citizens that dare to disagree with them.

    I think that’s referred to as bullying, JD, no?


    A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

    Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

    Very good; first-rate.

    Shame on you, Mr. President.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  165. Zimmerman, hate crime fabrication

    Interesting observation, JD. After all, the Zimmerman hate-crime-fabricators even maliciously edited his 9-11 call to make it look like he was racially profiling young Mr. Martin. Why was he following him? Because he keyed on the fact he looked black, that’s why. And the edited tape proves he’s a racist cracker.

    Of course, he didn’t apparently even notice or volunteer a description of Trayvon’s race until the dispatcher asked for it.

    But Alex, our resident Zimmerman hate-crime-fabricator, (who believes Zimmerman should have solved his problem by getting his brains beat out on the sidewalk for the sake of the HOA) just gratuitously comments on the race of the only lady on the screen and it’s supposed to say nothing about how he views the world.

    Velly interesting.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  166. Dana – real actual current bullying is not nearly as important as teenage hazing incidents 47 years ago.

    JD (e7d387)

  167. Zero tolerance, JD, zero tolerance.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  168. Newsweek was willing to hide Presidential perjury. CBS was willing to use an almost certainly forged document to damage a sitting President. The MSM teams covering John Edwards surely knew he was cheating on his cancer stricken wife even as he was presenting himself as a loving husband (and if they were too stupid to figure it out, his wife knew and didn’t seem to be trying to hide that she knew).

    Imagine what we’ll find out Obama in a few years.

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  169. find out about Obama

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  170. Dana – it is remarkable. And the MFM is happy to play along. They have tried to turn a childish prank into terrorizing Teh Ghey, by insinuation.

    And Obama ate dog.

    JD (e7d387)

  171. SILENCE! I keel you (mic)!

    Koozebane (b14c13)

  172. I’m waiting to see something like this on the front page of the NYT with the same caption, however they would have it earnestly reminding us how the right cannot even think about having that national conversation we all need to have because we are just that impossibly racist.

    But at least we do it with a smile on our face. Thank you, President Reagan, for setting that example!

    Dana (4eca6e)

  173. As a wise man once said, and I will paraphrase, all of you racists feel like your day is incomplete if you don’t feel the crunch of a minority under the stiletto heel of your thigh high black leather jackboots.

    JD (e7d387)

  174. Any Republican running for office who has – by all reports – lived a squeaky-clean, exemplary, productive life must anticipate a liberal-controlled MSM campaign to destroy his or her candidacy by any means necessary. But we can play that game, as well. We must use our communication talents to return the focus to the important issues and highlight the distractions and idiocy propagated by the Left… through letters to the editor in local newspapers… friendly chats at the watercooler in the office… at church… at the market… wherever.

    Don’t be shy… don’t be overbearing… we know we are in the right and we know we have our nation’s best interests at heart.

    Colonel Haiku (1d0614)

  175. Irony Alert: Host bullies guest about a candidate’s alleged 1960 something bullying or memory about bullying….what’s with the “you are in my house” remark?..just shy of telling Mr. Carney that he is a bow-tie guy. I witnessed zero objective standards in her guest “interview”. (PBS Newshour has had some very gifted women interviewers for several decades). She alludes to her being tough stuff when she was younger, maybe very inflated; tough? Tough girl? I can’t picture that, her claim seems downright comical.

    dudeabides (554abb)

  176. and the sentiment I’ve expressed in my last post (#176) may seem corny to some, but it comes straight from my heart.

    And, believe me when I say, I have to fight the urge to smack some of these low-life sh*theels upside the head when I hear the sickening things they say and the behavior they display.

    Colonel Haiku (1d0614)

  177. Yeah, when the anchor went off on the guy who was pointing out what a joke it is to be talking about 50 years ago in the life of Romney, it reminded me of one of Rush’s throw away ::: PMSNBC.

    I worked with a lady once who told me she had PMS. She said it stood for permanent mean streak.

    Red (7b5f67)

  178. It was a lot of fun, DRJ, that party JD threw for happyfeet and us. I’ll have a real house soon once more, inshallah, and maybe this time I’ll get some of us together again.

    nk (875f57)

  179. I thought this was about Obama eating dog?

    AZ Bob (1c9631)

  180. What I really love is all these lawyers talking about bullying. Isn’t that, like, part of their job description?

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  181. That’s the judges’ job, Kevin. We lawyers are mostly sneak thieves.

    nk (875f57)

  182. I had no intention of inserting race, or her race, in to the discussion.
    — We know. You tripped, slipped, and fell on a fat, throbbing adjective. Happens all the time.

    I referred to her as the black lady because she is a black lady.
    — Which is why in each of the other discussion threads in which you have participated you have identified the persons being discussed by their race. Oh wait . . .

    Didn’t mean one thing by it. I find it strange that anyone would read anything racial into that
    — Wait a moment . . . someone read something “racial” into your classifying Tamron Hall by her race? The b-b-b-bastards!

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  183. Media aids Prez
    Parade of Shiny Objects
    teh Stench Make Me Clench

    Colonel Haiku (0ee692)

  184. What is this “Alex,” and why is the cat being allowed to drag these things into the house?

    My Sharia Moor (fd42ae)

  185. “Jay Carney usually wears hipster glasses, mumbles and makes no sense, while looking into the camera as if he is a young deer in headlights that is very scared and confused by his surroundings.”

    Tht’s hilarious alissa — abd you’re absolutely right. Jay carney: King of Mumblecore.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  186. Yes I guess you missed that Mike K.

    The family of the of the (then) kid who was the victime of Mitt’s Tonsorial Tsunami is reacitng very badly to the story because the victim, who died a few years back reportedly from liver cancer, was gay. And I trust you know how some poeple are about that, Mike.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  187. What’s with all this blather about Tamron Hall’s race? I thought you peop[le were “colorblind.”

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  188. Clean up on this aisle, Patterico. Sociopathic hypocrite is posting, yet again. This is the guy who called Breitbart a drug abuser, and celebrated his death…of course, he also chatted Breitbart up something fierce when he could have benefited.

    Don’t believe me? Go check out his hatey hatey little blog. You’ll see what I mean, and besides, that’s why he posts. Despite his anger and hypocrisy, he gets lonely…for “us people.”

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  189. Oh, and by the way, upthread I didn’t construct some sentences correctly. I have long trusted nk’s opinions, even when (especially when) I don’t agree with him. He tries to be righteous, and I don’t believe I have ever seen him be rude to someone who was not rude first.

    I was heaping scorn on a troll, who very clearly was posting to be a troll.

    Never met nk, but he seems like good people. JD I know to be a good person. Trolls, not so much.

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  190. The three stooges are everywhere;

    narciso (1c125b)

  191. The family of the of the (then) kid who was the victime of Mitt’s Tonsorial Tsunami is reacitng very badly to the story because the victim, who died a few years back reportedly from liver cancer, was gay. And I trust you know how some poeple are about that, Mike.

    Pure, unadulterated bovine excrement…

    “…The [Washington] Post misquoted one of the main sources for the story. The paper reported that a fellow student had been bothered by the incident for years, but it turns out that he only heard about it this year. The Post, hiding its journalistic misfeasance, made a silent correction to its website regarding this.

    The subject of the incident, John Lauber, died in 2004, but his sisters have issued a statement objecting to the story: “The family of John Lauber is releasing a statement saying the portrayal of John is factually incorrect and we are aggrieved that he would be used to further a political agenda. There will be no more comments from the family.” Said another sister, “If he were alive today, he would be furious [about the story].”

    Colonel Haiku (cdb4fa)

  192. Errorstein’s comment about Alex’s is exactly the reaction Alex was searching for.

    JD (2d89c2)

  193. You can use lemons to make the tasty beverage known as “lemonade”, but bovine excrement don’t make no milkshake, ehrenstein.

    Colonel Haiku (cdb4fa)

  194. What’s with all this blather about Tamron Hall’s race? I thought you peop[le were “colorblind.”

    You are just not as clever as you would like people to believe you are.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  195. What is this ‘misquoting’ business, they lied flat out;

    narciso (1c125b)

  196. Oh I’m SO LONELY Simon! ( sob ) I cry myself to sleep at night thinking about poor Breibart. How I miss the dulcet tones of his voice

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  197. Errorstein is off his meds again. Full of hate and bile. /spit

    JD (b7376d)

  198. Love your quoting “Commentary,” Colonel Haiku. I truts you’re familair with my history with Midge Decter.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  199. The “Errorstein is off his meds again” meme is REAL TIRED, JD. Please try to think up something fresh and new.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  200. don’t you be trutsin’
    on my familair david
    i just had it cleaned

    Colonel Haiku (cdb4fa)

  201. That’s any day of the week, JD,

    narciso (1c125b)

  202. Why should JD have to think up something fresh and new when you are singing the same old tired worn out victim tune?

    As you are well aware, nobody here but Alex gave a whit about Ms. Hall’s skin color.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  203. Ehrenstein: repeat your filthy lies about a dead man here. Now. You are an evil and petty and nasty person.

    I want to see you repeat your slanders to Patterico. Do it now. Or better still take your tiny and tarnished soul away from decent people.

    Filthy hypocrite.

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  204. It’s the piquant combination of abusive and ignorant, the Otto formula, that is his the troll hallmark,

    narciso (1c125b)

  205. “Victim tune”? Here’s one of my favorites — and there’s nothing “victim” about it

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  206. insane in membrane?
    be gone and we leave it at
    only sick at heart

    Colonel Haiku (cdb4fa)

  207. Go away, you small souled twist of a human being.

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  208. “205.Ehrenstein: repeat your filthy lies about a dead man here. Now. You are an evil and petty and nasty person.”


    “I want to see you repeat your slanders to Patterico. Do it now. Or better still take your tiny and tarnished soul away from decent people.”

    Didn’t you see the link I posted above?

    “Filthy hypocrite.”

    I wash thoroughly every day.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  209. here Tamron the propaganda whore needs a theme song I think

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  210. what the??? pulled chunk of oatmeal cookie out of my left ear… wonder what surprise the right one holds? when wife throws down, it ain’t tiddlywinks.

    Colonel Haiku (cdb4fa)

  211. Hey, Ehrenstein: I click on none of your links. But tell you what: write directly to Patterico with your opinions on Breitbart. We will wait.

    In the meantime, reflect how even Brad Fikes gave up on your essential nastiness.

    Simon Jester (8e4cff)

  212. i clicked on that video it was creepy all around and I don’t know what anyone involved thought they were accomplishing

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  213. That Mary Jane Girls song is kind of an unexpected twofer ain’t it, Feets? Well done.

    elissa (77d314)

  214. it’s really a kind of a spicy little jam huh

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  215. So it’s symptomatic of MSNBC and much of Slate since Shafer left.

    narciso (1c125b)

  216. Patterico (a real gentleman I quite like despite our political differences) is undoubtedly familiar with my opinion of Breitbart. It’s not a State Secret, you know. I wrote about his antics frequently on my blog. “Google” is your friend.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  217. Feh. *By* not of…

    Dana (4eca6e)

  218. Hubs threatens to get a bumper sticker saying ” I’m voting for the bully”

    And no I’m not for actual punching but figuratively speaking,

    It’s hippie punching time in America.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  219. Dana they are both the same link

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  220. Yes, I know, hf. But I misused “of”; it should have been “by”.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  221. I wanted to punch the Ralph’s checker what was burbling with joy about the imminent plastic bag ban but now I just don’t go to her lane I go to M’s lane who will tell you straight up she hates it when people fling their filthy bags at her and she won’t touch them without the plastic gloves they give her she says cause they’re germy and the damn hippies never wash them

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  222. oh i get it I was looking for something further I haven’t had my coffee Dana

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  223. The Sockpuppet thread appears to have run out of steam, so I just posted over there about my evening at the Obama-Clooney fundraiser as a guest of David Ehrenstein’s Toupee.

    Just thought I’d give a, uh, head’s up, to use a bad pun.

    Mr. Ehrenstein likes to dance on people’s graves. (Andrew Breitbart)

    Well, as a Fly, I like to dance on people’s Toupees !

    A Fly sitting atop David Ehrenstein's Toupee at the Obama-Clooney Fundraiser last Thursday nite (0ae97d)

  224. I would think that Obama’s folks wouldn’t want to go on about “bullying” considering their “Enemies List” and all.

    Obama calling for civility is like Dr House calling for decorum.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  225. And rather than defend Romney, we should be hammering on that enemies list. The wild IRS 403(c) questionnaires to Tea Party groups, the dirt digging on Romney contributors, the libelous attacks on private citizens daring to stand against the President, etc.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  226. Heh. LAT Steve Lopez has a moment of objective clarity.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  227. And I should include this as Patterico is a stickler for including anything that highlights a story or gives the reader more to consider as they weigh out the importance and veracity of an issue.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  228. you’re very defensive about you head

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  229. 2004/09/01? Really? Really?

    nk (875f57)

  230. Sorry, David. I had pretty much pretty brown hair back then, too. 🙂

    nk (875f57)

  231. David,

    You and Todd are two good-looking guys but that Kerry button is a turn-off.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  232. Patterico (a real gentleman I quite like despite our political differences) is undoubtedly familiar with my opinion of Breitbart. It’s not a State Secret, you know. I wrote about his antics frequently on my blog. “Google” is your friend.
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 9:21 am

    — Yes. In fact, Patterico singled out YOUR initial reaction to Breitbart’s death in a post about the bitter vitriol that was immediately being spewed in the wake of that tragic event. ’twas not a sign of respect for your opinion, as your opinion deserved no respect.

    I do not have a toupee.
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 10:45 am

    — Dude, have you looked at yourself lately?
    Couldn’t hurt.

    I wash thoroughly every day.
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 9:03 am

    — And yet, the stain of being a bitter, hateful human being is still upon you.

    The family of the of the (then) kid who was the victime of Mitt’s Tonsorial Tsunami is reacitng very badly to the story because the victim, who died a few years back reportedly from liver cancer, was gay. And I trust you know how some poeple are about that, Mike.
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 6:49 am

    — We know how YOU are about that, Mr Self-Identifies-As-“Black Gay Man”. ALL victim hood ALL of the time.
    [Although, in your case, judging you by the content of your character involves its own kind of slippery slope.]

    What’s with all this blather about Tamron Hall’s race? I thought you peop[le were “colorblind.”
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 6:51 am

    — As has been mentioned, Alex the troll is the one that brought it up. I, followed by others, challenged him as to his reasons for bringing it up. Is this just the way that he identifies people? And if so, why? Or, as some of us suspect, was he intimating that we were criticizing her actions because of her race?

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  233. #232. Really! Would you buy a used car from this man?

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  234. “– We know how YOU are about that, Mr Self-Identifies-As-”Black Gay Man”. ALL victim hood ALL of the time.”

    And you’re White Straight Republican Victimhood all the time.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  235. No, he is part of the reason I paid a $1,000.00 for four HIV and four Hepatitis C tests, even though I was in a non-drug using, monogamous, heterosexual, relationship for twenty-one years

    nk (875f57)

  236. Patterico (a real gentleman I quite like despite our political differences) is undoubtedly familiar with my opinion of Breitbart. It’s not a State Secret, you know. I wrote about his antics frequently on my blog. “Google” is your friend.

    I met David Ehrenstein and found him to be very likable in person. So I was especially shocked and disappointed when I saw the extraordinarily nasty things he said about my friend Andrew just after his passing. My feeling at the time, having just lost Andrew, was that I never want to see this man or interact with him again. The shock has passed but the disappointment remains. I would no longer be so dogmatic about my reaction but I am still profoundly perplexed by the disconnect between the genteel man I spoke with and the unabashed glee he expressed over my friend’s death. It was as if the Dr. Jekyll I met turned into Mr. Hyde once behind the keyboard. This is a distressingly common phenomenon, of course; people simply treat each other differently in person than they do from the safety of their computers. It tempts one to ask which is “real” — and the answer is that they both are. The bile and nastiness that emanated from Mr. Ehrenstein that day was a real part of him, just as the polite and likeable aspects I saw in person are also a part of him.

    And then there are the ways that people distort one’s online persona. Take Andrew as an example of this last: in person a very likeable, unbigoted, funny soul, he is someone who made some careless errors online at times (as we all do), and those errors were seized upon and distorted by a group of haters to transform his image into something he very much was not.

    I can only conclude that David Ehrenstein never met Andrew Breitbart in person; that he knew him online only; and that his view of Andrew was greatly affected by the distortions that people used to harm Andrew’s good name.

    Which is not to say Mr. Ehrenstein is a victim in this: the truth is out there, and if you willingly subscribe to distortions because they fit your world view, you bear responsibility for that.

    When Andrew died I wrote that woman who had wished him death. I asked her, very simply: are you happy? You got your wish.

    Her response was about what I expected. 100% self-pity. No awareness of how others were feeling. She said, in effect, I made a mistake; can’t you guys leave me alone. I replied that she had never seen him as a human being, whereas I did; I was going to his funeral that day; he was my friend. I thanked her for her condolences, and then said: “Oh wait — you didn’t offer any.” It was all about her, of course.

    Does online discourse remove the usual human inclination toward empathy? Or does personal interaction cause people to fake an empathy they don’t actually feel? Either way you look at it, you can’t divorce what you say online from your self. What you say online is a part of who you are. And what Mr. Ehrenstein said about my friend Andrew revealed a part of Mr. Ehrenstein that was very ugly indeed. Whether I ever happen to see him in person again or not, I will probably never forget it.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  237. “I do not have a toupee.”

    Comment by David Ehrenstein

    and now it’s time for “What’s My Line That Thing On My Head?”

    Bennet Cerf: ‘Mystery Guest… is it what the British used to call a “merkin” ‘?

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  238. I just gassed up the car and now I don’t feel so good. I blame Obama.

    The no-grain catfood I just purchased is 20 cents per can more than when I last bought some in March. I blame Obama. The cats blame Obama.

    This is the very sort of real-life tangible stuff that matters to most other Americans and American familiies, too, don’t you think?

    elissa (8a1786)

  239. I hate to say it, but Kevin M is spot on with posts 228 & 229.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  240. I just gassed up the car and now I don’t feel so good. I blame Obama.

    Comment by elissa

    Exactly! I’ve been working from my home office quite a bit for the past 3 weeks (not a lot of driving) and after filling the tank on my Z yesterday, I’d swear the price had gone up 22 cents per gallon of premium since my last fill-up.

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  241. Patterico–in life and in death Andrew was very lucky to have you as a friend.

    elissa (8a1786)

  242. Does online discourse remove the usual human inclination toward empathy? Or does personal interaction cause people to fake an empathy they don’t actually feel?

    I’ve decided personal interaction causes people to fake an empathy they don’t actually feel. If that’s true, then how we act online exposes who we really are.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  243. No I did meet him in person, patterico. Two or three times as I recall. I wasn’t impressed but that’s neither here nor there. It was the Shirley Sherrod affair and his determined mendacity concerning it that enraged me.

    If there is a “usual human inclination toward empathy” I have yet to see it proceeding from leading Republicans (Mittens being a perfect example) or many of their acolytes.

    Breitbart’s death rather surprised me. His drinking and drugging were obvious but clearly he hadn’t taken care of himself physically over the long haul.

    I trust you don’t number yourself among those who claim that Obama had him killed by a secret Death Ray of some sort, Patterico.

    “And what Mr. Ehrenstein said about my friend Andrew revealed a part of Mr. Ehrenstein that was very ugly indeed. Whether I ever happen to see him in person again or not, I will probably never forget it.”

    I wouldn’t expect that you would.

    But I seriously doubt our paths will cross in future.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  244. We’re also more consistent online, as I suspect David E. illustrates. That’s why, despite a huge internet and millions of users, it’s possible to run across the same people and actually recognize them.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  245. seems fitting…

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  246. And you’re White Straight Republican Victimhood all the time.
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 11:55 am

    — It’s all about the labels, is it? *sigh* BTW, I am not a Republican, but I’m certain that “Republican” and “conservative” are interchangeable in your mind, so . . . whatever.

    And by all means, please elaborate on how you think I play the victim on anything.

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  247. Comment by Patterico — 5/12/2012 @ 12:09 pm
    — Class.

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 12:26pm
    — Ass.

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  248. Comment by Icy — 5/12/2012 @ 12:33 pm

    – Sass…y!

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  249. Most people are able to discern a clear line between partisan snark and dehumanizing cruelty. It’s not a fine line, either.

    elissa (8a1786)

  250. Dog-meat on the open market is up 50 cent per pound. I blame Obama!

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  251. Alyssa Milano says it’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  252. “And by all means, please elaborate on how you think I play the victim on anything.”

    Are you kidding? It’s the chief concern of almost everyone who posts in here! You’re all the “victims” of the Evil Kenyan Usurper Obama!

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  253. Breitbart’s death rather surprised me. His drinking and drugging were obvious but clearly he hadn’t taken care of himself physically over the long haul.

    The insinuation that Andrew was doing drugs is without any credible evidence and flies in the face of everything I know about him. It would be equally for me to speak of Obama’s drug use, since he, like Breitbart, admitted doing drugs in college.

    That kind of comment is just despicable. You say we will likely not cross paths again. That may or may not be true. But I am more likely to avoid you now than I would have been before I saw the awful things you said about Andrew.

    Patterico (feda6b)

  254. Really, David? I thought the Party line is Obama voters are the victims of the evil 1%.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  255. well yeah but that’s just cause he’s an evil kenyan usurper

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  256. Written without a hint of irony:

    If there is a “usual human inclination toward empathy” I have yet to see it proceeding from leading Republicans (Mittens being a perfect example) or many of their acolytes.

    Then, without even a (rhetorical) breath:

    Breitbart’s death rather surprised me. His drinking and drugging were obvious

    What a totally unaware, mendacious turd.

    However, I am prepared to apologize if you admit you aren’t human.

    (I apologize to everyone else. I’m a little under the weather. I got absolutely wasted on a glass of red wine last nite and I’m really hungover.)

    TomB (4a72e4)

  257. Somewhere in Kenya a village IS missing its idiot.

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  258. thanx, ehrenstein!

    barcky “0” is teh
    Evil Kenyan Usurper
    snorted coke ate dog

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  259. idi amin was
    teh Ugandan Panderer
    snorted dog ate coke

    Colonel Haiku (bd479c)

  260. Alyssa Milano says it’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice

    — I once had a dream in which Ms. Milano was very . . . important . . . to me.

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  261. daleyrocks (151),

    I was thinking of the meeting in the ‘burbs, not the one in the city.

    Karl (6f7ecd)

  262. Are you kidding? It’s the chief concern of almost everyone who posts in here! You’re all the “victims” of the Evil Kenyan Usurper Obama!

    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 12:52 pm

    Damn, but you are delusional, David. I’m nobody’s f****g victim. I could not care less about the magical golf-player. He’s a nothing.

    The feral teenagers, who look like his son, are the ones I worry about. But that’s why pocket .38s were invented.

    nk (875f57)

  263. Are you kidding? It’s the chief concern of almost everyone who posts in here! You’re all the “victims” of the Evil Kenyan Usurper Obama!
    Comment by David Ehrenstein — 5/12/2012 @ 12:52 pm

    — WE (that means YOU, too, David!) are all feeling the effects of Obama’s policies. NOBODY here is claiming that Obama’s policies target, or are especially harsh towards “straight white Republicans”.

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  264. To David: Le science.

    Sarahw (b0e533)

  265. I didn’t know Katharine Hepburn was an atheist

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  266. Nobody tells you anything.

    Icy (9d3cbd)

  267. they really don’t I have a friend what knew Katherine when he was at Julliard and she’d have him over for dinner and tell him to bring his laundry! What a cool old bird huh – very down to earth.

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  268. I thought the Party line is Obama voters are the victims of the evil 1%.

    …until Obama needs them to finance his re-election campaign… Barack + George = BFF.

    There is no shame nor dignity.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  269. ==are all feeling the effects of Obama’s policies==

    We strongly agree with Icy about this. From what we can tell it’s ALL felines, not just traditionally right wing felines, whose economic reality and portions are being affected by inflated cat food prices.

    elissa's cats (8a1786)

  270. Mr. Ehrenstein, not only do you wear a toupee, but you also wear a tutu.
    And as your date to the Obama fundraiser at George Clueless’ house on Thursday nite, I can confirm the presence of both.

    By the way, that photo of you with director Todd Haynes dates back to 2004. You’ve lost a lot of hair since then. And I think your back and shoulders found most of it.

    And for an alleged peace activist, you certainly do have a fascination with Scorscese’s violent films.

    And yes, to paraphrase Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, “I’m talkin’ to you !”

    A Fly sitting atop David Ehrenstein's Toupee at the Obama-Clooney Fundraiser last Thursday nite (0ae97d)

  271. You’re all the “victims” of the Evil Kenyan Usurper Obama!

    Errorstein and Alex are kindred spirits.

    JD (395555)

  272. Other than Iamadimwit, David E is the only other person I can recall using that phrase. Funny how their caricatures never match real life.

    JD (395555)

  273. #141
    I respect that.. because you probably know someone you could outsource that to and yet still insist on doing it yourself.
    No small story buried in the back of the newspaper about how three unknown biker types randomly stomped the hell out of some guy for no apparent reason for you… front page Enquirer “Lawyer BBQ’s Foe… Then it gets Gruesome!”

    SteveG (e27d71)

  274. One of the things the PC movement has affected me is that as a visual person I tend to see colors, shapes, clothing, size, more than others.
    I used to tell stories about my day descriptively…but I’d be able to say that I saw this big fat black lady with half her pink sweatpants lost up the crack of her butt was just ripping the skinny white kid with the worst acne ever at walmart a new one, so then his Bangladeshi supervisor came over to help out and then no one knew what anyone else was saying… and yeah I stayed to watch the whole thing unravel because I am a bad person.

    Now I just get to say: I am a bad person.

    SteveG (e27d71)

  275. “However, I am prepared to apologize if you admit you aren’t human.”

    OK, here

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  276. “That kind of comment is just despicable. You say we will likely not cross paths again. That may or may not be true. But I am more likely to avoid you now than I would have been before I saw the awful things you said about Andrew.”

    The last time I saw you in person was over two years ago in Silverlake. I cannot iamgine a repat of that circumstance unless you come to the book signing this fall. Should you wish to avoid it that’s OK by me.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  277. Enough. I used my hose to wash off an Ehrenstein from my driveway. It’s in the sewer; just leave it there no matter how much smell it tries to send up.

    nk (875f57)

  278. I understand that Mr. Ehrenstein was quite nice around Andrew Breitbart…when it could benefit him.

    Of course he will say it isn’t true, but honestly: what about his behavior suggests that Mr. Ehrenstein is not a sociopathically twisted egotist?

    Not to mention a contemptible hypocrite, trying to gin up page views.

    Simon Jester (40fb51)

  279. I just found out the “book” that Mr. Ehrenstein is trying to hawk is a nice analysis of child molester cinema: the films of Roman Polanski.

    Too good to be true, huh? I doubt many people are surprised.

    Fortunately, it won’t sell many books. Compared to the books written by people he has slandered, anyway.

    That must really, really upset him. Fair enough.

    Simon Jester (40fb51)

  280. In your dreams it upsets me, Simon!

    You “Conservatives” are always going on and on about how you “upset” Liberals.

    You don’t.

    We do find you amusing, however.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  281. You’re all the “victims” of the Evil Kenyan Usurper Obama!

    Wrongo! I want the “Evil Kenyan Usurper Obama” to be my victim in the fall election.

    But when I say that, even not using Ehrenstein’s terminology, the professional victims complain about the raaaaacism. Of course, they say the racism is coded when I use my own words, but raaacist! it is.

    Apparently recognizing the fact that the President is actively working against the country’s interests and mine and wanting to make him gone as a result simultaneously can qualify as victimizing a man only because of his skin color while simultaneously comprising of a sense of victimhood on my own part in the tiresomely pretentious, self-serving, and unclever world of Ehrenstein and his peers.

    Obviously I’m not a victim. If I was, I’d be on Oprah selling my book. Possibly parlaying it into my own show.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  282. David the Racist is in a manic phase. Pity.

    JD (5cd972)

  283. “291.David the Racist is in a manic phase. Pity.”

    Breitbart may be dead, but Breitbartism lives on.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  284. Let’s play “spot the victim with the martyr complex!”

    Whose words were being cited in this article?

    More telling, Obama offered an aside that spoke to his diminished state and captured the mood of a president and party under assault.

    “They talk about me like a dog,” Obama said of his political opponents. “That’s not in my prepared remarks, but it’s true.”

    If you guessed moi, you lose. Besides, I’ve never talked about him like a dog, not even in private. Now that we all know what talking about something like you’d talk about “a dog” means around the WH dining room table.

    I don’t even have a recipe book that talks about Obama “like a dog.”

    Steve (90e0d3)

  285. I think he is really quite pathetic, JD. And you know he grinds his teeth over things like book sales. He has always been jealous about…well, just about anyone with any degree of success.

    You know how you can tell?

    He keeps snarking about it. A confident person would chuckle and move on. This less-than-successful pundit cannot be ignored. That’s the worst thing for him. That’s why he keeps posting here.

    Fortunately, I think the market will ignore his magnum opus yet again.

    And I think it is hysterical that he has written a critical analysis of Polanski. What were the names of those nimrods who kept defending the child molester in the past? Maybe they will buy copies.

    Simon Jester (40fb51)

  286. And I’m a big fan of Peranakan cuisine, which has huge Indonesian influences.

    Steve (90e0d3)

  287. Nobody cares what you put in your mouth or your ass or about the color of your skin, ehrenstein. It’s your attitude, unrepentant character assassination, your far-left politics and – for me – your lousy spelling ability.

    Colonel Haiku (236838)

  288. “296.Nobody cares what you put in your mouth or your ass or about the color of your skin, ehrenstein.”

    Meaning of course that YOU do. Typical.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  289. Shorter Ehrenstein: “Look at meeeeeeeeeee…


    But here is the best part. If, God forbid, this bit of toilet film were to fall ill, very few people here would applaud that event and get, as Patterico stated in reference to the death of Andrew Breitbart, gleeful about the afflictions or tragedies suffered by others.

    I’m still waiting for this jerk to apologize for his claim that drug addiction killed Andrew Breitbart. His venom is still out there, for those of you with strong stomachs.

    Simon Jester (40fb51)

  290. This David fellow says “they” find us funny.

    This David fellow is, by definition, a craven liar.

    This David fellow finds us to be a threat, as do “they.”

    Hence, his bitter clinging to this particular site.

    My Sharia Moor (32b5f6)

  291. No, Ehrenstein. We don’t care. But your enthusiasm for these bullshit “stories” says a lot about your bigotries.

    SPQR (1c49e8)

  292. “But I seriously doubt our paths will cross in future.”

    Which is what makes your posts so amusing. You talk a big game from behind your keyboard, but even you are aware that you will never have to deal with the fallout of any fight you pick with someone online. Eesh, I don’t know you, but you have all the makings of an infantile troll. You mouth off, lobby insults at others and act as if you’re somehow being clever, yet clearly have more than enough time on his hands to frequently check back on a site you clearly don’t like in order to respond to any comment thrown your way. There isn’t a single person on the Internet that doesn’t act snarky or annoying, but you? You’re a self-deluded know-nothing know-it-all – with the demeanor of a tantrum-throwing toddler whose parents left an unattended computer in the room with. Truly pathetic – a fact you will further verify when you reply to this or any other comment thrown your way.

    SpideyTerry (0f5beb)

  293. MSNBC is following the Obama campaign’s lead – play to the base.

    Amphipolis (e01538)

  294. 302. MSNBC is following the Obama campaign’s lead – play to the base.

    Comment by Amphipolis — 5/13/2012 @ 12:25 pm

    Clearly. MSNBC exists to follow Obama’s lead. Which is why when Hall pulled that “you’re in my house” homegirl act on Carney, Tim should have said, “Yeah, I know. I saw all the ‘Obama 2012’ campaign posters.”

    Steve (90e0d3)

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